856 research outputs found
Indefinities and bare nouns in generic contexts in European Portuguese
FR: Le principal but de ce travail est de décrire le comportement des indéfinis sans modification adjectivale en position de sujet préverbal dans des contextes génériques et
de montrer leur rapport avec les noms nus en portugais européen (PE).
Il est possible de signaler une différence dans la distribution des noms nus en position de sujet préverbal entre les langues germaniques et les langues romanes :
l'emploi des noms comptables au pluriel et des noms massifs est grammatical en
anglais, très restreint en italien, espagnol et PE, et agrammatical en français.
En nous fondant sur les critères établis par Dowty (1979) pour la distinction entre
événements et états et sur la distinction proposée par Cunha (2004) entre les éventualités admettant des phases et les éventualités ne les admettant pas, nous établis- sons une corrélation entre la distribution des noms nus et des indéfinis en position
sujet préverbal dans le PE et différents types de prédicats.
En synthétisant les étalons obtenus dans la description des données, nous combinons
(suivant Duarte et al., 2002, et Oliveira et al., 2006) la valeur de chacun des prédicats considérés et la valeur respective du sujet, dans le but d'établir les propriétés
des noms nus et des indéfinis en position de sujet préverbal dans le PE, notamment
en ce qui concerne les contextes génériques qui les autorisent. Nous montrerons que
soit les indéfinis soit les noms nus fonctionnent de façon différente dans cette position-là selon leur forme singulière ou plurielle.The main goal of this work is to describe how singular and plural indefinites without
modification in preverbal subject position behave in generic contexts and how they relate to bare nouns in European Portuguese (EP) in the same position and con- texts.
In what concerns the distribution of bare nouns (BN) in subject preverbal position
without modifiers, a contrast between Germanic and Romance languages has been
noticed: plural count nouns and mass nouns are grammatical in English, but not in French and they are quite restricted in Italian, Spanish and EP.
Based on the criteria established by Dowty (1979) for distinguishing states from
events and on the distinction proposed by Cunha (2004) between phase and non phase eventualities, we establish a correlation between the distribution of BN and
indefinites in preverbal subject position in EP and different types of predicates.
Having summarized the patterns obtained by the data description, we combine (following Duarte et al., 2002, and Oliveira et al., 2006) the predicate value of each of
the considered predicates and their corresponding subject value, in order to account
for the properties of the BNs and indefinites preverbal subjects in EP, namely with
respect to the generic contexts that allow them. It will be showed that both indefinites and BNs behave differently in such position depending on their singular or
plural form
A comparative corpus-based study of european portuguese discourse markers bom and bem and french bon and bien
A comparative corpus-based study of European Portuguese
discourse markers bom and bem and French bon and bien. According to
many authors, Discourse Markers (DM) serve as signals or triggers guiding the
process of interpretation (Fraser 2006, Aijmer 2013, Maschler and Schiffrin
2015, among many others), thus having a more procedural than conceptual
meaning. This study aims to investigate and specify the structural positions and
the semantic-discursive functions of the DMs 'bem' and 'bom' in European
Portuguese and of 'bon' and 'bien' in French, then to compare these positions
and functions. The study relies on two European oral corpora for each language.
