3,061 research outputs found

    RECEs Perspectives on Risky Play in Outdoor Settings

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    This qualitative study was to understand Register Early Childhood Educators (RECE) perspectives and beliefs about risky play in outdoor childcare settings. The researcher conducted five semi-structured interviews to gain insight and provide a voice for RECEs to share their examples and opinions about risky play. Based on the analysis of the data collected the researcher found five main themes; benefits to skill development for young children, safety, educators’ values and beliefs, educators’ opinions on parents’ views and the outdoor environment. These themes are translated throughout literature as according to McFarland and Laird (2017), they state that in today\u27s increasingly regulated and controlled society and safety concerns have lent to reduced opportunities for risky play (p.159). The research revealed that RECEs understand and express the potential benefits for children when promoting and engaging in risky play, but they also highlighted the various factors that can contribute to the lack of implementation of risky play in childcare settings. This supported the researcher in answering the overarching research question and sub-questions as there was a correlation to previous research studies.https://source.sheridancollege.ca/fahcs_student_capstones_hbecl/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Adaptive Deposition of Difficult Materials

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    When using a robotic arm, the path that the arm follows is typically unique to the task it completes, but not to the object upon which the task is performed. Additionally, when extruding materials, those materials are typically easy to work with (i.e. smooth and uniform). In this paper, we discuss our three-pronged approach, focusing on the imaging of the cupcake, the robotic arm’s movement about the cupcake, and the extrusion method, to achieve this goal of, simply-speaking, decorating a cupcake. While our results were not optimized or as broad as we’d initially hoped that they would be, we were able to decorate the cupcake in a reliable manner using all three components of the project. We ran into many issues along the way, but did find this to be a relatively successful project with many avenues for continuing research. Future research relating to this project should focus on three main avenues: an optimized image measurement system; increasing the vocabulary of designs for the robotic arm and optimizing them; and creating an automized system for the extruder with a frosting of a better consistency

    Ccdc11 is a novel centriolar satellite protein essential for ciliogenesis and establishment of left-right asymmetry

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    The establishment of left–right (L-R) asymmetry in vertebrates is dependent on the sensory and motile functions of cilia during embryogenesis. Mutations in CCDC11 disrupt L-R asymmetry and cause congenital heart disease in humans, yet the molecular and cellular functions of the protein remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that Ccdc11 is a novel component of centriolar satellites—cytoplasmic granules that serve as recruitment sites for proteins destined for the centrosome and cilium. Ccdc11 interacts with core components of satellites, and its loss disrupts the subcellular organization of satellite proteins and perturbs primary cilium assembly. Ccdc11 colocalizes with satellite proteins in human multiciliated tracheal epithelia, and its loss inhibits motile ciliogenesis. Similarly, depletion of CCDC11 in Xenopus embryos causes defective assembly and motility of cilia in multiciliated epidermal cells. To determine the role of CCDC11 during vertebrate development, we generated mutant alleles in zebrafish. Loss of CCDC11 leads to defective ciliogenesis in the pronephros and within the Kupffer’s vesicle and results in aberrant L-R axis determination. Our results highlight a critical role for Ccdc11 in the assembly and function of motile cilia and implicate centriolar satellite–associated proteins as a new class of proteins in the pathology of L-R patterning and congenital heart disease


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    Résumé: Considérant le travail enseignant comme un métier, cet article propose une discussion sur l’appropriation du cadre méthodologique de l’auto-confrontation (FAITA, CLOT et al, 2001) – étant ce dernier originellement conçu pour l’analyse du travail – à des buts de formation des professionnels du milieu en question. À travers une analyse de textes oraux produits en situation de travail enseignant dans un contexte d’enseignement du français langue étrangère, nous discuterons (i) comment le cadre méthodologique de l’auto-confrontation peut faire ressortir et évoluer un dilemme du métier ; (ii) comment l’analyse langagière de la voix des travailleurs peut apporter des données importantes sur le milieu et le métier; et (iii) comment cette méthode d’intervention, qui produit de connaissances sur le milieu professionnel, peut fournir des ressources pour la formation et pour les nouveaux intégrants de ce contexte. Pour ce faire, nous allons présenter les présupposés théoriques et méthodologiques, les particularités du contexte étudié, ainsi que des analyses langagières des entretiens faits. Les réflexions suscitées à partir des analyses montrent qu’une appropriation de ce cadre à des buts de formation est possible et qu’elle engendre des conséquences intéressantes sur les trois plans : l’intervention, la recherche et la formation.


