5,189 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia)

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    Some of the best outcrops of Iberia to study the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary are located in the Ossa- Morena Zone. In the Crato-Campo Maior region (SW Iberia, Portugal), this stratigraphic boundary is marked by an angular unconformity (Gonçalves, 1971). The Ediacaran sedimentary rocks of the Série Negra Group (maximum depositional age of c. 545 Ma; Linnemann et al., 2008) are overlain by Early Cambrian strata. A folded foliation has been recognized in the Ediacaran metagreywackes, metapelites, black metachert, marbles and metabasic rocks (Pereira & Silva, 2002). This deformation event is previous to the intrusion of c. 526-525 Ma granitic rocks (Barquete and Barreiros plutons; Pereira et al., 2011; Sánchez-García et al., 2013), and is not represented in the unconformable overlying Early Cambrian strata including sandstone (maximum depositional age of c. 532 Ma; Pereira et al., 2011). At the base of the lower Cambrian stratigraphic section there is the Freixo-Segóvia volcanosedimentary complex consisting of felsic tuff interbedded with conglo-merate and rhyolitic-dacitic lava flow (Pereira et al., 2006). The conglomerate is composed of pebbles of volcanic rock (basalt, rhyolite, dacite and mafic and felsic tuff), granitic rocks, chert, quartzite, arkosic sandstone, greywacke and shale in a tuffaceous sandy matrix. This volcano-sedimentary complex is overlain by a sequence of sandstone and shale passing vertically to limestone beds which have been attributed to the lower Cambrian (Pereira et al., 2006) (see Fig. 12). An ongoing research project intends to date the volcanic rocks of the volcano-sedimentary complex using U-Pb zircon geochronology. The absolute dates determined from these volcanic rocks will provide the time framework for the calibration of the existing stratigraphic scheme based on regional correlation

    Palinología, Estratigrafía y Geometría de la cuenca continental pensIlvaniense de Santa Susana (Suroeste de Portugal)

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    The continental Pennsylvanian Santa Susana Basin (SSB) is located along an important N-S strike shear zone (Santa Susana Shear Zone - SSSZ) that separates the Ossa-Morena and South Portuguese Zones (SW Portugal). This shear zone controlled the sedimentation of the basin and probably its post-sedimentary evolution. The lower (basal) unit is mostly conglomeratic and is known essentially from drill-hole data while the upper unit, that covers most of the current surface area, is composed by sandstones, shales and some coal beds. Fluvial sedimentary rocks seem to prevail, but evidences of lacustrine sedimentation can be found in restricted areas within the upper unit. Palynological data indicate that at least part of the sedimentation took place during the Early Kasimovian (Cantabrian) but the sporomorph content of different localities suggest that significantly older sediments (Late Moscovian -Early Bashkirian) may be present. Geometrical, structural, and cartographical evidences indicate that the SSB formed as a pull-apart basin along the SSSZ and was later partially uplifted during latest Varsican and Alpine orogenies.>La cuenca continental Pensilvaniense de Santa Susana (SSB) está localizada a lo largo de una importante zona de cizalla con dirección aproximada N-S (Zona de Cizalla de Santa Susana - SSSZ) que separa las Zonas de Ossa-Morena y Sur-Portuguesa (Suroeste de Portugal). La zona de cizalla ha controlado la sedimentación en la cuenca y posiblemente su evolución post-sedimentaria. La unidad inferior (basal), estudiada fundamentalmente mediante datos de sondeos, es mayormente conglomerática, mientras que su unidad superior, que cubre actualmente una gran parte de la superficie expuesta, está compuesta por areniscas, pizarras y niveles de carbón. Las rocas de origen fluvial son las más abundantes, sin embargo existen evidencias de sedimentación lacustre en áreas muy limitadas de la unidad superior. Los datos palinológicos indican que al menos parte de la sedimentación tuvo lugar durante el Kasimoviense temprano (Cantabriense) aunque el contenido en esporomorfos de diferentes localidades sugieren la existencia de sedimentos significativamente más antiguos (Moscoviense tardio/Bashkiriense temprano). Evidencias geométricas, estructurales y cartográficas sugieren la creación de una cuenca en pull-apart a lo largo de la ZCSS

