83 research outputs found

    Prevalência de doação de sangue e fatores associados, Pelotas, RS

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of blood donation and factors associated. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a representative sample of 2,986 individuals, aged 20 or more, in the municipaly of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2007. Three outcomes were considered: ever donating blood, donation during in the previous year and frequent donation pattern (at least two donations in the previous year). Each outcome was analyzed according to demographic, socioeconomic and health factors, exposure to blood donation publicity campaigns and whether the donor had a relative or friend who donated blood. The crude and multivariable analyses were performed using Poisson's regression, adjusted for sample design effect. RESULTS: Blood donation prevalence - ever, in the previous year and a frequent donation pattern - were 32%, 7.7% and 3.6%, respectively. Blood donation was more prevalent among males and increased in accordance with the economic level and health self-perception. The prevalence of ever donating blood was higher in the 50 to 65 years age group; in the previous year, it was higher among younger people (20 to 29 years); frequent donation was more prevalent in the 30 to 49 group. There was no association of the outcomes with skin color, marital status, religion, having a relative or friend who donates or knowing about publicity campaigns. CONCLUSIONS: Blood donation was more prevalent in men and in those who have better self-perception of health and a higher economic level. Campaigns encouraging blood donation should diversify the donor profile for reaching those groups of people who are less inclined to donate blood.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de donación de sangre y factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con muestra representativa de 2.986 individuos con 20 años o más realizado en la ciudad de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, en 2007. Fueron considerados tres hechos: donación de sangre alguna vez en la vida, donación en el último año y donación fidelizada (por lo menos dos donaciones en el último año). Cada hecho fue analizado de acuerdo con variables demográficas, socioeconómicas, de salud, exposición a campañas de promoción de la donación de sangre y tener pariente o amigo donador. El análisis bruto y multivariable fue hecho utilizándose regresión e Poisson, con ajuste para el efecto del diseño muestral. RESULTADOS: Las prevalencias encontradas de donación de sangre alguna vez en la vida, en el último año y de donación fidelizada, fueron, respectivamente, 32%, 7,7% 3,6%. Tales prevalencias fueron mayores para individuos del sexo masculino y aumentó conforme el nivel económico y la autopercepción de la salud. La prevalencia de donación en la vida fue mayor para el grupo etareo de 50 a 65 años; en el último año, fue mayor entre los más jóvenes (20 a 29 años); y la donación fidelizada fue mayor para el grup de 30 a 49 años. Color de la piel, situación conyugal, religión, tener pariente o amigo donador y conocimiento sobre campañas no presentaron asociación con ningún de los hechos analizados. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de donación de sangre fue mayor para los hombres y para aquellos con mejor autopercepción de salud y nivel económico. Las campañas de incentivo a la donación deberían diversificar el perfil de los donadores, de modo de alcanzar los grupos de personas menos propensas a donar sangre.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de doação de sangue e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 2.986 indivíduos com 20 anos ou mais realizado em Pelotas, RS, em 2007. Foram considerados três desfechos: doação de sangue alguma vez na vida, doação no último ano e doação fidelizada (pelo menos duas doações no último ano). Cada desfecho foi analisado de acordo com variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, de saúde, exposição a campanhas de promoção da doação de sangue e ter parente ou amigo doador. A análise bruta e multivariável foi feita utilizando-se regressão de Poisson, com ajuste para o efeito do desenho amostral. RESULTADOS: As prevalências encontradas de doação de sangue alguma vez na vida, no último ano e de doação fidelizada, foram, respectivamente, 32%, 7,7% e 3,6%. Tais prevalências foram maiores para indivíduos do sexo masculino e aumentou conforme o nível econômico e a autopercepção da saúde. A prevalência de doação na vida foi maior para o grupo etário de 50 a 65 anos; no último ano, foi maior entre os mais jovens (20 a 29 anos); e a doação fidelizada foi maior para o grupo de 30 a 49 anos. Cor da pele, situação conjugal, religião, ter parente ou amigo doador e conhecimento sobre campanhas não apresentaram associação com nenhum dos desfechos analisados. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de doação de sangue foi maior para os homens e para aqueles com melhor auto-percepção de saúde e nível econômico. As campanhas de incentivo à doação deveriam diversificar o perfil dos doadores, de modo a atingir os grupos de pessoas menos propensas a doar sangu

    HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis: prevalence and serodiscordance between women and their partners

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    Introduction: The prevention of vertical transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is the object of research by several authors, who reinforce the importance of knowing the serological status of a woman’s sexual partner. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and serodiscordance of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and syphilis infections among women admitted to a maternity hospital in southern Brazil and their partners. Methods: 350 women and their partners were interviewed in a service-based cross-sectional study conducted from August 16 to November 23, 2018. Results: 4.0% of the women and 4.3% of the men had one of the infections studied. Among women, 2.0% already knew they were HIV positive, 2.0% had a positive rapid test for syphilis and there was no positive result for hepatitis B or C. A total of 299 (85.4%) partners were located. Of these, 293 (98.0%) agreed to answer the study questionnaire. Of all men interviewed, 281 (95.9%) agreed to undergo an rapid test. Among men, 1.4% already knew they were HIV positive and 0.4% had chronic hepatitis B disease. There was a similar percentage of men with a positive rapid test for syphilis and hepatitis C (1.4%). Regarding couples, 6.8% had some positive test. Most of the positive test subjects were in a serodiscordant relationship (16 serodiscordant couples and 3 positive concordant couples). Conclusion: These results reinforce the importance of testing men to prevent the infection of a negative partner and the vertical transmission of sexually transmitted infections. The high acceptance, by men, to undergo an rapid test at the time of the woman’s hospitalization demonstrated the viability of this strategy in the maternity ward

    Illicit drug use among students of a university in Southern Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe drug consumption and the co-occurrence use of more than one illegal drug as well as associated factors in freshmen at a public university in Southern Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with census of students entering undergraduate courses in 2017. A total of 1,788 university students answered questions about illicit drug use. For analysis, ordinal logistic regression was used. RESULTS: Marijuana was the most consumed drug (lifetime: 42.1%; 30-day use: 22.7%), followed by hallucinogens (lifetime: 13.1%, 30-day use: 2.8%). Rates for lifetime use of 0, 1 and 2 or more drugs were 56.2%, 23.3% and 20.4%, respectively, and were associated with men (OR = 2.2; 95%CI:1.4–3.5), being at least 23 years old (OR = 2.7; 95%CI: 1.4–5.1), under 18 years old first experimentation with drugs (OR = 2.3; 95%CI: 1.3–3.9) and living with friends (OR = 2.0; 95%CI: 1.2–3.4). Rates for 30-day use of 0, 1 and 2 or more drugs were 76.8%; 18.1% and 5.1%, respectively, and were associated with being single, separated or widowed (OR = 3.2; 95%CI: 1.4–7.0), lower socioeconomic classes (OR = 0.3; 95%CI: 0.1–1.1; p = 0.001), under 18 years old first experimentation with drugs (OR = 1.8; 95%CI: 1.1–2.9) and living with friends (OR = 1.8 95%CI: 1.2–2.8). CONCLUSION: Results indicate that students are at greater risk of illicit drug-related health problems. Thus, a better understanding of this consumption should be pursued, as well as the development of a prevention plan

    Demand and unmet need for modern contraception among mothers from a Pelotas Birth Cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the total demand and unmet need for contraception with modern methods and their determinants among mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort. METHODS: Data from the 48-month follow-up of mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort were analyzed. Only biological mothers (aged up to 49 years) of children belonging to the 2015 Birth Cohort and who answered the 48-month questionnaire were included in the study sample. Logistic regression and respective 95% confidence intervals were used to determine associated factors. RESULTS: The study sample consisted of 3,577 biological mothers. The prevalence of use of any contraceptive and of modern contraceptives was 86.0% (95%CI: 84.8–87.1) and 84.9% (95%CI: 83.7–86.1), respectively. The prevalence of unmet need for modern contraceptives was 10.7% (95%CI: 9.7–11.7), and the total demand for contraceptives was 95.6%. The factors associated with an unmet need for modern contraception were being over 34 years of age (OR = 0.6, 95%CI: 0.5–0.8), not having a husband or partner (OR = 1.9, 95%CI: 1.4–2.6), not being the head of the household (OR = 0.6, 95%CI: 0.4–0.9), having had three or more pregnancies (OR = 1.9, 95%CI: 1.3–2.6), and having had an abortion at least once after the birth of the child participating in the cohort (OR = 1.9, 95%CI: 1.0–3.6). CONCLUSIONS: Despite the high prevalence of modern contraceptive use, one in ten women had an unmet need for modern contraception and was at risk of unplanned pregnancy

