5,568 research outputs found

    On Applying Unit Propagation-Based Lower Bounds in Pseudo-Boolean Optimization

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    Unit propagation-based (UP) lower bounds are used in the vast majority of current Max-SAT solvers. However, lower bounds based on UP have seldom been applied in Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) algorithms derived from the DPLL procedure for Propositional Satisfiability (SAT). This paper enhances a DPLL-style PBO algorithm with an UP lower bound, and establishes conditions that enable constraint learning and non-chronological backtracking in the presence of conflicts involving constraints generated by the UP lower bound. From a theorical point of view, the paper highlights the relationship between the recent UP lower bound and the well-known Maximum Independent Set (MIS) lower bound. Finally, the paper provides preliminary results that show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for representative sets of instances

    Exploiting partial reconfiguration through PCIe for a microphone array network emulator

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    The current Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology enables the deployment of relatively low-cost wireless sensor networks composed of MEMS microphone arrays for accurate sound source localization. However, the evaluation and the selection of the most accurate and power-efficient network’s topology are not trivial when considering dynamic MEMS microphone arrays. Although software simulators are usually considered, they consist of high-computational intensive tasks, which require hours to days to be completed. In this paper, we present an FPGA-based platform to emulate a network of microphone arrays. Our platform provides a controlled simulated acoustic environment, able to evaluate the impact of different network configurations such as the number of microphones per array, the network’s topology, or the used detection method. Data fusion techniques, combining the data collected by each node, are used in this platform. The platform is designed to exploit the FPGA’s partial reconfiguration feature to increase the flexibility of the network emulator as well as to increase performance thanks to the use of the PCI-express high-bandwidth interface. On the one hand, the network emulator presents a higher flexibility by partially reconfiguring the nodes’ architecture in runtime. On the other hand, a set of strategies and heuristics to properly use partial reconfiguration allows the acceleration of the emulation by exploiting the execution parallelism. Several experiments are presented to demonstrate some of the capabilities of our platform and the benefits of using partial reconfiguration

    SoundCompass: a distributed MEMS microphone array-based sensor for sound source localization

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    Sound source localization is a well-researched subject with applications ranging from localizing sniper fire in urban battlefields to cataloging wildlife in rural areas. One critical application is the localization of noise pollution sources in urban environments, due to an increasing body of evidence linking noise pollution to adverse effects on human health. Current noise mapping techniques often fail to accurately identify noise pollution sources, because they rely on the interpolation of a limited number of scattered sound sensors. Aiming to produce accurate noise pollution maps, we developed the SoundCompass, a low-cost sound sensor capable of measuring local noise levels and sound field directionality. Our first prototype is composed of a sensor array of 52 Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphones, an inertial measuring unit and a low-power field-programmable gate array (FPGA). This article presents the SoundCompass's hardware and firmware design together with a data fusion technique that exploits the sensing capabilities of the SoundCompass in a wireless sensor network to localize noise pollution sources. Live tests produced a sound source localization accuracy of a few centimeters in a 25-m2 anechoic chamber, while simulation results accurately located up to five broadband sound sources in a 10,000-m2 open field

    On the affinities (and differences) between populism and a belief in conspiracy theories

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    Populist rhetorics and conspiracy theories share common traits: both portray a manipulative and secretive elite that govern in their own self-interest. Bruno Castanho Silva, Federico Vegetti and Levente Littvay find that belief in particular forms of conspiracy, though not all, go hand in hand with populist attitudes, which has implications for political trust

    Hepatocellular carcinoma in Latin America: Diagnosis and treatment challenges

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    Latin America, a region with a population greater than 600000000 individuals, is well known due to its wide geographic, socio-cultural and economic heterogeneity. Access to health care remains as the main barrier that challenges routine screening, early diagnosis and proper treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Therefore, identification of population at risk, implementation of surveillance programs and access to curative treatments has been poorly obtained in the region. Different retrospective cohort studies from the region have shown flaws in the implementation process of routine surveillance and early HCC diagnosis. Furthermore, adherence to clinical practice guidelines recommendations assessed in two studies from Brazil and Argentina demonstrated that there is also room for improvement in this field, similarly than the one observed in Europe and the United States. In summary, Latin America shares difficulties in HCC decision-making processes similar to those from developed countries. However, a transversal limitation in the region is the poor access to health care with the consequent limitation to standard treatments for overall population. Specifically, universal health care access to the different World Health Organization levels is crucial, including improvement in research, education and continuous medical training in order to expand knowledge and generation of data promoting a continuous improvement in the care of HCC patients.Fil: Piñero, Federico. Educational And Awareness Network; Argentina. Hospital Universitario Austral; ArgentinaFil: Poniachik, Jaime. Hospital Clinico de la Universidad de Chile; Chile. Clinica Santa Maria; ChileFil: Ridruejo, Ezequiel. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Educational And Awareness Network; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. CEMIC-CONICET. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigaciones Clínicas "Norberto Quirno". CEMIC-CONICET; ArgentinaFil: Silva, Marcelo. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Educational And Awareness Network; Argentin

