121 research outputs found

    Análise do Programa Agentes Locais de Inovação no Processo de Inovação das Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Setor de Comércio Varejista do Estado de Pernambuco

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    The Agentes Locais de Inovação Program (ALI) aims to help micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the improvement of actions geared toward innovation, following the indications of the Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio à Micro e Pequena Empresa, which operates in accordance with the public policy of innovation to promote the economic growth of enterprises. The objective of this study was to analyze how the Program ALI is favoring the advancement of innovation actions of MSEs in the industry of retail trade of clothes, in the metropolitan region of Recife, in the 2015-2017 cycle. The study has a quantitative approach and descriptive purpose, and structured collection and longitudinal. The questionnaire is the instrument applied by the Program ALI and is based on the Innovation Radar tool. The results indicate that the goal of the Program ALI was achieved because the MSEs are leaving the position of innovation, developers headed to the position of that innovate systematically.O Programa Agentes Locais de Inovação (ALI) objetiva ajudar as Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPEs) na melhoria de ações voltadas para inovação, seguindo as indicações do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio à Micro e Pequena Empresa (SEBRAE), que atua em acordo com a política pública de inovação voltada a promover o crescimento econômico das empresas atendidas. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar como o Programa ALI está favorecendo o avanço de ações de inovação de MPEs do setor de comércio varejista de vestuário, na Região Metropolitana de Recife, no ciclo 2015–2017. O estudo possui abordagem quantitativa e finalidade descritiva, e coleta estruturada e longitudinal. O questionário é o instrumento aplicado pelo Programa ALI e se fundamenta na ferramenta Radar de Inovação. Os resultados indicam que o objetivo do Programa ALI foi alcançado, pois as MPEs estão saindo da posição de desenvolvedoras de inovação, indo para a posição das que inovam sistematicamente

    A hospital-based matched case-control study to identify clinical outcome and risk factors associated with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection

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    Background: Healthcare-associated infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates are increasing and few effective antibiotics are currently available to treat patients. We observed decreased carbapenem susceptibility among K. pneumoniae isolated from patients at a tertiary private hospital that showed a phenotype compatible with carbapenemase production although this group of enzymes was not detected in any sample. the aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology and clinical outcomes associated with carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae and to determine the antimicrobial resistance mechanisms.Methods: Risk factors associated with carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae infections were investigated by a matched case-control study from January 2006 through August 2008. A cohort study was also performed to evaluate the association between carbapenem resistance and in-hospital mortality. Bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility were determined by Vitek 2 and Etest. Carbapenemase activity was detected using spectrophotometric assays. Production of beta-lactamases and alterations in genes encoding K. pneumoniae outer membrane proteins, OmpK35 and OmpK36, were analyzed by PCR and DNA sequencing, as well as SDS-Page. Genetic relatedness of carbapenem resistant isolates was evaluated by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis.Results: Sixty patients were included (20 cases and 40 controls) in the study. Mortality was higher for patients with carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae infections compared with those with carbapenem-susceptible K. pneumoniae (50.0% vs 25.7%). the length of central venous catheter use was independently associated with carbapenem resistance in the multivariable analysis. All strains, except one, carried bla(CTX-M-2), an extended-spectrum betalactamase gene. in addition, a single isolate also possessed bla(GES-1). Genes encoding plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamases or carbapenemases (KPC, metallo-betalactamases or OXA-carbapenemases) were not detected.Conclusions: the K. pneumoniae multidrug-resistant organisms were associated with significant mortality. the mechanisms associated with decreased K. pneumoniae carbapenem susceptibility were likely due to the presence of cephalosporinases coupled with porin alterations, which resulted from the presence of the insertion sequences in the outer membrane encoding genes.Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Israelita Albert EinsteinHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Infect Control Unit, BR-05652000 São Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Microbiol Lab, BR-05651901 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP EPM, Div Infect Dis, BR-04024002 São Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Intens Care Unit, BR-05651901 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP EPM, Div Infect Dis, BR-04024002 São Paulo, BrazilInstituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Israelita Albert Einstein: 449.08Web of Scienc

    IMPROVISANDO EM REDE: experiências de composição em tempo real na Pandemia

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    We share in this article reflections on the field of improvisation in dance and real time composition in dialogue with authors who study these themes. Then, we present some game procedures adopted in the investigations about dance improvisation developed in the year 2020 during the period of social isolation imposed by the world pandemic of COVID-19; as well as the considerations arising from these experiences. The improvisation games were performed in two types of virtual environments: instant messaging applications and videoconferencing platforms.Compartilhamos neste artigo reflexões sobre o campo da improvisação em dança e da composição em tempo real dialogando com autores que estudam estas temáticas. Apresentamos, em seguida, alguns procedimentos de jogo adotados nas investigações sobre improvisação desenvolvidas no ano de 2020, durante o período de isolamento social imposto pela pandemia mundial de COVID-19; assim como as considerações decorrentes destas experiências. Os jogos de improvisação foram realizados em dois tipos de ambientes virtuais: em aplicativos de mensagem instantânea e em plataformas de videoconferência.Palavras-chave: Dança, Improvisação, Composição em tempo real, Procedimentos de Jogo

