142 research outputs found

    Máscara e dissimulação na Cidade de Vidro de Paul Aster

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    A idéia de escrever uma dissertação de mestrado sobre Paul Auster e sua Cidade de Vidro, surgiu em 1999, quando cursava o último ano de minha especialização em Teoria da Literatura, na UERJ. Inscrita em um curso que versava sobre a leitura, ministrado pela professora doutora e hoje amiga querida Henriqueta Valladares, deparei-me pela primeira vez com o autor. Quem era, o que já tinha feito era uma incógnita. À distância, sabia ser ele o roteirista de um filme que muito me agradara -- Cortina de Fumaça (1995)1. Digo à distância, porque, àquela época, desconhecia a produção cinematográfica ao autor. Isso só aconteceu poucas semanas depois, quando já estava totalmente envolvida por suas palavras, tomada e atravessada por elas. Prisioneira mesmo do que elas queriam me dizer, fazer-me sentir e viver, por meio de sua própria consistência


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    O artigo em tela objetiva apresentar recursos didáticos que podem ser utilizados em classes inclusivas com surdos. Para tanto, realizamos uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, tendo como base de dados os anais das quatro primeiras edições do Congresso Internacional de Educação Inclusiva (2014, 2016, 2018 e 2020) e, após a análise de 214 textos, selecionamos 11 para discorrer nesse escrito por se enquadrarem no escopo da pesquisa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, com dados analisados a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa que nos permitiram observar a predominância de textos oriundos de pesquisadores vinculados a instituições do Nordeste do Brasil, bem como de pesquisas voltadas para ensino de Química e Física. Os recursos didáticos apresentados são de fácil produção e pautam-se na visualidade para a construção do conhecimento, desse modo, contribuem para o ensino de surdos e ouvintes


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    O artigo em tela objetiva apresentar recursos didáticos que podem ser utilizados em classes inclusivas com surdos. Para tanto, realizamos uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, tendo como base de dados os anais das quatro primeiras edições do Congresso Internacional de Educação Inclusiva (2014, 2016, 2018 e 2020) e, após a análise de 214 textos, selecionamos 11 para discorrer nesse escrito por se enquadrarem no escopo da pesquisa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, com dados analisados a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa que nos permitiram observar a predominância de textos oriundos de pesquisadores vinculados a instituições do Nordeste do Brasil, bem como de pesquisas voltadas para ensino de Química e Física. Os recursos didáticos apresentados são de fácil produção e pautam-se na visualidade para a construção do conhecimento, desse modo, contribuem para o ensino de surdos e ouvintes

    Saberes docentes e avaliação de alunos surdos / Teaching knowledge and evaluation of deaf students

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    O ato de avaliar o aluno é considerado um desafio docente, tendo em vista as inúmeras percepções pedagógicas inerentes a esse processo, e quando este remete à avaliação de pessoas com deficiência na escola regular, os desafios pedagógicos e sociais são mais acentuados. Compreendemos que para avaliar o aluno surdo, o professor necessita além da formação acadêmica direcionada para uso e apropriação da Língua Brasileira de Sinais-Libras, ter uma percepção construída a partir da vivência na coletividade e, suas expectativas desenvolvidas sobre a surdez para delineação de suas ações educacionais. Diante dessa perspectiva, nos questionamos: quais os saberes que devem ser desenvolvidos pelo docente para avaliar o surdo? Para responder a tal indagação, desenvolvemos esta pesquisa bibliográfica de abordagem qualitativa com o objetivo de compreender os saberes, presentes na literatura, que favorecem o uso de práticas diferenciadas de avaliação de surdos. Identificamos que os diferentes saberes (experienciais, sociais e pragmáticos) e várias fontes de saberes (do conteúdo disciplinar, dos recursos e materiais, da educação formal e da prática) precisam ser consideradas na formação inicial e continuada do docente, de modo que ele possa selecionar recursos que favoreçam a avaliação do surdo de maneira mais equânime

    Association Of Anticardiolipin Antibody And C677t In Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Mutation In Women With Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions: A New Path To Thrombophilia?

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    Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) has been associated with venous thrombosis in the mother. Acquired and inherited thrombophilia factors are possible causes. To evaluate the association between thrombogenic factors and recurrent spontaneous abortion. Case-control study. Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 40 ml of blood was collected from 88 women attending an RSA clinic and 88 fertile women attending a family planning clinic, to evaluate the presence of acquired and inherited thrombophilia factors. Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), lupus anticoagulant and deficiencies of proteins C and S and antithrombin III were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), dilute Russell Viper Venom time (dRVVT), coagulometric and chromogenic methods. DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to study factor V Leiden and G20210A mutations in the prothrombin gene and C677T mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene. Data were analyzed using odds ratios and a regression model for age adjustment. Fishers exact test was used to evaluate statistical relationships between associated factors and RSA. ACA was detected in 11 women with RSA and one fertile woman. Heterozygous C677T was detected in 59 women with RSA and 35 fertile women. Concomitant presence of ACA and C677T was found in eight women with RSA and no fertile women (p < 0.01). The meaning of the association between C677T mutation in the MTHFR gene and ACA is still not clear. It is possible that an inherited factor that alone would not strongly predispose a woman to thrombosis could, when associated with an acquired factor, start the process and increase the likelihood of thrombosis expression. ACA and C677T in the MTHFR gene are statistically associated with RSA. The association of these two conditions is a new finding in thrombogenic factors and RSA.12315-2