    Guía para relato de estudios de evaluación econômica

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    O estudo apresenta um roteiro para relato de estudos de avaliação econômica

    A partial reconfiguration based microphone array network emulator

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    Nowadays, microphone arrays are used in many applications for sound-source localization or acoustic enhancement. The current Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology allows the development of networks of microphone arrays at a relatively low cost. Unfortunately, the evaluation of these networks requires controlled acoustic environments, such as anechoic chambers, to avoid possible distortions and acoustic artifacts. In this paper, we present a partial reconfigurable FPGA platform to emulate a network of microphone arrays. Our platform provides a controlled simulated acoustic environment, able to evaluate the impact of different network configurations such as the number of microphones per array, the network's topology or the used detection method. Data fusion techniques, combining the data collected by each node, are used in this platform. In addition, our platform is also capable to converge to the ideal network with regards to power consumption, while still maintaining the desired level of sound-source localization accuracy. A graphical user interface provides a friendly control of the network and the parameters under test during the execution of the partial reconfiguration operations. Several experiments are presented to demonstrate some of the capabilities of our platform

    Explanatory factors of the value of urban land in Barranqueras, Argentina

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    En el análisis de la dinámica urbana la actividad inmobiliaria tiene un rol preponderante debido a la estrecha relación que guarda con el loteo de nuevos terrenos que se incorporan al área urbana consolidada, siendo uno de sus indicadores más evidentes el valor del suelo por unidad de área. En este sentido, la identificación de algún tipo de tendencia o patrón en la manifestación espacial de esta variable, resulta una tarea primordial para la planificación del suelo urbano. El objetivo es indagar el peso de algunos factores en el valor del suelo para la ciudad de Barranqueras. Las variables regresoras reúnen un conjunto de características tanto internas (superficie, cuartos, patio, garaje, etc) como externas al inmueble (pavimento, distancias, cloaca, etc), que son modeladas mediante análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. En cuanto a los resultados, cabe señalar la obtención de dos modelos con niveles de explicación superiores al 60 % y que guardan coherencia tanto desde el punto de vistas teórico como estadístico.In the analysis of the urban dynamics the real estate activity has a strong influence due to the close relationship that it keeps with the piece of land that are incorporated to the build-up urban area, being one of its most evident indicators the value of the land by unit area. The identification of some type of pattern in the spatial manifestation of these variable, is a primordial works for urban planning. The objective is to explore the weight of some explanatory factors in the land value in Barranqueras (Chaco, Argentina). The regression variables have a set of characteristics, both internal (surface, rooms, courtyard, garage, etc.) and external to the building (pavement, distances, sewer, etc.), which are modeled by multiple linear regression analysis. Two models were obtained with levels of explanation above 60% and coherent both from the theoretical and statistical point of viewFil: Arias, Federico Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades; ArgentinaFil: Cardozo, Osvaldo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades; ArgentinaFil: Da Silva, Cristian Javier. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin

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    Demonstration of a partial reconfiguration based microphone array network emulator

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    The current Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) technology allows to deploy relatively low-cost Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) composed of MEMS microphone arrays for accurate sound-source localization. However, the evaluation and the selection of the most accurate and power-efficient network's topology is not trivial when considering dynamic MEMS microphone arrays. Despite software simulators are usually considered, they are high-computational intensive tasks which require hours to days to be completed. Our demonstrator is an FPGA-based network emulator, which provides a fast network design-space exploration. The user can easily evaluate a network's topology with different nodes' configurations and multiple sound sources in matter of seconds. An intuitive graphical user interface hides from the user the dynamic partial reconfigurations needed by the network emulator to set the node's configurations. As a result, a probability map generated from the fusion of the output data from the nodes and an error on the estimation of the sound-source location are graphically represented