739 research outputs found


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    Objective: to demonstrate the applicability of the Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis tool to analyze, preventively, the risks related to the process of insertion, maintenance, and removal of peripheral intravenous catheters.Method: theoretical study, conducted from August to November 2022, in São Paulo-SP, Brazil, whose process was mapped in stages/activities, detailing the failure modes, using the tool. The Risk Priority Number was calculated, the severity and probability matrix was elaborated, adapted to health by DeRosier and collaborators, and actions were proposed to reduce failure modes.Results: The major risks identified were: "perform antisepsis of the area to be punctured with an alcohol swab" and "disinfect the connector with an alcohol swab", and were recommended training and use of kit materials as the main mitigation strategies.Conclusion: knowing the risks associated with peripheral intravenous catheters is the basis for the implementation of preventive strategies, minimizing the occurrence of damage and the associated healthcare costs

    Differential mtDNA damage patterns in a transgenic mouse model of Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3)

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been associated with late onset neurodegenerative disorders, among which is Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3). In a previous study, using a transgenic mouse model of MJD, we reported a decrease in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number and an accumulation of the 3876-bp deletion with age and with phenotype development. We extended this study by analyzing the pattern of mtDNA depletion and the accumulation of the 3876-bp deletion in 12 older transgenic (TG) and 4 wild-type (wt) animals, and by investigating the accumulation of somatic mutations in the D-loop region in 76 mice (42 TG and 34 wt). mtDNA damage was studied in TG and wt mice at different ages and tissues (blood, pontine nuclei, and hippocampus). Results for older mice demonstrate an accumulation of the mtDNA 3867-bp deletion with age, which was more pronounced in TG animals. Furthermore, the tendency for mtDNA copy number decrease with age, in all analyzed tissues of TG and wt animals, was also confirmed. No point mutations were detected in the D-loop, neither in TG nor wt animals, in any of the tissues analyzed. Due to the absence of mtDNA somatic mutations, we can suggest that mtDNA point mutation accumulation cannot be used to monitor the development and progression of the phenotype in this mouse model and likely in any MJD mice model. The present results further confirm not only the association between mtDNA alterations (copy number and deletions) and age, but also between such alterations and the expression of the mutant ataxin-3 in TG mice.NK and AR are a Fundo Regional para a Ciencia postdoctoral fellow (M3.1.7/F/002/2008 and M3.1.7/F/031/2011). This work was partially supported by Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 2009-566)

    O PROCESSO DE FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES: relatos de experiência

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    O presente artigo tem como intenção apresentar de forma resumida o contexto histórico, dividido em períodos, tendo como base o trabalho de Saviani (2009) “Formação de professores: aspectos históricos e teóricos do problema no contexto brasileiro”. O trabalho se refere acerca da formação docente e da construção dos saberes da docência. Além disso, se discorrerá sobre aspectos relacionados ao processo de formação de professores, tendo como plano de fundo o estágio supervisionado no ensino fundamental, ensino médio e nas observações realizada junto ao projeto Residência Pedagógica, apresentando resultados alcançados com as atividades desenvolvidas durante o desenvolvimento dessas práticas. Os referidos relatos têm como objetivo mostrar a importância do processo de formação de professores e das experiências vividas no ambiente escolar, mostrando que o estágio propõe condição para o futuro professor analisar os múltiplos aspectos que envolvem o campo educacional.Palavras-chave: Contexto histórico. Formação de professores. Ensino. Aprendizagem.THE PROCESS OF TEACHER TRAINING: reports of experienceAbstractThe present article intends to present in summary form the historical context divided in periods, based on the work of Saviani (2009) “Formação de professores: aspectos históricos e teóricos do problema no contexto brasileiro”. In what refers to teacher education and the construction of teaching knowledge, aspects related to the teacher training process will also be discussed, having as background the supervised internship in elementary education, high school and the observations made in the project of the residence pedagogical, presenting results achieved with the activities developed in practice. These reports aim to show the importance of the teacher training process and the experiences lived in the school environment, showing that the internship proposes. condition for the future teacher to analyze the documents involved in the educational field.Keywords: Historical context. Teacher training. Teaching and learning.EL PROCESO DE FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES: relatos de experienciaResumenEl presente artículo tiene como intención presentar de forma resumida el contexto histórico, dividido en períodos, teniendo como base el trabajo de Saviani (2009). “Formação de professores: aspectos históricos e teóricos do problema no contexto brasileiro”. El trabajo se refiere a la formación docente y la construcción de los saberes de la docencia. Además, se discurrirá sobre aspectos relacionados al proceso de formación de profesores, teniendo como fondo la práctica supervisada en la enseñanza fundamental, enseñanza media y en las observaciones realizada junto al proyecto Residencia Pedagógica, presentando resultados alcanzados con las actividades desarrolladas durante el desarrollo de esas actividades prácticas. Los referidos relatos tienen como objetivo mostrar la importancia del proceso de formación de profesores y de las experiencias vividas en el ambiente escolar, mostrando que la etapa propone condición para el futuro profesor analizar los múltiples aspectos que involucran el campo educativo.Palabras clave: Contexto historico. Formación de profesores. Enseñanza. Aprendizaje. 

