297 research outputs found

    Caracterização dos manguezais do complexo estuarino de Paranaguá a partir de imagens SPOT.

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Maurício Almeida NoernbergMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Centro de Estudos do Mar, Curso de OceanografiaResumo: Estudos que aplicam sensoriamento remoto a manguezais se tornaram comuns na última década, mas somente com sensores de alta resolução espacial atuais se tem obtido resultados mais detalhados desses ambientes. O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar a distribuição dos manguezais do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá a partir de imagens SPOT. Para isso, foram usadas quatro imagens multiespectrais do satélite SPOT entre os anos de 2004 e 2010, onde foi realizada uma classificação a partir do cálculo do NDVI para a separação de áreas de manguezais das demais áreas, e posteriormente uma classificação não supervisionada para a análise das diferenças nos bosques dos mangues, que apresentou cinco classes de vegetação. A imagem de 2004 foi corroborada com dados de campo. Os manguezais do CEP ocupam uma área de 240km2. A imagem de 2004, com os dados em campo, mostram que as classes predominantes no estuário são as de mangue alto e mangue fechado, onde se encontra-se o co-domínio de espécies e predomínio de L. racemosa. Esses bosques se distribuem nas margens externas do manguezal. O mangue aberto e o sem vegetação apresentam as menores concentrações e se distribuem no interior dos bosques. A outra classe se distribui pelo limite superior do manguezal e é caracterizada pela presença de espécies de transição. A análise temporal não apresentou resultados relevantes, possivelmente por diferenças das condições ambientais e radiométricas na aquisição das imagens. Palavras-chave:manguezal, imagens SPOT, distribuição espacial

    Effect of fluoride, chlorhexidine or Nd:YAG on the progression of root dentin demineralization after removal of the demineralized organic matrix

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    Quantification of collagen degradation is an important parameter to evaluate dentin caries for preventive aid. Objectives: Evaluate preventive methods against root collagen degradation by the hydroxyproline assay (HYP) and microradiography technique (MRT). Methodology: Five bovine root dentin blocks were obtained and subjected to an artificial demineralization process by acetate buffer (pH 5) to induce carious lesion formation. Samples were subjected to the following therapeutic treatments: 1) 0.12% chlorhexidine for 1 min, 2) 2% fluoride for 1 min, 3) Nd:YAG Laser (400 μm diameter optical fiber, 10 Hz frequency, 60 mJ/pulse energy, 48 J/cm2 energy density, in noncontact mode for 10 s), 4) deionized water (control) for 1 min, 5) MRT control group (without treatment and removal of collagen). Samples were exposed to degradation by a collagenase enzyme for five days. The enzyme solution was collected, by colorimetry in a spectrophotometer, from the collagen matrix for the hydroxyproline release analysis. The same samples were subjected to an additional two days of demineralization to induce the progression of mineral loss. Samples were analyzed by MRT for the visualization of their degraded areas (estimation of lesion depth and mineral loss). ANOVA was applied to compare hydroxyproline release rates. MRT data were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by the Dunn’s test. Comparisons between the initial five-day and the subsequent two-day demineralization processes were performed by repeated t-test or Wilcoxon (p<0.05) measurements. Results: The amount of HYP released from the dentin samples failed to show significant differences among the groups (p=0.09). Fluoride and chlorhexidine were able to interact with the samples, reducing the progression of dentin caries after removal of the demineralized organic matrix. CHX was the only treatment able to show significant lower lesion depth than the negative control. Conclusion: Chlorhexidine and fluoride were effective in reducing root caries progression

    Range extension of Scorpaena inermis (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) in the southwestern Atlantic

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    Scorpaena inermis is recorded for the third time in the southwestern Atlantic. The known previous records of the species from Brazilian coast was collected Alagoas and Rio Grande do Norte states, prior of which the species was supposed to occur only in the northwestern Atlantic, from Georgia, USA, to Suriname and French Guiana. Here we report on two specimens that were collected in the northeastern Brazil and were deposited in Brazilian institutions. These new reports of S. inermis in Brazilian waters extend the geographic distribution of this species in the western Atlantic and the interval of three morphometric features

