43 research outputs found

    Organoids as host models for infection biology – a review of methods

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    Infectious diseases are a major threat worldwide. With the alarming rise of antimicrobial resistance and emergence of new potential pathogens, a better understanding of the infection process is urgently needed. Over the last century, the development of in vitro and in vivo models has led to remarkable contributions to the current knowledge in the field of infection biology. However, applying recent advances in organoid culture technology to research infectious diseases is now taking the field to a higher level of complexity. Here, we describe the current methods available for the study of infectious diseases using organoid cultures.We thank Rike Zietlow for editing of the manuscript. This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No. 857491 to A.S.O., M.Sa., and S.B.; BMBF grant NUM-COVID 19 Organo-Strat 01KX2021 to S.B.; and FCT, grant CEEC, to M.Sa

    Genetic control of Eucalyptus urophylla and E. grandis resistance to canker caused by Chrysoporthe cubensis

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    Chrysophorte cubensis induced canker occurs in nearly all tropical and subtropical regions where eucalypts are planted, causing losses in both wood quality and volume productivity, especially so in the warmer and more humid regions of Brazil. The wide inter and intra-specific genetic variability of resistance to canker among Eucalyptus species facilitates the selection of resistant plants. In this study, we evaluated resistance to this pathogen in five Eucalyptus grandis (G) and 15 E. urophylla (U) trees, as well as in 495 individuals from 27 progenies derived from crosses between the trees. In the field, six-months-old test seedlings were inoculated with C. cubensis. Lesion length in the xylem and bark was measured eight months later. The results demonstrated that xylem lesions could preferentially be used for the selection of resistant clones. Eight trees (7 U and 1 G) were susceptible, and the remainder (8 U and 4 G) resistant. Individual narrow and broad sense heritability estimates were 17 and 81%, respectively, thereby suggesting that canker resistance is quantitative and highly dependent on dominance and epistasis

    Ambiente familiar e transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze factors associated with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children. METHODS: This is a longitudinal study about behavior problems in schoolchildren that was carried out in the city of São Gonçalo (Southeastern Brazil) in 2005. A total of 479 students from public schools was analyzed, selected through three-stage cluster sampling. The Child Behavior Checklist was used to measure the outcome. A questionnaire was administered to parents/guardians concerning the exposure factors, which were: child's and family's profile, family relationship variables, physical and psychological violence. The log-binomial regression model with a hierarchical approach was employed in the analysis. RESULTS: Higher intelligence quotient was inversely associated with the frequency of the disorder (PR=0.980 [95%CI 0.963;0.998]). The prevalence of the disorder in the children was higher when there was family dysfunction than among families with a better way of relating (PR=2.538 [95%CI 1.572; 4.099]). Children who suffered verbal abuse from the mother had a prevalence 3.7 times higher than the ones not exposed to this situation in the last year (PR=4.7 [95%CI 1.254;17.636]). CONCLUSIONS: Negative family relationships are associated with symptoms of Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. Its association with the intelligence quotient reiterates the importance of the genetic and environmental basis at the origin of the disorder.OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados a transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade em crianças. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal sobre problemas de comportamento em crianças escolares de São Gonçalo, RJ, em 2005. Foram analisados 479 escolares da rede pública selecionados por amostragem por conglomerados em três estágios. Foi utilizada a escala Child Behavior Checklist para medição do desfecho. Foi aplicado um questionário para pais/responsáveis acerca dos fatores de exposição analisados: perfil da criança e da família, variáveis de relacionamento familiar, violências físicas e psicológicas. O modelo regressão log-binomial com enfoque hierarquizado foi empregado para a análise. RESULTADOS: Quociente de inteligência mais alto associou-se inversamente à frequência do transtorno (RP = 0,980 [IC95% 0,963;0,998]). A prevalência de transtorno nas crianças foi maior quando havia disfunção familiar do que entre famílias com melhor forma de se relacionar (RP = 2,538 [IC95% 1,572;4,099]). Crianças que sofriam agressão verbal pela mãe apresentaram prevalência 3,7 vezes maior do que aquelas não expostas a essa situação no último ano (RP = 4,7 [IC95% 1,254;17,636]). CONCLUSÕES: Relações familiares negativas estão associadas aos sintomas de transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade. Sua associação com quociente de inteligência reitera a importância da base genética e ambiental na origem do transtorno.OBJETIVO: Analizar factores asociados a trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en niños. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal sobre problemas de comportamiento en niños escolares de Sao Gonçalo, Sureste de Brasil, en 2005. Se analizaron 479 escolares de la red pública seleccionados por muestreo por conglomerados en tres fases. Se utilizó la escala Child Behavior Checklist para medir el resultado. Se aplicó un cuestionario para padres/responsables sobre los factores de exposición analizados: perfil del niño y de la familia, variables de relación familiar, violencias físicas y psicológicas. El modelo de regresión log-binomial con enfoque jerarquizado se empleó en el análisis. RESULTADOS: Cociente de inteligencia elevado se asoció inversamente con la frecuencia del trastorno (RP= 0,980 [IC95% 0,963;0,998]). La prevalencia de trastorno fue mayor en los niños con disfunción familiar que entre las familias con buena relación (RP=2,538 [IC95% 1,572;4,009]). Niños que sufrían agresión verbal por parte de la madre presentaron prevalencia 3,7 veces mayor que aquellos no expuestos a esa situación en el último año (RP=4,7 [IC95% 1,254;17,636]). CONCLUSIONES: Relaciones familiares negativas están asociadas a los síntomas de trastornos por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Su asociación con el cociente de inteligencia reitera la importancia de la base genética y ambiental en el origen del trastorno

    Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children Living With Addicted Family Members: Prevention Challenges in an Underprivileged Suburban Community

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    Abstract Children living with substance abusers are more likely to experience negative outcomes. Our goal was to compare caregivers' reports on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and a socioeconomic and risk form of psychological aspects of children exposed to substance abuse assisted versus not assisted by a preventive intervention program in an underprivileged community. This observational intervention study was conducted with 66 caregivers of children who attended the program and 35 caregivers of children from the same community who did not attend. Ages ranged between six and 11 years old. Chi-square and logistic regression tests indicate that children exposed to substance abusers have more mental health problems than the general population and those who did not participate in the preventive intervention program presented worse outcomes, with higher rates of behavioral/emotional problems and exposure to risk situations. Results suggest that preventive actions might be helpful to promote the mental health of children at risk, validating the need for public policies and services