107 research outputs found

    O trabalho de jovens nas lavouras de caf? : entre as urg?ncias da vida e as expectativas dos estudantes, seus pais e av?s.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o. Departamento de Educa??o, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A inser??o no mundo do trabalho, mesmo que no setor informal, e a perman?ncia na escola ? um desafio para uma parcela significativa da popula??o jovem em nosso pa?s. No caso da juventude rural e de pequenas localidades os empecilhos para trabalhar e estudar s?o ainda maiores. O distrito de S?o Jos? do Triunfo pertence ao munic?pio de Vi?osa (MG) e tem na lavoura de caf? uma de suas principais fontes de renda. Diferentes gera??es trabalham nessas lavouras, principalmente no per?odo da colheita do fruto, inclusive os jovens estudantes. Na busca de compreender um pouco da viv?ncia destes jovens e de suas fam?lias esta pesquisa surgiu da seguinte quest?o: Qual o lugar do trabalho na lavoura do caf? na vida de jovens do ensino m?dio em um distrito de Vi?osa? Para responder a tal questionamento foi tra?ado o objetivo geral: compreender o lugar do trabalho na lavoura do caf? na vida de jovens do ensino m?dio distrito. A abordagem escolhida foi a qualitativa e priorizou a realiza??o de entrevistas reflexivas com quatro jovens, seus pais e av?s envolvidos no trabalho de colheita do caf?. Todos os jovens cursam o 1? ano do Ensino M?dio da escola p?blica situada no distrito. A constru??o dos dados incluiu tamb?m an?lise dos documentos e observa??o participativa. A pesquisa revelou que o trabalho na lavoura do caf? ocupa um papel muito importante na vida das diferentes gera??es do distrito. H? o envolvimento ativo dos jovens com a realidade de trabalho no per?odo de colheita por influ?ncia familiar, mas tamb?m por desejo pr?prio, uma vez que o dinheiro que recebem representa independ?ncia relativa no consumo e nas suas escolhas. Embora demonstrem orgulho de verem seus filhos e netos trabalhando na lavoura, os pais e av?s entrevistados valorizam o estudo e deixaram claro que desejam empregos melhores para os jovens, e que tais empregos somente ser?o poss?veis por meio da escolariza??o. Contudo, entre os estudantes ouvidos na pesquisa, apenas um deles deseja continuar estudando, o que demonstra as urg?ncias cotidianas que interferem em suas escolhas e influenciam nas as fracas expectativas profissionais e educacionais do grupo.Entering the labor market, even in the informal sector, and staying in school is a challenge for a significant portion of the young population in our country. In the case of rural youth and in the small towns, the difficulties to work and study are even bigger. The district of S?o Jos? of Triunfo belongs to the municipality of Vi?osa (MG) and has in coffee farming one of its main sources of income. Different generations work in these fields, mainly during the fruit harvest, including young students. In the search to understand a little of the experience of these young people and their families, this research arose from the following question: What is the role of work in coffee farming in the life of high school youth in a district of Vi?osa? To answer this question, the general objective was outlined: to understand the role of work in coffee farming in the lives of young people in high school. The chosen approach was qualitative and prioritized reflective interviews with four young people, their parents and grandparents involved in coffee harvesting work. All young people interviewed attend the 1st year of high school at a public school located in the district. The construction of the data also included analysis of the documents and participatory observation. The research revealed that work in coffee farming plays a very important role in the life of the different generations in the district. There is the active involvement of young people with the reality of work in the harvest period due to family influence, but also due to their own desire, since the money they receive represents relative independence in consumption and in their choices. Although they are proud to see their children and grandchildren working in the fields, the parents and grandparents interviewed, value the study and made it clear that they want better jobs for young people, and that such jobs will only be possible through schooling. However, among the students heard in the research, only one of them wants to continue studying, which demonstrates that the daily urgencies interfere with their choices and influence the weak professional and educational expectations of the group