    Benznidazole Treatment: Time- and Dose-Dependence Varies with the Trypanosoma cruzi Strain

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    Trypanosoma cruzi; Benznidazol; Estratègies terapèutiquesTrypanosoma cruzi; Benznidazol; Estrategias terapéuticasTrypanosoma cruzi; Benznidazole; Therapeutic strategiesAs the development of new drugs for Chagas disease is not a priority due to its neglected disease status, an option for increasing treatment adherence is to explore alternative treatment regimens, which may decrease the incidence of side effects. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy of different therapeutic schemes with benznidazole (BNZ) on the acute and chronic phases of the disease, using mice infected with strains that have different BNZ susceptibilities. Our results show that the groups of animals infected by VL-10 strain, when treated in the chronic phase with a lower dose of BNZ for a longer period of time (40 mg/kg/day for 40 days) presented better treatment efficacy than with the standard protocol (100 mg/kg/day for 20 days) although the best result in the treatment of the animals infected by the VL-10 strain was with100 mg/kg/day for 40 days. In the acute infection by the Y and VL-10 strains of T. cruzi, the treatment with a standard dose, but with a longer time of treatment (100 mg/kg/day for 40 days) presented the best results. Given these data, our results indicate that for BNZ, the theory of dose and time proportionality does not apply to the phases of infection.Funding was provided by the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), research fellowships from CNPq (Carneiro CM, Correa-Oliveira R), CAPES—Science Without Borders and Senior Research Visitor (Molina I, Correa-Oliveira R), and BERENICE (Collaborative Project supported by the European Commission under the Health Innovation Work Programme of the 7th Framework Programme). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Obesity influences the development of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis in Wistar rats

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    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is characterized by bone exposure for more than eight weeks in patients who have used or been treated with antiresorptive or antiangiogenic drugs, without a history of radiation therapy or metastatic diseases in the jaws. Obesity is associated with changes in periodontal tissues and oral microbiota that are linked to bone alterations. This study aimed to analyze the influence of obesity on the development of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis. The experiment randomly and simply divided 24 male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) into four groups: healthy, with osteonecrosis, obese, and obese with osteonecrosis (n=6 per group). Osteonecrosis was induced through weekly intraperitoneal injection for eight weeks at a dose of 250 µg/kg of zoledronic acid in a 4 mg/5 mL solution, combined with trauma (exodontia). Obesity was induced through a high glycaemic index diet. Each group was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated regarding the development of models and pathological anatomy of the lesions. The results were expressed in mean percentage and standard deviation and statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's post-hoc test, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) to establish differences found between the groups. Animals in the osteonecrosis group and the obese with osteonecrosis group presented larger necrosis areas (averages: 172.83±18,19 µm2 and 290.33±15,77 µm2, respectively) (p<0,0001). Bone sequestration, hepatic steatosis, and increased adipocyte size were observed in the obese group (average: 97.75±1.91 µm2) and in the obese with osteonecrosis group (average: 98.41±1.56 µm2), indicating greater tissue damage in these groups (p<0,0001). All parameters analyzed (through histological, morphometric, and murinometric analyses) increased for the obese and obese with osteonecrosis groups, suggesting a possible influence of obesity on the results. However, further studies are needed to confirm the role of obesity in the possible exacerbation of osteonecrosis and understand the underlying mechanisms

