62 research outputs found

    Strategies for eating and body change among Brazilian women and men

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    Our study was conducted to adapt the Body Image and Body Change Inventory (BIBCI) for Portuguese; to evaluate the BIBCI's psychometric properties in samples of university students; to calculate the prevalence of strategies for eating and body change among students; and to evaluate the impact of demographic, social, and anthropometric characteristics on the BIBCI subscales.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Examination of the factorial model of a scale developed to assess body satisfaction in the Brazilian context: a study with people 18 to 40 years old

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    Purpose Confirmatory factor analysis was employed to investigate an instrument developed to assess body satisfaction of Brazilian women and men and to identify participants’ body satisfaction level. Methods Brazilian young adults completed the Body Satisfaction Situational Scale and a sociodemographic questionnaire. A total of 1481 individuals (female = 1035; male = 446) aged between 18 and 40 years old participated in the study. Factorial, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability were evaluated. An invariance test was performed across sexes using multi-group analysis. The prevalence of body satisfaction among participants was calculated using the final models of the instrument. Results The complete model of the scale (23 items and four factors) was invariant across sexes, but it did not fit the samples even after refinement. Therefore, a theoretical investigation of the scale content was performed based on literature. Thus, a reduced model composed of two factors and ten items was found for each sex. These models showed good validity and reliability to independent samples. About prevalence, most of the women were not at all satisfied with body fat and most of the men were slightly satisfied with body musculature. Further, women and men were moderately satisfied with their face, hair, and skin. Conclusion A reduced model of the instrument for women and another for men showed adequate indices of construct validity and reliability to samples. The most participants were not very satisfied with their bodies. The results can be useful to develop protocols aiming to promote body satisfaction. Level of evidence Level V, descriptive cross-sectional study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What are the motives underlying Brazilians' food choices? An analysis of the Food Choice Questionnaire and its relationship with different sample characteristics

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    ABSTRACT: The first aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ)—using the original model—in a sample of 1480 Brazilian adults (69.5% female). The second aim was to rank the reasons underlying the participants' food choices using average FCQ scores and 95% confidence interval. The third aim was to evaluate the relationship between food choice motives and sample characteristics using multiple logistic regression and odds ratios. The validity, the invariance across different groups, and the reliability of the FCQ were confirmed for the sample. Sensory appeal and price emerged as the most important reasons, while ethical concern was the least valued. The factors associated with greater odds of choosing food for specific reasons were being older, female, and a student; practicing physical activity; dieting frequently; self-rating eating quality as good; having a higher body mass index; and having low income. Practical Applications Assessing food choice is a complex task, as it encompasses several factors, such as sensory characteristics, health status, income, culture, lifestyle, and cognitive-affective issues; therefore, the use of appropriate tools should be encouraged. The set analyses followed confirmed that the FCQ was an adequate instrument to evaluate the reasons for food choice of the participants who valued strongly the sensory aspects of the foods and presented specific characteristics (e.g., diet practice) that may influence their decisions. These findings may guide future research and clinical interventions aimed at producing food choices that are more oriented to health and well-being.FAPESPinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Portuguese Adaptation of the Teruel Orthorexia Scale and a Test of Its Utility with Brazilian Young Adults

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    The aims for this study were to perform a Portuguese language cross-cultural adaptation of the Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS) and to evaluate the scale's psychometric properties, including verifying the frequency of behaviors characteristic of orthorexia nervosa and healthy orthorexia, among a group of Brazilian gym users. First, we adapted the Spanish version of the TOS to the Brazilian Portuguese language following international protocols to guarantee idiomatic, semantic, conceptual, and cultural equivalence. Then participants completed both the new Portuguese version of the TOS and a socioeconomic questionnaire. Among our sample of 226 young Brazilian adults (63.7% men; M age = 28.8, SD = 5.1 years), we assessed the bi-factorial model of the TOS through factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity, reliability, and factorial invariance. We calculated the mean scores of the TOS factors and the frequency of behaviors of both orthorexia nervosa and healthy orthorexia. The new Portuguese version was well understood by participants, and the TOS bi-factorial model presented adequate psychometric properties and showed invariance in independent subsamples and in men and women. The mean scores were different between sexes only for orthorexia nervosa, with women obtaining higher values. The frequency of orthorexia nervosa behaviors was 5.3% and of healthy orthorexia was 41.2%. Based on these findings, the Brazilian Portuguese version of the TOS can be a useful tool for investigating orthorexia-like behaviors in future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of body and orofacial appearance on life satisfaction among Brazilian adults