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    Objective: The main objective of this paper was to evaluate the quality of similar (S, n=3) and generic (G, n=3) tablets and compounding capsules (C, n=6) containing nimesulide (100 mg).Methods: The parameters investigated (weight, nimesulide content, uniformity of dosage units, disintegration, friability and hardness (tablets) and dissolution profile) were evaluated against the Brazilian Pharmacopeia and a reference compound (for tablets). Nimesulide content, determined by a UV/visible spectrophotometric method, and dissolution test were validated for compounding capsules.Results: All formulations had a mean weight coefficient of variation lower than 5%. Three compounding formulations contained less than 95 mg nimesulide, with C1 (88.5 mg) also showing a lack of dosage unit uniformity. Disintegration times were lower than 5 min for all samples and friability less than 0.5% for all tablet formulations. The hardness of the reference product (25.5N) was lower compared to the other tablet samples (30-80.3N). All tablet formulations reached 75% release after 5 min of the dissolution test, but none of the compounding formulations reached the minimum 75% release after 45 min, probably due to inadequate excipient composition and amount. On average, excipient accounted for 46.3% of the capsule weight (against 74% in tablets), and some of the products did not contain water-soluble substances to promote dissolution.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate a lack of quality in compounding nimesulide products, which could jeopardize patients' health and treatment.Â

    A relevância da avaliação para o investimento social privado

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    O crescente interesse pelo uso estratégico da avaliação de programas e políticas sociais no Brasil tem sido marcado por avanços, mas também por inquietações entre formuladores, gestores e avaliadores sobre suas escolhas metodológicas. Qual método é mais adequado para avaliar este ou aquele programa? Qual abordagem é mais precisa? Que método é mais sensível à realidade social? Que percurso avaliativo é capaz de exercer maior influência sobre a tomada de decisões? Lançando mão de reflexões teórica e casos práticos, somando experiências estrangeiras e brasileiras, o livro oferece respostas a estas perguntas, capazes de alavancar a capacidade de escolher métodos que melhor dialoguem com a realidade social, bem como com suas próprias premissas éticas, políticas e técnicas. Fruto do II Seminário Internacional "A Relevância da Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado: Metodologias", iniciativa da Fundação Itaú Social, Fundação Roberto Marinho, Fundação Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal em parceria com a Move e apoio do GIFE e da Fundação Santillana, esta publicação é mais uma contribuição para o plural e, cada vez mais consistente, campo avaliativo do País

    Primitive Words, Free Factors and Measure Preservation

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    Let F_k be the free group on k generators. A word w \in F_k is called primitive if it belongs to some basis of F_k. We investigate two criteria for primitivity, and consider more generally, subgroups of F_k which are free factors. The first criterion is graph-theoretic and uses Stallings core graphs: given subgroups of finite rank H \le J \le F_k we present a simple procedure to determine whether H is a free factor of J. This yields, in particular, a procedure to determine whether a given element in F_k is primitive. Again let w \in F_k and consider the word map w:G x G x ... x G \to G (from the direct product of k copies of G to G), where G is an arbitrary finite group. We call w measure preserving if given uniform measure on G x G x ... x G, w induces uniform measure on G (for every finite G). This is the second criterion we investigate: it is not hard to see that primitivity implies measure preservation and it was conjectured that the two properties are equivalent. Our combinatorial approach to primitivity allows us to make progress on this problem and in particular prove the conjecture for k=2. It was asked whether the primitive elements of F_k form a closed set in the profinite topology of free groups. Our results provide a positive answer for F_2.Comment: This is a unified version of two manuscripts: "On Primitive words I: A New Algorithm", and "On Primitive Words II: Measure Preservation". 42 pages, 14 figures. Some parts of the paper reorganized towards publication in the Israel J. of Mat

    The psychological distress suffered by medical students at a brazilian public university from the viewpoint of their teachers.

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    O sofrimento ps?quico do estudante de Medicina ? conhecido e j? estudado. O papel do professor em detectar dificuldades geradoras de sofrimento ps?quico em seus alunos e saber como lidar com elas ? fundamental para a preven??o desse sofrimento. Entretanto, nem sempre os professores est?o preparados para esses desafios. Objetivo: Estudar a percep??o dos docentes do curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) em rela??o ao sofrimento ps?quico de seus alunos. M?todo: Estudo transversal quantitativo realizado com os docentes do ciclo profissional do curso de Medicina da UFMG. A amostra de 102 docentes foi obtida por sorteio aleat?rio e dividida em quatro estratos: masculino at? dez anos de doc?ncia, masculino com mais de dez anos, feminino com at? dez anos de doc?ncia e feminino com mais de dez anos. Foi elaborado um question?rio autoaplicativo de 28 itens com cinco op??es da escala de Likert. Para an?lise dos dados foram constru?dos quatro indicadores: indicador de percep??o de sofrimento ps?quico (IPSP), indicador de compromisso do professor com as dificuldades emocionais do estudante (ICDE), indicador de atua??o frente ao sofrimento ps?quico (IAPS) e indicador geral (IG). Realizou-se an?lise dos quartis e calculou- se a diferen?a entre os grupos utilizando testes n?o param?tricos. Cinco quest?es n?o inclu?das nos indicadores foram analisadas separadamente. Resultados: Dos 102 sorteados, 79 docentes responderam e sete se negaram a participar da pesquisa. Foi constatada preocupa??o com o sofrimento ps?quico dos estudantes, vari?vel entre os estratos. Para o IG, as professoras com mais tempo de doc?ncia obtiveram a mediana mais elevada em rela??o aos homens com menos tempo (p<0,05). Para os demais indicadores, apesar da diferen?a entre os quartis, a compara??o das medianas n?o mostrou diferen?as estatisticamente significativas. Para as perguntas n?o inclu?das nos indicadores, do total de professores, 85% j? tiveram alunos com dificuldades emocionais. Os homens, com maior frequ?ncia, afirmaram desconhecer a exist?ncia de problemas emocionais entre os estudantes. Houve desconhecimento das inst?ncias de acolhimento psic?logico aos estudantes por 16,5% dos professores. A ocorr?ncia de bullying na FMUFMG n?o foi percebida por mais de 50% dos professores. Apenas 28% admitiram que seus atos ou atitudes teriam desencadeado sofrimento ps?quico no estudante. Ao se perguntar sobre apoio ao professor, 75,9% desejavam uma inst?ncia de apoio emocional ao professor. Conclus?o: Este estudo, apesar das limita??es, ? in?dito ao avaliar a percep??o do docente do curso de Medicina em rela??o ao sofrimento ps?quico dos estudantes. Tempo de doc?ncia e sexo feminino parecem exercer um papel importante na percep??o do docente sobre o sofrimento ps?quico do estudante. Parcela significativa de professores desconhece a exist?ncia das inst?ncias de apoio psicol?gico aos estudantes. Situa??es de ass?dio e bullying na escola m?dica permanecem negadas por muitos docentes.The psychological distress suffered by medical students is well-known. The role of the teaching staff in detecting difficulties causing students psychological distress and their knowledge of how to handle them is fundamental for preventing such problems. However, medical teachers are not always prepared to deal with these challenges. Objective: To study the perception of the teaching staff of the medical school at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (FMUFMG) concerning the psychological distress of the students.Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out with the faculty of the UFMG medical school. The sample of 102 teachers was obtained by random draw and divided into four groups: males with up to ten (10) years of teaching, males with more than ten (10) years, females with up to ten (10) years of teaching, and females with more than ten (10)years. A self-applied 28-item questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree was prepared. For the data analysis four indicators were elaborated: psychological distress perception indicator (IPSP), commitment of the teacher to the student emotional difficulties indicator (ICDE), performance in the face of psychological distress indicator (IAPS) and a general indicator (IG). Quartile analysis was carried out and the difference among the groups was calculated using nonparametric tests. Five questions that were not included in the indicators were independently analyzed. Results: Seven teachers refused to participate and 79 answers were collected.The results showed varying degrees of concern among the groups in relation to the psychological distress of students. For the IG, the female teachers with longer teaching experience obtained a higher median in relation to the men with less teaching experience (p<0.05). For the other indicators, despite the difference between the quartiles, the comparison of the medians showed no statistically significant differences. For questions not included in the indicators, it was shown that 85% of the sample had perceived psychological distress among their students. Male teachers more frequently deny psychological distress among students. 16.5% of the teachers did not know of any instances of institutional psychological care. The occurrence of bullying failed to be noted by more than 50% of the teachers. Only 28% of the teachers admitted that their actions or attitudes could precipitate a student?s psychological distress. When questioned about emotional support for teachers, 75.9% would appreciate some institutional support. Conclusion: The present study, despite its limitations, is unique in assessing the perception of the medical teaching staff in relation to the psychological distress of the students. Teaching experience and being female seem to play an important role in the teacher?s perception of psychological distress among students. A significant portion of the teaching staff ignores the existence of psychological support programs for students

