5,670 research outputs found

    Interdependence, the negotiation changer: Impact of the perception of interdependence in negotiation styles in individualistic vs collectivistic cultures

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    So far, there is evidence in the literature that individualism seems to be naturally associated with the perspective that negotiation is about distributing resources and collectivism is associated with the perspective that negotiation is about relationships first and then about resources distribution. Nonetheless, little is known about the different influences that social context variables such as perceived interdependence may have on individuals’ approach to negotiation depending on their adherence to individualist vs. collectivist culture. For that reason, this dissertation intends to address the influence of the perception of positive interdependence on the conflict resolution style adopted by individuals varying on the individualistic-collectivistic dimension, and whether negotiating with ingroup or outgroup members would differ in that regard. A scenario experiment (N = 212) measured negotiation behavior and style after manipulating culture salience, interdependence and group membership of the negotiation partner. We expected that the salience of the negotiator’s individualistic culture should amplify the positive effect of interdependence on integrative as compared to distributive negotiation behavior. Moreover, the salience of the negotiator’s collectivistic culture should increase attention to group belonging, which in turn should moderate the effect of interdependence, leading to more integrative as compared to distributive behavior in negotiation with ingroup members than in negotiation with outgroup members. Our analyses provided mixed results for the moderating effect of the salience of the negotiator culture and group membership of the negotiation partner. We concluded that, although our hypotheses were not strongly supported, there is a tendency pointing in that direction.Até então, evidencias na literatura apontam que o individualismo está naturalmente associado com a perspetiva de que a negociação é sobre distribuir recursos, enquanto que o coletivismo está associado à perspetiva de que a negociação é em primeira instância sobre as relações e apenas posteriormente sobre a distribuição de recursos. Mesmo assim, pouco se sabe sobre a influência que variáveis do contexto social, como a perceção de interdependência positiva, podem ter na abordagem dos indivíduos à negociação, dependendo da sua aderência à cultura individualista vs. coletivista. Esta dissertação pretende assim, abordar a influencia da perceção de interdependência no estilo de resolução de conflitos adotado pelos indivíduos, variando na dimensão individualismo-coletivismo, e se o facto de estarem a negociar com membros do endo- ou do exogrupo os fará diferir nesse sentido. Um cenário experimental (N = 212) mediu o comportamento e estilo de negociação depois de manipular a saliência da cultura, a interdependência e a grupo a que pertencia o parceiro de negociação. Esperávamos que a saliência da cultura individualista do negociador amplificasse o efeito positivo da interdependência no comportamento integrativo em comparação com o comportamento de negociação distributivo. Além disso, a saliência da cultura coletivista do negociador deveria aumentar a atenção à pertença grupal, que por sua vez deveria moderar o efeito da interdependência, levando a um comportamento mais integrativo em comparação ao comportamento distributivo na negociação com o endogrupo do que na negociação com o exogrupo. As nossas análises forneceram resultados mistos para o efeito moderador da saliência da cultura do negociador e o grupo a que pertencia o parceiro de negociação. Concluímos que, embora as nossas hipóteses não tenham sido fortemente apoiadas, há uma tendência apontando nessa direção

    Welfare arrangements, safety nets and familial support for the elderly in Portugal