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    Objective: to know the coping strategies used by the mother of an infant with Epidermolysis Bullosa. Method: a single case study with a qualitative approach carried out with the mother of a six-month-old child with a clinical diagnosis of Epidermolysis Bullosa. Data collection took place between February and March 2020 at the participant's home, through in-depth interviews and observation. The narratives were subjected to thematic content analysis. Results: the thematic categories 'The (re)signifying of motherhood after the diagnosis of Epidermolysis Bullosa' emerged, which addresses the moments of discovery of the rare disease. And ‘The use of the internet as a resource for coping, which presents the movement to acquire theoretical knowledge to enable maternal care for the child. Conclusion: the study made it possible to apprehend the coping strategies used in the experience of motherhood before the birth of a child diagnosed with Epidermolysis Bullosa.Objetivo: conocer las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por la madre de un lactante con Epidermólisis Bullosa. Método: estudio de caso único con abordaje cualitativo realizado con la madre de un niño de seis meses con diagnóstico clínico de Epidermólisis Bullosa. La recolección de datos ocurrió entre febrero y marzo de 2020 en el domicilio de los participantes, a través de entrevistas en profundidad y observación. Las narraciones fueron sometidas al análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: surgieron las categorías temáticas 'La (re)significación de la maternidad después del diagnóstico de Epidermólisis Bullosa', que aborda los momentos del descubrimiento de la rara enfermedad. Y ‘El uso de internet como recurso para el afrontamiento, que presenta el movimiento para adquirir conocimientos teóricos que posibiliten el cuidado materno hacia el niño. Conclusión: el estudio permitió aprehender las estrategias de enfrentamiento utilizadas en la experiencia de la maternidad antes del nacimiento de un niño diagnosticado con Epidermólisis Bullosa.Objetivo: conhecer as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pela mãe de uma lactente com Epidermólise Bolhosa. Método: estudo de caso único com abordagem qualitativa realizado com a mãe de uma criança com seis meses de idade e diagnóstico clínico de Epidermólise Bolhosa. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre fevereiro e março de 2020 no domicílio da participante, por meio de entrevista em profundidade e observação. As narrativas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo do tipo temática. Resultados: emergiram categorias temáticas, sendo elas “O (res) significar da maternidade após o diagnóstico de Epidermólise Bolhosa”, que aborda os momentos de descoberta da doença rara, bem como a utilização da internet como recurso para o enfrentamento, que apresenta o movimento para aquisição de conhecimentos teóricos para possibilitar o cuidado materno realizados à criança. Conclusão: o estudo permitiu apreender as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas na vivência da maternidade diante do nascimento da criança com diagnóstico de Epidermólise Bolhosa. Descritores: Doenças Raras. Epidermólise Bolhosa. Poder Familiar. Cuidado da Criança. Enfermagem Pediátric

