21 research outputs found

    No entrecruzar da História, Patrimônio e Educação Étnico-Racial – Uma experiência decolonial possível na Educação Básica

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    O artigo traz uma reflexão sobre as experiências de duas professoras de História do ensino fundamental que atuam na rede municipal de ensino de São José, na Grande Florianópolis. O objetivo deste projeto pedagógico é entrecruzar a História, o Patrimônio e a Educação Étnico-Racial, visibilizar a presença da população afro-brasileira na História do município e problematizar as questões relativas ao patrimônio cultural material e imaterial. Percebe-se, assim, as relações de poder e colonialidade nas políticas públicas de preservação, memória e patrimonialização

    Could biological tissue preservation methods change chemical elements proportion measured by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy?

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    peer reviewedEnergy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is a powerful technical tool used in biomedical field to investigate the proportion of chemical elements of interest in research, such as heavy metal bioaccumulation and the enzymatic cofactors and nanoparticle therapy in various pathologies. However, the correct evaluation of the proportion of the elements is subject to some factors, including the method of sample preservation. In this study, we seek to investigate the effect of biological tissue preservation methods on the proportion of chemical elements obtained by the EDS methodology. For such, we used EDS to measure the proportion of chemical elements with biomedical interest in preserved livers, using three common methods for preserving biological tissues: a) Freezing, b) Paraformaldehyde fixative solution and c) Karnovsky solution. We found an increased level of sodium and reduced contents of potassium and copper in samples fixed in fixative solutions, when compared to frozen samples (p < 0.05). Our data indicate that preservation methods can change the proportion of chemical elements in biological samples, when measured by EDS. Frozen preservation should be preferred to retain the actual chemical content of samples and allow a correct assessment of the proportion of their elements

    Is the total mixed ration the best option for feeding crossbred dairy cows using diets based on cactus cladodes on family farms?

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effects on the performance of lactating cows of different strategies for supplying diets based on cactus cladodes. Eight Girolando cows at 97 ?? 7.6 days into lactation, producing 12.2 ?? 0.26 kg milk/day, were assigned to 4 treatments in two 4 ?? 4 Latin squares. The feeding strategies were: total mixed ration (TMR) based on a mixture of concentrates, cactus cladodes [Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw.] and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) fed after milking; concentrate fed during milking with cactus cladodes and sugarcane offered later (Con/CC+SC); cactus cladodes combined with concentrate fed after milking with sugarcane offered later (CC+Con/SC); and sugarcane combined with concentrate fed after milking with cactus cladodes offered later (SC+Con/CC). Intakes of neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 4.54 ?? 0.09 kg/d) and total digestible nutrients (TDN; 9.30 ?? 0.50 kg/d) were similar (P>0.05) for all feeding strategies and there was no effect of feeding strategy on milk yield (12.2 ?? 0.26 kg/d). The different feeding strategies did not change the ingestive behavior or performance of lactating Girolando cows. Since the shortage of labor prohibits the feeding of TMRs on family farms because of labor required for preparation, these rations would be appropriate only on large farms where the costs of machines to prepare diets efficiently might be available. Cows fed concentrate during milking spent longer to consume the concentrate than the time to milk, resulting in inefficient usage of scarce labor. Appropriate feeding strategies for family farms appear to be SC+Con/CC and CC+Con/SC, i.e. partial separation of dietary ingredients, and all feeding should be done after milking

    GQ-16, a TZD-derived partial PPARγ agonist, induces the expression of thermogenesis- related genes in brown fat and visceral white fat and decreases visceral adiposity in obese and hyperglycemic mice

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    Background Beige adipocytes comprise a unique thermogenic cell type in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of rodents and humans, and play a critical role in energy homeostasis. In this scenario, recruitment of beige cells has been an important focus of interest for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to treat obesity. PPARγ activation by full agonists (thiazolidinediones, TZDs) drives the appearance of beige cells, a process so-called browning of WAT. However, this does not translate into increased energy expenditure, and TZDs are associated with weight gain. Partial PPARγ agonists, on the other hand, do not induce weight gain, but have not been shown to drive WAT browning. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of GQ-16 on BAT and on browning of WAT in obese mice. Methods Male Swiss mice with obesity and hyperglycemia induced by high fat diet were treated with vehicle, rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg/d) or the TZD-derived partial PPARγ agonist GQ-16 (40 mg/ kg/d) for 14 days. Fasting blood glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lipid profile were measured. WAT and brown adipose tissue (BAT) depots were excised for determination of adiposity, relative expression of Ucp-1, Cidea, Prdm16, Cd40 and Tmem26 by RT-qPCR, histological analysis, and UCP-1 protein expression analysis by immunohistochemistry. Liver samples were also removed for histological analysis and determination of hepatic triglyceride content. Results GQ-16 treatment reduced high fat diet-induced weight gain in mice despite increasing energy intake. This was accompanied by reduced epididymal fat mass, reduced liver triglyceride content, morphological signs of increased BAT activity, increased expression of thermogenesis- related genes in interscapular BAT and epididymal WAT, and increased UCP-1 protein expression in interscapular BAT and in epididymal and inguinal WAT. Conclusion This study suggests for the first time that a partial PPARγ agonist may increase BAT activity and induce the expression of thermogenesis-related genes in visceral WAT. General Significance These findings suggest that PPARγ activity might be modulated by partial agonists to induce WAT browning and treat obesity

