10,978 research outputs found

    Macroscopic Forces driven by Resonant Neutrino Conversion

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    We show that neutrino oscillations in matter are always accompanied by collective forces on the medium. This effect may produce interesting consequences for the background and the neutrino oscillations themselves. The force is maximal in the case of resonant neutrino conversion in the adiabatic regime. We study here the forces driven by νe−νμ,τ\nu_e-\nu_{\mu,\tau} and νe−νs\nu_e-\nu_s MSW conversion and shortly discuss their possible relevance for the dynamics of a type II supernova.Comment: 9 LaTeX pages, 1 ps figure file. Format changed. One formula corrected. Some comments added to the text. Accepted for publication on Phys. Lett.

    A Semiotic Study of One Ready-To-Drink Tea Billboard Advertisement in Jakarta

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    The purpose of this research was to delve into the linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of a pioneer brand of bottled green tea in the Indonesian market. Four main aspects of the Semiotics study, namely the represented participants, modality, composition, and interactive participants were used to analyze the advertisement. The data for this research was a billboard of Nü Green Tea that was placed in Jl. Kasablanka Raya in South Jakarta. The findings show that the interplay between the non-human object, play of colors, composition, and language choice has been designed carefully in order to boost the targeted audience's attention to the product

    The English Borrowings and the Indonesian-English Codeswitching in Two Collections of Blog Short-Stories

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    If one has ever read fiction works by prominent Indonesian authors from 1920‟s Abdul Muis, and Marah Rusli, 1930‟s Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana and Armijn Pane, 1945‟s Chairil Anwar and Achdiat K. Mihardja, 1950-1960‟s Pramoedya Ananta Toer, W. S. Rendra, and N. H. Dini, 1960-1970‟s Taufik Ismail, Goenawan Moehammad, and Sapardi Djoko Darmono, and compared their work with those of the 1990‟s Hilman Sriwijaya and Ayu Utami, and the 2000‟s Hirata, one must have found many differences among the works. More obvious distinction will be discovered if all of the works previously mentioned are contrasted with those of 2000‟s teen writers like Arunita, Mentari, Andries, and recently Dika, especially in terms of style and vocabulary. The most recent teen fictions have employed much colloquial Indonesian or Malay-Betawi dialect (Djenar, 2008), and English lexical items. This study shows that in Dika‟s blog short-stories alone, English borrowings and Indonesian-English code-switching were commonly found. English seems to be the third language after the colloquial and standard Indonesian with which the author think


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    Nowadays, EFL reading textbooks have adjusted their level of linguistic difficulties to their prospective users and provide texts about a variety of topics, detailed explanation of reading skills and practices, not to mention the smart lay-out and good quality of paper, all aiming at facilitating both students and teachers to successfully learn and teach reading, respectively. However, having qualified reading textbooks, teachers cannot take for granted that their students will directly appreciate reading and the textbook selected for the course because in some places extensive reading may not be part of the people's routine, and may not be considered to be very important by the authority. This article provides several useful techniques to take a full advantage of textbooks in A. M. Da Silva, Making the Best Use ofa Textbook 21 EFL reading classrooms in the aforementioned context


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    Abstrak Lansekap linguistic (LL) telah digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan pemelajaran Bahasa Inggris  di beberapa kota seperti Calgary-Canada, Oaxaca-Mexico, Seoul-Korea, dan Taipei-Taiwan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan fungsi informatif dan simbolik dari LL. Dari LL sebuah area dapat dipelajari penggunaan Bahasa Inggris secara deskriptif dan preskriptif. Selain itu, dari LL dapat ‘dibaca’ hubungan antara kekuasaan dan bahasa dan isu-isu menarik lainnya. Sejauh pengetahuan penulis, LL belum lazim digunakan di dalam konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Karena itu, penulis berinisiatif menjadikan LL dalam perspektif pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai tema kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) bagi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP, SMU dan SMK di Provinsi Banten yang diadakan pada 25 Juli 2018 di Universitas Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin, Serang, Banten. Pada kegiatan PkM tersebut penulis mendeskripsikan cara penggunaan LL sebagai materi otentik untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh para guru, peneliti dan ahli bahasa di beberapa negara di atas. Penulis juga mengungkapkan pengalamannya sendiri menggunakan LL sebagai bahan pemelajaran bahasa Inggris. Hampir semua peserta baru mengetahui terminologi LL dan tertarik untuk menggunakan LL sebagai bagian dari bahan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