    Modelo simbi?tico de emprendimiento empresarial en contextos de pobreza

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    ?C?mo pueden las comunidades deprimidas ubicadas en zonas directas de influencia de grandes empresas (como las compa??as mineras) aprovechar productivamente los recursos que obtienen por esta proximidad, adem?s de sus propios recursos? Este libro presenta una propuesta te?rico-conceptual para realizar negocios que se basa en el establecimiento de alianzas estrat?gicas con la gran empresa, los productores comuneros de dichas ?reas, el sector acad?mico y los centros de investigaci?n para poner en valor y potenciar las producciones locales. Este modelo de emprendimiento se denomina "simbi?tico" justamente porque propicia la asociaci?n de estos actores para el beneficio com?n. En particular, analiza el caso real de la Comunidad de Huaripampa, ubicada en la zona de influencia de la Compa??a Minera Antamina, y la crianza del cuy orientada al mercado como alternativa de desarrollo. La empresa "Don Guillermo" act?a como un articulador de producciones y consumidores, lo que supone, adem?s de la generaci?n de alianzas estrat?gicas, la transformaci?n productiva y la venta de los productos transformados. La propuesta supone el trabajo con madres de familia con el objeto de conformar redes productivas y una plataforma financiera que se valga de las figuras de fondos y fideicomisos para canalizar microcr?ditos productivos destinados a la compra de materia prima e insumos, la capacitaci?n t?cnica, la adquisici?n de tecnolog?as y la promoci?n del negocio entre las familias. "Don Guillermo" redirecciona los programas de desarrollo comunitario y de desarrollo de capacidades productivas de la gran empresa, a fin de asegurarle a esta un destino redituable a sus esfuerzos de capacitaci?n y mejores condiciones para la generaci?n de paz social en la zona donde opera. En cuanto a los comuneros, aplica una metodolog?a de gesti?n que ordena las capacidades de las unidades familiares para conformar, mediante la asociatividad, escalas comerciales que se conectan luego a mercados extralocales. Respecto a la participaci?n del sector acad?mico, asegura la aplicaci?n de la innovaci?n tecnol?gica con fines de mercado

    Data set on the bioprecipitation of sulfate and trivalent arsenic by acidophilic non-traditional sulfur reducing bacteria.

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    Data presented here are related to the original paper ?Simultaneous removal of sulfate and arsenic using immobilized non-traditional sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) mixed culture and alternative low-cost carbon sources ?published by same authors (Matos et al., 2018) [1]. The data set here presented aims to facilitate this paper comprehension by giving readers some additional information. Data set includes a brief description of experimental conditions and the results obtained during both batch and semi-continuous reactors experiments. Data confirmed arsenic and sulfate were simultaneously removed under acidic pH by using a biological treatment based on the activity of a non-traditional sulfur reducing bacteria consortium. This microbial consortium was able to utilize glycerol, powdered chicken feathers as carbon donors, and proved to be resistant to arsenite up to 8.0 mg L?1. Data related to sulfate and arsenic removal efficiencies, residual arsenite and sulfate contents, pH and Eh measurements obtained under different experimental conditions were depicted in graphical format

    Efeito da utiliza??o de microminerais org?nicos sobre o desempenho e a qualidade externa dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais em final de postura

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    Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utiliza??o de microminerais na forma org?nica sobre o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais em final de postura. Foram utilizadas 480 galinhas da linhagem Hisex com 72 a 80 semanas de idade, distribu?das em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 6 repeti??es e 16 aves por parcela. Foram avaliadas cinco dietas: ra??o basal suplementada com todos os microminerais na forma inorg?nica (controle); ra??o basal suplementada com 50% dos microminerais zinco (Zn) + mangan?s (Mn) + cobre (Cu) na forma org?nica e 50% na forma inorg?nica; ra??o basal suplementada com 50% de zinco na forma org?nica e 50% na forma inorg?nica; ra??o basal suplementada com 50% de mangan?s na forma org?nica e 50% na forma inorg?nica e ra??o basal suplementada com 50% de cobre na forma org?nica e 50% na forma inorg?nica. N?o houve efeito das dietas sobre a produ??o de ovos, o consumo de ra??o, a convers?o alimentar, a porcentagem e a espessura de casca. As aves que consumiram a ra??o basal suplementada apenas com zinco ou mangan?s na forma org?nica produziram ovos com menor peso espec?fico. A utiliza??o da ra??o basal suplementada com cobre na forma org?nica proporcionou menor perda de ovos. Por?m, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a ra??o basal suplementada com os microminerais Zn + Mn + Cu na forma org?nica, pois proporcionou menor perda de ovos, maior peso espec?fico e maior peso dos ovos, sendo, portanto, recomendada para a alimenta??o de poedeiras comerciais em final de postura.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using microminerals in organic form on the performance and quality of eggs from commercial laying hens at the end of laying. Four hundred and eighty Hisex strain hens, 72 to 80 weeks of age, were used. A randomized complete design was used, with six replications and 16 birds for each experimental unit. Five diets were evaluated: basal feed supplemented with all microminerals in inorganic form (control); basal feed supplemented with 50% microminerals zinc (Zn) + manganese (Mn) + copper (Cu) in organic form and 50% in inorganic form; basal feed supplemented with 50% zinc in organic form and 50% in inorganic form; basal feed supplemented with 50% manganese in organic form and 50% in inorganic form; and basal feed supplemented with 50% copper in organic form and 50% in inorganic form. There was no effect of diets on egg production, feed intake, food conversion and egg shell percentage and thickness. Birds fed basal feed supplemented only with zinc or manganese in organic form produced eggs with lower specific weight. The use of basal feed supplemented with copper in organic form has minimized egg loss. However, the best results (lower egg loss, higher specific weight and higher weight of eggs) were obtained with the basal feed supplemented with microminerals Zn + Mn + Cu in organic form and, therefore, it is recommended for feeding of commercial laying at the end of laying

    nutrition and performance in football

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    Nutrition is an undeniable part of promoting health and performance among football (soccer) players. Nevertheless, nutritional strategies adopted in elite football can vary significantly depending on culture, habit and practical constraints and might not always be supported by scientific evidence. Therefore, a group of 28 Portuguese experts on sports nutrition, sports science and sports medicine sought to discuss current practices in the elite football landscape and review the existing evidence on nutritional strategies to be applied when supporting football players. Starting from understanding football?s physical and physiological demands, five different moments were identified: preparing to play, match-day, recovery after matches, between matches and during injury or rehabilitation periods. When applicable, specificities of nutritional support to young athletes and female players were also addressed. The result is a set of practical recommendations that gathered consensus among involved experts, highlighting carbohydrates periodisation, hydration and conscious use of dietary supplements.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/