10 research outputs found

    Correlations and path analysis for fruit yield in pepper lines (Capsicum chinense L.)

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    Information regarding the correlation between characters are of great importance to simultaneous traits selection in breeding programs. However, quantification and interpretation of the correlations magnitude do not imply in direct and indirect effects. In this context, the path analysis is presented as an alternative and viable tool for the selection process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations between eight major agronomic characters in pepper lines (C. chinense L.) and its consequences in direct and indirect effects by path analysis. Eight agronomic traits were assessed under field conditions in 22 C. chinense L lines. According to the results, there is a genetic variability among the evaluated lines, whose yield per plant (PY) and total number of fruits (NF) variables are highly correlated with high direct effect on pepper lines yield. The selection of pepper lines with high yield can be accomplished through direct selection or using a suitable selection index, being advantageous to select lines with other characteristics, such as appropriate scion height and diameter for conducting manual and mechanized harvesting. The use of the constant k is efficient to reduce the variance of path coefficients, providing better estimation of the effects that affects yield.Information regarding the correlation between characters are of great importance to simultaneous traits selection in breeding programs. However, quantification and interpretation of the correlations magnitude do not imply in direct and indirect effects. In this context, the path analysis is presented as an alternative and viable tool for the selection process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations between eight major agronomic characters in pepper lines (C. chinense L.) and its consequences in direct and indirect effects by path analysis. Eight agronomic traits were assessed under field conditions in 22 C. chinense L lines. According to the results, there is a genetic variability among the evaluated lines, whose yield per plant (PY) and total number of fruits (NF) variables are highly correlated with high direct effect on pepper lines yield. The selection of pepper lines with high yield can be accomplished through direct selection or using a suitable selection index, being advantageous to select lines with other characteristics, such as appropriate scion height and diameter for conducting manual and mechanized harvesting. The use of the constant k is efficient to reduce the variance of path coefficients, providing better estimation of the effects that affects yield

    Qualidade de sementes de pimenta durante o armazenamento em diferentes embalagens

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    Após a colheita e secagem, a escolha das melhores condições de armazenamento assume grande importância na conservação da qualidade de sementes. Dentre os diversos fatores envolvidos no armazenamento, a embalagem de acondicionamento exerce grande influência na longevidade de sementes, principalmente para espécies olerícolas, como a pimenta. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de pimenta durante o armazenamento em diferentes embalagens. Foram utilizadas sementes de pimenta variedade Cabacinha. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, sendo três embalagens (saco de alumínio, garrafa PET e saco de papel), dois períodos de armazenamento (6 e 12 meses) e a avaliação inicial antes do armazenamento (tratamento adicional). A qualidade das sementes foi avaliada pelos testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência de plântulas, índice de velocidade de emergência e tempo médio de emergência e pela determinação do teor de água. A qualidade de sementes de pimenta Cabacinha é influenciada pelo tipo de embalagem e pelo tempo o armazenamento. O acondicionamento de sementes de pimenta em embalagem de papel e PET permite a conservação da germinação e vigor durante doze meses de armazenamento. A qualidade de sementes de pimenta é conservada por seis meses quando acondicionadas em embalagem de alumínio


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    Os grãos de pimenta bode são considerados como subproduto do processamento dos frutos, apresentando potencial nutritivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o melhor modelo para descrever as isotermas de adsorção e dessorção dos grãos de pimenta bode nas temperaturas do ar de 30, 35 e 40 °c e umidade relativa de equilíbrio entre 10,54 e 97,27%, bem como o de determinar os valores do calor isostérico integral de sorção em função do teor de água. Para isto, os experimentos de sorção foram realizados pelo método estático gravimétrico em câmara tipo bod, com o uso de soluções salinas saturadas. Diversos modelos matemáticos foram ajustados aos dados experimentais por regressão não linear e a seleção do melhor modelo foi realizada por critérios estatísticos. A partir do modelo obtido, foi calculado o calor isostérico integral de sorção. Pelos resultados pode-se concluir que o modelo de peleg foi recomendado para descrever a adsorção e dessorção dos grãos de pimenta bode para toda faixa de temperatura estudada (30, 35 e 40 °c) nas umidades relativas de equilíbrio entre 10,54 e 97,27%; e os valores obtidos para o calor isostérico de dessorção são maiores que os valores do calor isostérico de adsorção e reduzem com o aumento do teor de água

    Thermodymnamic properties of crambe fruits

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     This study aimed to determine and evaluate the thermodynamic properties of crambe fruit at different equilibrium moisture contents. The dynamic-gravimetric method was used to collect experimental data. Crambe fruits with an initial moisture content of approximately 26% db (dry basis) were used. The thin-layer desorption of the product was conducted at different controlled temperatures (25, 30, 35, 40, and 45°C) and at water activity levels ranging from 0.10 to 0.89 until the product reached the equilibrium moisture content at the specified air condition. In conclusion, the thermodynamic properties of crambe fruit are affected by temperature and moisture content. The isokinetic theory is valid for the desorption process, which is controlled by enthalpy, and the Gibbs free energy is positive at all of the tested temperatures, which indicates that water desorption is not a spontaneous process. 

