7,040 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of passive mobilization in the treatment of shoulder pathologies

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    Introdução: A dor no ombro é muito comum e o tratamento preferencial é a fisioterapia. Objectivo: Avaliar a efectividade da mobilização passiva na dor, força,amplitude de movimento e/ou função no tratamento de indivíduos com tendinopatias da coifa ou síndrome de colisão do ombro por meio de revisão sistemática de literatura. Métodos: Os estudos foram pesquisados na PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scielo, PEDro e Web of Science. Dois investigadores analisaram os artigos para determinar os trabalhos a incluir. A qualidade metodológica desses foi avaliada por meio da escala de PEDro e feita a sua caracterização detalhada. Resultados: Os resultados sugerem que a mobilização passiva quando aplicada em conjunto com outros tratamentos leva a significativa diminuição da dor e a melhoria da força e função. Conclusão: A mobilização passiva aplicada em conjunto com outros tratamentos parece ser uma mais valia no tratamento de tendinopatias da bainha rotadora e síndrome de colisão do ombro. São necessários mais estudos que confirmem esses resultados.Introduction: Pain in the shoulder is very common and the preferential treatment is physiotherapy. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of passive mobilization on pain, strength, range of motion and/or function for patients with rotator cuff tendinopathies or impingement syndrome. Methods: Studies were sought from PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scielo, PEDro and Web of Science. Two investigators screened all studies for inclusion. Methods: Quality was assessed using PEDro scale and a detailed characterization of each study was made. Results: All studies show that the group that received the treatment package including passive mobilization showed statistically significant decrease of pain and improvements for function and strength when compared to the control group. Conclusion: A trend was found favoring the addition of passive mobilization to a treatment package of physiotherapy for decreasing pain and increasing strength and function, but a firm conclusion cannot be made

    Potential application of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for the fermentation of banana pulp

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    This paper aimed at evaluating the fermentation behavior of selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains in banana pulp and they were compared with commercial yeast (baker’s yeast) for subsequent production of distilled spirits. Five types of microorganisms were used: Four yeast strains obtained from accredited microbiology laboratories were isolated from domestic cachaça distilleries (UNICAMPV1, UFMG-A905, UFMG-A1007 and UFMG-A1240) and commercial pressed yeast (COMMERCIAL-yeast). The fermentation parameters of the studied S. cerevisiae strains were significantly different. COMMERCIAL-yeast and UNICAMP-V1 strain presented higher ethanol yield and better yeast efficiency in converting total reducing sugars (TRS) into alcohol, with ethanol yields of 83.07 and 94.06%, and yeast efficiency of 90.75 and 96.41%, respectively for UNICAMP V1 and COMMERCIAL-yeast. The higher alcohol contents of 82.26 and 78.05 mg/100 ml anhydrous alcohol were obtained by the UNICAMP-V1 and COMMERCIAL-yeast, respectively. No significant differences in fermentative parameters were observed between COMMERCIAL-yeast and UNICAMP-V1 strain. The UFMG-A1240 strain showed the lowest ethanol yield and therefore not suitable for the production of distilled spirits made of bananas, despite being useful for the production of cachaça. Methanol contents did not significantly vary among the five strains tested, except for UFMG-A1007, which produced significantly higher quantities of 0.19 ml/100 ml anhydrous alcohol. However, higher alcohols contents varied significantly between the five strains tests, with the UFMG-A1007 and UFMG-A1240 strains producing the lowest quantities of higher alcohols (30.04 and 48.69 mg/100 ml anhydrous alcohol, respectively). In conclusion, the S. cerevisiae strains UNICAMP-V1 and the COMMERCIAL-yeast showed better fermentation behavior, did not produce high methanol and higher alcohols amounts, and therefore were recommended for the production of distilled spirits made of banana in pilot-scale plants.Key words: Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, alcoholic fermentation, banana spirits

    Systematic review and meta-analysis on the association between chronic low back pain and cognitive function

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    This study aimed to identify and assess the evidence on the association between idiopathic chronic low back pain (LBP) and cognitive function in individuals with LBP. A secondary aim was to explore whether changes in cognitive function are associated with pain characteristics and psychological factors (eg, catastrophizing and fear of movement). Eleven studies were included in this systematic review, and four meta-analyses were conducted. Low to very low-quality evidence suggests impaired cognitive function in individuals with LBP compared to asymptomatic controls for problem solving (k = 5; d = 0.33; CI = 0.16–0.50; z = 3.85 p = 0.0001), speed of information processing (k = 5; d = 0.44; CI = 0.22–0.65; z = 4.02 p < 0.0001), working memory (k = 6; d = 0.50; CI = 0.34–0.66; z = 6.09 p < 0.0001), and delayed memory (k = 3; d = 0.34; CI = 0.07–0.6, z = 2.49 p = 0.02). The association between LBP intensity and psychological factors and cognitive function was inconclusive. More studies are needed to explore these associations and improve evidence in this field. The results of this study suggest that cognitive aspects should be considered during the rehabilitation process of patients with LBP and raise further questions, including whether individuals with LBP are at a greater risk of developing dementia or whether targeting cognitive function will increase the probability of success of LBP treatment. These questions should, also, be considered in future studies.This work was supported by the National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within CINTESIS, R&D Unit (reference DFA/BD/8869/2020)

