5,945 research outputs found

    Investors' perspective on portfolio insurance : expected utility vs prospect theories

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    This study supports the use of behavioural finance to explain the popularity of portfolio insurance. Portfolio insurance strategies are important financial solutions sold to institutional and individual investors, that protect against downside risk while maintaining some upside valuation potential. The way some of these strategies are engineered has been criticised, and portfolio insurance itself blamed for increasing market volatility in depressed markets. Despite this, investors keep on buying portfolio insurance that has a solid market share. This study contributes to understand the phenomenon. We compare investors' decision using two distinct frameworks: expected utility theory and behavioural theories. Based upon Monte Carlo simulation techniques we compare portfolio insurance strategies against uninsured basic benchmark strategies. We conclude that cumulative prospect theory may be a viable framework to explain the popularity of portfolio insurance. However, among portfolio insurance strategies, naïve strategies seem to be preferable to most commonly traded strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assuntos polêmicos - desafios à formação Bioética de professores de Ciências e Biologia

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    O presente estudo analisou como os licenciandos lidam com temas polêmicos e como a ênfase em sua formação relaciona-se com a habilidade em tratá-los no ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Tal estudo é parte integrante de uma pesquisa mais ampla, desenvolvida em um projeto de doutorado já finalizado. A incorporação da Bioética no percurso de formação dos professores de Ciências e Biologia, numa metodologia de aprendizagem ativa, com oportunidades de lidar e tematizar dilemas ético-morais seria uma adequada maneira de prepará-los para o seu fazer docente, contribuindo na discussão de temas controversos e instrumentalizando seus alunos ao exercício de tomada de posição e a conquista da cidadania ativa

    Traditional wooden buildings in Portugal: the Avieira house

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    The presence of wood in structural applications in construction was constant in Portugal until the end of the XIXth and early XXth centuries. Wood was used since the first constructions when the available resources were scarce and it continues to be present in vernacular buildings and areas whose heritage value requires their preservation. The wood as a structural material is now uncommon in residential buildings in Portugal. It often appears as partial constructive element (particularly in roof structures and floors) and occasionally as integral constructive element. In the latter case, on the vast majority of situations, it appears as a culturally decontextualized constructive system since it lost any connection with traditional solutions using wood

    Reabilitação de casas tradicionais em madeira do litoral norte e centro de Portugal.

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    A actividade de reabilitação tem ganho uma crescente posição no sector da construção, não só em termos quantitativos, mas também em termos qualitativos, já que se verifica uma evolução das tecnologias utilizadas, nomeadamente, integrando soluções pouco invasivas. Utilizam-se cada vez mais materiais naturais tradicionais, como a pedra e a madeira, recuperando técnicas ancestrais. Neste artigo procura-se demonstrar como construções de madeira reagem perante condições de exposição severas, como são as existentes nas zonas costeiras, onde os níveis freáticos são elevados e é necessário oferecer condições de salubridade e conforto às pessoas que nelas habitam. Em particular, é analisado um tipo de habitação denominada de Palheiros, que sendo originalmente associado às actividades piscatórias, aparece hoje em dia como habitação de uso sazonal e de recreio. No sentido de se avaliar as potencialidades da recuperação destas construções em madeira nas zonas litorais, identificam-se e analisam-se os dados históricos locais de modo a compreender o processo construtivo (passado e actual), as patologias, os materiais de construção aplicados e o seu desempenho de forma a incrementar a viabilidade actual das construções. Para se alcançar este objectivo, procedeu-se à elaboração de ensaios higrotérmicos de modo a criar elementos de apoio que possam contribuir para as estratégias de melhoria de habitabilidade destas casas.The activity of rehabilitation is gaining ground in the construction industry, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively, due to an evolution of the involved technologies, namely using minimally invasive solutions. The use of natural traditional materials like stone and wood, recovering ancient techniques is increasing more and more. The aim of this publication is to show how wood constructions react under severe exposure conditions, such as the ones existing in coastal areas, where groundwater levels are high and its necessary to provide salubrity and comfort conditions for the inhabitants. In particular, it is analysed a type of housing called Palheiros, which was originally associated with fishing activities, and appears nowadays as housing for seasonal and recreational use. In order to evaluate the potential of these wood constructions in the coastal areas, we identify and analyse the local historical data as a tool to understand the construction process (past and present), the pathologies, the construction materials and their behaviour to increase the contemporary viability of these constructions. In order to achieve this objective, on-site assessments of hygrothermal performance that is expected to create supportive elements that contribute to the improvement of the living of these wood house

    Biodiesel from beef tallow: a technological patent mapping / Biodiesel de sebo bovino: um mapeamento de patente tecnológica

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    Beef tallow has become indispensable for the production of biodiesel since the introduction of biofuel manufacturing methods. The objective of this study is to create a technological map of patents that have employed bovine tallow in the manufacturing of biodiesel over the last ten years (2009–2019). The methodological approach was established using a bibliographic survey and a content analysis, in which keywords from the European Patent Office's (Espacenet) and Derwent Innovations Index databases were employed (DII). After a preliminary examination, 34 patents were found, divided into eight patent families, with China being the largest repository of these technologies, suggesting that the companies that promoted the use of beef tallow as a fuel had diversified completely, with no monopoly on technological content for a specific group of institutions

    Experimental validation of a constructive system for earthquake resistance of masonry infill walls

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    Este artigo apresenta o trabalho experimental desenvolvido na Universidade do Minho para a validação de uma solução de paredes de enchimento de alvenaria em edifícios de betão armado. É apresentado o processo de validação experimental baseado em ensaios cíclicos no plano e fora do plano, onde se verifica a influência da presença da parede de enchimento no comportamento global do sistema. Estes ensaios foram realizados em provetes de escala reduzida (1:1,5). Todos os ensaios foram realizados em controlo de deslocamento, utilizando um padrão de carregamento definido com base nas recomendações da FEMA 461.This article, presents the experimental work carried out at the University of Minho for the validation of constructive system of masonry infill walls in reinforced concrete buildings. It is showed the experimental validation process, based on cyclic tests for in-plane and out-of-plane directions, where it evaluates the influence of the masonry infill wall on the overall system behaviour. These experimental tests were performed in reduced scale specimens (1: 1.5). All tests were performed in displacement control using a load pattern based on the FEMA 461 recommendations.Sétimo Programa-Quadro da União Europeia para a investigação, desenvolvimento tecnológico e demonstração nos termos do acordo de subvenção Nº 606229FCT (Fundação Portuguesa para Ciência e Tecnologia), através do projeto ISISE, UID/ECI/04029/201