17 research outputs found

    The signed Eulerian numbers on involutions

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    We define an analogue of signed Eulerian numbers fn,kf_{n,k} for involutions of the symmetric group and derive some combinatorial properties of this sequence. In particular, we exhibit both an explicit formula and a recurrence for fn,kf_{n,k} arising from the properties of its generating function.Comment: 10 page

    Permutations and Pairs of Dyck Paths

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    We define a map v between the symmetric group Sn and the set of pairs of Dyck paths of semilength n. We show that the map v is injective when restricted to the set of 1234-avoiding permutations and characterize the image of this map

    Consecutive patterns in restricted permutations and involutions

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    It is well-known that the set In\mathbf I_n of involutions of the symmetric group Sn\mathbf S_n corresponds bijectively - by the Foata map FF - to the set of nn-permutations that avoid the two vincular patterns 123‾,\underline{123}, 132‾.\underline{132}. We consider a bijection Γ\Gamma from the set Sn\mathbf S_n to the set of histoires de Laguerre, namely, bicolored Motzkin paths with labelled steps, and study its properties when restricted to Sn(123‾,132‾).\mathbf S_n(1\underline{23},1\underline{32}). In particular, we show that the set Sn(123‾,132)\mathbf S_n(\underline{123},{132}) of permutations that avoids the consecutive pattern 123‾\underline{123} and the classical pattern 132132 corresponds via Γ\Gamma to the set of Motzkin paths, while its image under FF is the set of restricted involutions In(3412).\mathbf I_n(3412). We exploit these results to determine the joint distribution of the statistics des and inv over Sn(123‾,132)\mathbf S_n(\underline{123},{132}) and over In(3412).\mathbf I_n(3412). Moreover, we determine the distribution in these two sets of every consecutive pattern of length three. To this aim, we use a modified version of the well-known Goulden-Jacson cluster method.Comment: 24 page

    An algorithmic approach to maximal unions of chains in a partially ordered set

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    We exhibit a recursive procedure that enables us to construct a maximal union of k chains in a finite partially ordered set P for every positive integer k. As a consequence, we obtain an algorithmic proof of Greene's Duality Theorem on the relations between the cardinalities of maximal unions of chains and antichains in a finite poset

    Young tableaux and k-matchings in finite posets

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    We present a recursive procedure that directly associates a Young tableau to an arbitrary finite poset with a linear extension, where no a priori information about its Ferrers shape is required

    The joint distribution of consecutive patterns and descents in permutations avoiding 3-1-2

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    We exploit Krattenthaler’s bijection between the set Sn(3-1-2) of permutations in Sn avoiding the classical pattern 3-1-2 and Dyck n-paths to study the joint distribution over the set Sn(3-1-2) of a given consecutive pattern of length 3 and of descents. We utilize a involution on Dyck paths due to E. Deutsch to show that these consecutive patterns split into 3 equidistribution classes. In addition, we state equidistribution theorems concerning quadruplets of statistics relative to occurrences of consecutive patterns of length 3 and of descents in a permutation