The methodology is quantitative and qualitative. The analysis focuses primarily
on the structural and modal levels, following mainly Oliveira and Silva's (2020)
proposal for the study of 'bem' and 'bom' and the proposal of Peltier and
Ranson (2020) for 'bon'. Results show that isolated DM 'bom' and 'bem' are
equally frequent in the C-ORAL-ROM and that 'bem' is much more frequent than
'bom' in the local corpus Fala Bracarense. They also show that 'bien' is very rare
as an isolated DM in both French corpora, while 'bon' is much more frequent
than 'bom', 'bem' and 'bien'. Regarding structural positions, these DMs occur
mainly as turn medial, while structural and modal functions are more
differentiated depending on the DM, the corpus and the language. Thus, the
study shows that although these European French and Portuguese DMs share
the same etymology, they differ in usage
Uncária tomentosa e a lesão renal aguda isquêmica em ratos
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito renoprotetor do fitoterápico Uncaria tomentosa sobre a lesão renal aguda isquêmica induzida pelo clampeamento dos pedículos renais de ratos. A hipóxia e a hipoperfusão geradas com a isquemia intensificam a produção de espécies reativas já presentes no processo inflamatório. Os resultados mostraram que a função renal avaliada pelo clearance de creatinina, a excreção de peróxidos urinários (FOX) e a excreção urinária de malondealdeído (TBARS) desses animais apresentou renoproteção induzida pela UT, provavelmente relacionada às suas atividades antioxidantes.The objective of this study was to evaluate the renoprotective effects of Uncaria Tomentosa (cat's claw) on ischemic acute kidney injury induced by renal clamping in rats. The hypoxia and hypoperfusion increase the production of reactive species already present in the inflammatory process. Results showed that the renal function evaluated by creatinine clearance, the urinary excretion of peroxides and malondealdehyde indexes demonstrated that UT induced renoprotection, probably related to its antioxidant activities.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto rinoprotector del fitoterápico Uncaria tormentosa sobre la lesión renal aguda isquémica inducida por el clampeo de los pedículos renales de ratones. La hipoxia y la hipoperfusión generadas con la isquemia intensifican la producción de especies reactivas ya presentes en el proceso inflamatorio. Los resultados mostraron que la función renal evaluada por el clearance de creatinina, la excreción de peróxidos urinarios (FOX) y la excreción urinaria de malondialdehido (TBARS) de esos animales demostró rinoprotección inducida por la UT, probablemente relacionada con sus propiedades antioxidantes
O uso do Pretérito Imperfeito e do Pretérito Perfeito do Indicativo em português europeu por estudantes com cantonês como L1
Este trabalho tem como objetivo averiguar que condições de uso implicam mais desvios relativamente ao emprego do Pretérito Perfeito Simples (PPS) e do Pretérito Imperfeito (PI) por aprendentes chineses de PLE, de nível A2 (QECRL), com L1 cantonês, procurando encontrar algumas explicações para a sua ocorrência. A análise, quantitativa e qualitativa, parte do contraste entre o português e o cantonês quanto à marcação do tempo e do aspeto e descreve os desvios mais frequentes num corpus de produções escritas dos estudantes. Face a alguns resultados inesperados, procedeu-se também a uma verificação de ocorrências do Presente em vez do PPS e do PI, como forma de confirmar ou não, possíveis explicações. Os resultados indicam que não parece haver uma transferência direta do valor dos marcadores aspetuais perfetivos e imperfetivos do cantonês para a utilização do PPS e do PI ou do Presente, mas uma transferência da concetualização perfetivo/imperfetivo no cantonês, independentemente do tempo.This work aims to verify what conditions of use imply more deviations fromthe use of Pretérito Perfeito Simples (PPS) and Pretérito Imperfeito (PI) by 21Chinese learners of Portuguese, A2 level (QECRL), with Cantonese L1, and triesto find some explanations for its occurrence. The quantitative and qualitativeanalysis is based on the contrast between Portuguese and Cantonese in termsof tense and aspect and describes the most frequent deviations in a corpus ofstudents' written productions. In face of some unexpected results, an analysisof the occurrences in which the Present occurs instead of the expected PPS andthe PI was also performed, as a way of confirming or not, possible explanations.The results indicate that there does not appear to be a direct transfer of the valueof the perfect and imperfect aspect markers of Cantonese to the use of PPS andPI or the Present, but a transfer of the perfect / imperfect conceptualization inCantonese, regardless of the tense
Developing a multilayer semantic annotation scheme based on ISO standards for the visualization of a newswire corpus
In this paper, we describe the process of
developing a multilayer semantic
annotation scheme designed for extracting
information from a European Portuguese
corpus of news articles, at three levels,
temporal, referential and semantic role
labelling. The novelty of this scheme is the
harmonization of parts 1, 4 and 9 of the ISO
24617 Language resource management -
Semantic annotation framework. This
annotation framework includes a set of
entity structures (participants, events,
times) and a set of links (temporal,
aspectual, subordination, objectal and
semantic roles) with several tags and
attribute values that ensure adequate
semantic and visual representations of news
Ser (Tão) Imaginado: História e Natureza na Ocupação da Região de Aragarças (GO)/Barra do Garças (MT)