    Percepção de agentes operadores do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar a percepção de agentes operadores sobre o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal e quali-quantitativo desenvolvido em amostra não probabilística e selecionada por conveniência em um evento promovido pelo Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação em 2015 no Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados com o auxílio de um questionário cujas questões se relacionavam a categorias pré-definidas relacionadas ao Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. O questionário foi respondido por 43 nutricionistas, 41 membros do Conselho de Alimentação Escolar e 16 gestores da alimentação escolar de 38 municípios do Rio de Janeiro. A análise das narrativas foi baseada em referenciais de análise cognitiva de políticas públicas. A associação entre as variáveis foi investigada com o teste qui-quadrado, sendo calculado o poder do teste das associações. RESULTADOS: A percepção da execução do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar foi caracterizada por alguns desafios: 1) baixo quantitativo de nutricionistas para atender à demanda das escolas; 2) baixa adesão à chamada pública para compra de produtos da agricultura familiar por dificuldades burocráticas e insuficiência de produção local de alimentos; 3) reduzida abrangência das ações de educação alimentar e nutricional pela restrição dos recursos humanos, materiais e financeiros; e 4) limitação na atuação do Conselho de Alimentação Escolar por oferta insuficiente de capacitação e de transporte para as visitas regulares. A adequação do quantitativo de nutricionistas mostrou associação estatisticamente significante com a compra de produtos da agricultura familiar (p = 0,002; poder = 99%) e com as atividades de educação alimentar e nutricional (p = 0,021; poder = 79%).OBJECTIVE: Identify the perception operating agents have on the Brazilian National School Feeding Program METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional and quali-quantitative study developed in non-probability and convenience sampling selected in an event promoted by the National Fund for Educational Development in 2015 in Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected through questions related to pre-defined categories concerning the National School Feeding Program. The questionnaire was answered by 43 nutritionists, 41 members of the School Feeding Board, and 16 school feeding administrators from 38 cities of Rio de Janeiro. The narrative analysis was based on benchmarks of cognitive analysis of public policies. The association among variables was investigated with chi-square test, being calculated the power for association testing. RESULTS: The perception of the implementation of the National School Feeding Program has been characterized by some challenges: 1) low number of nutritionists to meet the demand from schools; 2) low adhesion to the public call for the purchase of family farming products due to bureaucratic difficulties and insufficient local food production; 3) reduced coverage of food and nutritional measures due to the restriction of human, material and financial resources; and 4) limitation of the participation of the School Feeding Board due to insufficient training and transport for regular visits. The adequacy of the number of nutritionists showed statistically significant association with the purchase of family farming products (p = 0.002; power = 99%) and with the food and nutritional education activities (p = 0.021; power = 79%). CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate the need for employment of nutritionist in sufficient numbers to meet the demands of the National School Feeding Program, investment in educational activities of healthy eating in schools, training of the School Feeding Board, greater availability of vehicles for school visits and assistance to family farmers in order to facilitate their participation in programs of institutional purchases and encourage the diversification of production

    mall airways in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: why ignore them on spirometry report?

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    De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) foi a quarta causa de morte em todo o mundo em 2012. O distúrbio das pequenas vias aéreas é um elemento importante na DPOC. O estreitamento das pequenas vias aéreas é a causa principal de aumento da resistência do fluxo de ar na DPOC. Há evidências que lesões das vias aéreas pequenas ocorrem no início da história natural da DPOC. Assim, é importante que a espirometria e outros testes, como a oscilometria de impulso, sejam usados para o diagnóstico de doenças das pequenas vias aéreas. No laudo de espirometria, as medidas do fluxo expiratório médio máximo (MMEF25%-75% ou FEF25%-75%) devem ser consideradas usando as variáveis primárias, após diagnosticada ausência de obstrução. Se a relação VEF1 /CVF% for limítrofe, uma redução no MMEF25%-75% ou outros fluxos terminais corrigidos para a capacidade vital forçada ou também o tempo expiratório forçado elevado, diagnosticam a obstrução do fluxo em pequenas vias aéreas em indivíduos respiratórios sintomáticos.According to World Health Organization the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was the fourth cause of death worldwide in 2012.The disorder of small airways is an important element in COPD. Narrowing of small airways is the major cause of increased airflow resistance in COPD, and there is evidence that small airway disorders occur early in the natural history of COPD. Thus, it is important that spirometry and other tests such as impulse oscillometry are used for the diagnosis of small airway disorders. In spirometry report, measurements of maximal mid expiratory flow or forced expiratory flow at 25%-75% of forced vital capacity (MMEF75%–25% or FEF25%-75%) should be considered after the absence of obstruction are determined using the primary variables. If the FEV1 / FVC% ratio is borderline, a reduction in MMEF 75%-25% or other terminal flows corrected for forced vital capacity, or elevated forced expiratory time, diagnose obstruction on small airways in symptomatic respiratory subjects
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