45 research outputs found

    O lugar ocupado pela assistência fisioterapêutica: representações sociais de trabalhadores com DORT

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Os distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT) articulam-se diretamente à realização de atividades ocupacionais e às condições de trabalho. OBJETIVO: O artigo origina-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que analisou as representações sociais da assistência fisioterapêutica entre trabalhadores portadores de Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT), frequentadores do Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (CEREST), pelo Departamento de Saúde do Trabalhador (DSAT), Juiz de Fora (MG). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O recurso de apreensão das informações foi a entrevista semiestruturada, realizada com 12 trabalhadoras com idades entre 29 e 55 anos. RESULTADOS: As informações submetidas à análise temática apontaram que a assistência fisioterapêutica recebida repercute em períodos longos de tratamento e na insatisfação dos resultados, por meio de uma prática curativista, segmentada e pouco resolutiva, na qual prevalece a utilização de equipamentos em detrimento das manobras corporais e holísticas. CONCLUSÃO: Diante dos relatos, verificamos a necessidade de uma atenção humanizada, integral e equânime com responsabilização e vínculo, além da valorização dos trabalhadores e usuários, promovendo melhor qualidade de vida. É imprescindível a realização de novos estudos que possibilitem melhor compreensão e aprofundamento teórico e prático da relação entre a atuação do fisioterapeuta e as representações sociais envolvidas

    Taxa de absenteísmo da equipe de enfermagem como indicador de gestão de pessoas

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    O absenteísmo dos profissionais de enfermagem é um problema complexo para as organizações de saúde, constituindo-se um indicador que necessita ser monitorado. Este estudo objetivou analisar a taxa de absenteísmo dos profissionais de enfermagem em um hospital público de ensino. As ausências por absenteísmo foram coletadas a partir das escalas mensais, no período de janeiro a julho de 2008, e calculadas por meio de planilha eletrônica. Constatou-se um índice médio de absenteísmo de 5,6% para os enfermeiros e de 9,7% para técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem. As ausências que mais contribuíram para esses índices referiram-se aos afastamentos por doença. Os dados obtidos evidenciaram o principal motivo de absenteísmo e sinalizam a necessidade de mudanças nas políticas de contratação dos profissionais de enfermagem, além da revisão dos processos de trabalho, visando favorecer melhores condições de saúde a esses profissionais

    Implications of a Postoperative Rehabilitation Program on Quality of Life in Women with Primary Breast Cancer Treated with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy or Complete Axillary Lymph Node Dissection

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    Background: The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate quality of life (QoL) in early-stage breast cancer patients and to investigate the effects of a comprehensive rehabilitation program comparing women undergoing sentinel node biopsy (SNB) versus complete axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). QoL was assessed with the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast (FACT-B) questionnaire. Methods: Eighty-nine women with histologically confirmed primary breast cancer stages I-II were enrolled. Recruitment began on May 2006 and ended on December 2007. According to current standards of care, 58 women were found clinically fit to undergo SNB, and the other 31 were elected for ALND. Thirty women who underwent SNB were randomly allocated to participate in a comprehensive postoperative rehabilitation program, and the 28 remaining were dismissed and scheduled to return for clinical follow-up. Results: Women undergoing ALND had a better QoL within 30 days of surgery on the FACT-B, FACT-G, Trial Outcome Index (TOI), emotional well-being (EWB), and breast concern subscale (BCS) (P < .005) and at 6 months after surgery on the EWB subscale only. Women undergoing SNB had a significant improvement in QoL only on the EWB subscale 6 months after surgery in the group with rehabilitation and 30 days after surgery in the group without rehabilitation. Conclusion: Women undergoing ALND benefited from a rehabilitation program and had a better QoL. Women undergoing BLS, regardless of rehabilitation, showed improvement in QoL for the emotional well-being subscale only.151233423349postoperative rehabilitation progra

    Current physical therapy care of patients undergoing breast reconstruction for breast cancer: a survey of practice in the United Kingdom and Brazil

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    Background In both the United Kingdom (UK) and Brazil, women undergoing mastectomy should be offered breast reconstruction. Patients may benefit from physical therapy to prevent and treat muscular deficits. However, there are uncertainties regarding which physical therapy program to recommend. Objective The aim was to investigate the clinical practice of physical therapists for patients undergoing breast reconstruction for breast cancer. A secondary aim was to compare physical therapy practice between UK and Brazil. Methods Online survey with physical therapists in both countries. We asked about physical therapists’ clinical practice. Results 181 physical therapists completed the survey, the majority were from Brazil (77%). Respondents reported that only half of women having breast reconstruction were routinely referred to physical therapy postoperatively. Contact with patients varied widely between countries, the mean number of postoperative sessions was 5.7 in the UK and 15.1 in Brazil. The exercise programs were similar for different reconstruction operations. Therapists described a progressive loading structure over time: range of motion (ROM) was restricted to 90° of arm elevation in the first two postoperative weeks; by 2–4 weeks ROM was unrestricted; at 1–3 months muscle strengthening was initiated, and after three months the focus was on sports-specific activities. Conclusion Only half of patients having a breast reconstruction are routinely referred to physical therapy. Patients in Brazil have more intensive follow-up, with up to three times more face-to-face contact with a physical therapist than in the UK. Current practice broadly follows programs for mastectomy care rather than being specific to reconstruction surgery