175 research outputs found

    Linguistic challenges of translating, revising, post-editing and editing academic publications

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    Prova para obtenção do Título de Especialista em Línguas e CulturasThis paper is a reflection on the linguistic challenges of translating, revising, post-editing and editing academic publications in English and all the specificities inherent to the abovementioned processes. A theoretical background is provided to all of the concepts involved and then the respective linguistic challenges are taken into consideration by means of practical examples drawn from scientific articles that were published, or submitted for publication, in acclaimed academic English journals with an impact factor. Some final reflections are made, based on the initial theoretical framework that was presented, and a future implication for better practices in translation related tasks is proposed.N/

    As aprendizagens não formais e informais no ingresso à Escola Secundária Padre António Macedo: possíveis parcerias com outras instituições de Vila Nova de Santo André

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    Esta investigação teve como principal objectivo avaliar da presença dos contextos institucionais não formais e informais no conjunto das aprendizagens reveladas pelos estudantes que ingressaram, na Escola Secundária Padre António Macedo, no ano lectivo 2009-2010, e averiguar qual o contributo das instituições locais no seu percurso de aprendizagem. A abordagem metodológica assentou num dispositivo de matriz quantitativa, com o recurso ao inquérito por questionário a uma amostra de alunos. Observámos um potencial educativo na cidade proporcionado por instituições, onde se destacaram amigos, familiares e clubes desportivos, procurados pelos jovens para satisfazer a sua necessidade de conhecimento e ocupar tempos livres. Sendo as áreas com mais episódios de aprendizagens, extra escolares: saúde, cidadania, desporto e artes, os jovens reconheceramse detentores de conhecimentos propiciados pela comunidade e instituições locais; ABSTRACT: This research had, as main aim, to assess the presence of formal and informal institutional contexts in all the learnings revealed by the students who enrolled Escola Secundária Padre António Macedo in the year 2009-2010, and also to determine what contribution local institutions had in their learning. The methodological approach was based on a quantitative matrix device, by applying a questionnaire survey to a sample of students. We saw an educational potential offered by institutions in the city, where the highlights were friends, family and sports clubs, popular among young people to satisfy their need for knowledge and to occupy their free time. The areas with more episodes of extra school learning were: health, citizenship, sport and arts. Young people recognized themselves in possession of knowledge provided by the community and local institutions

    Trombocitopenia e ausência de radio (sindrome TAR): caso clínico

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    A síndroma de TAR (Mckusik 274000) é uma entidade autossómica recessiva caracterizada por anomalias dos membros, particularmente ausência de rádio associada a trombocitopenia hipomegacariócitica. Os autores descrevem uma criança com síndrome de TAR diagnosticado ao nascimento, com trombocitopenia grave (20 x 109/l), associada a ausência bilateral de rádio. No primeiro ano de vida a contagem de plaquetas situou-se entre 10 e 20 x 109/l com sintomatologia hemorrágica cutânea intermitente. Aos 4 meses ocorreu uma hemorragia subdural em contexto traumático que obrigou a intervenção neurocirurgica urgente. A melhoria da trombocitopenia após o primeiro ano possibilitou a realização de cirurgia ortopédica no sentido da melhoria funcional e estética das deformidades. Actualmente com 6 anos de idade, apresenta boa evolução estaturoponderal com desenvolvimento psicomotor adequado. Não apresenta sintomatologia hemorrágica sendo a contagem média de plaquetas de 60 X 109/l. Os autores discutem a possibilidade de um programa transfusional profilático de plaquetas alternativo à opção conservadora que foi decidida nesta criança


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    In this paper, we discuss part of training actions proposed and experienced by teachers in a municipal school system located in Mato Grosso State awarded by the One Computer For Student Project (PROUCA), an educational public policy formulated by the federal government for three hundred Brazilian schools. The research is characterized as a case study of qualitative nature, associated with narrative method held in conjunction with focal interviews, narrative interviews and participant observation sessions, as well as records on diary. The set of data analysis shows that the actions formulated by the Ministry of Education (MEC) failed to meet learning and teachers needs from the researched school, for these reasons the proposed actions not echoed in the pedagogical practices in classroom as proposed and wished the makers of the teachers training project for PROUCA.Neste texto, discutimos parte das ações formativas propostas e vivenciadas pelos professores de uma escola da rede municipal de ensino situada em Mato Grosso contemplada com o Projeto Um Computador por Aluno (PROUCA), uma política pública educacional formulada pelo governo federal, para trezentas escolas brasileiras. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa, aliada aos pressupostos do método narrativo realizado em conjunto com entrevistas focais, entrevistas narrativas e sessões de observação participante, como também registros em diário de campo. O conjunto de dados em análise aponta que as ações formuladas pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) não corresponderam às expectativas de aprendizagem nem as necessidades dos professores da escola pesquisada, por estas razões as ações propostas não ecoaram nas práticas pedagógicas da sala de aula como propuseram e desejavam os formuladores do projeto de formação de professores para o PROUCA

    Skin Rash and Fever of Unknown Origin - A Diagnostic Challenge

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    We report a clinical case of adult-onset Still's disease. In addition to the imaging features of the case, the following aspects are also briefly described: clinical presentation (prolonged fever associated with migratory polyarthritis and skin rash), treatment performed (resort to anti-inflammatory and corticoid), and clinical evolution of the patient after having performed the adult-onset. The treatment was found to be appropriate as the patient presented a favourable clinical evolution

    Silk‐Based antimicrobial polymers as a new platform to design drug‐free materials to impede microbial infections

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    Surgical site infections (SSI) represent a serious health problem that occur after invasive surgery, thus new antimicrobial biomaterials able to prevent SSI are needed. Silks are natural biopolymers with excellent biocompatibility, low immunogenicity and controllable biodegradability. Spider silkbased materials can be bioengineered and functionalized with specific peptides, such as antimicrobial peptides, creating innovative polymers. Herein, we explored new drugfree multifunctional silk films with antimicrobial properties, specifically tailored to hamper microbial infections. Different spider silk domains derived from the dragline sequence of the spider Nephila clavipes (6mer and 15mer, 27 and 41 kDa proteins, respectively) were fused with the two antimicrobial peptides, Hepcidin (Hep) and Human Neutrophil peptide 1 (HNP1). The selfassembly features of the spider silk domains (sheets) were maintained after functionalization. The bioengineered 6merHNP1 protein demonstrated inhibitory effects against microbial pathogens. Silkbased films with 6merHNP1 and different contents of silk fibroin (SF) significantly reduced bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation, whereas higher bacterial counts were found on the films prepared with 6mer or SF alone. The silkbased films showed no cytotoxic effects on human foreskin fibroblasts. The positive cellular response, together with structural and antimicrobial properties, highlight the potential of these multifunctional silkbased films as new materials for preventing SSI.The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the project PTDC/BBB-BIO/0827/2012 and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the "COMPETE" - Operational Programme for Competitiveness factors (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028120) supported this work. The authors would like to thank Prof. Celia Manaia from the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (Porto, Portugal) for providing the Pseudomonas sp. bacteria; and Dr. Alberta Faustino from the Hospital de S. Marcos (Braga, Portugal) for providing the other bacterial strains. A. R. Franco thanks FCT through the PostDoctoral scholarship SFRH/BPD/100760/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio