4,609 research outputs found

    Analysis of the collection of public revenue municipalities of the state of Santa Catarina.

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    A an?lise da arrecada??o da receita municipal em per?odos de crise econ?mica que perpassa no momento atual exp?e a necessidade de pesquisas que investiguem os principais determinantes da arrecada??o e seus impactos na receita p?blica municipal. Contudo, poucos trabalhados buscam um maior entendimento do comportamento das arrecada??es de receitas no Brasil, em especial, a n?vel municipal para o estado de Santa Catarina. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o impacto dos principais determinantes da arrecada??o no intervalo de 2012 a 2015, para os munic?pios catarinenses. Os resultados apontaram uma rela??o positiva entre as receitas tribut?rias e transfer?ncias correntes e a popula??o, o n?mero de empresas e o n?mero de v?nculos empregat?cios, a depender do tipo de receita avaliado. Al?m disso, o valor adicionado na agricultura, quando significativo, se mostrou mais impactante nas receitas dos munic?pios de Santa Cataria do que o de outros setores.The analysis of the collection of the municipal revenue in periods of economic crisis that pervades at the present moment exposes the need for research that investigates the main determinants of the collection and its impacts on the municipal public revenue. However, few workers seek a better understanding of the behavior of revenue collections in Brazil, especially at the municipal level for the state of Santa Catarina. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the main determinants of collection in the interval between 2012 and 2015 for the municipalities of Santa Catarina. The results showed a positive relation between tax revenues and current transfers and the population, the number of companies and the number of employment bonds, depending on the type of income evaluated. In addition, value added in agriculture, when significant, was more impacting in the revenues of the municipalities of Santa Cataria than in other sectors

    Post-occupancy evaluation in a medium city of Santa Catarina : perceptions about the users? satisfaction and needs.

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    Este artigo ? o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada em um conjunto habitacional de baixa renda, na cidade de Chapec?/SC, que visou avaliar o desempenho funcional das edifica??es e investigar o comportamento e o n?vel de satisfa??o das fam?lias. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma abordagem com m?ltiplos m?todos de avalia??o p?s-ocupa??o (APO), quantitativos e qualitativos, como an?lise walkthrough, question?rio e grupo focal. Observou-se que o PMCMV demonstra pouca preocupa??o com a diversidade socioecon?mica e cultural, bem como em atender a perfis fora do padr?o m?dio existente. Sobre a unidade habitacional, percebeu-se pouca funcionalidade, al?m de um n?mero de ambientes e ?rea ?til inferior ? necessidade de boa parte das fam?lias. Todos esses fatores colaboram para um baixo n?vel de satisfa??o dos moradores e uma r?pida obsolesc?ncia da edifica??o. Al?m disso, a compara??o com estudos similares realizados em outras localidades evidenciou a import?ncia da realiza??o de APOs em diversas regi?es do pa?s, gerando um panorama global do tema e divulgando diferen?as referentes ? diversidade cultural e ambiental.This paper is the result of a research carried out in a low income housing complex in the city of Chapec?/SC, which aims to evaluate the functional performance of the buildings and investigate the behavior and level of family satisfaction. For that, an approach was used with multiple methods of post-occupancy evaluation (POE), quantitative and qualitative, such as walkthrough analysis, questionnaire and focus group. The PMCMV shows little concern with socioeconomic and cultural diversity, as well as attending profiles outside the existing average standard. About the housing unit, low levels of functionality was detected, as well as a number of rooms and a living area that was less than the need of most families. All these factors contribute to a low level of satisfaction of the residents and a rapid obsolescence of the building. In addition, the comparison with similar studies carried out in other locations showed the importance of POEs in several regions of the country, generating a global panorama of the theme and disseminating differences regarding cultural and environmental diversity

    Epiisopilosine alkaloid has activity against schistosoma mansoni in mice without acute toxicity

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    CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSchistosomiasis is a disease caused by parasites of the genus Schistosoma, currently affecting more than 200 million people. Among the various species of this parasite that infect humans, S. mansoni is the most common. Pharmacological treatment is limited135119CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP404134/2012-22014/02282-76, 2016/18023-5, 2016/22488-3The authors are grateful to Phytobios Pesquisa Desenvolvimento e Inovação LTDA.,company of the Centroflora Group, for its support during the realization of this research. SMA is grateful to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

    Simulation of flash-butt welding process of a railway steel. Part 1 : residual stress analysis via FEM.

