1,559 research outputs found

    Narratives about the insertion of male teachers in the early childhood education: deviant sexualities, heteronormativity and masculinization of the education

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    Based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Oral History and Gender as an analytical category, this article analyzes the insertion of male teachers in Early Childhood Education. Two physical education teachers and two directors of the private school system participated in this study. From the memories of the deponents it was possible to perceive that the presence of men in Early Childhood Education was legitimized by the \u27need\u27 of a masculine reference for the children. Despite this, the deponents reported that they had their sexuality put under suspicion, after all, they would be breaking gender norms for the male gender

    A note about a new method for solving Riccati differential equations

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    Al Bastami, Belić, and Petrović (2010) proposed a new method to find solutions to some Riccati differential equations. Initially, they obtain a second-order linear ordinary differential equation (ODE) through a standard variable change in the Riccati equation. They then propose a new variable change and discuss the resolution of the resulting ODE in two cases. In the first one, the resulting ODE has constant coefficients. In the second case, they claim that it is possible to arbitrarily choose one of the resulting ODE coefficients and solve particular Riccati ODEs. We show in this work that all Riccati equations that belong to the first case can also be solved by Chini’s method. Furthermore, we show that any Riccati equation fits the second case and that the choice of the resulting ODE coefficients is not free


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    “We cannot cross our arms in the face of the plastic and psychic disfigurement of humanity”: the Physical Education in the Eugenia of Renato Kehl (1917-1929)

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    Este texto analisa as relações entre Eugenia e Educação Física nas obras de Renato Ferraz Kehl, publicadas entre 1917 e 1929. Atraído pelo interesse de popularizar a Eugenia no Brasil, Renato Kehl investia na “Educação Eugênica” e via, nas atividades ginásticas, mecanismos eficazes de pedagogização de preceitos eugênicos. Com o apoio da Educação Física, Kehl construía modelos normativos de masculinidade, bem como difundia a beleza física como atribuição feminina. Filiado à “Eugenia positiva”, seu projeto de educação para a beleza eugênica defendia o ensino da seleção sexual como forma de assegurar o casamento entre cônjuges fisicamente eugênicos.This text analyzes the relations between Eugenia and physical education in the works of Renato Ferraz Kehl, published between 1917 and 1929. Attracted by the interest of popularizing Eugenia in Brazil, Renato Kehl invested in “Eugenic Education” and saw in the activities mechanisms for pedagogizing Eugenic precepts. With the support of Physical Education, Kehl constructed normative models of masculinity as well as diffused physical beauty as a feminine attribution. Affiliated to “Eugenia positivo”, her eugenic beauty education project advocated the teaching of sexual selection as a way to ensure marriage between physically eugenic spouses

    Na relação entre eugenia e “Educação Physica”: a construção das noções eugênicas de beleza

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    Este estudo discute o processo de construção de uma sensibilidade para a beleza eugênica atrelada à Educação Physica. Para isso, buscamos em “A cura da Fealdade”, obra eugenista datada de 1923 e escrita por Renato Kehl, um capítulo intitulado “Saúde, Beleza, Robustez e a Educação Physica”. Nessas páginas, encontramos um condensado de imagens e textos que perpassam a ciência e o mito. Identificamos diversos elementos capazes de auxiliar em um processo de educação das noções de corpo. Percebemos subsídios que possibilitam a construção de uma sensibilidade acerca das atividades físicas e sua relação com o ideal eugênico de beleza

    Mulheres atletas de futsal: estratégias de resistência e permanência no esporte

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    Apoiado nos pressupostos teórico/metodológicos da “História Oral” e dos “Acervos Pessoais”, este texto analisa o protagonismo de um grupo de mulheres atletas na construção de uma das melhores equipes de Futsal Feminino do Brasil, nos anos 2000. Ao forjarem uma rede de estratégias que investiu em participação em eventos sociais, vínculos com patrocinadores, criação e manutenção de escolinhas pedagógicas e na conquista de espaços midiáticos, as atletas se posicionaram como sujeitos daquela prática e, com isso, problematizaram as clássicas representações do Futsal, cujos sentidos são permeados por marcas de masculinidade. Ao mesmo tempo em que tensionam os atravessamentos de gênero no esporte, investem em um meticuloso processo de vigília que incide normativamente sobre seus corpos e suas condutas

    Star Wars - an episodes battle

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    Mlodinow (2008) proposed a crazy market experiment: to release the same film under two titles: Star Wars: Episode A and Star Wars: Episode B. Their marketing campaigns and distribution schedule are identical except by their titles on trailers and ads. He looks at the first 20,000 moviegoers and record the film they choose to see. He claims it is most probable the lead never changes, and it is 88 times more likely that one of the two films will be int the lead through all 20,000 customers than it is that the lead continuously seesaw. We present a detailed mathematical explanation for Mlodinow claims

