32 research outputs found

    Synthesis of (2R,5R)-2-Amino-5-Hydroxyhexanoic Acid by Intramolecular Cycloaddition

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    The title compound was synthesized from sorbic acid by an eight step sequence. The key step was the stereospecific intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction of the acylnitroso derivative of N-sorbyl-L-proline (5). L-Proline served as a temporary tether which directed both the stereochemistry and the regiochemistry of the cycloaddition

    Synthesis of Polymers with Isolated Thiophene-Based Chromophores

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    Not Just the Luck of the Draw? Exploring Competency of Counsel and Other Qualitative Factors in Federal Court Refugee Leave Determinations (2005-2010)

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    Refugee claimants who have received a negative decision from the Immigration and Refugee Board sometimes seek judicial treview at the Federal Court in Canada. Previous statistical studies, in particular Sean Rehaagā€™s (2012) study, ā€œThe Luck of the Draw,ā€ have reported that rejected refugee claimants seeking judicial review face low and inconsistent leave grant rates, with chances of success largely dependent on judge assignment. The present research looks beyond these quantitative findings to identify additional factors that may explain the troubling statistics. To this end, four researchers manually reviewed 50 leave applications submitted between 2005 and 2010 and included in Rehaagā€™s (2012) data set. The results of this qualitative analysis are disturbing: a significant number of rejected leave applications had been poorly prepared, and a number of facially strong cases were denied leave. These results suggest that leave grant rates could rise if the quality of legal representation were enhanced. They also indicate that rejected refugee claimants would benefit from clear and uniformly applied criteria for granting leave.Les demandeurs dā€™asile ayant recĢ§u une deĢcision neĢgative de la Commission de lā€™immigration et du statut de reĢfugieĢ font parfois une demande en reĢvision judiciaire aĢ€ la Cour feĢdeĢrale du Canada. Des eĢtudes statistiques anteĢrieures, et particulieĢ€rement lā€™eĢtude de Sean Rehaag (2012) Ā« The Luck of the Draw Ā», ont signaleĢ que les demandeurs dā€™asile deĢbouteĢs demandant une reĢvision judiciaire font face aĢ€ des taux dā€™acceptation des demandes dā€™autorisation bas et inconstants, les chances de succeĢ€s deĢpendant largement du juge deĢsigneĢ. La preĢsente recherche cherche aĢ€ aller au-delaĢ€ de ces reĢsultats quantitatifs afin dā€™identifier des facteurs additionnels pouvant expliquer ces statistiques troublantes. AĢ€ cette fin, quatre chercheurs ont reĢviseĢ manuellement 50 demandes dā€™autorisation soumises entre 2005 et 2010, un eĢchantillon des dossiers examineĢs par Rehaag (2012). Les reĢsultats de cette analyse qualitative sont inquieĢtants. Un nombre significatif de demandes dā€™autorisation rejeteĢes ont eĢteĢ mal preĢpareĢes et un nombre de cas de prime abord solides se sont vus refuser lā€™autorisation. Ces reĢsultats suggeĢ€rent que les taux dā€™autorisations accordeĢes pourraient augmenter si la qualiteĢ de la repreĢsentation leĢgale eĢtait ameĢlioreĢe. Ils indiquent eĢgalement que les demandeurs dā€™asile deĢbouteĢs beĢneĢficieraient de la mise en place de criteĢ€res clairs et uniformeĢment appliqueĢs en ce qui concerne lā€™acceptation des demandes dā€™autorisation