4,456 research outputs found

    Aplicação de um modelo da análise custo-volume-lucro na criação de suínos

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    Os artigos publicados poderão ser reproduzidos total ou parcialmente, desde que citada a fonte.Para a aplicação da análise CVL é necessário formular adaptações que considerem as especificidades de cada setor. O texto trata do desenvolvimento de um modelo de análise CVL para a criação de suínos. Dentre as peculiaridades desse setor, merece destaque o fato do animal apresentar, durante o período de confinamento, crescimento no seu peso, o que significa ganho de quantidade com o passar do tempo. Entretanto, esse ganho de peso é marginalmente decrescente até o ponto em que se estabiliza num determinado patamar. De igual modo, o modelo apresentado também considera o fato do gestor decidir, de maneira otimizada, entre armazenar ou vender seus ativos. O texto apresenta inicialmente o modelo teórico desenvolvido. Posteriormente apresenta-se um exemplo numérico. Finalmente são tecidas considerações, de modo a permitir seu aperfeiçoamento no futuro

    O conflito entre o interesse economico e a reforma institucional sutentável

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    A Política do Consumo desenfreado fomentado pelo interesse econômico das grandes Corporações Capitalistas e compradas pelas populações têm gerando um alargamento na desigualdade social e nos problemas ambientais, porque para suprir a necessidade de consumo das pessoas os produtores têm deixado de lado questões ambientais e sociais em busca do aumento de produção. Diante dessa questão, como os Governos tentam reformular o conceito de Estado Social de Direito e nele implantar a questão do Risco, tanto social quanto ambiental sem que essas reformar institucionais deixem de lado ou problematizem o crescimento econômico e a aumento de poder de compra e consumo das populações

    An Investigation on the Structure/Property Relationships of Solid State Welding Processes in a Titanium Matrix Composite Alloy (Ti6Al4V [plus] 10 wt.% of TiC)

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    TiC particulate reinforced Ti6Al4V metal matrix composites (Ti6Al4V 10 wt.% TiC) have high strength-to-weight ratio and good high temperature properties. Although this class of composite clearly perform better than the matrix alloy itself, the successful application of such particulate-reinforced materials depends on the availability of proven joining techniques that can produce high quality joints. Due to the high chemical reactivity of titanium that may lead to a chemical interaction with the reinforcing material a poor fusion welding performance is commonly observed in these materials making solid-state diffusion bonding and rotary friction welding potential processes to produce complex structural components. Despite recent advances in processing and manufacturing technology of Ti6Al4V 10 wt.% TiC there is still a lack of understanding in the solid state joining possibilities and its microstructural changes and mechanical properties. The main objective of this work is to investigate and analyse the feasibility of joining the particulate-reinforced composite alloy by rotary friction welding and diffusion bonding processes. It is also aimed the determination and establishment of the microstructure/properties relationships of the resultant welds as well as to investigate the bonding mechanisms and understand the weldability aspects of friction welded and diffusion bonded Ti6Al4V 10 wt.% TiC. Metallurgical characterization of both base material and welded joints was performed using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscope. Mechanical assessment was accomplished using tensile, microflat tensile and fracture toughness tests. A microstructural examination of the friction-welded joints has revealed two distinct welding zones (transformed and recrystallized zone as well as heat affected zone); while no metallurgical transformation has occurred in the diffusion bonding process. In the case of rotary friction welding best results were associated with low rotational speed and low friction pressure; while in the diffusion bonding process the best results were associated with a bonding temperature and pressure of 1000C and 5MPa together with bonding times ranging from 35 and 60 minutes

    Analytic Hierarchy Process Applied to Supply Chain Management

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    Resource allocation (RA) and supplier selection (SS) are two major decision problems regarding supply chain management (SCM). A supply chain manager may solve these problems by considering a single criterion, for instance, costs, customer satisfaction, or delivery time. Applying analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the supply chain manager may combine such criteria to enhance a compromised solution. This chapter presents AHP applications to solve two real SCM problems faced by Brazilian companies: one problem regarding the RA in the automotive industry and another one to SS in a chemical corporation