    Preterm births in Brazil from 1994 to 2005 according to the Information System on Live Births (SINASC)

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    A monitorização da prematuridade é muito importante, considerando seu impacto na morbidade e mortalidade infantis e seus custos econômicos e sociais. Este estudo utilizou dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC), implantado em 1990 e expandido de forma gradativa até cobrir cerca de 90% de todos os nascimentos no país, para descrever a evolução da prematuridade no Brasil, regiões e capitais, entre os anos de 1994 e 2005. Observou-se um aumento na proporção de partos prematuros no país como um todo e uma diminuição no número de nascimentos sem informação da idade gestacional. As regiões Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste acompanharam a tendência do país, ao contrário das regiões Norte e Nordeste. São comparados os achados do SINASC com os de estudos de base populacional. O SINASC vem apresentando progressiva melhora na cobertura e qualidade dos dados, mas ainda existem problemas com a acurácia da idade gestacional, levando a uma subestimação da prevalência de prematuridade. Por causa de sua importância, torna-se necessário aprofundar os esforços para o ganho de acurácia do sistema. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTMonitoring preterm births is essential given their impact on infant morbidity and mortality and their economic and social costs. This article is based on data from the Information System on Live Births (SINASC), implemented in 1990 and expanded gradually to cover 90% of all births in the country. Preterm birth time trends are presented for Brazil, regions, and capitals from 1994 to 2005. At the national level, there was an increase in the preterm birth rate, accompanied by a reduction in the proportion of missing information on gestational age. The Southeast, South, and Central-West regions followed the national trend, while the preterm birth rate fell in the North and Northeast regions. We compared the findings from SINASC with those from population- based studies. The coverage and quality of SINASC has increased over time, but problems with the determination of gestational age still remain, leading to underestimation of preterm birth rates. Due to the importance of SINASC for monitoring, further efforts are needed to improve the system’s accuracy

    Medidas de contenção de tipo lockdown para prevenção e controle da COVID-19: estudo ecológico descritivo, com dados da África do Sul, Alemanha, Brasil, Espanha, Estados Unidos, Itália e Nova Zelândia, fevereiro – agosto de 2020

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    Objective: To describe the lockdown measures and incidence of COVID-19 in South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Spain, United States, Italy and New Zealand. Methods: The descriptive ecological study with data on the daily incidence of confirmed cases of COVID-19, from February 22 to August 31, 2020 on COVID-19, and information on lockdown containment measures implemented by the governments of each country. Results: The countries that implemented lockdown, from the beginning of its implementation until three weeks later, had a decrease in the incidence (in cases per million inhabitants): South Africa (3.7 to 1.7), Germany (37.5 to 33.7) Spain (176.3 to 82.0), Italy (92.0 to 52.1) and New Zealand (7.5 to 1.7). As for Brazil and the United States, which did not implement lockdown, there was no considerable decrease. Conclusion: After the implementation of lockdown, there was a considerable decrease in the number of confirmed cases.Objetivo: Descrever as medidas de contenção de tipo lockdown e a incidência da COVID-19 em sete países: África do Sul, Alemanha, Brasil, Espanha, Estados Unidos, Itália e Nova Zelândia. Métodos: Estudo ecológico descritivo, com dados da incidência diária dos casos confirmados de COVID-19 entre 22 de fevereiro e 31 de agosto de 2020, e informações sobre medidas de lockdown implementadas pelos governos de cada país. Resultados: Os países que implementaram lockdown tiveram diminuição da incidência diária de COVID-19 (casos por milhão de habitantes) no período de três semanas, a contar do início da medida: África do Sul (3,7 a 1,7), Alemanha (37,5 a 33,7), Espanha (176,3 a 82,0), Itália (92,0 a 52,1) e Nova Zelândia (7,5 a 1,7). O Brasil e os Estados Unidos, que não implementaram lockdown, não apresentaram uma diminuição considerável. Conclusão: Após a implementação de lockdown, houve uma diminuição considerável do número de casos confirmados