    POLIMORFISMO DE APOLIPOPROTEÍNA E Y VALORES DE PRESIÓN ARTERIAL AMBULATORIA DURANTE 24 HORAS EN ADOLESCENTES [Apolipoprotein E polimorphisms and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring during 24 hours in adolescents]

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    Objectives: To find the predictive value of apolipoprotein E (apo E) and ambulatory measure of blood pressure in adolescents. Methods: We performed ambulatory monitoring of blood pres- sure (AMBP) in 176 adolescents (13.18 years old) of both genders who came to the Center of cardiovascular Disease at the University of Zulia (Venezuela). The average BP during wake, sleep and 24 hours as well as their variations, were regístered. Apo E gen was also determined by Polimerase chain and the diagnosis of the genotype was made on the gel photography according to the combination of bands of different sizes. Results: The adolescents were subdivided in three groups according to the presence of the apo E aleles: Group E2 (carriers of 2/2 or 2/3); Group E3 (carriers of 3/3) and Group E4 (carriers of 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4). Also the sample was divided in three groups according to the BP measures in hypertensive, white coat hypertensive and normotensive. There was no statistically significant relation with the different apo 11 carriers. Conclusion: In the group of adolescents studied by us, no association between the aleles of apo E and the BP was found. This finding differs from other countries

    Relación entre monitoreo ambulatorio de presión arterial de 24 horas y alteraciones en la memoria reciente de adultos mayores de 55 años [Ambulatory blood pressure monitorization statement with recent memory disturbs in adults oldness than 55 years]

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    We display a poblational and transversal cohort study with 402 male and female patients of 55 years old or than oldness, from Santa Lucía Maracaibo City Parroquial. Neuropsychologic essays were performs for recent memory evaluation; as a result we obtain two groups: with recent memory disturb and recent memory normal. Weight (kg), tall (m), body mass index (w/t2) and fortituos blood pressure with Dynamap Critikon were performs too. All patients were evaluated with an automatic engine for ambulatory blood pressure monitorization during vigil and sleep hours. Our conclusions were: 1) Exist a relation of systolic blood pressure with recent memory disturbs. 2) The systolic blood pressure values during sleep hours are better recent memory disturbs predictors. 3) The casuals blood pressure determinations there isn’t correlation with recent memory disturbs. 4) We propose the ambulatory blood pressure monitorization by 24 hours in early memory disturbs diagnosis


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    Introducción: Un estilo de vida saludable desde etapas tempranas de la vida puede prevenir la enfermedad cardiovascular que constituye una de las principales causas de mortalidad. La dieta saludable está asociada con un mejor estado de salud cardiovascular en el adulto. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el estado de salud cardiovascular y dieta saludable en adolescentes de Maracaibo, Venezuela; Métodos: Estudio correlacional, transversal y de campo conformado por 114 adolescentes (57 varones y 57 hembras), distribuidos según los períodos de la adolescencia: a) Temprana (n=40), b) Media (n=52), c) Tardía (n=22). Se evaluaron indicadores: clínicos (presión arterial y pulso), antropométricos (peso, talla, IMC, circunferencia de cintura), bioquímicos (colesterol y glicemia), dietéticos (recordatorio de 24h y frecuencia de consumo) y actividad física. Análisis estadístico: se aplicó &nbsp;t-de Student, Chi cuadrado y correlación de Pearson. Resultados: El peso saludable, presión arterial, glicemia y colesterol presentaron un rango ideal; predominando la actividad sedentaria y la exposición al humo del tabaco (rango intermedio) y el índice de calidad de la dieta fue pobre (muy bajo consumo de pescado, vegetales, frutas y fibra, con alto consumo de bebidas azucaradas), clasificando la salud cardiovascular en rango intermedio. No se encontró relación entre la salud cardiovascular y la dieta saludable. Conclusión: Aunque no se encontró asociación con la salud cardiovascular, posiblemente determinado por la etapa de la vida; la dieta pobre&nbsp; representa &nbsp;un grave factor de riesgo en estos adolescentes para el desarrollo de la &nbsp;obesidad y las enfermedades cardiovasculares en el adulto. Palabras clave: salud, enfermedades cardiovasculares, dieta saludable, adolescencia. ABSTRACT Introduction: A healthy lifestyle from early stages of life can prevent cardiovascular disease, which is one of the main causes of mortality. A healthy diet is associated with a better state of cardiovascular health in adults. Objective: To determine the relationship between cardiovascular health status and healthy diet in adolescents from Maracaibo, Venezuela; Methods: Correlational, cross-sectional and field study made up of 114 adolescents (57 males and 57 females), distributed according to the periods of adolescence: a) Early (n=40), b) Middle (n=52), c) Late (n=22). Indicators were evaluated: clinical (blood pressure and pulse), anthropometric (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference), biochemical (cholesterol and glycaemia), dietary (24-hour recall and frequency of consumption) and physical activity. Statistical analysis: Student's t-test, Chi square and Pearson's correlation were applied. Results: Healthy weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol presented an ideal range; predominating sedentary activity and exposure to tobacco smoke (intermediate range) and the diet quality index was poor (very low consumption of fish, vegetables, fruits and fiber, with high consumption of sugary drinks), classifying cardiovascular health in intermediate range. No relationship was found between cardiovascular health and healthy diet. Conclusion: Although no association was found with cardiovascular health, possibly determined by life stage; poor diet represents a serious risk factor in these adolescents for the development of obesity and cardiovascular diseases in adults. Keywords: health, cardiovascular diseases, diet, healthy, adolescenc