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    Aims 1. to elaborate a general model of physical appearance taking into account body image (BI) and orofacial appearance (OA) components; and 2. to evaluate the impact of BI and OA on life satisfaction among Brazilian adults. Methods This is a cross-sectional observational study. The cognitive, behavioral, affective, and satisfaction/ dissatisfaction aspects of BI, the satisfaction and psychosocial impact of OA, and life satisfaction were evaluated by self-reported psychometric scales. Principal Component Analysis and Parallel Analysis were performed. Structural equation models were elaborated to estimate the impact of BI and OA on life satisfaction. The fit of the models was verified and the significance of the path estimates (β) was evaluated using z-tests (α = 5%). Results A total of 1,940 individuals participated in the study (age: mean = 24.8, standard deviation = 5.7 years; females = 70.1%). In the male sample, three physical appearance factors were retained (OA, cognitive and behavioral components of BI, and affective and satisfaction/dissatisfaction components of BI). In the female sample, two factors were retained (OA and all components of BI). All factors had significant impact on life satisfaction (β = |0.26|-|0.48|, p<0.001) in both samples. Individuals dissatisfied with BI and OA had lower levels of life satisfaction. For men, the affective and satisfaction components of BI had a greater impact on life satisfaction (β = 0.48, p<0.001) than the other factors (β =] -0.30;-0.25[, p<0.001). For women, both BI and OA had a similar impact (BI: β = -0.30, p<0.001; OA: β = -0.32, p<0.001). Conclusion BI and OA formed distinct clusters in the physical appearance evaluation. Physical appearance was perceived differently by men and women, fostering discussion about the sociocultural construction of the body. BI and OA had a significant impact on life satisfaction and should be considered in assessment and treatment protocols.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Abbreviated version in Portuguese-speaking adults from three different countries

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    To evaluate the validity, reliability and invariance of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Abbreviated version (WHOQOL-Bref) in Portuguese-speaking adults from three different countries.Objetivo: Avaliar a validade, a confiabilidade e a invariância do World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version (WHOQOL-Bref) em adultos de três diferentes países de língua portuguesa. Métodos: Um total de 4.020 indivíduos brasileiros, portugueses e moçambicanos participaram do estudo. A amostra total foi dividida em quatro amostras: pacientes brasileiros (n = 1.120), estudantes brasileiros (n = 1.398), estudantes portugueses (n = 1.165) e estudantes moçambicanos (n = 337). A validade fatorial do WHOQOL-Bref foi avaliada por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória. As validades convergente e discriminante do instrumento foram avaliadas utilizando a variância média extraída (VEM) e o quadrado do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r2), respectivamente. A confiabilidade composta e o coeficiente alfa ordinal foram utilizados como medidas de confiabilidade. As invariâncias métrica, escalar e estrita do WHOQOL-Bref foram avaliadas por análise multi-grupos em subamostras independentes (dentro de cada amostra) e somente entre Brasil e Portugal (transnacional), porque o modelo configuracional de Moçambique era diferente. Resultados: O modelo original do WHOQOL-Bref não apresentou bom ajustamento para as amostras. Diferentes itens foram excluídos para ajustar o instrumento em cada amostra (modelos diferentes para o WHOQOL-Bref entre amostras brasileiras, portuguesas e moçambicanas). A VEM e o r2 não foram adequados; entretanto, a confiabilidade do WHOQOL-Bref foi boa, exceto na amostra moçambicana. A invariância foi encontrada apenas em subamostras independentes. Conclusão: Os modelos ajustados do WHOQOL-Bref apresentaram adequada validade fatorial e invariância em subamostras independentes. A não invariância transnacional do WHOQOL-Bref revela a influência da cultura na operacionalização do construto qualidade de vida.FAPESP; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30: factorial models to Brazilian cancer patients