    Efeito da posição do bisel da caneta de facoemulsificação no endotélio corneano

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    Purpose: To compare the extent of corneal endothelial (CE) cell loss changes in two groups of eyes submitted to phacoemulsification, with the conventional bevel-up tip position in one eye and with the bevel-down tip position in the fellow eye. Methods: This prospective clinical trial comprised 25 patients with bilateral cataracts subjected to lens removal by phacoemulsification with the conventional bevel-up tip position (GI) in one eye and with the bevel-down tip position (GII) in the fellow eye. The nuclei were graded clinically on the basis of hardness. The endothelial cell count (ECC) was evaluated preoperatively and 1, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Total surgical time, effective ultrasound time and complications were also compared between the groups. Statistical analysis was performed by the Tukey Studentized Range test, with repeated measures for the selected periods. For the other parameters a paired t test was used. Data are presented as mean ± SD, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: The mean effective ultrasound time was 8.08 ± 6.75 seconds in group I and 7.00 ± 5.75 seconds in GII (P=0.1792) and total surgical time was 10.01 ± 2.46 minutes in GI and 9.86 ± 2.17 minutes in GII (p=0.6267), respectively. The paired t test revealed no statistical differences between the groups. Complications were also similar between the groups. Mean endothelial cell count loss was 6.9% in GI and 2.8% in GII at one month; 6.9% in GI and 3.6% in GII at three months and 11.9% in GI and 7.6% in GII at six months postoperatively. Comparison of endothelial cell count (ECC) showed a statistically significant difference between the groups during the postoperative period. Conclusion: The conventional bevel-up tip position has a negative effect on corneal endothelial cells compared with the bevel-down position. Since the results of other surgical parameters were similar, the bevel-down tip position should be considered as an option in non-complicated phacoemulsification.Objetivo: Comparamos duas técnicas de cirurgia de catarata. A técnica cirúrgica tradicional, em que direciona a abertura do bisel da ponteira de facoemulsificação para o endotélio corneano, com a técnica oposta, onde a reversão da posição de abertura permite o direcionamento da energia de emulsificação para o núcleo. Estudamos seus efeitos sobre a córnea e possíveis complicações. Métodos: O trabalho foi divido em quatro tempos: pré-operatório e após 30, 60 e 180 dias. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: o grupo 1, tratado com a técnica cirúrgica tradicional, com a abertura da ponteira direcionada para o endotélio, e grupo 2, que recebeu tratamento com técnica oposta, direcionada diretamente para o núcleo ou para os fragmentos nucleares. Após as cirurgias, foram estudados: perda endotelial após 30, 60 e 180 dias, tempo total de cirurgia e tempo efetivo de faco. Resultados: Os resultados intraoperatórios apresentaram o tempo efetivo de facoemulsificação no GI teve média de 8,08 segundos (DP=6,75) e no GII, média de 7,0 segundos (P=0,1792) e o tempo total de cirurgia de 10,01 ± 2,46 minutos no GI e 9,86 ± 2,17 minutos no GII (p=0,6267) respectivamente. O teste pareado não revelou diferença estatística entre os grupos. As complicações foram similares nos dois grupos. A média de perda de células endoteliais foi de 6,9% no GI e2,8% in GII com um mês; 6,9% no GI e 3,6%noGIIcom trêsmeses e 11,9% no GI e 7,6% no GII com seis meses de pós-operatório. Conclusão: Concluímos que a variação da manobra apresentada é segura e pode minimizar perdas no endotélio corneano, podendo ser uma opção na cirurgia da catarata, de acordo com as preferências pessoais do cirurgião


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    Recent developments in LIDAR technology lead to the availability of the waveform systems, which capture and digitize the whole return of the emitted LASER pulse. As many objects may cause multiple returns in the same echo, one task is to detect and separate different echoes within the same digitized measurement. In this paper the results of a study aimed at LASER signal waveform decomposition using genetic algorithms are introduced. The proposed method is based on the Gaussian decomposition approach and analyzes each digitized return to compute one or more points. Initially, the number of peaks contained in the waveform is determined by a simple peak detection method, with a local maximum point algorithm. When more than one peak is detected, genetic algorithms are applied to estimate the amplitude, time and standard deviation of each peak within the digitized signal. With this methodology it was possible to increase the number of points by approximately 17 % compared to the point cloud obtained using commercial software. The best results were obtained in areas with high vegetation, and thus the methodology can be applied to the generation of denser points cloud in forest area

    Analytic Hierarchy Process and Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric Study

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    AbstractA comparative study was used to outline the literature in the research topic. This paper aims to present a bibliometric study ofmulti-criteria decision-making methods most applied in publications from 1990 to 2014. Our research presented relations of papers published in the Web of Science Core Collection, regarding the following keywordsAnalytic Hierarchy Process and Supply Chain. The research evidenced that the Analytic Hierarchy Process has been the method mostapplied in publications from 1993. It also showed the analysis of the predecessor and successor citation network for the selected publications under topics as supplier selection, supply development, performance measurement and value chain through the CitNetExplore software