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    This thesis analyses the welfare arrangements of the Portuguese elderly from an historical and a sociological perspective. Two goals form the focus of the thesis. First, it attempts to enrich the discussion on familialism as a model of welfare provision in old age in Portugal. Starting with the historical analysis of the process of consolidation of a model of welfare provision that is based on a set of assumptions about the existence of intergenerational ties and kin solidarity throughout the life course, the thesis moves on to the sociological analysis of family dynamics and normative propositions related to welfare arrangements in old age. The broad question underlying the analysis is to know how resilient and operative is familialism as a logics of welfare provision for the Portuguese elderly. The thesis shows that the resilience of familialism in the lives of the elderly is related to a complex set of social, economic and normative intricacies that still provide for a support network in old age but that show signs of being under accelerated erosion. Second, the thesis aims to make a contribution to the analysis of welfare states and social policies in familialist countries by demonstrating the explanatory power of family arrangements for understanding welfare arrangements in old age. This involves introducing in the analysis of welfare arrangements a focus on intergenerational and kin relationships, demonstrating how the familialist model is intertwined with a complex network of exchanges of support that goes beyond the needs of the elderly and that is in fact structured around the functional roles of each member of the household and/or family for the welfare of the whole. The thesis draws on review of literature and secondary data analysis. The data used came from three main sources: the European Community Household Panel (1998), the Portuguese Family Budget Survey (2000) and the Eurobarometer Survey Series (1992, 1995 and 1998-99). The analysis of data has privileged a descriptive approach, using some multivariate analysis to make meaningful synthesis. It combines crossnational comparative analysis with a case-study focus. The goal of the empirical analysis was to come up with a holistic synthesis of welfare arrangements of the Portuguese elderly linking them to three main dimensions: institutional, familial and normative

    Modeling drying kinetics of dominga grapes

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    Air drying kinetics of grapes (Dominga variety) were determined at 30, 40 and 50°C and velocities of 0.45 and 0.60 m/s, using a pilot tunnel tray drier. The air relative humidity ranged from 3 to 35%. The characteristic drying curves presented a single falling-rate behavior. Several models were attempted to fit the drying data. The effect of temperature on grape drying kinetics was also quantified. Air velocity had no significant effect on drying rates, in the tested range. The exponential model presented the best fit, and a drying rate and equilibrium moisture content were obtained for each isothermal experiment Temperature influence on drying rate followed an Arrhenius type behavior. A one-step non-linear regression to all the data allowed to obtain an activation energy of 31.8 :!:0.3 kJ/mol and a mean equilibrium moisture content of 0.338 :!:0.007 kg water/kg d.m. The developed model is crucial for simulating drying times of Dominga grapes

    Modelling and optimization of the processing of a healthy snack bar made of grape and tomato pomaces

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    A snack made of 36% by-products of grape and tomato pomaces was developed, also including other ingredients such as oats, chia, quinoa, honey, and peanut butter. The recipe was defined as tasty and healthy by a focus group. The snack was produced by using forced air at three different drying temperatures (50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C). The Newton, Page, Henderson & Pabis, and Midil-li-Kucuk models fit the drying curves well. The average values for the Newton’s model drying constants were: k50= 2.71x10-1 ± 3x10-3 min-1; k60= 2. 76x10-1 ± 4x10-3 min-1 and k70= 3.91x10-1 ± 8x10-3 min-1; at 50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C, respectively. The product’s quality was assessed over storage, regarding water activity and texture (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness and resilience). The three tested processing temperatures did not influence the final product’s quality differently. Since there are no significant differences between initial and final water activity and texture attributes for any temperature, and they were mainly unaltered over storage, the snack bar was considered stable during this period. This new snack which includes by-products from the food industry reduces food waste and contributes to a circular economy model, simultaneously presenting environmental and economic advantages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teacher training and professional identity: the contribution of collaborative work in education

