8 research outputs found

    Into the Un(Known). Unveiling Science's intrinsic Art

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    Entrerete in un mondo nuovo e quasi astratto, apparentemente innaturale. Sarete circondati da suoni e immagini familiari e allo stesso tempo distanti dalla vostra quotidianità. Gli eventi in cui vi troverete immersi sono comuni nella vita di tutti i giorni, anche se non li riconoscete perché “silenziati”. Sono, infatti, fenomeni che acquistano importanza su scale molto grandi, cosmiche potremmo dire, e in condizioni fisiche incompatibili con la vita umana. A raccontarvi questo meraviglioso mondo sarà la “voce” familiare della luce, la radiazione elettromagnetica prodotta dalle varie sorgenti astrofisiche sparse nell’Universo, il principale canale di comunicazione a disposizione degli astronomi per indagare i più reconditi segreti del Cosmo. La luce, esploratrice instancabile, ci racconta gli scenari in cui è stata generata: esplosioni di Supernovae, materia che cade in un buco nero, brillamenti solari, e molto altro. Fenomeni lontani e misteriosi che sfuggono alla nostra esperienza diretta, ma che da anni sono al centro delle ricerche scientifiche più avanzate. Preparatevi ad entrare nell'ignoto, lasciate che la luce vi mostri l'invisibile

    Facial Reconstruction and the Uppsala Mummy Survey

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    CD available at: www.egittologia.unipi.itUppsala Mummy Surve

    Cross-media enhancement of Italian archaeological museum collectionsValorizzazione cross-mediale di collezioni museali archeologiche italiane

