95 research outputs found

    A utilização da experimentação remota como suporte para ambientes colaborativos de aprendizagem

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento.As novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação têm assumido nas últimas décadas um papel fundamental na representação social da realidade universitária as mudanças por elas proporcionadas ocorrem a uma velocidade vertiginosa derivando disso uma nova cultura. Neste contexto o ensino e a aprendizagem não são atividades solitárias e são tratados como um esforço cooperativo entre os atores envolvidos neste processo, onde a participação ativa e a interação permitem que o conhecimento possa emergir desde um diálogo ativo entre os participantes compartilhando suas idéias e informação. O ensino e aprendizagem já não estão limitados aos trabalhos dentro das salas de aulas e as modalidades de ensino presencial e à distância começam a serem fortemente modificadas desafiando as instituições de ensino superior - IES a encontrar novos modelos para novas situações. Uma das tarefas mais importantes das IES é tornar os currículos dos cursos mais flexíveis, onde se apresenta como possibilidades promissoras é a integração das atividades presenciais e a distância em modelo denominado "blended learning". Na prática já vivemos em nosso país um modelo de flexibilização curricular, pois, segundo a portaria 2253 do MEC, de 18 de outubro de 2001, as IES podem ministrar 20% da carga total dos cursos na modalidade presencial com disciplinas no formato EAD. Esta tese apresenta a utilização da experimentação remota como suporte para ambientes de ensino/aprendizagem acreditando que esta proposição possa representar aportes aos atuais modelos educacionais. Os laboratórios de experimentação remota são caracterizados pela realidade mediada pela distância, similares aos laboratórios "hands-on" requerem espaço e dispositivos, porém, são diferenciados destes uma vez que experimentos e usuários estão geograficamente separados. Um laboratório de experimentação remota pode proporcionar aos estudantes uma aproximação deste com o mundo real, uma vez que, as atividades de laboratório desempenham um papel crítico na formação, principalmente em cursos nas áreas das ciências naturais e tecnológicas e também representam uma maneira de compartilhamento de recursos, de tal forma a reduzir os custos para utilização destes recursos, por parte das IES além de constituir em um fator de enriquecimento da experiência educacional

    Monitoramento, aquisição e controle de sinais elétricos, via web, utilizando microcontroladores

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação


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    Neste artigo é demonstrado como as ferramentas do tipo Open-source hardware podem contribuir para a experimentação cientifica em sala de aula, aplicando microcontroladores com sistemas operacionais baseados em Linux para controle de experimentos remotos. No ensino das ciências é notável a dificuldade do aluno em relacionar a teoria desenvolvida em sala com a realidade a sua volta, para suprir essa dificuldade surge o conceito de experimentação que procura através de demonstrações práticas relacionar o conteúdo estudado com o dia a dia do aluno, todavia nota-se uma grande dificuldade em levar a experimentação para a sala de aula, devido em alguns casos as escolas não disporem de um ambiente adequado, como um laboratório de física. O conceito de experimentação remota quebra essas dificuldades e leva a experimentação cientifica para qualquer lugar, necessitando apenas de acesso à internet

    From cheating to teaching: a path for conversion of illegal gambling machines

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    Video poker machines, a former symbol of fraud and gambling in Brazil, are now being converted into computer-based educational tools for Brazilian public primary schools and also for governmental and non-governmental institutions dealing with communities of poverty and social exclusion, in an attempt to reduce poverty risks (decrease money spent on gambling) and promote social inclusion (increase access and motivation to education). Thousands of illegal gambling machines are seized by federal authorities, in Brazil, every year, and usually destroyed at the end of the criminal apprehension process. This paper describes a project developed by the University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil, responsible for the conversion process of gambling machines, and the social inclusion opportunities derived from it. All project members worked on a volunteer basis, seeking to promote social inclusion of Brazilian young boys and girls, namely through digital inclusion. So far, the project has been able to convert over 200 gambling machines and install them in over 40 public primary schools, thus directly benefiting more than 12,000 schoolchildren. The initial motivation behind this project was technology based, however the different options arising from the conversion process of the gambling machines have also motivated a rather innovative and unique experience in allowing schoolchildren and young people with special (educational) needs to access to computer-based pedagogical applications. The availability of these converted machines also helps to place Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the very daily educational environment of these children and youngsters, thus serving social and cultural inclusion aspects, by establishing a dialogue with the community and their technological expectations, and also directly contributing to their digital literacy

    Remote experimentation: integrating research, education, and industrial application

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    This paper presents a low-cost scaled model of a silo for drying and airing cereal grains. It allows the control and monitor of several parameters associated to the silo's operation, through a remote accessible infrastructure. The scaled model consists of a 2.50 m wide × 2.10 m long plant with all control and monitor capacities provided by micro-Web servers. An application running on the micro-Web servers enables storing all parameters in a data basis for later analysis. The implemented model aims to support a remote experimentation facility for technological education, research-oriented tutorials, and industrial applications. Given the low-cost requirement, this remote facility can be easily replicated in other institutions to support a network of remote labs, which encompasses the concurrent access of several users (e.g. students)

    Extended immersive learning environment: a hybrid remote/virtual laboratory

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    This paper presents a collaborative virtual learning environment, which includes technologies such as 3D virtual representations, learning and content management systems, remote experiments, and collaborative learning spaces, among others. It intends to facilitate the construction, management and sharing of knowledge among teachers and students, in a global perspective. The environment proposes the use of 3D social representations for accessing learning materials in a dynamic and interactive form, which is regarded to be closer to the physical reality experienced by teachers and students in a learning context. A first implementation of the proposed extended immersive learning environment, in the area of solid mechanics, is also described, including the access to theoretical contents and a remote experiment to determine the elastic modulus of a given object.These instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing camera-ready papers for conference proceedings. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract


