48 research outputs found
Discussion forum model in the Covid-19 pandemic era at Batu Api Library
Discussion forums are activities to distribute information, ideas, and question. The Batu Api Library held discussion forums to exchange ideas that are discussed and presented through a problem or question that must be resolved based on a joint opinion or decision. This research aimed to find out the discussion forum model at the Batu Api Library during the pandemic with analysis discussion forum model and the development of library services through discussion forums. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a case study research method. The research was carried out for four months, from February to May 2022, using in-depth interview techniques with five people as the number of subjects in this study. The study results stated that during the pandemic, the Batu Api Library continued to conduct discussion forum activities, despite several changes due to the pandemic. Discussion forum at the Batu Api Library is sharing knowledge activity that source library collections. The discussion forum model in the pandemic era at Batu Api Library can be a bridge between users and the library. The discussion forum was also to develop library services so that more people would visit the library. In conclusion, the Batu Api Library can still conduct discussion forum activities as part of library services during the Covid-19 pandemic; this aligns with the statement that libraries are organisms that can constantly develop even during the Covid-19 pandemic
Humor dan Covid-19: Makna Pesan dalam Akun Instagram @t_faturohman
Humor can be used to convey messages, one of which is about COVID-19. Using humor in conveying messages of COVID-19 is done by one of the humor writers in Bandung, Taufik Faturohman, through his Instagram account @t_faturohman. Messages posted on the account are writes in Sundanese. The choice of Sundanese language and humor in conveying messages is conducted to make messages easier to receive, and the receivers feel entertained. In addition, the use of Sundanese language remains sustainable. This study analyses messages related to COVID-19 on the @t_faturohman Instagram account, using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis. The method used is qualitative with data collection techniques through text observation and library source enrichment. The object of his research is posts related to COVID-19. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman analysis techniques. The results show that behind the humorous style conveyed there is an informative and educational meaning in the messages on the @t_faturohman account related to COVID-1
Humor dan Covid-19: Makna Pesan dalam Akun Instagram @t_faturohman
Humor can be used to convey messages, one of which is about COVID-19. Using humor in conveying messages of COVID-19 is done by one of the humor writers in Bandung, Taufik Faturohman, through his Instagram account @t_faturohman. Messages posted on the account are writes in Sundanese. The choice of Sundanese language and humor in conveying messages is conducted to make messages easier to receive, and the receivers feel entertained. In addition, the use of Sundanese language remains sustainable. This study analyses messages related to COVID-19 on the @t_faturohman Instagram account, using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis. The method used is qualitative with data collection techniques through text observation and library source enrichment. The object of his research is posts related to COVID-19. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman analysis techniques. The results show that behind the humorous style conveyed there is an informative and educational meaning in the messages on the @t_faturohman account related to COVID-1
The research was conducted to the students of Al-Kausar Internat Junior high school as an example of school which has applied the concept of information literacy in one subject and Arrahman Junior high school as an example of school which has not applied the concept of information literacy yet. The aim of this research was to find out whether there is a significant differences between students' literacy ability in finishing task exercises from those school. The method used in this research was a descriptive comparative method to find out the differences between both of objects in this research. The data were collected through questionnaire, interviews, and library study. The respondents are 53 students selected through Proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. The findings show there is no significant differences between students of Alkautsar junior high school and Ar Rahman junior high school on their students' information literacy ability. However, from the output scores of mean view, Al Kautsar Junior high school has a larger score than Ar Rahman junior high school. Therefore, Alkautsar Junior high school students have a better information literacy ability compared to Ar Rahman Junior high school students
Aktivitas Berbagi Pengetahuan Dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Fisik Anak Usia Dini Studi Kasus di motoricshool Halo Kids Indonesia
This research aims to explain how knowledge-sharing activities occur at Halo Kids Indonesia, identify its impact on children's physical literacy, and identify the knowledge sharing process. The qualitative method is used with a case study approach, involving data collection through relevant informants, and the data is presented in narrative form. This research shows that Halo Kids Indonesia applies the concept of sharing knowledge effectively through the stages of socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Activities such as sharing parenting, visual documentation, and training play an essential role in children's physical literacy development. In conclusion, Halo Kids Indonesia successfully applies knowledge sharing to increase physical literacy in early childhood.