    Uso de medicamentos na internação para o parto: coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, 2015

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    OBJECTIVE: Trace the pattern of drug use during delivery hospitalization. METHOD: Cross-sectional study carried out from June to October 2015, included in the 2015 Pelotas births cohort. All women living in the urban area of the city who were hospitalized for delivery were part of the sample. We collected information regarding drug prescription and drug use by mothers during the whole period of hospitalization. Sociodemographic data were obtained in interview after delivery, and other data were obtained from medical charts. The drugs were classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical system. RESULTS: All study participants (1,392 women) used at least one drug, with the mean amount being larger the higher the age of the mother, both prepartum/during delivery and postpartum. It was also higher in cases of spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia, cesarean deliveries, school hospitals, and longer hospitalizations. Analysis of the sample as a whole showed no significant difference in the number of drugs used according to hospitalization type, but when stratified by length of hospital stay the mean was higher in SUS hospitalizations than in private and health insurance hospitalizations. Drugs for the nervous system were the most used (30.5%), followed by drugs for the alimentary tract and metabolism (13.8%). The use of anti-infective agents and drugs that act on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems was higher in mothers who underwent cesarean delivery. This study showed high drug consumption in the delivery hospitalization period, and showed cesarean delivery and epidural anesthesia as the main factors related to high drug consumption in this period. CONCLUSIONS: We found high drug consumption in the delivery hospitalization period, and the main factors were cesarean delivery and epidural anesthesia. Drugs that act on the nervous system were the most used.OBJETIVO: Identificar o padrão de uso dos medicamentos durante a internação para o parto. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal realizado de junho a outubro de 2015, inserido na coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas de 2015. Todas as mulheres residentes na zona urbana da cidade que foram internadas para o parto fizeram parte da amostra. Foram coletadas informações referentes à prescrição e uso de medicamentos pela mãe durante todo o período de internação. Dados sociodemográficos foram obtidos na entrevista realizada após o parto, e os demais nos prontuários. Os medicamentos foram classificados de acordo com o sistema Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical. RESULTADOS: Todas as participantes do estudo (1.392 mulheres) utilizaram pelo menos um medicamento, sendo a quantidade média maior quanto maior a idade da mãe, tanto no momento pré/durante o parto como no pós-parto. Também foi maior em casos de raquianestesia ou anestesia geral, partos cesarianos, hospitais escola e internações mais prolongadas. Na análise da amostra como um todo, não houve diferença significativa no número de medicamentos utilizados de acordo com o tipo de hospitalização, mas quando estratificada por período de internação, a média foi maior nas internações pelo SUS que nas internações particulares e por convênios. Medicamentos para o sistema nervoso foram os mais utilizados (30,5%), seguidos dos que atuam no trato alimentar e metabolismo (13,8%). O uso de anti-infecciosos e fármacos que atuam nos sistemas cardiovascular e respiratório foi maior em mães que fizeram cesariana. Este estudo evidenciou elevado consumo de medicamentos no período de internação para o parto, e o parto cesariano e a anestesia peridural como os principais fatores relacionados ao consumo elevado de medicamentos neste período. CONCLUSÕES: Evidenciou-se elevado consumo de medicamentos no período de internação para o parto, sendo os principais fatores a cesariana e a anestesia peridural. Os medicamentos que atuam no sistema nervoso foram os mais utilizados

    Consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados por crianças de uma Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar o consumo habitual de alimentos ultraprocessados aos 24 meses de idade por crianças pertencentes à Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas de 2015 e os principais fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e comportamentais relacionados ao consumo desses produtos. MÉTODOS Coorte de base populacional na cidade de Pelotas-RS, onde foram avaliadas 4.275 crianças ao nascimento, das quais 95,4% foram acompanhadas até os 24 meses. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por meio de um questionário de consumo habitual de alimentos ultraprocessados, coletando informações sobre sexo, renda familiar, cor da pele, escolaridade e idade da mãe, frequentar creche, ter irmãos, status de amamentação e obesidade. O desfecho foi a somatória de alimentos ultraprocessados consumidos habitualmente pela criança. Análise multivariada por regressão de Poisson foi utilizada para estimar a associação entre consumo habitual de alimentos ultraprocessados e as variáveis de exposição. RESULTADOS O número médio de alimentos ultraprocessados consumidos habitualmente foi de 4,8 (DP = 2,3). O consumo habitual de alimentos ultraprocessados foi associado positivamente à cor da pele preta e ter irmãos e negativamente associado com renda familiar, escolaridade e idade materna. CONCLUSÕES A média de consumo habitual de alimentos ultraprocessados por crianças pertencentes à Coorte de Nascimentos de 2015 da cidade de Pelotas é elevada, o que pode causar um efeito negativo na dieta das crianças. O risco de consumo desses alimentos foi maior entre crianças de famílias de menor posição socioeconômica, filhas de mães de baixa escolaridade, de cor da pele preta, mais jovens e de baixa renda.OBJECTIVE Assessing the regular consumption of ultra-processed foods by children at 24 months of age from the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort and the main demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors related to the consumption of these products. METHODS Population-based cohort in the city of Pelotas, RS, where 4,275 children were assessed at birth and 95.4% of them were followed up until 24 months of age. Food consumption was assessed by a questionnaire on regular consumption of ultra-processed foods, which collected information regarding sex, household income, maternal skin color, schooling level, and age, the child attending day care and having siblings, breastfeeding status, and obesity. The outcome was the sum of ultra-processed foods regularly consumed by a child. A multivariate Poisson regression analysis was used to calculate the association between the regular consumption of ultra-processed foods and exposure variables. RESULTS The mean number of ultra-processed foods consumed was 4.8 (SD = 2.3). The regular consumption of ultra-processed foods was positively associated with black skin color and having siblings, and negatively associated with household income and maternal schooling level and age. CONCLUSION The mean regular consumption of ultra-processed foods by children from the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort is high, which can negatively affect the children’s diet. The risk of consuming this kind of food was higher among children from families of lower socioeconomic status, whose mothers present lower education level, black skin color, and younger age

    Assisted reproductive technology: prevalence and associated factors in Southern Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of successful assisted reproductive technology and to identify the associated factors. METHODS: This population-based birth cohort study was carried out with 4,333 pregnant women expected to deliver in 2015 in the urban area of Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Use of an assisted reproductive technology procedure, type of assisted reproductive technology [in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection or artificial insemination], number of embryos transferred, success of embryo transfer, number of attempts, and reported reasons for seeking assisted reproductive technology were the main outcomes measured. Use of an assisted reproductive technology procedure was analyzed according to sociodemographic, nutritional, reproductive history, and behavioral characteristics. Unadjusted and adjusted analyses were performed by logistic regression. RESULTS: Among the 4,275 newborns enrolled in the Pelotas 2015 Birth Cohort Study, 18 births (0.4%) were conceived by assisted reproductive technology. Most cases of assisted reproductive technology were by in vitro fertilization (70.6%). All cycles were performed in private clinics under direct out-of-pocket payment. Even after controlling for confounders, maternal age > 35 years, nulliparity and high family monthly income were strongly associated with assisted reproductive technology. CONCLUSIONS: The use of assisted reproductive technology services was reported by only a few women in the Pelotas 2015 Birth Cohort Study. Our study highlights sociodemographic factors associated to assisted reproductive technology procedures. To better understand the patterns and barriers in overall use of assisted reproductive technology services over time, national-level trend studies in assisted reproductive technology treatments and outcomes, as well as studies exploring the characteristics of women who have sought this kind of treatment are needed in low-middle income countries