    Avaliação do desempenho de misturas betuminosas temperadas

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    A diminuição do consumo de combustíveis e das emissões de gases com efeitos de estufa são um grande desafio da sociedade actual. No fabrico de misturas betuminosas desenvolveram-se recentemente diversas tecnologias para redução da temperatura de produção e aplicação em obra que promoveram a produção de misturas betuminosas temperadas (MBT). Inúmeros benefícios no uso das MBT têm potenciado o seu crescente desenvolvimento, destacando-se a redução das emissões no fabrico e a diminuição do combustível gasto nos queimadores. Na colocação em obra, as MBT garantem uma trabalhabilidade adequada à sua aplicação e compactação a menores temperaturas, reduzindo a produção de fumos, possibilitando o transporte a longas distâncias, alargando a época de pavimentação, e permitindo a sua aplicação a temperaturas atmosféricas inferiores. Neste trabalho compara-se o desempenho mecânico de uma mistura betuminosa (AC 14 Surf 50/70) produzida a temperaturas convencionais e a menores temperaturas (125 a 135 ºC), através da introdução de dois aditivos (Sasobit® e Cecabase®). Foram determinadas as propriedades dos ligantes base e modificados (penetração, anel e bola, viscosidade e reologia) para observação do comportamento, determinação das temperaturas de fabrico e aferição da percentagem de aditivo. A caracterização das misturas foi realizada inicialmente em laboratório (propriedades volumétricas, sensibilidade à água e resistência à deformação permanente), realizando-se em seguida um trecho experimental onde foram extraídos provetes para determinação das características anteriormente referidas, além do módulo de rigidez. Em comparação com a mistura convencional, conseguiu-se reduzir a temperatura das MBT cerca de 15 a 25 ºC mantendo idênticas propriedades volumétricas e mecânicas em laboratório, o que não se conseguiu no trecho devido a um problema de contaminação com o combustível usado no queimador

    Magnetotelluric Imaging of the Lithosphere Across the Variscan Orogen (Iberian Autochthonous Domain, NW Iberia)

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    A new magnetotelluric (MT) survey comprising 17 MT soundings throughout a 30 km long N30°W transect in the Iberian autochthons domain of NW Iberia (Central Iberian Zone) is presented. The 2-D inversion model shows the resistivity structure of the continental crust up to 10 km depth, heretofore unavailable for this region of the Variscan Orogen. The MT model reveals a wavy structure separating a conductive upper layer underlain by a resistive layer, thus picturing the two main tectonic blocks of a large-scale D2 extensional shear zone (i.e., Pinhel shear zone). The upper layer represents a lower grade metamorphic domain that includes graphite-rich rocks. The lower layer consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks that experienced partial melting and are associated with granites (more resistive) emplaced during crustal thinning. The wavy structure is the result of superimposed crustal shortening responsible for the development of large-scale D3 folds (e.g., Marofa synform), later deflected and refolded by a D4 strike-slip shear zone (i.e., Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo shear zone). The later contribution to the final structure of the crust is marked by the intrusion of postkinematic granitic rocks and the propagation of steeply dipping brittle fault zones. Our study demonstrates that MT imaging is a powerful tool to understand complex crustal structures of ancient orogens in order to design future prospecting surveys for mineral deposits of economic interest

    A reconciled version of the cork oak tree genome-scale metabolic model

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    Quercus suber, commonly known as cork oak tree, is an evergreen tree which produces a thick bark (also known as cork) with multiple (a)biotic stress resistance properties (1). Due to corks natural characteristics, such as the low weight, excellent insulation and low permeability, the cellular structure has a significant economic value as it has multiple applications. For instance, it can be used as a wine bottle sealant and insulation boards (2,3). Additionally, cork is harvested periodically throughout the trees lifetime (4). Nevertheless, the corks quality can only be properly assessed after 40 years of tree growth, which makes the identification of metabolic traits, associated to high-quality cork, of the utmost importance (5). Genome-Scale Metabolic (GSM) models comprise both genomic and metabolic information and can predict the phenotypic behavior of an organism when subjected to distinct environmental conditions (6). Therefore, a reconstructed GSM model of the cork oak tree can point to metabolic properties related to cork quality. Additionally, in silico metabolic engineering strategies could lead to the development of metabolically enhanced trees. The current Quercus suber leaf model, reconstructed within merlin (7), contains 3126 reactions, 2648 metabolites, 7258 genes and was subjected to extensive manual curation, while the biomass and energy requirements were revamped. In silico simulations, using Flux Balance Analysis (8), accurately predict the phenotypic behavior of the leaf cell when exposed to phototrophic and heterotrophic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interaction between Baculovirus spodoptera and natural enemies on the suppression of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize.