    O cuidado em saúde mental: narrativas de familiares de ouvidores de vozes

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    Ancorado numa perspectiva psicossocial, frente aos desafios da reinserção social e da composição de estratégias de cuidado em liberdade, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar as narrativas dos familiares de ouvidores de vozes sobre suas experiências como cuidadores. Foram realizadas entrevistas narrativas com familiares de participantes de um grupo de ouvidores de vozes em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (Caps) da cidade de Pelotas, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A partir da análise temática, produziram-se três eixos temáticos: (1) experiência de ouvir vozes e necessidade de cuidado; (1) família: práticas de cuidado; e (3) estratégias terapêuticas: tecendo redes de cuidado compartilhadas em saúde mental. As narrativas dos cuidadores reportam dificuldades na convivência com familiares que ouvem vozes, sobrecarga de trabalho relacionada ao cuidado e desafios enfrentados no cotidiano. Destaca-se a importância de espaços grupais de ajuda mútua que possam auxiliar os cuidadores.Considering the challenges of social reintegration and the composition of care strategies in a context of liberty, this study aims to analyze the narratives of family members of voice hearers regarding their experiences as caregivers from a psychosocial perspective. Narrative interviews were conducted with family members of individuals attending a group of voice hearers at a Psychosocial Care Center in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Three thematic axes were obtained from the thematic analysis of interview data: (1) experience of hearing voices and the need for care; (2) family: care practices; and (3) therapeutic strategies: weaving care networks in mental health. Caregivers report difficulties in living with family members who hear voices, carerelated work overload, and challenges faced in daily life. In this context, the results stress the importance of mutual aid groups in supporting caregivers

    Staphylococcus saprophyticus Recovered from Humans, Food, and Recreational Waters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    Staphylococcus saprophyticus is an important agent of urinary tract infection (UTI) in young women, but information about this pathogen in human microbiota and in common environment is lacking. The aim of this study was to characterize S. saprophyticus isolates from genitoanal microbiota of 621 pregnant women, 10 minas cheese packs, and five beaches in Rio de Janeiro city and compare PFGE profiles of these isolates with five UTI PFGE clusters described in this city. We investigated 65 S. saprophyticus isolates from microbiota, 13 from minas cheese, and 30 from beaches and 32 UTI isolates. Antimicrobial resistance was determined by disk diffusion, MIC by agar dilution, and PCR. Erythromycin-resistance genes erm(C), msr(A), msr(B), mph(C), and lin(A) were found in 93% of isolates. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance correlated with dfrG or dfrA genes. Three cefoxitin-resistant isolates carried the mecA gene. All isolates obtained from cheese were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents. Six of 10 pregnant women with >1 isolate had monoclonal colonization. Isolates from pregnant women shared 100% similarity with UTI PFGE cluster types A and E obtained almost 10 years previously, suggesting temporal persistence of S. saprophyticus. Antimicrobial resistance of beach isolates reflected the profiles of human isolates. Taken together, results indicate a shared source for human and environmental isolates

    A influência do clareamento dental sobre a resistência de união de sistemas adesivos ao esmalte

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    Este estudo apresenta como o clareamento dos dentes afeta a resistência da união no esmalte dentário e o tipode fratura de três adesivos distintos - um adesivo convencional, auto-condicionante e um universal. Osincisivos bovinos foram preparados por aplainamento da superfície labial. Parte dos corpos de prova foisubmetida ao tratamento de clareamento com um produto à base de peróxido (WhiteGold Office® 35%). Osprodutos Single Bond®, AdheSE® e Single Bond Universal® foram utilizados para aderir em um bloco deresina restauradora à superfície plana dos dentes. Foram preparados corpos de prova em formato palitos comos dentes no tamanho de 10x1x1 mm, submetidos em testes de microtensão que também foram empregadospara examinar o tipo de fratura. Os resultados foram estatisticamente analisados pelo método ANOVA dedois fatores. Tanto para os corpos de prova não clareados como os clareados, os sistemas adesivos nãoapresentaram valores de resistência de tração estatisticamente diferentes. O estudo permitiu a tipificação de 4formas distintas de fratura, em que o tipo de fratura variava de coesiva do esmalte para as amostras clareadasaté o tipo fratura predominantemente coesiva à resina para os dentes não clareados, levando à conclusão deque o processo de clareamento exerceu um evidente efeito de enfraquecimento no esmalte, mesmo após 21dias pós-tratamento.Palavras-chave: Clareamento de dentes; sistemas adesivos; resistência de adesão; fratura; sistemarestaurador