7 research outputs found

    Radiação fotossinteticamente ativa incidente e Refletida acima e abaixo do dossel de floresta de Mata Atlântica em Coruripe, Alagoas

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    The study of solar radiation is important to understand the several physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in the biosphere, particularly in the forest. The objective of this study has been to evaluate the temporal evolution of incident and reflected Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) above and below the canopy of the Mata Atlantica forest. The study has been conducted in a Private Reserve Natural Heritage, located in the Coruripe city, Alagoas, during the period from October 2009 to September 2010, based on the PAR (2, 13, 26 m) observations obtained at the micrometeorological station, installed on a 24 meters high tower (10° 17' 36"S, 36° 17' 24"W, 160 m asl). According to the results the incident and reflected PAR outside (PAR↓_Ext and PAR↑_Ext) and inside (PAR↑_Spf) forest follow the seasonality imposed by the apparent motion of the Sun. The higher PAR values occur during the dry season, exceeding 600 and 12 W m-2, and during the wet season these averages was less than 300 and 8.0 W m-2, influenced by cloudiness. At the beginning and ending of sunlight time PAR↑_Spf values near zero were measured. The opposite measurements of about 14 W m-2, around 12 h (November and December) were observed

    Germination and initial development of desert rose in different substrates

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    A rosa do deserto, foi trazida para o Brasil, causando grande impacto entre os viveiristas e colecionadores por conta de suas belíssimas flores. Todavia, as taxas de mortalidade principalmente nas fases iniciais têm causado preocupação. O estudo avaliou o substrato que proporciona melhores taxas de germinação. O experimento foi conduzido na chácara Alto Alegre, em casa de vegetação com sombrite a 50% no período de maio a setembro de 2019. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 10 repetições, sendo 3 tratamentos puros e 2 provenientes de misturas: T1 – 100% de casca de pinus; T2 – 100% de casca de amendoim triturada; T3 – 50% de fibra da casca de coco da praia + 50 % caule decomposto de babaçu; T4 – 100% de fibra da casca de coco da praia; T5 – 50% de casca de arroz carbonizada + 30% de casca de ovo triturada + 20% de borra de café. As análises foram divididas em 2 etapas, na primeira avaliou-se o tempo médio de germinação (TMG), índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE), e porcentagem de germinação (G) nesta primeira etapa as plantas receberam irrigação duas vezes ao dia e não receberam adubação. Na segunda etapa foi avaliado altura de plantas (AP), número de folhas (NF) e diâmetro de caule (DC), os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância pelo teste Tukey (p ? 5%). A mistura de 50% de fibra de casca de coco da praia + 50% de caule decomposto de babaçu apresentaram os melhores resultados.The desert rose was brought to Brazil, causing a great impact among nurseries and collectors because of its beautiful flowers. However, mortality rates, especially in the early stages, have caused concern. Thus, in this work, the substrate that provides the best germination rates was evaluated. The experiment was carried out in the Alto Alegre farm, in a greenhouse with 50% shade from May to September 2019. The experimental design used was completely randomized with 5 treatments and 10 repetitions, 3 pure treatments and 2 from mixtures: (T1 - commercial substrate based on decomposed pine bark), (T2 - ground peanut shell), (T3 - decomposed babassu palm stem + coconut fiber from the beach), (T4 - coconut shell fiber from the beach), (T5 - carbonized rice straw + coffee grounds + eggshell). The analyzes were divided into 2 stages, the first one evaluated the average germination time (TMG), emergence speed index (IVE), and germination percentage (G) in this first stage the plants received irrigation twice a day and received no fertilization. In the second stage, plant height (AP), number of leaves (NC) and stem diameter (DC) were evaluated, the data were subjected to analysis of variance by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The mixture of 50% coconut fiber from the beach + 50% babassu palm stem showed the best results

    Concentração de dióxido de carbono em ambiente de savana na amazônia: estudo de caso

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    To investigate the correlation between two time series (CO2 versus air temperature and wind speed), we used coherency wavelets and phase angle. The datasets used in this study are in the October 16 of 2018, measured from micrometeorological tower in savanna natural area (2°49’30”S; 54°54’35”W; 82 m a.m.s.l.), Santarém (PA). The correlation between with CO2 concentration and air temperature detected high coherence (upper 0.8). When confronted with the wind speed, in microscale, detection a chaotic and disordered region, displaying very intermittent and showed “islands” (statistically significant), justified by the low amplitude between them. Naturally, the use of coherence wavelet and phase is fundamental to emphasize the between with CO2 and meteorological variables ration. It is evident, even for one day only, anti-phase relation between with the CO2 and air temperature signals. The temporal domain less than 32 minutes (microscale), the wind speed, at some moments, exerts a strong influence on the concentration of the referred gas (> 0.8), mainly from 09 to 15 local time.Para investigar a correlação entre duas séries temporais (CO2 com a temperatura do ar e com a velocidade do vento), empregou-se transformada de coerência e fase em ondeletas. Os dados deste estudo compreendem o período de 16 de outubro de 2018, e são provenientes da torre micrometeorológica instalada área natural de savana (2°49’30”S; 54°54’35”W; 82 m de alt.), em Santarém (PA). A correlação entre a concentração de CO2 comtemperatura do ar percebeu-se núcleos estatisticamente significativos (superior a 0,8). Ao confrontar com a velocidade do vento, em microescala, detectou-se uma região caótica e desordenada, apresentando “ilhas” (estatisticamente significativa) bastante intermitentes e setas atuando de forma aleatória, justificado pela baixa amplitude dessas séries. Seguramente, o emprego da coerência e de fase em ondeletas é fundamental para enfatizar as relações entre o CO2 com variáveis meteorológicas. Fica evidente, mesmo para o período de apenas um dia, anticorrelação entre os sinais de CO2 com a temperatura do ar. E que no domínio temporal inferior a 32 minutos (microescala), a velocidade do vento, em alguns momentos, exerce forte influência na concentração do referido gás (>0,8), principalmente das 09 às 15 HL


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    INTRODUCTION In the a breeding program leading, various strategies can be used and they are capable to yield good results. However, hybridization is a routine in current breeding programs and it has been the main new bean lines source (Menezes Júnior et al. 2013). The big difficulty in the autogamous plants breeding is finding two parents who bring together all the interest phenotypes. In this case, the alternative would be to promote successive cycles of selection and interbreeding of the best individuals or the best families (Geraldi 1997). The genetic progress periodic estimation is fundamental to guide the plant breeders about the selective strategies used and the alternatives that could be adopted to increase their efficiency. Thus, the procedures commonly used to compare selective cycles are the different cycles families or lines evaluation, which can be done using common witnesses (Ramalho 1996). The work objective was to estimate the genetic progress of two recurrent selection cycles based on the evaluation of families with common controls. MATERIAL AND METHODS The experiments were carried out at the Experimental Station of Coimbra, belonging to the Department of Plant Sciences of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). The base population, zero cycle (C0), it was obtained by the combination of 20 carioca type grains, with favorable phenotypes for several agronomic interest characters. The parents were recombined in a circulating diallel design, with each parent participating in two crosses, generating 20 populations. From these populations, the families were derived and evaluated for three generations, in the generations F2:4 and F2:5. The same recombination procedure and C0 evaluation were performed in cycle one (CI)

    Nursing Care In The Hemodialysis Room: Integrative Review

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    Objectives: To identify in the literature the nursing care in the hemodialysis room, as well as to evaluate the patient needs in the hemodialysis treatment. Method: Bibliographic study of descriptive origin with exploratory investigation. The search was carried out at the bases: Scielo, Bireme and Google academic, from 2010 to 2016, using the descriptors: nursing, care, hemodialysis. Results: Forty-eight articles were found and the final sample comprised 16. It was noticed that the nursing care in the hemodialysis room is very important for the safety and protection of the patients, who during the session should be observed, due to the risks that it offers. It is understood that the patient's need in hemodialytic treatment is to undergo various restrictions and be accompanied by a multidisciplinary team always aiming at the comfort and safety of the patient. Conclusion: Therefore the changes that exist in the life of the chronic renal patient are several, such as fear of death, feel excluded from living with friends, gain weight because the body can not excrete toxins and liquids, and are indefinitely imprisoned to the dialysis machine