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing, Physical Literacy, Early Childhood, Motor Trainin
AbstractRural poverty can be understood as a social condition of a person, or a group of people who were associated with aspects of economic and non-economic aspects. Scientific aspects such as social, cultural, health, education, psychology, the environment, law, anthropology, and art, was often associated with poverty. Nevertheless, the notion of poor and rural poverty is, in general, is still viewed by researcher's perspective, rather than emic, ie see something from the perspective of the participant. This study took part of the effort to comprehensively understand the meaning of poor and poverty in the eyes of the poor, especially in rural areas, roomates point is on how to map view of rural poor people in hopes of interpreting experience of livelihood as poor in underlying survival living. By using a qualitative study approach, especially the tradition of phenomenology of Schutz, obtained a description of the results, that the meaning of poor and poverty, in phenomenology, containing context, such as: context ownership; contexts effort and trial and error; contexts powerlessness; contexts outside assistance; independence in the context of compulsion; contexts unattainable expectations; context of the struggle; context of limited access to information; contexts low curiosity; contexts simplicity needs; problems humiliation context; and context sensitivity in social communication.Keywords: Meaning poor, Poverty, RuralĀ AbstrakKemiskinan di pedesaan dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kondisi sosial seseorang, atau sekelompok orang yang terkait dengan aspek-aspek ekonomi dan non-ekonomi. Aspek ilmiah seperti sosial, budaya, kesehatan, pendidikan, psikologi, lingkungan, hukum, antropologi, dan seni, yang sering dikaitkan dengan kemiskinan. Namun demikian, gagasan tentang kemiskinan dan pedesaan, secara umum, masih dilihat dari perspektif peneliti, bukan emik, yaitu melihat sesuatu dari perspektif partisipan. Penelitian ini mengambil bagian dari upaya untuk secara komprehensif memahami makna miskin dan kemiskinan di mata masyarakat miskin, terutama di daerah pedesaan, which titik adalah bagaimana memetakan pandangan masyarakat miskin pedesaan dengan harapan pengalaman yang menafsirkan mata pencaharian sebagai masyarakat miskin untuk bertahan hidup. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kualitatif, khususnya tradisi fenomenologi Schutz, diperoleh gambaran hasil, bahwa makna miskin dan kemiskinan, dalam fenomenologi, mengandung konteks, seperti: kepemilikan konteks; Upaya konteks dan trial and error; Ketidakberdayaan konteks; konteks di luar bantuan; kemerdekaan dalam konteks paksaan; konteks harapan tercapai; konteks perjuangan; konteks terbatasnya akses terhadap informasi; konteks rasa ingin tahu yang rendah; kesederhanaan konteks kebutuhan; konteks masalah penghinaan; dan sensitivitas konteks komunikasi sosial.Kata Kunci : Makna kemiskinan, Kemiskinan, Des
Knowledge Management Models in BPS-Statistics of Sulawesi Tengah Province
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang model knowledge management di Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data, menampilkan data dan menarik kesimpulan serta verifikasi data. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa model proses knowledge management yang didasarkan atas penciptaan pengetahuan, pengorganisasian pengetahuan, penyimpanan atau pelestarian pengetahuan, berbagi dan menyebarkan pengetahuan serta menggunakan atau memanfaatkan pengetahuan. Manajemen pengetahuan di BPS Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah merupakan suatu teknik dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang bertujuan untuk memotivasi pegawai agar terus berinovasi, belajar dan terus meningkatkan pemahaman atas pengetahuan baru yang diperoleh sehingga akan menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki produktivitas dan berkinerja tinggi serta dapat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif organisasi
Abstract. The purpose of study was to determine user satisfaction toward credibility of staff library service at Library and Scientific Information Center at Economics and Business Faculty, University of Padjadjaran (FEB UNPAD). The research of library staff's credibility based on perceptions and expectations (minimum and maximum expectations). There are three components to measure in this study:(1)Trustworthiness, (2) Expertise, and (3) Fascination. The population in this study is determined based on the number of users who come to the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD. Sampling technique that used in this study is Purposive Sampling with 99 people as sample. Data was collected by questionnaire, conduct observation, and literature study. The results showed that overall users are coming to the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD were satisfied with the services. This user satisfaction based on the gap (gap) between the perceptions and expectations of service users indicates that the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD has good credibility and is in " zone of tolerance ", in other words the services provided by library's staff at Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, has meet the user's expectations
In this study researchers are interested to examine how the behavior of information among the traditional gold mining or "gurandil" in the know and perform a search for information about the new gold mining location area that is done by the group pengalian sedan other gold. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with fenomenologi approach. In the use of the channel information that is done by the gold mining Districts Cineam Tasikmalaya District to obtain information about the development of gold digging other groups they use the channel in the form of media phone or HP to ask the condition and development of other gold digging groups either do pengalian saloon in other areas or on the new mining come from other areas. In addition, the probing this gold also usually using traditional channels, means the pengali gold that is located in the area of the Sub-district Cineam venom orally ask probing the gold that chance arrived or on the family/kin about the development of gold digging in other areas.Dalam penelitian ini peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji bagaimana perilaku informasi di kalangan para penggali emas tradisional atau āgurandilā dalam mengetahui dan melakukan pencarian informasi mengenai daerah lokasi penggali emas baru yang sedan dilakukan oleh kelompok pengalian emas lainnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Dalam penggunaan saluran informasi yang dilakukan para penggali emas di Wilayah Kecamatan Cineam Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dalam memperoleh informasi tentang perkembangan penggalian emas kelompok lainnya mereka menggunakan saluran yang berupa media telepon atau HP untuk menanyakan kondisi dan perkembangan kelompok penggalian emas lainnya baik yang sedan melakukan pengalian di daerah lain atau pada para penggali yang baru datang dari daerah lain. Selain itu, para penggali emas ini juga biasanya mengunakan saluran secara tradisional, artinya para pengali emas yang sedang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Cineam bisanya secara lisan menanyakan kepada para penggali emas yang kebetulan baru datang atau pada keluarga/kerabatnya mengenai perkembangan penggalian emas di daerah lainnya