    The impact of users’ cognitive function on evaluator perceptions of usability

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    To explore the association between the user’s cognitive function and usability reported by the evaluator. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a community-based sample. Data about participants’ age, sex, education, sleep quantity, subjective memory complaints, and cognitive function were collected. A usability session was conducted to evaluate a digital solution called Brain on Track. Independent linear-regression analyses were used to explore univariable and multivariable associations between evaluator-reported usability assessment and the users’ cognitive function, age, sex, education, sleep quantity, and subjective memory complaints. A total of 238 participants entered this study, of which 161 (67.6%) were females and the mean age was 42 (SD 12.9) years old. All variables (age, education, sleep quantity, subjective memory complaints and cognitive function) except sex were significantly associated with evaluator-reported usability in the univariable analysis (p < 0.05). Cognitive function, age, education, and subjective memory complaints remained significant in the multivariable model (F = 38.87, p < 0.001) with an adjusted R2 of 0.391. Cognition scores alone showed an adjusted R2 of 0.288. This work suggests that cognitive function impacts evaluator reported usability, alongside other users’ characteristics and needs to be considered in the usability evaluation. © 2022, The Author(s).This study was partially supported by the Águeda City Council as part of a community cognitive screening program

    : Resolving problems involving proof and demonstration: a difficulty for primary and secondary school teachers

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    http://www.icmes2009.pucpr.br/index.phpInternational audienceIn the last decade, the importance attributed to proofs and demonstrations in Mathematics has led to a large variety of research in this area. We consider, generally, the demonstration as a validation procedure that characterizes Mathematics and distinguishes it from experimental sciences. We are part of a research group that develops a project together with teachers from the public and private school systems in the city of São Paulo and that, in its initial phase, discussed deductive reasoning in the process of teaching and learning Mathematics in the Middle School grades. This project provides continuing education for teachers concerned with their pedagogical practices and who would like to increment them, rethinking knowledge or even coming into contact with mathematics topics for the first time. In this work, we initially raise some theoretical questions that are related to demonstrations and that seek to better understand logical reasoning. We next present a case study, in a qualitative approach, in which we observe a teacher's difficulties in identifying the hypothesis and thesis of a mathematical affirmation in the area of geometry, especially when it does not present the famous expression "if and only if." We also discuss the issue of whether or not a proposition corresponds to a reciprocal theorem. Comprehension of the information given in the problem statement of a mathematics proposition and recognition of crucial elements such as hypothesis and thesis are fundamental to the process of constructing an acceptable demonstration.Na última década, a importância atribuída a provas e demonstrações em Matemática levou a uma enorme variedade de pesquisas nessa área. Consideramos, usualmente, a demonstração como um procedimento de validação que caracteriza a Matemática e a distingue das ciências experimentais. Fazemos parte de um grupo de pesquisa que desenvolve um projeto junto a professores da rede pública e particular da cidade de São Paulo e que discutiu, na sua fase inicial, o raciocínio dedutivo no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental. Esse projeto realiza uma formação continuada para professores preocupados com a sua prática pedagógica e que gostariam de incrementá-la, repensando saberes ou até mesmo entrando em contato com conteúdos matemáticos pela primeira vez. Nesse trabalho, inicialmente, levantamos algumas questões teóricas relacionadas à demonstração e que procuram compreender melhor o raciocínio lógico. Em seguida, apresentamos um estudo de caso, na abordagem qualitativa, em que observamos as dificuldades de um professor do ensino básico em identificar a hipótese e a tese em uma afirmação matemática da área de geometria, especialmente, quando essa não apresenta a famosa expressão "se e somen uma proposição corresponder ou não a um teorema recíproco. A compreensão da informação dada no enunciado de uma proposição matemática e o reconhecimento de elementos cruciais como hipótese e tese são fundamentais para o processo de construção de uma demonstração aceitável


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    Neste artigo de cunho teórico, tecemos reflexões a respeito das três dimensões (epistemológica, econômica e ecológica) do problema didático de números racionais na forma fracionária, em razão da importância do ensino dessa unidade de conhecimentos matemáticos desde as séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Para a realização deste estudo, tomamos como referências a Teoria Antropológica do Didático para evidenciar a razão de ser de número fracionário que leve o professor a construir um novo saber-fazer a partir da mobilização das Organizações Matemáticas resultantes do estudo das três dimensões do problema didático do referido objeto matemático. O estudo da dimensão epistemológica permitiu construir um Modelo Epistemológico de Referência – MER- composto por três modelos secundários: M1 – associado à concepção de medida, M2 – associado à concepção de quociente e M3 – associado à concepção de razão. Esses modelos orientam o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos a respeito de medida, de distribuição e de comparação que são oriundos de situações que mobilizam, prioritariamente, essas concepções e que, para serem resolvidas implicam diretamente na mobilização da concepção parte-todo e, talvez, da concepção de operador. Quanto à dimensão econômica, observamos que as habilidades definidas pela BNCC para a apropriação de racionais na forma fracionária, embora evoquem situações que propusemos em nosso MER, não percebemos o foco em situações significativas que conduziriam o aluno a entender a necessidade desse novo campo numérico. No que diz respeito à dimensão ecológica, a BNCC parece evidenciar um dos nichos de números racionais que participam da sobrevivência da proporcionalidade, por exemplo. Mas, algumas das restrições que podem dificultar e/ou impedir a justificação de tarefas sobre números fracionários são os desafios que os professores devem enfrentar no design de tipo de tarefas (e de tarefas) que permitam aos alunos alcançar as competências e habilidades relacionadas com a unidade temática “Números”, em especial com o objeto de conhecimento “números fracionários”. No final deste estudo, propusemos um Modelo Praxeológico Matemático de Referência desenhado a partir de nosso MER, em que sugerimos o trabalho com os três modelos secundários, apoiando-se na construção de organizações didáticas que considerem as organizações matemáticas desses modelos