    Análise do sono em jogadoras de rendimento de futsal

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    Introdução: O futsal apresenta tarefas complexas durante o jogo, exigindo do atleta bom desempenho cognitivo, físico e fisiológico para tomada de decisão, onde os padrões do sono garantem melhorias visto que, está relacionado com a restauração e prontidão para uma boa ação no jogo. Objetivo: Avaliar e correlacionar o padrão de sono das jogadoras da equipe feminina de futsal de rendimento. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra de conveniência de 10 jogadoras de futsal da categoria adulta, com idade média em anos de 26,50 ±4,70 e massa corporal em kg de 54,83 ±8,51; para verificação dos padrões de sono foram utilizados os instrumentos: MEQ-SA para cronotipo, ESS-BR para sonolência excessiva diurna no período de treinamento e PSQI-BR para qualidade subjetiva do sono pós-competição via Google Forms. Resultados: Foi observado correlações entre o cronotipo e sonolência (p=0,00 e r= -0,19), cronotipo e escore de qualidade subjetiva de sono (p=0,00 e r=0,04), sonolência e escore de qualidade de sono (p=0,06 e r=0,19). Discussão: nos achados se observa um padrão de sono ruim, desse modo, cabendo estratégias para uma higiene do sono com finalidade de poder otimizar a performance. Conclusão: As variáveis do sono apresentam, quanto pior qualidade de sono, maior pode ser, a vulnerabilidade de transtorno do sono relacionado a sonolência

    Testagem, Quarentena e Telemonitoramento Da Covid-19 na Atenção Básica: Reflexões das Experiências da Gestão e Assistência

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    The initial cases of Covid-19, originating in China, triggered a pandemic, exposing deficiencies in the healthcare system. The project "Expansion of Testing, Quarantine, and Telemonitoring Strategies to Contribute to Confronting the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil" emerged in response to this crisis. This article aims to recount the project's experience in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic in primary healthcare. Monitors operated between June 2022 and February 2023 in Family Health Units and Basic Health Units in Salvador, Bahia. Their activities included supporting the implementation of the strategy, resource organization, conducting sociobehavioral research, and providing guidance to healthcare workers and users. The participation of monitors as intermediaries between healthcare professionals, bureaucratic demands, and users facilitated communication, testing, and research. Outreach strategies, such as meetings, local radio broadcasts, social media, and the distribution of pamphlets, resulted in increased community adherence to testing and participation in the research. However, challenges emerged due to insecurity in certain neighborhoods, impacting access to healthcare services. The contribution of monitors to the expansion of the strategy strengthened the research, enabling the systematization of care, dynamic operations, and ensuring qualified and safe attention.Los primeros casos de Covid-19, originados en China, desencadenaron una pandemia, evidenciando deficiencias en el sistema de salud. El proyecto "Expansión de Estrategias de Pruebas, Cuarentena y Telemonitoreo para Contribuir en la Enfrentamiento de la Pandemia de Covid-19 en Brasil" surgió como respuesta a esta crisis. Este artículo busca relatar la experiencia del proyecto en la lucha contra la pandemia de Covid-19 en la atención primaria de la salud. Los monitores trabajaron entre junio de 2022 y febrero de 2023 en Unidades de Salud de la Familia y Unidades Básicas de Salud en Salvador, Bahía. Sus actividades incluyeron apoyo a la implementación de la estrategia, organización de recursos, aplicación de investigaciones sociocomportamentales y orientación a trabajadores de la salud y usuarios. La participación de los monitores como mediadores entre profesionales de la salud, demandas burocráticas y usuarios facilitó la comunicación, la realización de pruebas y la investigación. Estrategias de divulgación, como reuniones, radios locales, redes sociales y distribución de folletos, resultaron en una mayor adhesión comunitaria a las pruebas y en la participación en la investigación. Sin embargo, surgieron desafíos debido a la inseguridad en ciertos barrios, afectando el acceso a los servicios de salud. La contribución de los monitores en la expansión de la estrategia fortaleció la investigación, permitiendo la sistematización de la asistencia, operaciones dinámicas y garantizando atención calificada y segura.Os primeiros casos de Covid-19, originados na China, desencadearam uma pandemia, evidenciando deficiências no sistema de saúde. O projeto "Expansão das Estratégias de Testagem, Quarentena e Telemonitoramento para Contribuir no Enfrentamento da Pandemia de Covid-19 no Brasil" surgiu como resposta a essa crise. Este artigo busca relatar a experiência dos de projeto no enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19 na atenção básica à saúde. Os monitores atuaram entre junho de 2022 e fevereiro de 2023 em Unidades de Saúde da Família e Unidades Básicas de Saúde em Salvador, Bahia. Suas atividades incluíram apoio à implementação da estratégia, organização de recursos, aplicação de pesquisas sociocomportamentais e orientação a trabalhadores da saúde e usuários. A participação dos monitores como mediadores entre profissionais de saúde, demandas burocráticas e usuários facilitou a comunicação, a realização de testes e a pesquisa. Estratégias de divulgação, como reuniões, rádios locais, redes sociais e distribuição de folhetos, resultaram em maior adesão comunitária aos testes e na participação na pesquisa. Contudo, desafios surgiram devido à insegurança em determinados bairros, impactando o acesso aos serviços de saúde. A contribuição dos monitores na expansão da estratégia fortaleceu a pesquisa, permitindo a sistematização da assistência, operações dinâmicas e garantindo atenção qualificada e segura

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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