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    Esse minicurso tem como objetivo explicar conceitos importantes de mundos virtuais 3D,aliando-os a experimentação remota, mostrar os principais usos atuais da plataformaOpenSim, explicar como funciona a integração de dispositivos e do Moodle com estaplataforma, demonstrar ainda outras atividades que podem ser desenvolvidas pelosusuários dentro de um mundo virtual 3D. Os mundos virtuais 3D simulam situações reaisdando a seus usuários uma experiência social que permite o contato com pessoas aoredor do mundo compartilhando conhecimento cultural e expandindo a consciência deglobalização. Um ambiente virtual pode prover a estrutura necessária para ofortalecimento de práticas educativas e de processos de comunicação que solidifiquem odiálogo e a cooperação em grupo para uso pedagógico, e ainda contribuir para oaprendizado à distância e para o processo de colaboração intelectual. Usando umservidor de mundos virtuais 3D, chamado OpenSimulator, ou somente OpenSim, épossível produzir aplicações interativas em 3D mais especializadas. O OpenSimulator éformado por um conjunto de tecnologias que, quando combinadas, fornecem umainterface para um mundo tridimensional gerado por computador que possibilita a conexãocom sistemas reais dando ao estudante uma interação de forma dinâmica entre esseambiente imersivo e o mundo real. Este é um projeto do Laboratório de ExperimentaçãoRemota (RexLab), que procura se engajar no ideal de investir em ferramentas deaprendizado como Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem 3D que funcionam como suporteeducativo social, com o objetivo de atrair estudantes para praticas laboratoriais de física etecnologia em mundos virtuais inserindo-se no momento tecnológico do aluno. OOpenSim é uma aplicação baseada na Web tão versátil que pode ser entendida como umambiente de aprendizagem ou mesmo uma rede social, ele também possui umaferramenta de construção de objetos integrada estimulando a interação com um ambientegráfico através de avatares, o que desafia a criatividade de seus usuários. Todo materialproduzido é livre e pode ser acessado por visitantes usando as informações contidas nolink rexlab.ufsc.br

    A remote engineering solution for automating a roller hearth kiln

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    Remote engineering (also known as online engineering) may be defined as a combination of control engineering and telematics. In this area, specific activities require computacional skills in order to develop projects where electrical devives are monitored and / or controlled, in an intercative way, through a distributed network (e.g. Intranet or Internet). In our specific case, we will be dealing with an industrial plant. Within the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of activities related to remote engineering, which may be connected to the phenomenon of the large extension experienced by the Internet (e.g. bandwith, number of users, development tools, etc.). This increase opens new and future possibilities to the implementation of advance teleworking (or e-working) positions. In this paper we present the architecture for a remote application, accessible through the Internet, able to monitor and control a roller hearth kiln, used in a ceramics industry for firing materials. The proposed architecture is based on a micro web server, whose main function is to monitor and control the firing process, by reading the data from a series of temperature sensors and by controlling a series of electronic valves and servo motors. This solution is also intended to be a low-cost alternative to other potential solutions. The temperature readings are obtained through K-type thermopairs and the gas flow is controlled through electrovalves. As the firing process should not be stopped before its complete end, the system is equipped with a safety device for that specific purpose. For better understanding the system to be automated and its operation we decided to develop a scale model (100:1) and experiment on it the devised solution, based on a Micro Web Server

    Pedagogical models focused on the integration of ICT in basic education : a systematic review

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    A pedagogical model is a system of theoretical premises that organize a curricular approach, being incorporated into teaching practice and the interactions between teacher, student, and learning object. In teaching practice, their interaction with students should be based on activities that seek to contextualize with reality. On the other hand, pedagogical practices, based on the implementation of Digital Information and Communication Technologies, improve the performance of teachers who develop skills to plan modern and technology-integrated learning processes. This article presents a systematic review of works published in the period 2018-2022 that dealt with the use of pedagogical models based on the integration of TDIC in basic education. From the 10 works identified, it was possible to conclude that a pedagogical model must use the technological approach to meet the needs of the teacher and their students. The research contributed to finding the main and most recent studies on the subject. In this way, the article serves as a summary of publications on pedagogical models in TDIC carried out in the period 2018-2022

    Competencies for STEAM areas : a focus on teacher

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    This article aims to present a mapping of teaching skills for STEAM areas. Society is constantly changing, and Education needs to make changes that enable the formation of the subject integrally. From this perspective, STEAM areas are increasingly present in classrooms, intending to prepare future professionals for this connected and technological world. Thus, to embrace this new society, it is pertinent to build new teaching skills that can contemplate the integral formation of the student. Methodology: The research had a qualitative approach of the interpretive type, of an applied nature, being exploratory regarding the objectives and using the case study as a procedure. The instruments were the productions of the participants of an online course and participant observation. Results and conclusions: In this study, 80 teachers participated, and the data presented denote a concern of teachers to build pedagogical competencies in the pedagogical perspective, with methodologies and action strategies, as well as technological ones, from basic training in the use of technologies. Thus, in total, 11 teaching competencies were mapped to work in STEAM areas. In addition, it was possible to glimpse suggestions of educational and digital tools that can be used in pedagogical practices, as well as active methodologies that apply in the presented context