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    The impact of the application of the Baculovirus spodoptera (2.5 x 1011 polyhedra/ha), a nuclear polyhedrosis virus, on maize crop and the possible additional contribution of natural control agents to the management of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were evaluated. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with seven B. spodoptera treatments (at two days application intervals, beginning four days after artificial infestation with fall armyworm egg masses and finishing after 16 days), and five replications. The main natural enemies found in the experimental area were Chelonus insularis (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Eiphosoma laphygmae Costa Lima (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), egg/larval and larval parasitoid, respectively, and Doru luteipes Scudder (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), predator of eggs and larvae. Along with NPV, the natural enemies provided a good control of the target insect reducing the damage caused by S. frugiperda larvae in maize plants. Foi avaliado o impacto da aplicação do Baculovirus spodoptera (2,5 x 1011 poliedros/ha) sobre lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), e a possível contribuição adicional de seus inimigos naturais na cultura do milho. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com sete tratamentos com B. spodoptera (época de aplicação do inseticida a intervalos de dois dias, iniciando-se quatro dias após a infestação artificial, com posturas de S. frugiperda e finalizando 16 dias após), em cinco repetições. Chelonus insularis (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) e Eiphosoma laphygmae Costa Lima (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), respectivamente, parasitóides de ovo/larva e de larva e o predador de ovos e lagartas, Doru luteipes Scudder (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), foram os principais agentes de controle biológico natural na área. Juntamente com o vírus, os inimigos naturais propiciaram um bom controle do inseto alvo, reduzindo o dano foliar causado pela lagarta nas plantas de milho

    Evaluation of the rheological behaviour of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) modified binders

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    Several processes and products are available to produce warm mix asphalt (WMA). The use of those may reduce the mixing and compaction temperatures in relation to hot mix asphalt (HMA), ensuring a good performance of the pavement. Lower plant mixing temperatures mean reduction in fuel consumption and lower emissions, what may contribute to diminish odours and health problems. A laboratory study on the properties of the modified binders (using two commercial WMA additives—Sasobit® and Cecabase®) was carried out through conventional (penetration, softening point), dynamic viscosity and rheology (DSR) tests, in order to establish the optimum additive content. Stripping of binder from the aggregates is a reported problem in WMA. Thus, the affinity of the modified binders was assessed without encountering significant problems. It was also observed that only Sasobit® alters the viscosity of the binder. A maximum temperature reduction of 15°C was achieved using 4% of Sasobit® with a softer binder

    Towards functional analysis of archaeological objects through reverse engineering processes