    Reproductive biology of Parkia platycephala Benth (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, clado mimosoide) / Biologia reprodutiva de Parkia platycephala Benth (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, clado mimosoide)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the reproductive biology of Parkia platycephala, a tree that occurs in the Cerrado biome (savanna-like tree vegetation), in Maranhão State, Northeast Brazil. The species is self-incompatible and under natural conditions fecundity is low. In Maranhão, P. platycephala blooms from June to August and set fruits from September to October. Flowers are inserted into ball-like capitulum with long peduncle and are of two types: the apex of the capitulum is functionally male and contains nectar-producing flowers, while basal flowers are hermaphrodite and do not produce nectar. Pollen grains are grouped in permanent indissoluble polyad. Anthesis is nocturnal and begins around 17:00h. The main resource offered by flowers to visitors is nectar produced by apical flowers. The unit of pollination is the capitulum visited by nectarivorous bats. Three species of bats were record visiting flowers: Phyllostomus hastatus (Phyllostominae) Carolia perspicillata (Carollinae) and Glossophaga soricina (Glossophaginae).The aim of this study was to investigate the reproductive biology of Parkia platycephala, a tree that occurs in the Cerrado biome (savanna-like tree vegetation), in Maranhão State, Northeast Brazil. The species is self-incompatible and under natural conditions fecundity is low. In Maranhão, P. platycephala blooms from June to August and set fruits from September to October. Flowers are inserted into ball-like capitulum with long peduncle and are of two types: the apex of the capitulum is functionally male and contains nectar-producing flowers, while basal flowers are hermaphrodite and do not produce nectar. Pollen grains are grouped in permanent indissoluble polyad. Anthesis is nocturnal and begins around 17:00h. The main resource offered by flowers to visitors is nectar produced by apical flowers. The unit of pollination is the capitulum visited by nectarivorous bats. Three species of bats were record visiting flowers: Phyllostomus hastatus (Phyllostominae) Carolia perspicillata (Carollinae) and Glossophaga soricina (Glossophaginae)

    “Mais um belo modelo da nova geração que a Educação Física está construindo no Brasil”: sadio, forte, belo e branco

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    This article analyzes the absence of the black body as representation of male beauty in the magazine Educa-ção Physica between 1939 and 1944, period in which Hollanda Loyola, renowned professor and member of the Ação Integralista Brasileira, led the journal’s technical direction. The debate proposed by the magazine, more  than  somewhat,  determined  the  standards  and  representation  of  the  male  body,  guided  by  moral  and legitimated by scientifi c arguments, presenting in their publications the idea of beauty as an attribute solely of white bodies.  As a possibility, representations of black beauty were unheard of, electing for that, white men who were hard workers and strong, had families and were able to generate a prosperous future for Brazil, either through workforce or by producing healthy offspring. Intending to build an image of an homogeneous country, it was necessary to make the political, cultural and ethnic diversity less evident as a way of building a national identity. Thus the magazine disregarded “men of color” and all those who fell away from the centrality of white bodies.Este artigo analisa a ausência do corpo negro nas representações de beleza masculina construídas pela revista Educação Physica, entre 1939 e 1944, período em que a direção técnica do periódico ficou ao cargo de Hollanda Loyola, renomado professor e integrante da Ação Integralista Brasileira. O debate proposto pela revista teria produzido representações reguladoras do corpo masculino, pautadas em concepções morais e legitimadas por argumentos científicos, sustentando a ideia de beleza enquanto atributo próprio dos corpos brancos. Como efeito, possíveis representações de beleza negra foram impensadas, elegendo como representantes homens brancos, trabalhadores, fortes, pais de família, capazes de gerar o futuro próspero para o Brasil, seja via força de trabalho ou pela formação de uma prole sã. Sob a intenção de se construir a imagem de um país homogêneo, fez-se necessário tornar menos evidente a diversidade política, cultural e étnico-racial como forma de construir uma identidade nacional, assim, a revista coloca à margem os “homens de cor” e todos aqueles que se distanciam da centralidade dos corpos brancos

    Gender, culture and leisure: investigative potential and challenges of their connections

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    Ancorado nos estudos de gênero pós-estruturalistas e nos estudos queer, especialmente naqueles que se articulam, no campo da educação, às teorizações de Michel Foucault e aos estudos culturais, este texto apresenta e discute princípios, pressupostos e ferramentas teórico-metodológicas com as quais temos trabalhado, para conectá-los a temas e questões que dizem respeito aos estudos sobre e no lazer. Para tanto, ao tomarmos a cultura como elemento constituinte do lazer e ponto de articulação com os estudos de gênero e com os estudos culturais, foi possível produzir um conjunto de problematizações que nos permitem colocar em suspeição, desde as práticas de significação que disputam o que é lícito no lazer, até os fenômenos e práticas que escapam às normativas e produzem outras possibilidades de (re) existência no / pelo lazer.Anchored in post-structuralist gender studies as well as in queer studies, especially in those that are related to the education field, to Michel Foucault's studies and, to cultural studies, this text presents and discusses principles, assumptions and, theoretical-methodological tools which we have been working with, to connect them to themes and issues related to studies about leisure and studies in leisure. Therefore, by taking culture as a constituent element of leisure and a connection with gender studies and cultural studies, it was possible to produce a set of problematizations that allow us to question not only practices of meaning that dispute what is suitable in leisure but also the phenomena and practices that escape the norm and produce other possibilities of (re) existence in / at leisure