4 research outputs found
Comportamento ingestivo de cabras leiteiras alimentadas com farelo de cacau ou torta de dendê
The objective of this work was to study the effects of different cocoa meal and palm cake levels (0, 15 and 30%) in substitution to corn and soybean meal, on the ingestive behavior of five non-pregnant lactating Saanen goats, with initial body weight of 41.6 kg. Animals were housed in individual barns during five experimental periods and were distribuided in a 5x5 latin square desing. Each animal was observed in each treatment, at the end of the experimental period, during 24 hours, with 10 minutes intervals. The roughage used was corn silage in 40:60 roughage:concentrate proportion. There was no difference in the feeding, ruminating and idle times. Although animals receiving 30% cocoa meal showed a reduction in dry matter intake, the feeding efficiency, in g of DM/h and g of NDF/h, was similar in all treatments. Rumination efficiency, in g of DM/h and g of NDF/h, and DM and grams of DM of NDF/ruminated boli were decreased by 30% cocoa meal. The total chewing time (h/day), the number of ruminated (boli/day), the ruminating chews (no/day and no/boli) and the time of ruminating chews boli (sec/boli) did not show any significant difference. The cocoa meal or palm cake inclusion in the diet influenced some ingestive behavior parameters.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos de diferentes nÃveis de farelo de cacau e torta de dendê (0, 15 e 30%) em substituição ao milho e farelo de soja no concentrado, sobre o comportamento ingestivo de cinco cabras Saanen, lactantes, não prenhes, com peso corporal médio inicial de 41,6 kg, alojadas em baias individuais durante cinco perÃodos experimentais. O volumoso utilizado foi a silagem de milho, em proporção de 40:60 (volumoso:concentrado). DistribuÃdos em um delineamento em quadrado latino 5x5, os animais foram observados em cada um dos cinco tratamentos, ao final de cada perÃodo experimental, durante 24 horas, a intervalos de 10 minutos. Não houve diferença entre os tempos de alimentação, ruminação e ócio. Embora os animais que receberam 30% de farelo de cacau tenham reduzido o consumo de matéria seca (MS), a eficiência alimentar (em g de MS/h e g de FDN/h) foi semelhante em todos os tratamentos. No entanto, a eficiência de ruminação (em g de MS/h e g de FDN/h) e a quantidade de MS e FDN (g/bolo ruminado) foram maiores nos animais com dietas de 30% de farelo de cacau. O tempo total de mastigações (h/dia), o número de bolos ruminados (nº/dia), o número de mastigações merÃcicas (nº/dia e nº/bolo) e o tempo de mastigações merÃcicas por bolo (s/bolo) não apresentaram diferenças significativas. A inclusão de farelo de cacau ou torta de dendê na dieta influenciou parâmetros do comportamento ingestivo
Use of polyamide tie-rap for ovariectomy in standing mares
Ovariectomy is a common surgical spaying method in mares, which it leads to short/medium-term masculinization and improves especially their stamina. This study aimed to assess the economic, clinical and histological aspects of the polyamide tie-rap for haemostasis in surgical sterilization of twelve seven-year-old mares, with or without ovary excision. The equines were spayed with polyamide tie-rap for pedicle preventive haemostasis. The left ovary was excised after mesovarium clamping. The polyamide device was also used in the opposite pedicle, though the ovary was not excised. The mean operating cost was determined, the wound healing was assessed and macroscopic and histological evaluation of the pedicles and ovaries were achieved in the post-op. The mean operating cost of the surgical procedure was US$ 69,44. The ovaries were atrophied and with multifocal necrosis areas, firm irregular nodules and follicles. These nodules were histologically recognized as granulomas. The polyamide tie-rap was efficient in controlling hemorrhage and safe for surgical purpose in the experimental model studied. However, it did not interrupt ovarian activity in the non-excised gland
Recreates of steers on pastures with and without supplementation proteineous / energetics in the waters: intake, digestibility of nutrients and performance
The objective of this study was to evaluate the supply of supplement of protein and supplement mineral in the rearing of crossbred steers Holstein x Zebu ½ maintained on Brachiaria brizantha. Marandu, in the rainy season and its implications on intake, nutrient digestibility and animal performance. Were used 22 steers averaging seven months of age and mean initial body weight of 164.09 ± 12.13 kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with two types of supplement and eleven repetitions per supplementation. The intake of dry matter (DM) total and of the nutrients had higher averages for animals receiving supplement of protein/energy. The use of supplement of protein/energy has improved digestibility of the nutrients of, except for the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (NDFap). The animals that received supplement of protein/energy presented better performance when compared to those receiving supplementation mineral. The use of supplement of protein/energy in the rainy season provides major input of nutrients, improves digestibility of nutrients and performance of crossbred steers reared in Brachiaria brizantha