    Normal-tension glaucomatous optic neuropathy is related to blood pressure variability in the Maracaibo Aging Study

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    Hypoperfusion of the optic nerve might be involved in the pathogenesis of normal-tension glaucomatous optic neuropathy (GON). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) drives ocular perfusion, but no previous studies have addressed the risk of GON in relation to blood pressure (BP) variability, independent of BP level. In a cross-sectional study, 93 residents of Maracaibo, Venezuela, underwent optical coherence tomography, visual field assessments and 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring between 2011 and 2016. We investigated the association of normal-tension GON with or without visual field defects with reading-to reading variability of 24-h MAP, as captured by variability independent of the MAP level (VIMmap). Odds ratios (ORs) were adjusted for 24-h MAP level and for a propensity score of up to five risk factors. Among the 93 participants (87.1% women; mean age, 61.9 years), 26 had open-angle normal-tension GON at both eyes; 14 had visual field defects; and 19 did not have visual field defects. The OR ratios for normal-tension GON, expressed per 1-SD increment in VIMmap (2 mm Hg), were 2.17 (95% confidence interval, 1.33–3.53) unadjusted; 2.20 (1.35–3.61) adjusted for 24-h MAP level only; 1.93 (1.10–3.41) with additional adjustment for age, educational attainment, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and office hypertension; and 1.95 (1.10–3.45) in models including intraocular pressure. We confirmed our a priori hypothesis that BP variability, most likely operating via hypoperfusion of the optic nerve, is associated with normal-tension GON. 24-H ambulatory BP monitoring might therefore help stratify the risk of normal-tension GON

    Cognitive Decline Associated with Longitudinal Changes in 24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Variability

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    Background: Cognitive decline has been associated with variability in blood pressure (BP). However, whether the increment of the BP variability during follow-up precedes cognitive decline remains undocumented. We aimed this study to investigate cognitive decline in relation to longitudinal changes in 24-h reading-to-reading BP variability. Methods: We conducted an observational longitudinal study that included 717 dementia-free participants from the Maracaibo Aging Study who underwent follow-up assessment in both 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring and cognitive tests between 1998 and 2015. Cognitive domains consisted of selective reminding tests (total, long-term, short-term, and recognition memory) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Cognitive decline was a longitudinal decrease in cognitive scores. Participants underwent 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring between 2-4 times – with at least one-year interval. Systolic and diastolic BP variability was studied during 24-h and divided into daytime (from 06h00 to 23h00), and nighttime (23h00 to 06h00) periods. To account for BP level, we used variability independent of the mean (VIM) to compute systolic and diastolic BP variability. Other measures of BP variability included the nocturnal BP drop in comparison to the daytime BP level, which was estimated as the night-to-day ratio. Statistics included multivariate linear regression mixed models. Results: Overall, the mean age was 65.6±7.36 years old and 66.5% (n=447) of the participants were women. In mixed models, a decline in all memory domains was associated with greater variability in the 24-h, daytime, and nighttime systolic BP during follow-up, with an estimated decline in cognitive scores ranging from -0.2 to -0.04 points per unit increase in VIM systolic BP during follow-up (P values ranged from 0.022 to 0.003). Decline in total, short-term, and MMSE memory domains was associated with greater 24-h and daytime diastolic BP variability (P≤0.015). A lower night-to-day dipping ratio during follow-up increased the risk of cognitive decline, with a -5.8 to -1.6 decline in long-term memory and MMSE scores; respectively (P≤0.037). Conclusions: Cognitive decline associates with greater reading-to-reading 24-h BP variability and lower falls in nocturnal BP over time. These findings might be indicative of deteriorated regulatory mechanisms to maintain steady BP levels as individuals age