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    Trilhos longos, soldados pelo processo Flash Butt Welding (FBW), s?o a realidade das ferrovias brasileiras de m?dia e alta carga por eixo. Embora apresentem caracter?sticas desej?veis do ponto de vista do comportamento din?mico da via, as soldas s?o regi?es de descontinuidade estrutural e mec?nica onde se originam tens?es residuais, e que est?o associadas a falhas prematuras por fadiga. Simula??es num?ricas termomec?nicas, fisicamente n?o-lineares, no dom?nio do tempo, pelo M?todo dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), foram empregadas para avaliar o desenvolvimento de tens?es residuais originadas durante o processo de soldagem. Uma nova abordagem para a inclus?o do aporte de calor envolvido no processo ? proposta. Os resultados num?ricos s?o comparados a medidas experimentais de tens?es residuais superficiais e aspectos macrogr?ficos das juntas, incluindo largura da Zona Termicamente Afetada (ZTA) e dados de taxas de resfriamento. Os resultados mostram boa correla??o entre as an?lises num?ricas e medidas experimentais de tens?es residuais. Aspectos fundamentais relacionados ao desenvolvimento de tens?es residuais s?o esclarecidos a partir da correla??o entre an?lises num?rica e experimental. Ademais, verifica-se que os modelos computacionais podem ser utilizados na previs?o de pontos cr?ticos para nuclea??o de trincas por fadiga e/ou avaliar efeitos de vari?veis de processo sobre o campo de tens?es residuais.Long rails, welded by the Flash-Butt Welding (FBW) process, are the reality of the Brazilian railroads for medium and high axle loads. Although they present desirable characteristics concerning the dynamic behavior of the track, welded joints are regions of structural and mechanical discontinuity where high residual stresses originate, and, consequently, premature fatigue failures may take place. This paper employs the Finite Element Method (FEM) to carry out transient, physically non-linear thermo-mechanical analyses to evaluate residual stresses evolved in the welding process. A new approach is proposed to take into account the heat input involved in the process. The numerical results are compared to experimentally measured surface residual stresses, and to the macrographic joint aspects, including the HAZ width and cooling rate data. The results show a good correlation between the numerical and experimental measurements of residual stresses. Fundamental aspects related to the development of residual stresses are clarified, correlating numerical and experimental analyses. In addition, it is verified that the computational models can be used to predict critical crack nucleation points by fatigue, and/or to evaluate effects of process parameters on the residual stress field

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of a microalloyed steel after thermal treatments.

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    The properties of a microalloyed steel, with Nb and V in its composition, were studied, after different intercritical thermal treatments and at different austenitizing and tempering temperatures. The mechanical properties of the specimens were measured in a Vickers hardness tester, and their microstructures were analyzed by optical microscopy, with the aid of a digital image processor. After austenitizing at 1100 ?C and tempering at 625 ?C, the samples showed significantly higher tempering resistance, reflected by their retention of high hardness, which may be associated with a secondary hardening precipitation of Nb carbon nitrides. In the sample with dualphase microstructure, the martensite volume fraction varied from 18.2 to 26.3% and the ferrite grain size remained unchanged, upon the variation of the time length of the intercritical treatments. Tempered samples showed Vickers hardness (HVN) varying from 327 to 399, and dualphase samples showed HVN from 362 to 429

    The institutional approach about of the international trade in counterpoint to theory of the comparative advantages : the japanese system of innovations.

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    O presente trabalho analisa a vis?o institucional em rela??o ? participa??o de uma na??o no com?rcio internacional ? e o impacto que as mudan?as institucionais no longo prazo acabam tendo sobre a lideran?a tecnol?gica mundial ? em contraponto ? Teoria das vantagens comparativas ao tratar desta quest?o. A argumenta??o aqui defendida, com base em uma pesquisa hist?rica/ bibliogr?fica, ? que a vis?o institucional pode dar uma resposta consistente para explicar as mudan?as ocorridas nas ?ltimas d?cadas na posi??o de pa?ses como o Jap?o, por exemplo, enquanto players na arena do com?rcio internacional em produtos de alto valor agregado. Isto ocorre devido ao fato de a Economia Institucional levar em conta a diversidade de fatores que afetam o desempenho de uma na??o, como por exemplo, o investimento em educa??oThe present work analyzes the institutional vision regarding the participation of a nation in international trade - and the impact that changes in long-term institutional end up taking on the global technology leadership in counterpoint the Theory of comparative advantage - when dealing this issue. The argumentation advocated here, based on a history / bibliographical research, it is that the institutional view can give a consistent answer to explain the changes in recent decades in the position of countries like Japan, for example, while players in the arena of international trade in high value-added products. This occurs due to the fact of the Institutional Economics take account the diversity of factors that affect the performance of a nation, like for example, the investment in educatio

    Antileishmanial activity of Handroanthus serratifolius (Vahl) S. Grose (Bignoniaceae).

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    This study aimed to evaluate the leishmanicidal activity of ethanol extract, fractions, and isolated substance from Handroanthus serratifolius against Leishmania amazonensis. Furthermore, this activity was related to cytotoxicity, and the selectivity index was determined.The ethanol extract was obtained by maceration of the stem powder, and the extract was subjected to fractionation on chromatographic column. The lapachol was obtained by acid base extraction followed by purification in chromatographic column. The antipromastigote activity and cytotoxicity tests were carried out by the cell viabilitymethod (MTT).Modified THP-1 cells were infected with L. amazonensis promastigotes and treated for 24 h with different concentrations of the extract, fractions, and lapachol. Theethanol extract, dichloromethane, and ethyl acetate fractions were not active against promastigotes (IC50 > 200 ?g/mL) or cytotoxic (CC50 > 500 ?g/mL), and the selectivity index (SI)was greater than 2.5.The ethyl acetate fractionwas active only in promastigotes; it is not cytotoxic (CC50 > 500 ?g/mL, SI > 5).The lapachol was selectively active only against amastigote (IS > 2.5, CC50 > 500 ?g/mL). In summary, lapachol and ethyl acetate fraction are promising against amastigote and promastigote forms, respectively

    SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH OF SEEDLINGS Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg. AND Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento de duas esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas nativas - Anadenanthera peregrina (angico-vermelho) e Schinus terebinthifolius (aroeira-vermelha) - submetidas a doses de fertilizante de libera\ue7\ue3o lenta na formula\ue7\ue3o 13-06-16, conduziu-se um experimento em viveiro utilizando uma mistura de mat\ue9rias-primas com composto org\ue2nico, vermiculita e Plantmax\uae para compor substrato base. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos em quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es. Os tratamentos foram: T1\u20130 kg (testemunha); T2\u20132 kg; T3\u20134 kg; T4\u20136 kg; T5\u20138 kg e T6\u201310 kg de fertilizante de libera\ue7\ue3o lenta por metro c\ufabico de substrato base. Avaliou-se aos 189 dias ap\uf3s a semeadura a altura total, di\ue2metro do colo, biomassa fresca da parte a\ue9rea, biomassa seca da parte a\ue9rea, biomassa seca da raiz, biomassa seca total, rela\ue7\ue3o entre altura e di\ue2metro do colo e o \uedndice de qualidade de Dickson. Os resultados evidenciam que a aplica\ue7\ue3o de fertilizante de libera\ue7\ue3o lenta leva a ganhos significativos de crescimento em ambas as esp\ue9cies, sendo as melhores doses 6,68 a 5,54 kg m-3 para a esp\ue9cie Anadenanthera peregrina, e 8,38 a 14,42 kg m-3 para Schinus terebinthifolius.In order to assess the development of two native species, Anadenanthera peregrina and Schinus terebinthifolius , submitted to doses of slow-release fertilizer formulation 13-06-16, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse using a mixture of raw materials with organic compost, vermiculite and plantmax to compose base substrate. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications. The treatments were : T1-0 kg (control), T2-2 kg, 4 kg-T3 , T4-6 kg, T5-8 kg and T6 \u2013 10 kg slow release fertilizer per cubic meter of base substrate . Was evaluated at 189 days after sowing the total height, stem diameter, fresh weight of shoot, dry shoot biomass, root dry biomass, total biomass, the relationship between height and stem diameter and quality index Dickson. The results suggest that application of slow release fertilizer leads to significant gains in growth in both species, with the best doses from 6.68 to 5.54 kg m-3 for Anadenanthera peregrina species, and from 8.38 to 14,42 kg m-3 for Schinus terebinthifolius

    Embodied Musical Interaction

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    Music is a natural partner to human-computer interaction, offering tasks and use cases for novel forms of interaction. The richness of the relationship between a performer and their instrument in expressive musical performance can provide valuable insight to human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers interested in applying these forms of deep interaction to other fields. Despite the longstanding connection between music and HCI, it is not an automatic one, and its history arguably points to as many differences as it does overlaps. Music research and HCI research both encompass broad issues, and utilize a wide range of methods. In this chapter I discuss how the concept of embodied interaction can be one way to think about music interaction. I propose how the three “paradigms” of HCI and three design accounts from the interaction design literature can serve as a lens through which to consider types of music HCI. I use this conceptual framework to discuss three different musical projects—Haptic Wave, Form Follows Sound, and BioMuse

    Interpretation of evidence in data by untrained medical students: a scenario-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine which approach to assessment of evidence in data - statistical tests or likelihood ratios - comes closest to the interpretation of evidence by untrained medical students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Empirical study of medical students (N = 842), untrained in statistical inference or in the interpretation of diagnostic tests. They were asked to interpret a hypothetical diagnostic test, presented in four versions that differed in the distributions of test scores in diseased and non-diseased populations. Each student received only one version. The intuitive application of the statistical test approach would lead to rejecting the null hypothesis of no disease in version A, and to accepting the null in version B. Application of the likelihood ratio approach led to opposite conclusions - against the disease in A, and in favour of disease in B. Version C tested the importance of the p-value (A: 0.04 versus C: 0.08) and version D the importance of the likelihood ratio (C: 1/4 versus D: 1/8).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In version A, 7.5% concluded that the result was in favour of disease (compatible with p value), 43.6% ruled against the disease (compatible with likelihood ratio), and 48.9% were undecided. In version B, 69.0% were in favour of disease (compatible with likelihood ratio), 4.5% against (compatible with p value), and 26.5% undecided. Increasing the p value from 0.04 to 0.08 did not change the results. The change in the likelihood ratio from 1/4 to 1/8 increased the proportion of non-committed responses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Most untrained medical students appear to interpret evidence from data in a manner that is compatible with the use of likelihood ratios.</p
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