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    La arqueología es una disciplina 'visual' por excelencia, ya que la percepción visual nos permite tomar conciencia de las propiedades fundamentales de los objetos: tamaño, orientación, forma, color, textura, posición en el espacio, distancia o todas estas características al mismo tiempo. En este trabajo se asume que la conducta humana en el pasado puede estudiarse a partir del examen de los elementos arqueológicos observables en el presente. De igual modo, se considera que también existen rasgos no visuales que caracterizan los objetos y materiales en el pasado. La información que nos permite entender muchas de las propiedades funcionales de los objetos es de naturaleza multidimensional: el tamaño refiere a la altura, longitud, profundidad, peso y masa; la forma, refiere a la geometría que define superficies y volúmenes; textura, a la microtopografía y aspecto visual; y por último a la composición del material, es decir, a la combinación de los distintos elementos que forman el total y la manera en que tales partes se combinan. Esta investigación se basa en una idea más general de la percepción (del Latín perceptio, percipio), usualmente definida como la organización, identificación e interpretación de la información sensorial con el fin de representar y entender el entorno. No debe entenderse como una recepción pasiva de estas señales, más bien como la integración del aprendizaje, la memoria, y las expectativas. Esta investigación explora diferentes maneras de entender la idea de percepción arqueológica, que incluye el proceso bottom-up del procesamiento de información sensorial, así como los efectos top-down. El proceso bottom-up es básicamente la información de bajo nivel que se utiliza para construir la información de alto nivel (por ejemplo, formas y texturas para el reconocimiento de objetos y la explicación funcional). El proceso top-down se refiere al concepto y a las expectativas (conocimiento) que influencian la percepción. El enfoque adoptado sigue las teorías computacionales actuales sobre la percepción de objetos que intentan proponer nuevas vías explicativas acerca de las conductas humanas en el pasado, a partir del análisis de datos visuales y no visuales, teniendo en cuenta que las apariencias visuales y incluso las características de composición sólo limitan la forma en que un objeto puede ser utilizado, pero nunca lo determinan totalmente. En este trabajo sugiero que las propiedades perceptivas deberían ser rigurosamente medidas y codificadas para poder llegar a entender cómo se produjeron y/o se utilizaron los objetos en el pasado. Hasta ahora, la insuficiencia y la falta de un consenso claro sobre los métodos tradicionales de descripción de los objetos - sobre todo visual, ambigua, subjetiva y cualitativa - han conducido invariablemente a unas interpretaciones ambiguas y subjetivas. Por consiguiente, es muy importante sistematizar, formalizar y estandarizar métodos y procedimientos más objetivos, exactos, matemáticos y cuantitativos, y siempre que sea posible automatizarlos. Es en este contexto, se ha intentado desarrollar una metodología basada en modelos digitales tridimensionales para medir, describir cuantitativamente y analizar el uso y el comportamiento de los objetos arqueológicos. También, se intenta comprender las posibles relaciones entre la geometría, el material, y la(s) función(es) de los objetos arqueológicos al sugerir nuevas maneras de estudiar formas de comportamiento pasadas que puedan ser confirmadas a partir del examen de los observables arqueológicos en el presente.Archaeology seems to be a quintessentially 'visual' discipline, because visual perception makes us aware of such fundamental properties of objects as their size, orientation, form, colour, texture, spatial position, distance, all at once. I assume that human behaviour in the past can be asserted on the examination of archaeological observables in the present. In any case, I take into account that there are also non visual features characterizing ancient objects and materials. Information that should make us aware of many functional properties of objects is multidimensional in nature: size, which makes reference to height, length, depth, weight and mass; shape and form, which make reference to the geometry of contour, surfaces and volume; texture, which refers to microtopography (roughness, waviness, and lay) and visual appearance (colour variations, brightness, reflectivity and transparency); and finally material composition, meaning the combining of distinct elements to form a whole, and the manner in which such parts are combined. This research is based on the more global idea of Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio), usually defined as the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. It should be understood not as the passive receipt of these signals, but the integration of learning, memory, and expectation. This research explores different ways of understanding the very idea of archaeological perception, which involves top-down effects as well as the bottom-up process of processing some sensory input. The bottom-up processing is basically low-level information that's used to build up higher-level information (e.g., shapes, forms and textures for object recognition and functional explanation). The top-down processing refers to an archaeologist's concept and expectations (knowledge) that influence perception. The approach adopted here is to follow current computational theories of object perception to ameliorate the way archaeology can deal with the explanation of human behaviour in the past (function) from the analysis of visual and non-visual data, taking into account that visual appearances and even compositional characteristics only constrain the way an object may be used, but never fully determine it. I suggest that perceptual properties should be rigorously measured and coded if archaeologists intend to understand how objects were produced and/or used in the past. The insufficiency and lack of a clear consensus on the traditional methods of form description - mostly visual, descriptive, ambiguous, subjective and qualitative - have invariably led to ambiguous and subjective interpretations of its functions. It is thus strongly advisable to systematize, formalize and standardize methods and procedures more objective, precise, mathematical and quantitative, and whenever possible automated. In this context, I intend to develop a framework based on three dimensional geometrical digital models to measure, describe, test and analyse the use and behaviour of archaeological artefacts. I try to understand the possible relationships between the geometry, material, and function(s) of archaeological artefacts by suggesting new ways of studying the way behaviour in the past can be asserted on the examination of archaeological observables in the present. In this research, a novel framework is applied to three case studies which span a broad diachrony ranging from the Palaeolithic in Cantabria to the Neolithic in Catalonia, Spain. In respect to the archaeological objects, these encompass rock art, sculptures, lithics, and bows, as well as a wide variety of raw-materials. Each case study addresses its own archaeological questions, has particular aims, and therefore approaches. They are not intended to be exhaustive, but to provide a rounded picture in terms of the framework's potentialities and effectiveness