7 research outputs found

    Biochemical and microbiological analysis of the saliva of institutionalized elderly : with edentulism, use of dentures and presence of biofilm

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    To analyze biochemical and microbiological parameters of the saliva of institutionalized elders and to investigate the relation of these parameters with edentulism, use of dentures and presence of biofilm. A cross-sectional study carried was out in seven long-term institutions. Samples (n=161) of unstimulated saliva were collected for analysis of salivary flow, quantification of total proteins and identification of microorganisms. Oral examination was carried out to verify the number of missing teeth, the use of dentures and the presence of visible biofilm on the surface of teeth and dentures. Associations were performed using chi-square or Fisher?s exact test (?0.05). Associations were observed between the presence of dentures biofilm and the colonization of Streptococcus sp. (p=0.038) and Candida sp. (p=0.03). The absence of teeth and use of dentures do not influence the amount of total proteins and the microorganisms count in saliva. Denture biofilms are associated with the presence of Streptococcus sp. and Candida sp. in saliva of institutionalized elders

    Desordens orais potencialmente malignas: uma análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados na Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO)

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    Aim Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMDs) are lesions and epithelial conditions that present an increased risk of malignancy. In this research, the aim was to identify the profile of Brazilian scientific production on DOPMs, based on a bibliometric analysis of the works presented at the Meetings of the Brazilian Dental Research Society (SBPqO). Materials and Methods: a bibliometric study was carried out, in which the annals of the annual SBPqO meetings held between 2015 and 2019 were analyzed. Abstracts about DOPMs presented in any category were included and the following information was extracted: year, study design, type of DOPM, federative unit, location and educational institution of origin. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: 91 abstracts were identified. Most were published in 2015 (24.2%) and by authors from the state of São Paulo (22%). Leukoplakia was the most frequent disorder (36.2%), followed by actinic cheilitis (35.2%). Most of the studies were authored by researchers from the Southeast (29%) and South (28%) regions. Regarding the educational institution, a large part (68.1%) came from public universities. The most frequent type of study was basic laboratory research (57.1%). Discussion: the study findings indicate that the number of researches on DOPMs presented at the SBPqO Meetings is still small, concentrated in the Southeast region and in public universities. Conclusion: conducting new research on this topic is very important, as it allows the discovery of information relevant to the health of individuals in the face of this neoplasm.  Objetivo: as Desordens Orais Potencialmente Malignas (DOPMs) consistem em lesões e condições epiteliais que apresentam risco aumentado de malignidade. Nessa pesquisa, buscou-se identificar o perfil da produção científica brasileira sobre as DOPMs, a partir de uma análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados nas Reuniões da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO). Materiais e Métodos: foi realizado um estudo bibliométrico, em que foram analisados os anais das reuniões anuais da SBPqO realizadas entre 2015 a 2019. Incluiu-se resumos sobre DOPMs apresentados em qualquer categoria e as seguintes informações foram extraídas: ano, desenho do estudo, tipo de DOPM, unidade federativa, localização e instituição de ensino superior de origem. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva.  Resultados: foram identificados 91 resumos. A maior parte foi publicada em 2015 (24,2%) e por autores do estado de São Paulo (22%). A leucoplasia foi a desordem mais frequente (36,2%), seguida pela queilite actínica (35,2%). A maioria dos estudos foi de autoria de pesquisadores das regiões Sudeste (29%) e Sul (28%). Em relação à instituição de ensino, grande parte (68,1%) foi proveniente de universidades públicas. O tipo de estudo mais frequente foi pesquisa laboratorial básica (57,1%). Discussão: os achados do estudo indicam que o número de pesquisas sobre as DOPMs apresentadas nas Reuniões da SBPqO ainda é reduzido, concentrados na região sudeste e nas universidades públicas. Conclusão: realizar novas pesquisas a respeito desse tema é muito importante, pois permite a descoberta de informações relevantes para a saúde dos indivíduos frente a essa neoplasia

    Impact of oral health on nutritional status, self-perception of oral health and quality of life of institutionalized elderly