    Correlations and path analysis for fruit yield in pepper lines (Capsicum chinense L.)

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    Information regarding the correlation between characters are of great importance to simultaneous traits selection in breeding programs. However, quantification and interpretation of the correlations magnitude do not imply in direct and indirect effects. In this context, the path analysis is presented as an alternative and viable tool for the selection process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations between eight major agronomic characters in pepper lines (C. chinense L.) and its consequences in direct and indirect effects by path analysis. Eight agronomic traits were assessed under field conditions in 22 C. chinense L lines. According to the results, there is a genetic variability among the evaluated lines, whose yield per plant (PY) and total number of fruits (NF) variables are highly correlated with high direct effect on pepper lines yield. The selection of pepper lines with high yield can be accomplished through direct selection or using a suitable selection index, being advantageous to select lines with other characteristics, such as appropriate scion height and diameter for conducting manual and mechanized harvesting. The use of the constant k is efficient to reduce the variance of path coefficients, providing better estimation of the effects that affects yield

    Pre-packing cooling and types of packages in maintaining physiological quality of soybean seeds during storage

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    Abstract: Seeds storing under appropriate conditions reduces the speed of the seeds deterioration process. The aim of this study was to evaluate pre-packing cooling and types of packages in the maintenance of the physiological quality of soybean seeds during storage. The completely randomized experimental design was used, with four replications, considering a factorial arrangement involving or not the pre-packing cooling of the seed mass, three types of packages (multi-layer paper bag, big bag, and polyethylene container), and five storing periods (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 months). The physiological quality was evaluated by the tests of first germination count, germination, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, emergence speed index and emergence. The use of packages with larger amount of seeds (big bag and polyethylene container) did not favor the maintenance of the pre-packing cooling temperature. The types of packages did not show significant differences in the seeds viability during storage, up to eight months, regardless the pre-packing cooling. The cultivars seeds showed different tolerance to storing, i.e. seeds of the cultivar TMG 1176 had lower storing potential comparing to the seeds from the cultivar SYN 9074

    Pre-packing cooling and types of packages in maintaining physiological quality of soybean seeds during storage

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    Abstract: Seeds storing under appropriate conditions reduces the speed of the seeds deterioration process. The aim of this study was to evaluate pre-packing cooling and types of packages in the maintenance of the physiological quality of soybean seeds during storage. The completely randomized experimental design was used, with four replications, considering a factorial arrangement involving or not the pre-packing cooling of the seed mass, three types of packages (multi-layer paper bag, big bag, and polyethylene container), and five storing periods (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 months). The physiological quality was evaluated by the tests of first germination count, germination, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, emergence speed index and emergence. The use of packages with larger amount of seeds (big bag and polyethylene container) did not favor the maintenance of the pre-packing cooling temperature. The types of packages did not show significant differences in the seeds viability during storage, up to eight months, regardless the pre-packing cooling. The cultivars seeds showed different tolerance to storing, i.e. seeds of the cultivar TMG 1176 had lower storing potential comparing to the seeds from the cultivar SYN 9074

    Reação de espécies forrageiras ao nematoide das lesões radiculares Pratylenchus brachyurus

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    O Pratylenchus brachyurus, também conhecido como nematoide das lesões radiculares, é um fitonematoide habitante de solo que nas últimas décadas vem causando sérios danos a diversas culturas na região do Cerrado. Em função da atual importância desse nematoide, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a reação de dezenove espécies forrageiras a P. brachyurus. O experimento foi realizado em condições controladas em vasos e delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições. As avaliações foram feitas aos 60 dias após a inoculação e calculado o Fator de Reprodução (FR) e o número de nematoides por grama de raízes. Dentro de um mesmo Gênero, cultivares diferentes apresentaram comportamentos distintos, referentes ao grau de suscetibilidade e resistência ao Pratylenchus brachyurus. Das espécies avaliadas, apenas a Cynodon nlemfuensis, Milheto ‘ENA 01’, B. humidicola, B. brizantha ‘marandu’e o amendoin forrageiro apresentaram fator de reprodução menor que 1, sendo consideradas resistentes ao nematoide

    Physiological maturity and drying speed in the quality of zucchini ( Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds

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    Abstract: Harvesting and drying are essential procedures to obtain high quality seeds as well as for their conservation during storage. The goal of this research was to identify the physiological maturity stage and to verify the effect of drying speeds on the quality of zucchini seeds. A completely randomized design in a 3x2x2 factor scheme was used, involving three fruit maturation stages (49, 56 and 63 days after anthesis - DAA), two drying speeds (slow and quick) and two storage periods (0 and 6 months). Seed quality was evaluated by germination, first count, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, tetrazolium, seedling emergence, emergence speed index and seed health test. Moisture content, thousand seed mass and percentage full seeds were also evaluated. Zucchini seeds reach maximum quality at 49 DAA. Slow or quick drying and storage do not affect the physiological quality of seeds that were harvested at 49 DAA. The delayed harvest of fruits reduces the quality of seeds. Quick drying reduces the incidence of the fungi Alternaria, Cladosporium, Phoma and Fusarium, and increases the occurrence of Aspergillus and Penicillium