47 research outputs found

    Participatory planning and quality assessment: contributions of a nursing management technology

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    Objective: to analyze the outcomes of participatory planning and quality assessment of the nursing care provided in a hospital ward using a nursing management technology. Method: Convergent care research focuses on research and practice intervention, developed in a hospital in southern Brazil from April to August 2016. Participatory planning and quality evaluation was performed using the PRAXIS® technology. Results: In the participatory planning, a survey of needs/problems was carried out by 33 professionals followed by 5 workshops, where mission, guiding principles, 4 priority problems, expected results, objectives and plans of activities were defined. For quality evaluation, two indicators were used: satisfaction and notification of adverse events. The evaluation was carried out with 101 patients and /or relatives, predominating “great or good”. Adverse events, 28 records, predominating medication errors. Conclusion: Participatory planning and quality assessment are essential to improve nursing care management and the PRAXIS® technological innovation has been a useful resource.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El laberinto de la autonomía indígena en el Ecuador: las circunscripciones territoriales indígenas en la Amazonía Central, 2010-2012

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    ¿Cuáles son los avatares y desencuentros presentes en el proceso de constitución de las Circunscripciones Territoriales Indígenas (CTIs) en relación a la vigencia del derecho a la autodeterminación y autogestión territorial de las nacionalidades indígenas en el Ecuador? Para responder a dicha interrogante, el artículo considera el reconocimiento al derecho a la autonomía y autodeterminación de las nacionalidades y pueblos indígenas en Ecuador. Posteriormente, analiza el alcance de los procedimientos establecidos tanto en la Constitución Política como en el Código Orgánico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Descentralización (COOTAD), y su alcance potencial en generar un nuevo tipo de institucionalidad y una nueva organización territorial en el marco de la definición del Estado plurinacional Ecuatoriano. Esta contribución analiza además el proceso derivado de una hoja de ruta acordada entre el Estado y las nacionalidades amazónicas en el periodo comprendido entre 2010 y 2012, y analiza las diferentes acciones desplegadas desde entonces, enfatizando en los avances y contradicciones, tanto a lo interno del movimiento indígena como en su relación con otras instancias estatales centrales y locales. Se examinan los desencuentros y tensiones a lo interno del aparato Estatal y los sectores mestizos, que no se plantean ningún reparo al momento de obstaculizar los avances del proceso. El artículo analiza el desafío de crear las CTIs en el territorio de los Kichwa de las provincias de Napo y Orellana y en los territorios Kichwa y Achuar en la provincia de Pastaza, en la Amazonía central. Finalmente, el texto puntualiza críticamente algunas de las perspectivas y dilemas que dicho proceso plantea al futuro de la relación Estado-nacionalidades indígenas y al proceso de construcción del Estado plurinacional e intercultural en Ecuador

    Functionally graded optimisation of adsorption systems with phase change materials

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    Adsorption phenomena are encountered in several engineering applications. One of its uses is in the storage and transport of gas in the form of adsorption tanks. The exothermic nature of the adsorption process decreases adsorption capacity presenting an impetus to understand the thermal characteristics of the gas storage process. Studies using mixtures of phase change materials and adsorbents in adsorption tanks demonstrate potential improvements in the adsorption capacity of the tanks. They also show that the distribution of phase change materials and adsorbent are important. Thus, this work presents two approaches for optimising the adsorbent domain. The first is to use a semi-analytic model to determine the best homogeneous material concentration for the adsorbent and phase change material for the vessel composition. The other is to use a 2D axisymmetric model to perform FGM optimisation to distribute material in the tank. Results for both models are presented and discussed for different conditions. The study shows that, for the cylindrical geometry, FGM optimisation is always, at least, marginally better than the homogeneous distribution from the semi-analytic model. However, FGM optimisation demands more computing time increases the complexity of implementation and results assembling. The semi-analytic approach is a possible alternative for optimising adsorption systems with phase change material mixed with adsorbents

    Topology optimisation of biphasic adsorbent beds for gas storage

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    Adsorption is a retention mechanism of fluid molecules on solid surfaces and presents a wide range of applications, such as fuel storage, refrigeration and separation processes. This work describes the modelling of gas adsorption on porous media and presents an optimisation approach for the design of adsorption systems based on biphasic adsorbent beds by topology optimisation. A comprehensive formulation for the adsorption phenomenon is presented, detailing the derivation of governing equations and respective weak forms and discretisation for the implementation of the finite element method (FEM). A new topology optimisation material model based on offset hyperbolic tangents is introduced. The derivation of sensitivities is presented in detail, based on a transient adjoint problem. A diverse set of optimised adsorbed natural gas (ANG) tanks, considering real material properties of activated carbon and steel, is presented. Results indicate the suitability of the method in optimising the distribution of phases across adsorbent beds and show that biphasic ANG tanks can perform significantly better than traditional tanks

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: On the seismic performance of bamboo structure

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