Este artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre como o processo de ocupação de Barra do Garças (MT) e Aragarças (GO) teve na natureza um condicionante regulador e um chamariz nos seus diferentes processos migratórios. Os dois municípios, limítrofes entre os estados de Goiás e Mato Grosso, possuem a confluência dos rios Garças e Araguaia como fronteira natural, o que forma uma paisagem singular e evidencia as características geomorfológicas do Cerrado: o vale fica entre planaltos e depressões, e é banhado por águas termais. Tais características naturais imprimiram à região uma dinâmica migratória particular. Neste sentido, a formação dos núcleos urbanos do Vale do Araguaia pode ser observada a partir da perspectiva das possibilidades de transmutação entre migrantes e natureza, que nos processos de modificação, exploração e integração com a paisagem local reorganizaram o viver às margens do Garças/Araguaia
O controle da hipertensão arterial em mulheres e homens: uma análise comparativa
OBJECTIVE To compare men and women who have hypertension with reference to the following: high blood pressure, biosocial variables, habits and life styles, mental disorders, and social support networks. METHOD 290 hypertensive patients (women, 62.1%) were evaluated. The assessments involved the following: measuring blood pressure with an automatic measuring device, evaluating social status through the Social Support Scale, and the use of a Self-Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20) to identify common mental disorders. A value of pOBJETIVO Comparar mulheres e homens hipertensos quanto ao controle da hipertensão arterial, variáveis biossociais, hábitos e estilos de vida, transtornos mentais comuns e apoio social. MÉTODO Foram analisados 290 hipertensos (62,1% mulheres). A pressão arterial foi medida com aparelho automático; avaliação social pela Escala de Apoio Social; e transtornos mentais comuns peloSelf Report Questionnaire , pOBJETIVO Comparar a mujeres y hombres hipertensos en cuanto al control de la hipertensión arterial, variables biosociales, hábitos y estilos de vida, desórdenes mentales comunes y apoyo social. MÉTODO Fueron analizados 290 hipertensos (el 62,1% de mujeres). La presión arterial fue medida con aparato automático; evaluación social por la Escala de Apoyo Social; y desórdenes mentales comunes porSelf Report Questionnaire ,
Semi-automatic approaches for exploiting shifter patterns in domain-specific sentiment analysis
This paper describes two different approaches to sentiment analysis. The first is a form of symbolic approach that exploits a sentiment lexicon together with a set of shifter patterns and rules. The sentiment lexicon includes single words (unigrams) and is developed automatically by exploiting labeled examples. The shifter patterns include intensification, attenuation/downtoning and inversion/reversal and are developed manually. The second approach exploits a deep neural network, which uses a pre-trained language model. Both approaches were applied to texts on economics and finance domains from newspapers in European Portuguese. We show that the symbolic approach achieves virtually the same performance as the deep neural network. In addition, the symbolic approach provides understandable explanations, and the acquired knowledge can be communicated to others. We release the shifter patterns to motivate future research in this direction
O sonho de modernização deságua no Rio Araguaia: apropriação e consolidação do rio como lugar de turismo
Abstract: This article aims to analyze the appropriation of the Araguaia riverbanks because of the reflexes of the modernization process that took place in Goiás. From 1930, the Brazilian culture was valued through symbols that had been gestated since the nineteenth century, and this period of Brazil has particularities and great efforts to define a consciousness of national unity, capable of creating links with the idea of people, nation and territory. It is in this context that we seek to incorporate the values of the coast into the “sertão”. In subsequent decades, new government politics will favor the planned occupation of the central region of the country, affecting the appropriation of the banks of the Araguaia River.
Keywords: Araguaia River. Modernization. Government politics.Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a apropriação das margens do rio Araguaia como decorrência dos reflexos do processo de modernização ocorrido em Goiás. A partir de 1930, a cultura brasileira foi valorizada por meio de símbolos que vinham sendo gestados desde o século XIX, e esse período do Brasil se reveste de particularidades e de grandes esforços para a definição de uma consciência de unidade nacional, capazes de criar vínculos com a ideia de povo, nação e território. É nesse contexto que se procura incorporar ao “sertão” os valores do litoral. Nas décadas subsequentes, novas políticas governamentais vão favorecer a ocupação planejada da região central do país, afetando a apropriação das margens do rio Araguaia.
Palavras Chave: Rio Araguaia. Modernização. Políticas governamentais
Observatory of sustainability of the Algarve region for tourism - Overview and outset
The Observatory of Sustainability of the Algarve Region for Tourism (OBSERVE) is an instrument for monitoring and evaluating the sustainability levels of the region. Its principal main goal is to provide environmental, economic, social-cultural and institutional indicators to support the decision making process for a sustainable growth of the Algarve region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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