1,619 research outputs found

    The Use of Ellipsis by Character ‘Hazel' in “the Fault in Our Stars” Movie Script

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    Ellipsis is omission of words which has been understood well from the omissionwill not change the meaning of the utterance itself. We can find mostly ellipsis inspoken language. One of spoken languages we can use as the medium in learningellipsis is movie script. One of many great movie scripts is The Fault in Our Starsmovie script by Scott Neustadter& Michael H. Weber. The aim of the research isto find out the use of Ellipsis by ‘Hazel' in The Fault in Our Stars movie script.This research is descriptive qualitative research since it analyzes the use of ellipsisby ‘Hazel' in the movie script. The data are the ellipsis which are used bycharacter ‘Hazel' in each her utterances in The Fault in Our Stars movie scriptfrom 50 scenes. The result of the research shows there are three 124 utterancesconsist of 31 Nominal Ellipsis with 25%, 4 Verbal Ellipsis with 3.23%, and 89Clause Ellipsis with 71.77%. The most dominant type of Ellipsis that used bycharacter ‘Hazel' in The Fault in Our Stars movie script is Clause Ellipsis with 89total numbers and total percentages 71.77%. It means people in havingconversation want to be as effective as possible since the most complexgrammatical unit is a clause. From this research, I hope the readers, lecturers, andstudents should apply ellipsis appropriately in their daily conversation in order toavoid misunderstanding in the conversation since ellipsis appears mostly in theinformal context and daily conversation

    The Impact of Grammatical Competence with Discourse in Speaking Proficiency

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    Language is a mean of communication used in daily activities. There are aspects needed to be concerned in the use of language, especially foreign language. One of the most common foreig language used is English. In Indonesia, although, English is sound familiar by most of people, the ability of using English is still not maximal. In the use of English language, one of the most important aspects is grammar, for example grammar orientation—tenses, Simple past tense and simple present tense, these are two particular parts in grammar. Simple past tense indicates the past condition that has passed. Simple present tense is used to describe the habit or event happening now. The tendency of tenses use is usual in daily communication, for instance, everyone will interact through some ways, one of them verbal communication or speaking. There is a relationship between grammar and speaking proficiency. Simple past and simple present tense influence the speaking proficiency, thus by mastering those grammar aspects will make easier to understand communication each other. Therefore discourse has supporting power to make the second learners language easily to improve speaking skill. It thing become a basic need for some people who face the people using that foreign language, especially in the school or business process. In Batam, as an industrial region which next to the Singapore and Malaysia, a well speaking proficiency surely needed. Here, the writer conducts the research toward impact of grammatical orientation with discourse in speaking proficiency on students' primary school in Batam

    Application of Fuzzy Logic to Control Room Illumination Based Microcontroller

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    ABSTRACT An illumination room is needed by humans to recognize objects visually. Lighting has an influence on the function of a room. Therefore we need the lights as the main lighting source that can support the function room. Generally used for indoor lighting arrangements on-off principle. Lighting settings with on-off principle is based only on the condition of the light dark room, regardless of the contribution from the outside as the sun. This often resulted in inconvenience and inefficiency use of electrical energy. Therefore, adjustment is necessary lighting (illumination) generated light. Control principle used is fuzzy. Fuzzy inference system used in this room is the lighting controllers Sugeno method. The composition rules using the AND operator, while for the COG method is used defuzzyfication (Center of Gravity). As a main controller in the system using a microcontroller with input from the light sensor (LDR). The output of the controller then displayed on the LCD as a viewer and as an input the voltage regulator circuit. This system works in the room (in door) using the model of a house with three rooms as a model. From the simulation results with fuzzy control, if the setpoint of rooms 200 lux and state rooms are light at 80 lux, the light will produce light at 125 lux, if the setpoint 300 lux and 50 lux room condition, then lighting the lamp is 250 lux, and if the setpoint 150 lux and 30 lux room condition, then lighting the lamp is 125 lux. Keyword: Fuzzy controller, Illumination, Microcontrolle


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    The flows of Indonesian immigrants in United States experienced significant growth, especially in the 1980s until the beginning of the 21st century. Starting from the 2000s there was a growing trend among Indonesian immigrants to obtain United States permanent resident status through seeking asylum. This study will explain the crime in the form of document fraud committed by Indonesian immigrants in the United States in order of obtaining asylum. This study uses the transnational crime theory to explain analyze the effort of Indonesian immigrants who uses document fraud during process of getting asylum as a form of transnational crime. The data collected in this study varied ranging from primary sources which obtained through interviews, and from secondary sources which obtained from literature reviews, official government documents, and media in which were then analyzed through content analysis. The results of this study indicate that majority of Indonesian immigrants who seek asylum from the United States uses document fraud during the process of applying the status

    Pengukuran Seismik Dengan Metode HVSR Untuk Pendugaan Bencana Gempa Bumi

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    Berdasarkan sumber dan penyebabnya maka bencana alam dapat dikelompokkan menjadi bencana alam geologi yaitu berupa gempa bumi, tsunami, letusan gunung api dan longsor serta bencana alam hidroklimatologi, yaitu berupa banjir, kekeringan, angin topan, gelombang pasang. Berdasarkan kondisi geologi yang ada, maka di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan sebagai lokasi tempat penelitian mempunyai potensi bencana alam geologi berupa bencana longsor, bencana gempa bumi, dan bencana banjir. Dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi bencana gempa bumi dilakukan pengujian percepatan pada batuan dasar dengan metode HVSR


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    This study aims to describe the application of the Critical Path Method (CPM) technique in educational planning at SD Negeri 101777 Saentis. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, to explain the approach and method applied in the form of CPM techniques in educational planning. Obtaining data through observation techniques, interviews and document studies. The research data analysis technique uses data reduction (sorting), data presentation and conclusion drawing. Then, the data will be declared valid after being tested with data triangulation techniques, in the form of checking the data sources and data acquisition methods. The results of this study conclude that the empowerment of human resources (HR) and budget allocation for program financing at SD Negeri 101777 Saentis implement CPM effectively as an effort to prioritize and schedule madrasa programs in a measurable and precise manner. Supporting this, the madrasah also collaborates with various elements of society in assisting education planning at SD Negeri 101777 Saentis, starting from collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government institutions


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa pendekatan, seperti pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan Konseptual (conceptual approach), pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach), dan pendekatan kasus (case approach), seperti pada putusan Pengadilan Negeri Banjarmasin yang menjatuhkan pidana terhadap PT Giri Jaladhi Wana sendiri, tanpa Pengurusnya. Penelitian ini menemukan aspek keperdataan berkaitan erat dengan aspek pidana sehubungan dengan sistem pertanggungjawaban pidana Korporasi. Ditemukan pula ketentuan-ketentuan konvensional, yang hanya membebani pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap orang pribadi (natuurlijk person) seperti dalam KUHP dan KUHAP, sedangkan dinamika hukumnya di luar kitab kodifikasi tersebut menunjukkan divergensi peraturan perundang-undangan dalam redaksi “Setiap orang berarti juga Korporasi” pada sejumlah peraturan perundang-undangan antara lainnya Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang, Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2003 tentang Penetapan Perppu Nomor 1 Tahun 2002 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme, Menjadi Undang-Undang.Kata kunci: Tanggung jawab, pelaku usaha, korupsi, barang, jas