    Variação espacial da temperatura de superfície: estudo de caso de dois episódios no município de Viana, Espírito Santo, Brasil, em 2019

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    This research aims to identify and analyze the variation in surface temperatures in the municipality of Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil, using Remote Sensing techniques, in two episodes, rainy and dry 2019, as well as to relate the temperature classes with the land use and cover and the terrain morphology. To this end, bibliographical surveys were made between books, theses, dissertations and scientific articles that discuss the main concepts treated here (Clima, Geographic Climatology, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, etc.), acquisition of cartographic bases (vector and raster) for the preparation of maps and for the application of technical resources for geoprocessing satellite images. The results showed significant differences in the variation of higher temperatures in urban areas compared to areas of agriculture / pasture (8°C) and provided with forest cover (9.5°C) both in summer and in winter associated with different properties as to production, propagation and heat conservation in the environment.Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de identificar e analisar a variação das temperaturas de superfície do Município de Viana, Espírito Santo, Brasil, por meio de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto, em dois episódios, chuvoso e seco, de 2019, bem como relacionar as classes de temperatura com o uso e a cobertura do solo e a morfologia do terreno. Para tanto, foram feitos levantamentos bibliográficos entre livros, teses, dissertações e artigos científicos que discorrem sobre os principais conceitos aqui tratados (Clima, Climatologia Geográfica, Sensoriamento Remoto, Sistemas de Informações Geográficas etc.), aquisição de bases cartográficas (vetoriais e raster) para a elaboração dos mapas e para aplicação de recursos técnicos de geoprocessamento de imagens de satélite. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas na variação das temperaturas, mais elevadas nas áreas urbanas comparativamente às áreas de agricultura/pastagens (8°C) e providas de cobertura florestal (9,5°C), tanto no verão quanto no inverno, associadas às propriedades diferenciadas quanto à produção, à propagação e à conservação de calor no ambiente


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    This article seeks to understand, through the productions published in the Annals of the IX Mineiro Meeting of Mathematics Education, the process of implementing Mathematics subprojects within the scope of the public notice Public Notice no. 01/2020 of the PRP in Minas Gerais. Fourteen publications linked to the PRP were analyzed, which were grouped considering four analytical categories, namely: a) approximation with the Basic Education school during the pandemic; b) innovative practices; c) approximations between the PRP and the Supervised Curricular Internship, and d) PRP and the mobilization of teaching knowledge. The analysis revealed that the study carried out makes a contribution to teacher training, since the development of the PRP in the context of the pandemic required all its participants, especially residents, to mobilize and articulate themselves, which materialized in the advancement of the practices carried out, that is, the exceptionality of the moment demanded expertise and creativity.Este artículo busca comprender, a través de las producciones publicadas en los Anales del IX Encuentro Mineiro de Educación Matemática, el proceso de implementación de los subproyectos de Matemáticas en el ámbito del aviso público Aviso Público n° 01/2020 del PRP en Minas Gerais. Se analizaron catorce publicaciones vinculadas al PRP, las cuales fueron agrupadas considerando cuatro categorías de análisis, a saber: a) acercamiento con la escuela de Educación Básica durante la pandemia; b) prácticas innovadoras; c) aproximaciones entre el PRP y la Práctica Curricular Supervisada, y d) el PRP y la movilización del saber docente. El análisis reveló que el estudio realizado hace un aporte a la formación docente, ya que el desarrollo del PRP en el contexto de la pandemia requirió de todos sus participantes, en especial de los pobladores, movilizarse y articularse, lo que se materializó en el avance de las prácticas realizadas. fuera, es decir, la excepcionalidad del momento exigía pericia y creatividad.O presente artigo busca compreender, por meio das produções publicadas nos Anais do IX Encontro Mineiro de Educação Matemática, o processo de implementação de subprojetos de Matemática no âmbito do Edital n.º 01/2020 do PRP em Minas Gerais. Foram analisadas 14 publicações vinculadas ao PRP, as quais foram agrupadas, considerando 4 categorias analíticas, a saber: a) aproximação com a escola da Educação Básica durante a pandemia; b) práticas inovadoras; c) aproximações entre o PRP e o Estágio Curricular Supervisionado; e d) PRP e a mobilização de conhecimentos docentes. A análise revelou que o estudo realizado contribui para a formação de professores, pois o desenvolvimento do PRP no contexto da pandemia requereu de todos os seus participantes, em especial dos residentes, mobilizações e articulações que se materializaram no avançar das práticas realizadas, ou seja, a excepcionalidade do momento exigiu expertise e criatividade