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    Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties of the seven theoretical models proposed in the literature for European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30), when applied to a sample of Brazilian cancer patients. Methods Content and construct validity (factorial, convergent, discriminant) were estimated. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Convergent validity was analyzed using the average variance extracted. Discriminant validity was analyzed using correlational analysis. Internal consistency and composite reliability were used to assess the reliability of instrument. Results A total of 1,020 cancer patients participated. The mean age was 53.3±13.0 years, and 62% were female. All models showed adequate factorial validity for the study sample. Convergent and discriminant validities and the reliability were compromised in all of the models for all of the single items referring to symptoms, as well as for the "physical function" and "cognitive function" factors. Conclusion All theoretical models assessed in this study presented adequate factorial validity when applied to Brazilian cancer patients. The choice of the best model for use in research and/or clinical protocols should be centered on the purpose and underlying theory of each model.FAPESPinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social Appearance Anxiety Scale: A psychometric investigation and evaluation of the influence of individual characteristics on social appearance anxiety in Brazilian adults who practice physical exercise

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    fntroduction: Evaluating signs of anxiety related to body appearance is becoming increasingly important in contemporary society and, in this sense, the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (SAAS) seems an interesting alternative of measurement. Objectives: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the SAAS when applied to Brazilian adults who practice physical exercise and verify the influence of individual characteristics on participants’ social appearance anxiety. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted online. The participants completed the SAAS and a demographic questionnaire. The psychometric properties of the SAAS one-factor model were evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. A structural model was built for men and women to verify the influence of individual characteristics of the participants on social appearance anxiety. Results: 1,495 individuals participated in the study (70.8% women; mean age  =  29.5, SD  =  8.9  years). The data obtained with the SAAS presented good indicators of validity and reliability for both genders (CFI  >  0.97, TLI  >  0.97, SRMR  =  0.04, α  >  0.97, ω  >  0.85). For both men and women, greater levels of social appearance anxiety were observed among younger participants, who had a higher body mass index, self-reported an eating disorder, and perceived a change in their body after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. For women specifically, higher income and having started physical exercise more recently were associated with greater levels of social appearance anxiety. Conclusion: The findings supported the validity and reliability of the data obtained with the SAAS and revealed that when investigating social appearance anxiety in uture research and clinical protocols, specific individual characteristics should be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigating method effects associated with the wording direction of items of the Social Physique Anxiety Scale

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    Purpose The use of psychometric instruments to measure latent concepts is common. The development of these instruments usually involves mechanisms to reduce response bias, such as the inclusion of reversed items. The aim of this study was to investigate method efects related to the wording direction of the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS) items, a onedimensional instrument that assesses individual’s level of anxiety when others observe their body. Methods In total, 152 Brazilian adults (65.8% female) answered 2 formats of the SPAS: the original with 12 items (7 regular and 5 reversed); and a new format with all items written in the same direction (i.e., regular). Both formats were flled out at diferent times and alternately. Diferential item functioning analysis (DIF) and confrmatory factor analysis were conducted. Results The original SPAS did not ft the data, but after allowing covariances between all reversed items, the ft improved. The wording efect was supported by the DIF, indicating a better ft to the data for the new format with all items worded in the same direction. Conclusion The wording of the SPAS items had efect on the psychometric properties of instrument. When the wording of the reversed items was modifed, the factor model ftted the data. Future studies should take these fndings into account and evaluate the SPAS with all items worded in the same direction in diferent contexts. Level of evidence Descriptive (cross-sectional) study, Level V.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationship between attention to body shape, social physique anxiety, and personal characteristics of Brazilians: A structural equation model

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    Abstract: People can develop eating disorders due to excessive body image concerns. The primary objective of this study was to examine the relationship between attention to body shape, social physique anxiety, and personal characteristics in a sample of Brazilians. The secondary objective was to evaluate the correlation of the constructs with the participants’ body composition. First, 1795 individuals (70% female; Mage = 25.5 ± 6.6 years) completed the Attention to Body Shape Scale, the Social Physique Anxiety Scale, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Then, 286 participants (58% female; Mage = 25.3 ± 5.7 years) underwent a bioimpedance exam to identify body composition. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate the relationship between the variables. The greater the attention to body shape, the greater the expectations of negative physical evaluation and the less comfort with physical presentation. Younger age, female gender, consumption of supplements/substances for body change, restrictive diets, physical inactivity, poor self-assessment of food quality, and overweight/obesity were related to negative body concerns. An expectation of negative physical evaluation was positively correlated with body fat and negatively with muscle mass. Comfort with physical presentation was negatively correlated with fat and positively with muscle. These results can support preventive strategies aimed at reducing eating disorders resulting from body image concerns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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