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    Resumen:En el ámbito de la formación de profesores, presentamos la percepción de los estudiantes de los cursos de maestría de habilitación para la docencia sobre la contribución del trabajo colaborativo en el proceso de construcción de su identidad profesional. Los datos recogidos a partir de narrativas reflexivas sobre los que nos centramos reflejan las percepciones de 44 estudiantes a la salida de la primera experiencia de práctica de enseñanza supervisada que consideramos ilustrativa de un verdadero trabajo en red. El análisis de contenido de las narrativas se centra en cinco categorías de análisis: i) papel de los profesores supervisores de la IES en la realización de la PES; ii) el papel de los orientadores cooperantes en la realización de la PES; iii) adquisición / desarrollo de competencias relativas a la dimensión profesional, social y ética; iv) adquisición / desarrollo de competencias relativas a la dimensión de participación en la escuela y de relación con la comunidad; y v) adquisición / desarrollo de competencias reflexivas sobre la práctica. Entendemos que este es un proceso constructivo en el sentido en que el pasante se construye como profesional, mediante la forma como refleja, de forma autónoma, pero también a partir de la reflexión dialógica tanto con el par pedagógico / grupo del centro de práctica, como con el supervisor y orientador cooperante, en el contexto de la comunidad educativa en que actúa.Within the scope of teacher training, we present the perception of students who attend the masters of arts in teaching about the contribution of collaborative work networks in the process of creating their professional identity. The data collected from reflective narratives on which we focused reflect the perceptions of 44 students after their first experience of supervised teaching practice, which we consider to be elucidative of a true network work. The content analysis of the narratives focuses on five levels of analysis: i) role of Higher Education supervising teachers in the implementation of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP); ii) role of cooperative counsellors in the implementation of STP; iii) acquisition / development of competences related to the professional, social and ethical dimension; iv) acquisition / development of competences regarding the dimension of school participation and the relationship with the community; and (v) acquisition / development of reflective skills on the practice of teaching. We believe this work to be a constructive process in the sense that the trainee sets himself up as a professional through the way he reflects, autonomously, but also from the dialogical reflection either with the pedagogical pair / group from the teacher training institution, or with the supervisor and cooperative counsellor, in the context of the educational community in which he/she operates

    Acupuntura e expressão de neurotransmissores em desordens temporomandibulares: revisão sistemática

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    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a common condition of chronic orofacial pain. Acupuncture is a therapeutic method of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and some studies to get understand the mechanisms of action and molecular basis involved in this approach therapeutic. We propose to verify in the current literature on the integration of neurotransmitters expression in treat temporomandibular joint disorders by acupuncture in adulthood. A predefined protocol was used and registered on PROSPERO. This qualitative review of the literature analysed international scientific publications in several databases that used the following keywords: Temporomandibular Joint Disorders OR Acupuncture OR Neurotransmitter. Then, in the study selection phase, the eligible texts were read in full to determine their final inclusion or exclusion. The pre-established selection criteria in the protocol determined the inclusion or exclusion of studies during the selection phase. Although to know the diverse effects of acupuncture are intrinsically linked at the cellular and molecular level there is not yet any paper about this in adulthood, but there is a publication about the relationship between TMD and Acupuncture Treatment. There are no studies in the literature that correlate the temporomandibular disorders, acupuncture therapy and neurotransmitters in humans.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What Factors Guide the Selection of Medicinal Plants in a Local Pharmacopoeia? A Case Study in a Rural Community from a Historically Transformed Atlantic Forest Landscape

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    The criteria that local people use for selecting medicinal plants have been a recurrent topic in pharmacology and ethnobotany. Two of the current hypotheses regarding this phenomenon, ecological apparency and diversification, attempt to explain the inclusion of “apparent” and “non-apparent” and native and exotic taxa, respectively, in local pharmacopoeia. This study addresses the following questions: Do “apparent” and “non-apparent” medicinal plants have the same importance in local pharmacopoeia? Do “non-apparent” plants occupy more local categories of diseases than “apparent” plants? Do native and exotic medicinal plants have the same importance? Do exotic and native plants occupy different local categories of diseases? This study was conducted with householders of a community from Northeastern Brazil. Out of the 66 plant species cited, most were herbs (39 species), followed by trees and shrubs (27). Herbaceous species also occupied more local categories of diseases (51) than tree and shrub species (28). Furthermore, most of the species cited by the informants were exotic (42). Out of the 94 therapeutic applications cited in this research, 65 were treated with exotic species and 29 with native species, distributed among 13 body systems. These results support both the hypotheses of ecological apparency and diversification