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    [EN] For the difficult task of capturing the attention of visitors and mark their memory, museums and cultural sites rely increasingly on computer applications. Are they all effective? VisitLab Cineca (Visual Information Technology Laboratory) is following three different projects, each based on a different application: from computer graphics movies to evocative installation, from augmented reality applications to the simulation of social dynamics and historical events. Time will tell if these are the most valid solutions to address and overcome the challenge.[ES] En la difícil tarea de captar la atención de los visitantes y grabar la experiencia en su memoria, museos y lugares de interés cultural recurren cada vez más a las aplicaciones informáticas. Pero ¿son todas ellas válidas y ejecutables? VisitLab Cineca (Visual Laboratory Information Technology) está llevando a cabo tres proyectos, cada uno de ellos basado en una aplicación diferente: de la película realizada por medio de computación gráfica hasta la instalación evocadora, o desde la aplicación de realidad aumentada hasta las simulaciones de dinámicas sociales y acontecimientos históricos. Solo el tiempo dirá si estas soluciones son las más válidas para afrontar y superar el reto.The research leading to these results is partly funded under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme [FP7 -2007/2013] under the Grant Agreement 270404.Guidazzoli, A.; Liguori, MC.; De Luca, D.; Imboden, S. (2014). Valorizzazione cross-mediale di collezioni museali archeologiche italiane. Virtual Archaeology Review. 5(10):93-106. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2014.4223OJS93106510ANTINUCCI, F. (2007): Musei virtuali. Come non fare innovazione tecnologica, Laterza, Roma.BARONIO, P. (2012): "Un architetto per il tempio di Tina a Marzabotto. Studio dell'antico procedimento geometrico-proporzionale utilizzato nel progetto del tempio urbano della città etrusca di Kainua", in "Ocnus" 20, pp. 9-32.BRACKMAN, P. (2011): NOKIA-UNESCO Roundtable on Heritage, Tourism, and Sustainability, UNESCO, Paris, 14 to 15 March 2011.CIRIFINO, F., DELLI PONTI, F., DIAMANTI, T., GUIDAZZOLI, A., SANGIORGI, L. (2007): "Daily Life in the Middle Ages - Parma in the Cathedral Age", in Proceeding SIGGRAPH '07, San Diego, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 posters, Article No. 125, ACM New York, NY, USA.FORTE, M. (2007): La villa di Livia. Un percorso di ricerca di archeologia virtale, L'Erma di Bretschneider.FORTE, M., PESCARIN, S., PIETRONI, E., RUFA, C., BACILIERI, D., BORRA, D. (2003): "The multimedia room of the Scrovegni Chapel: a Virtual Heritage Project", in Enter the Past. The E-way into the Four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage, in CAA 2003, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 31st Conference, Vienna, Austria, April, 2003, BAR International series 1227, pp. 529-532.GUIDAZZOLI, A., CALORI, L., DELLI PONTI, F., DIAMANTI, T., IMBODEN, S., MAURI, A., NEGRI, A., BOETTO COHEN, G., PESCARIN, S., LIGUORI, M.C. (2011): "Apa the Etruscan and 2700 years of 3D Bologna history", in SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Posters (SA '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 2, 1 pages. DOI=10.1145/2073304.2073307 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2073304.2073307JENKINS, H. (2010): "Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment: An annotated syllabus", in Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, Volume 24, Issue 6, pp. 943-958.LIMYZ, C.K., CANIYZ, M.P., GALVANEYZ, Q., PETTREZ, J., ZAWAWI TALIB, A. (2013): "Simulation of Past Life: Controlling Agent Behaviors from the Interactions between Ethnic Groups", in Alonzo C. Addison, Livio De Luca, Gabriele Guidi, Sofia Pescarin (Eds.), In proceeding of: 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress, 28 Oct - 1 Nov 2013 Marseille, France, IEEE.OLBRICH, M., GRAF, H., KAHN, S., ENGELKE, T., KEIL, J., RIESS, P., WEBEL, S., BOCKHOLT, U., PICINBONO, G. (2013): "Augmented reality supporting user-centric building information management", in The Visual Computer, October 2013, Volume 29, Issue 10, pp. 1093-1105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00371-013-0840-2PIETRONI, E., RUFA, C., PLETINCKX, D., VAN KAMPEN, I., RAY, C. (2012): "Natural Interaction in VR Environments for Cultural Heritage and its Impact Inside Museums: the Etruscanning Project", In Proceedings of the VSMM 2012 Virtual Systems in the Information Society, 2-5 September, IEEE, Milan. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/vsmm.2012.6365943RUSSO, A., COSENTINO, R., DE LUCIA, M.A., GUIDAZZOLI, A., BOETTO COHEN, G., LIGUORI, M.C., FISCHNALLER, F. (2013): "Etruscan Cultural Heritage: the Sarcophagus of the Spouses project. Virtual storytelling embedded in sensory audiovisual environments", in Alonzo C. Addison, Livio De Luca, Gabriele Guidi, Sofia Pescarin (Eds.), In proceeding of: 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress, 28 Oct - 1 Nov 2013 Marseille, France, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3169-9, Vol. I, p. 441. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2013.6743776SADZAK, A., RIZVIC, S., CHALMERS, A. (2007): "The Influence of Storytelling Quality on the Human Perception of Computer Animation", in D. Arnold, A. Chalmers, F. Niccolucci (Eds.), VAST2007 - Future Technologies to Empower Heritage Professionals, Short and Project Papers from VAST2007 The 8th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage, 26-29 November 2007, EPOCH, pp. 32-35

    I-Media-Cities: A Digital Ecosystem Enriching A Searchable Treasure Trove Of Audio Visual Assets

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    Abstract of paper 0108 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019

    More Than Just CG: Storytelling And Mixed Techniques In An Educational Short Movie

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    Abstract of paper 0109 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019

    Apa l’Etrusco sbarca a Roma e passa il testimone ad Ati. Un cortometraggio tridimensionale per raccontare il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio

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    Computer graphics movies are a favourite media for edutainment. The 3D stereoscopic short movie “Ati at the discovery of Veii” is an interesting example of philologically accurate reconstructions coupled with a communication aimed at a wide audience.  Developed by Cineca for a joint project involving the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and Genus Bononiae – Museum of the History of Bologna, the movie is grounded on the software Blender and a strong open source commitment

    Apa l’Etrusco sbarca a Roma e passa il testimone ad Ati. Un cortometraggio tridimensionale per raccontare il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio

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    Computer graphics movies are a favourite media for edutainment. The 3D stereoscopic short movie “Ati at the discovery of Veii” is an interesting example of philologically accurate reconstructions coupled with a communication aimed at a wide audience.  Developed by Cineca for a joint project involving the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and Genus Bononiae – Museum of the History of Bologna, the movie is grounded on the software Blender and a strong open source commitment