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of oral health on nutritional status, self-perception of oral health and health related quality of life of institutionalized elders. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 193 institutionalized elders l


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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the profile of patients with facial trauma admitted in a hospital located in a metropolitan area of Northeast Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional and exploratory study was performed. A total of 244 cases were in agreement with the eligibility criteria. The variables include the sociodemographic characteristics of patients, etiology, type of trauma, treatment modalities, length of stay in a hospital and quarter of care. Descriptive statistics and Cluster Analysis were performed. Results: The average age of patients was 31.16 years (SD = 15.17 years) and average hospitalization was 6.32 days (SD = 7.75 days). It was verified the automatic formation of four clusters with different profiles of patients. The variables which most contributed to the external differentiation between clusters were: length of stay in a hospital (p <0.001), etiology (p <0.001), type of facial trauma (p <0.001), presence of associated trauma (p <0.001), treatment modalities (p <0.001) and quarter of care (p <0.001). Conclusion: The most of patients were men, victims of traffic accidents, which suffered fracture of zygomatic complex and underwent surgery. Level of Evidence III, Retrospective Study.</p></div

    Desordens orais potencialmente malignas: uma análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados na Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO)

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    Aim Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMDs) are lesions and epithelial conditions that present an increased risk of malignancy. In this research, the aim was to identify the profile of Brazilian scientific production on DOPMs, based on a bibliometric analysis of the works presented at the Meetings of the Brazilian Dental Research Society (SBPqO). Materials and Methods: a bibliometric study was carried out, in which the annals of the annual SBPqO meetings held between 2015 and 2019 were analyzed. Abstracts about DOPMs presented in any category were included and the following information was extracted: year, study design, type of DOPM, federative unit, location and educational institution of origin. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: 91 abstracts were identified. Most were published in 2015 (24.2%) and by authors from the state of São Paulo (22%). Leukoplakia was the most frequent disorder (36.2%), followed by actinic cheilitis (35.2%). Most of the studies were authored by researchers from the Southeast (29%) and South (28%) regions. Regarding the educational institution, a large part (68.1%) came from public universities. The most frequent type of study was basic laboratory research (57.1%). Discussion: the study findings indicate that the number of researches on DOPMs presented at the SBPqO Meetings is still small, concentrated in the Southeast region and in public universities. Conclusion: conducting new research on this topic is very important, as it allows the discovery of information relevant to the health of individuals in the face of this neoplasm.  Objetivo: as Desordens Orais Potencialmente Malignas (DOPMs) consistem em lesões e condições epiteliais que apresentam risco aumentado de malignidade. Nessa pesquisa, buscou-se identificar o perfil da produção científica brasileira sobre as DOPMs, a partir de uma análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados nas Reuniões da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO). Materiais e Métodos: foi realizado um estudo bibliométrico, em que foram analisados os anais das reuniões anuais da SBPqO realizadas entre 2015 a 2019. Incluiu-se resumos sobre DOPMs apresentados em qualquer categoria e as seguintes informações foram extraídas: ano, desenho do estudo, tipo de DOPM, unidade federativa, localização e instituição de ensino superior de origem. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva.  Resultados: foram identificados 91 resumos. A maior parte foi publicada em 2015 (24,2%) e por autores do estado de São Paulo (22%). A leucoplasia foi a desordem mais frequente (36,2%), seguida pela queilite actínica (35,2%). A maioria dos estudos foi de autoria de pesquisadores das regiões Sudeste (29%) e Sul (28%). Em relação à instituição de ensino, grande parte (68,1%) foi proveniente de universidades públicas. O tipo de estudo mais frequente foi pesquisa laboratorial básica (57,1%). Discussão: os achados do estudo indicam que o número de pesquisas sobre as DOPMs apresentadas nas Reuniões da SBPqO ainda é reduzido, concentrados na região sudeste e nas universidades públicas. Conclusão: realizar novas pesquisas a respeito desse tema é muito importante, pois permite a descoberta de informações relevantes para a saúde dos indivíduos frente a essa neoplasia