    An Indonesian EFL Learner’s Dissertation Writing: Some Problems and Solutions

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    A dissertation is said to be an academician’s peak of academic achievement. One can demonstrate his expertise, passion in a particular field of study, and skills through his dissertation. Yet, in general, writing a dissertation may not be simple for every graduate student, especially when he has to write a dissertation about language in a language that is not his native language, English for instance, indicating that he must be able to show remarkable capabilities in manipulating the language. To find out about how a non-English speaking student coped with any problems persisted during the process of writing his dissertation in English I conducted a brief interview with an Indonesian lecturer, majoring in Linguistics, who wrote his dissertation in English. The interview presented some important fact in relation to successfully producing a qualified dissertation, i.e. mastery of one’s field of study, and the English academic writing skills. Keywords: Dissertation writing, academic writing, linguistic

    Workshop on Writing a Review of Relevant Literature in a Research Report for English Teachers in Bogor

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    The workshop on writing a review of relevant literature in a research paper is part of a series of workshop given to English teachers of Bogor Regency. The workshop series is part of the cooperation between Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Pakuan University in terms of research and community service. The theme was chosen because of the needs of the teachers to write and publish their classroom action research report for their professional development. Therefore the goal of the workshop is to assist and guide the teachers in their report writing, particularly the literature review. The workshop consisted of explanation about a literature review of a research article, steps to write a review and analysis of samples of reviews. The participants mostly appreciated the content of the workshop and hoped that the following workshop theme will either extend the given materials or cover skills of writing other sections of a research article. They also gave some suggestions related to the technique of delivery and duration of the workshop.  The workshop on writing a review of relevant literature in a research paper is part of a series of workshops given to English teachers of Bogor Regency. The workshop series is part of the cooperation between the Faculty of Education and Language of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science of Pakuan University in terms of research and community service. The writer chose the theme because of the needs of the teachers to write and publish their classroom action research report for their professional development. The workshop aims at assisting and guiding the teachers with research report writing, particularly the literature review section. The workshop consisted of an explanation about a literature review of a research article, steps to write a literature review and analysis of one literature review. The participants mostly appreciated the content of the workshop and hoped that the following workshop theme would either extend the given materials or cover the skills of writing other sections of a research article. They also gave some suggestions related to the technique of delivery and duration of the workshop


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    Abstract: Studying the reading competence of Indonesian EFL within the framework of bilingualism can be challenging for language researchers. That may be because the area has not yet deeply explored by Indonesian researchers, while Indonesia provides a vast array of data due to its diverse linguistic background. The present small study investigates the English scanning skills of forty-three Indonesian EFL primary level students. Forty nine percent of the subjects are monolinguals, i.e. they use only Indonesian both at home and school. The rest are bilinguals: they use Indonesian and local languages interchangeably at home. The result of the study shows that in general the Indonesian monolinguals have a better performance in comparison to their bilingual counterparts.  Keywords: bilingualism, scanning skills, reading comprehension  KETERAMPILAN MELAKUKAN SCANNING DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS PARA SISWA INDONESIA BERDWIBAHASA DAN BEREKABAHASA Abstrak: Kemampuan membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris dari para siswa Indonesia dalam kerangka kedwibahasaan cukup menantang untuk diteliti oleh para peneliti bahasa. Hal tersebut terjadi karena masih kurang didalaminya bidang penelitian kedwibahasaan di Indonesia, terutama yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi berbahasa Inggris. Padahal, Indonesia dengan latar belakang linguistik yang begitu beragam merupakan lahan subur untuk penelitian di bidang tersebut. Penelitian kecil ini berfokus pada kemampuan scanning dalam Bahasa Inggris dari empatpuluh tiga siswa sekolah dasar. Empat puluh sembilan persen dari subyek penelitian ini berbahasa tunggal, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia di rumah dan di sekolah, dan sisanya berbahasa Indonesia di sekolah dan berbahasa daerah di rumahnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum hasil tes kemampuan scanning siswa yang hanya berbahasa Indonesia mengungguli siswa yang berdwibahasa. Katakunci: kedwibahasaan, scanning, pemahaman bacaa
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