    Música: uma possibilidade na educação do campo

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    The present work entitled Music: a reality in the education of the field comes in a way to broaden the horizons, contributing with ways of how the educator must work in the classroom in the Field Education, with a stimulus to work the materials with means of learning along with music, mainly valuing the culture of the country man. The struggle of the Social Movements such as the MST, among others for a quality education, has been the issue for decades in the Field Education, and music is part of this context, in their struggles, the intonation of songs of struggle, song lyrics that portray the indignation of this people because they go through so many difficulties and uncertainties. Music expresses feelings, it has the power to transmit thoughts, values, joys, sorrows that are important to be exposed and form knowledge and encompass horizons, the qualities to be worked in the classroom are numerous, which will be seen in the course of this job. The methodological form chosen was descriptive / qualitative, in which we approach through researches such as music and the Field Education can make a joint in the school routine.O presente trabalho intitulado de Música: uma realidade na educação do campo vem de forma para ampliar os horizontes, contribuindo com maneiras de como o educador deve-se trabalhar em sala de aula na Educação do Campo, com um estímulo para trabalharem as matérias com meios de aprendizagem juntamente com a música, principalmente valorizando a cultura do homem do campo. A luta dos Movimentos Sociais como o MST, entre outros por uma educação de qualidade, vem sendo a questão durante décadas na Educação do Campo, e a música faz parte desse contexto, em suas lutas, a entoação de canções de luta, letras de composições que retratam a indignação deste povo por passarem por tantas dificuldades e incertezas. A música expressa sentimentos, ela possui o poder de transmitir os pensamentos, valores, alegrias, tristezas que são importantes serem expostos e formam conhecimento e abrangem horizontes, as qualidades para que seja trabalhada em sala de aula são inúmeras, que serão vistas no decorrer deste trabalho. A forma metodológica escolhida foi descritiva/qualitativa, na qual abordamos através de pesquisas como a música e a Educação do campo pode fazer junção no cotidiano escolar

    Perspectivas da pesquisa em educação e em didática das línguas na Universidade de Genebra: entrevista com Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart

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    The University of Geneva remains one of the most prestigious references for researchers and educators worldwide due to its history permeated by outstanding contributions in the field of Education, Psychology and Language Sciences. Who are the researchers currently working on this institution and which are the topics being developed by them? This interview with professor Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, coordinator of the Research Group on Language Didactics at the University of Geneva, aims to present and disseminate recent research topics in the field of educational sciences, teacher training and the didactics of the languages developed by her and her group. Whithin the Socio-discursive Interactionism framework, Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart investigated the relationship between grammar and text, she reexamined Saussurean theory and studied the role of verbalizations in educational situations as well. In this conversation, Bulea Bronckart explains the scope of the GRAFE research group, as well as its subgroups; she also presents her most recent working interests, mentioning her current project in progress. She points out the challenges faced by researchers in Education and Language Sciences. The interview presents the key-questions that guided the latest Seminars and Conferences, such as the theme of the evaluation, the notions of verbalization and obstacle; it also highlights theoretical and practical questions that have not yet been answered, on which further investigation is still needed. Finally, the interview presents her perception of the dialogues that Socio-discursive Interactionism engenders with researchers from Brazil and other countries.Com uma história permeada por contribuições marcantes na área da Educação, Psicologia e Ciências da Linguagem, a Universidade de Genebra permanece como um dos polos de referência mais prestigiosos para pesquisadores em todo o mundo. Mas quais são os grupos de pesquisa que trabalham nessa instituição atualmente e quais temáticas desenvolvem? A presente entrevista, feita com a professora Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, coordenadora do Grupo de pesquisa em Didática das Línguas (GRAFE) na Universidade de Genebra, tem como objetivo apresentar e divulgar as recentes problemáticas no campo das Ciências da Educação, da formação de professores e da Didática das Línguas desenvolvidas por ela e seu grupo. No quadro do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo, Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart desenvolve trabalhos que reinterrogam a relação entre gramática e texto, que reexaminam a teoria saussuriana e que estudam o papel das verbalizações em situações formativas. Nesta conversa, Bulea Bronckart explica o escopo de pesquisas do GRAFE, bem como as especificidades dos subgrupos que o compõem; apresenta também seus interesses de pesquisa atuais, mencionando seu projeto em andamento; e aponta os desafios que se colocam atualmente para os pesquisadores das Ciências da Educação e da Didática das Línguas. A professora também conta as problemáticas que orientaram as jornadas de estudos, tais como o tema da avaliação, as noções de verbalização e de obstáculo. Destaca ainda as questões teóricas e práticas para as quais mais estudos se mostram necessários. Finalmente, compartilha suas impressões acerca dos diálogos que o Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo engendra com pesquisadores do Brasil e de outros países