4,379 research outputs found
Os acidentes domésticos têm-se revelado como uma das principais causas dos
atendimentos, internamentos, incapacidades e óbitos em crianças, nos vários países e tem
contribuído, de forma considerável, para manter elevada a taxa de morbi-mortalidade
infantil. O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar os acidentes domésticos que vêm
acontecendo em crianças dos 0 aos 9 anos de idade atendidos no HBS no período de
Janeiro a Outubro de 2012.Para isso foram analisadas 1665 fichas de atendimento de
crianças dos 0 aos 9 anos de idade que sofreram acidentes neste período, dos quais 1074
foram quedas, 308 ferimentos não especificados, 165 corpos estranhos, 42 intoxicação, 41
queimaduras e 35 casos de mordeduras. Os resultados demonstram que a maioria das
vítimas é do sexo masculino. Diante destes dados é preciso que sejam tomadas medidas e
realizados programas de prevenção de acidentes com crianças para que estes mesmos
acidentes diminuem
Frictorq, tribómetro para avaliação objectiva de superfícies texteis
Muitos materiais têxteis, senão mesmo a sua grande maioria, são usados ou então em contacto com o ser humano. são inumeras as aplicações em que os materiais estão em contacto com o corpo e as mãos, como é o caso do vestuário e dos têxteis lar, e mesmo os têxtais técnicos em algumas aplicações especiais, entre outras. O conceito de vestuário, assim visto como a nossa segunda pele, está intimamente relacionado com enorme variedade de tecidos, que surgem, naturalmente, em função das exigencias e das voluções da moda. neste sentido, e com especial ênfase no vestuário, existem vários parâmetros que permitem avaliar a qualidade e a aplicabilidade de tecidos. o coeficiente de atrito é um desses parâmetros, sendo um dos principais indicadores para avaliação objectiva de um conceito vulgarmente conhecido por toque. Este artigo pretende rever os principais desenvolvimentos que conduziram à concepção, construção e aperfeiçoamento de um aparelho para a medição do coeficiente de atrito de tecidos, que fosse de utilização simples, preciso e com um custo aceitável. de acordo com os ultimos desenvolvimentos, também aqui analisados e discutidos, é possivel concluir que o protótipo concebido é preciso e fiável, mostrando os resultados obtidos um comportamento comparável com outro instrumento com reconhecimento mundial, o sistema japonês Kes(Kawabata Evaluation System
Handle assessment of tissue paper
Handle has a primary influence with nearly everything surrounding us as it gives the essential information to interact with our neighbourhood. The need to know how this affects our decisions is fundamental and leads to the study and understanding of this human sense. Tissues paper is one of the most common elements of interaction in the day-to-day human life; it can be produced in various ways leading to different textures which can transmit various sensations. The FRICTORQ® is a laboratory equipment developed by the authors to measure the friction coefficient in fabrics, to enable a quantitative assessment of touch/handle, in order to predict the comfort behaviour of 2D/3D structures when used or touched by humans.In the present study the existence of a correlation between a subjective assessment and the objective measurement of different parameters analysed in paper tissues has been investigated
Comparative study of friction coefficient in nonwovens usin frictorq, fabric friction tester
Nonwovens single-use surgical gowns are used ad frequently touched by thr human skin. Interaction with human sense is therefore an important performance property. When touched by the human hand, friction is one of the the first feeling and therefore friction coeficiente is an important parameter. Recently, a patented laboratory instrument was investigated and designed at the University of Minho based on an innovative method of accessing friction coefficient of 2D surfaces (fabrics, nonwovens, soft papers). Unlikely othrer methods, frictorq is based on rotary movement and therefore on the measurement of a friction reaction torque. On the more recent version the contact between the 2D sample and the instrument contact sensors is restricted to 3 small special elements radially disposed at 120º. Providing during the test a relative displacement of approximately 90º, it is assures that a new portion of the sample is always moved under the sensors. In the model, friction coefficient is worked out from the friction reaction torque measured by means of a high sensitive torque sensors, the normal load created by the contact sensors and geometrical parameter. Contact pressure on the fabric samples was set to 3.5KPa and the linear velocity in the geometric centre of each contact element was approximately 1,5 mm/s. In the paer, a description of the instrument is given as well as it fundamentals and working principle followed by a study, where a comparison between thre different materials for manufacturing medical gows was performed under controlled atmosphere. The tested materials were materials were two spunlace nonwoven and one SMS. the results of the experimental work are analysed using various tools, including spss14.0 statistical package and discussed on the light of the importance of friction to the performance of surgical gowns. Differences in friction coefficient were detected associated to the manufacturing process, composition of the nonwoven materials and outer or inner-facees
Study, design and development of a new add-on function for the FRICTORQ® - Friction Test Instrument
The assessment of handle properties is of utmost importance in materials in our everyday life. There is a wide range of materials there are used in contact with the human skin, which may cause several unpleasant skin reactions. The FRICTORQ® is a laboratory equipment developed by the authors to measure the friction coefficient in fabrics, to enable a quantitative assessment of touch/handle, in order to predict the comfort behaviour of 2D/3D structures when used or touched by humans. In a further development, the FRICTORQ® was redesigned to accommodate a new testing kit function to determine the friction coefficient of fabrics in a liquid environment. This new design will be explained and the results obtained while testing different swimwear fabrics and hospital garments will be also presented and discussed
FRICTORQ: evaluation of friction coefficient in the presence of cosmetic creams
There are numerous applications in which products or materials are in contact with the human body,
including the skin, such as clothing, fine papers and even cosmetics. In this sense, and with special
emphasis on cosmetic products, there are several parameters for assessing its quality and applicability.
The coefficient of friction is one of these parameters for the objective assessment of a concept
commonly known by touch. This paper aims to review the main developments that led to the redesign
of FRICTORQ device for measuring the coefficient of friction of cosmetic creams, and the first
preliminary tests carried out with cosmetic products are also presented, analysed and discussed. It
was determined that the friction coefficient of a moisturizing cream is higher than the one obtained for
an exfoliating cream
Holocene molluscs from Rio de Janeiro state coast, Brazil
A list of marine species of bivalves and gastropods found in seventy archeological sites of the shellmound type from Rio de Janeiro state was produced, based on the archeological material deposited in the collections of Museu Nacional (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), Instituto de Arqueologia Brasileira (Belford Roxo, RJ) and Museu do Sambaqui da Tarioba (Rio das Ostras, RJ). A total of 124 taxa were identified, of which 65 bivalves and 59 gastropods. The data retrieved from the shellmounds indicate stability of the composition patterns of mollusc biodiversity on the Rio de Janeiro state coast, at least in the period between 8,000 and 2,000 years B.P. The listing presented may be useful as a reference inventory for research pertaining to biological invasions, biogeography, conservation and management
Riscos de continuidade: assimetria de informações entre o relatório da administração e do auditor independente
This paper aims to demonstrate whether there is information asymmetry between the independent auditors' report and the management report/explanatory notes, in relation to the auditor's mention of the existence of risk of the company's going concern. This research is characterized as qualitative, supported by quantitative, exploratory, documentary, and bibliographic analysis. Data collection was carried out via the Internet on the companies' webpages and on Brasil Bolsa e Balcão (B3), with a delimited sample of companies that mentioned the operational continuity in the audit report for the years ended in 2019, 2020, and 2021, constituting a sample of 41 companies. Discourse analysis and descriptive statistics were used to obtain the results. Supported by the agency theory, especially in the aspect of asymmetry of information, the reports of the companies examined were compared, through which it was noticed that in the report of the independent auditors, the language is clear and objective, even pointing out the reason for the mention of continuity risk. However, in the management reports/explanatory notes, there are few companies that address this mention of the continuity risk, and most of the companies analyzed only make arguments that would justify the difficulties these companies are experiencing. To give greater robustness to the understanding that there is information asymmetry, this study used as an indicator of asymmetry, the t-test (average) of the differences between the returns of the assets paired with the return of the market index (IBOV), between the date of publication of the financial statements and the immediately preceding date. It is concluded that in the discourse analysis, the mention of the continuity risk indicates the existence of information asymmetry, which can mislead readers/investors in the interpretation of the Financial Statements of these companies, however when comparing stock returns with market returns, this asymmetry was not confirmed with the t-test.Este estudo buscou demonstrar se há assimetria de informação entre o relatório dos auditores independentes e o relatório da administração/notas explicativas, com relação a menção por parte do auditor da existência de risco de continuidade operacional da empresa. Essa pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa, apoiada por análise quantitativa, exploratória, documental e bibliográfica. Efetuou-se o levantamento dos dados pela internet na página das empresas e na Brasil Bolsa e Balcão (B3), com amostra delimitada às empresas que apresentaram a menção do risco de continuidade operacional no relatório de auditoria nos exercícios findos em 2019, 2020 e 2021, constituindo-se em uma mostra de 41 empresas. Utilizou-se a análise do discurso e estatística descritiva para a consecução dos resultados. Suportado pela teoria de agência, em especial no aspecto de assimetria de informações, comparou-se os relatórios das empresas examinadas, através dos quais percebeu-se que no relatório dos auditores independentes, a linguagem é clara e objetiva, apontando a razão da menção do risco de continuidade. Entretanto, nos relatórios da administração/notas explicativas, são poucas as empresas que abordam essa menção ao risco de continuidade, sendo que a maioria das empresas analisadas somente tecem argumentos que justificariam as dificuldades pelas quais essas empresas estão passando. Para dar maior robustez ao entendimento de que há assimetria de informações, este estudo utilizou como indicador de assimetria, teste t (média) das diferenças entre os retornos dos ativos pareados com o retorno do índice do mercado (IBOV), entre a data da publicação das demonstrações contábeis e a data imediatamente anterior. Conclui-se que na análise do discurso a menção ao risco de continuidade operacional indica a existência de assimetria de informações, o que pode induzir ao erro os leitores/investidores na interpretação das demonstrações contábeis dessas empresas, no entanto ao se comparar os retornos das ações com o retorno do mercado essa assimetria não se confirmou com o teste t
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