31 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to the study of vector-borne pathogens circulating in the Republic of Buryatia. The authors have carried out  identification of the genetic material of tick-borne encephalitis virus,  Borrellia burgdorferi, Borrellia miуamotoi, Coxiella burnetii and  Rickettsia sibirica in various samples of biological material. The  object of the study were whole blood, leukocyte fraction and blood  serum of patients admitted to the hospital in a state of fever that  occurred after sucking of the tick, as well as mites brought by the  population. A detailed analysis of the data showed that 11.7 % (9  out of 70) of the clinical material samples and 17.8 % (50 out of  281) of the tick samples had genetic markers of tick-borne  pathogens. In the material from the patients, the RNA of tick-borne  encephalitis virus was most often determined, and in the DNA of  Borrellia burgdorferi mites. In addition, the authors first confirmed  the etiologic role of Borrellia miуamotoi in the development of cases  of Lyme disease in the Republic. An unexpected finding was the  detection of Coxiella burnetii DNA in ticks and in clinical material. In  the Republic of Buryatia Q-fever was detected by laboratory  diagnostics for the first time. This fact confirms the circulation of this pathogen in the region. In this regard, the authors conducted a  retrospective analysis of the medical histories of patients who were found to have genetic markers of Q-fever

    Fluctuational escape from chaotic attractors in multistable systems.

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    Recent progress towards an understanding of fluctuational escape from chaotic attractors (CAs) is reviewed and discussed in the contexts of both continuous systems and maps. It is shown that, like the simpler case of escape from a regular attractor, a unique most probable escape path (MPEP) is followed from a CA to the boundary of its basin of attraction. This remains true even where the boundary structure is fractal. The importance of the boundary conditions on the attractor is emphasized. It seems that a generic feature of the escape path is that it passes via certain unstable periodic orbits. The problems still remaining to be solved are identified and considered

    Data-driven approach to the estimation of connectivity and time delays in the coupling of interacting neuronal subsystems.

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    One of the challenges in neuroscience is the detection of directionality between signals reflecting neural activity. To reveal the directionality of coupling and time delays between interacting multi-scale signals, we use a combination of a data-driven technique called empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and partial directed coherence (PDC) together with the instantaneous causality test (ICT). EMD is used to separate multiple processes associated with different frequency bands, while PDC and ICT allow to explore directionality and characteristic time delays, respectively. We computationally validate our approach for the cases of both stochastic and chaotic oscillatory systems with different types of coupling. Moreover, we apply our approach to the analysis of the connectivity in different frequency bands between local field potentials (LFPs) bilaterally recorded from the left and right of subthalamic nucleus (STN) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). We reveal a bidirectional coupling between the left and right STN in the beta-band (10-30 Hz) for an akinetic PD patient and in the tremor band (3-5 Hz) for a tremor-dominant PD patient. We detect a short time delay, most probably reflecting the inter-hemispheric transmission time. Additionally, in both patients we observe a long time delay of approximately a mean period of the beta-band activity in the akinetic PD patient or the tremor band activity in the tremor-dominant PD patient. These long delays may emerge in subcortico-thalamic loops or longer pathways, comprising reflex loops, respectively. We show that the replacement of EMD by conventional bandpass filtering complicates the detection of directionality and leads to a spurious detection of time delays

    Fucoidan Sulfatases from Marine Bacterium Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica CZ1127T

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    Fucoidans belong to a structurally heterogeneous class of sulfated polysaccharides isolated from brown algae. They have a wide spectrum of biological activities. The complex structures of these polysaccharides hinder structure-activity relationships determination. Fucoidan sulfatases can make useful tools for the determination of the fine chemical structure of fucoidans. In this study, identification and preparation of two recombinant sulfatases able to catalyze the cleavage of sulfate groups from fragments of fucoidan molecules is described for the first time. Two genes of sulfatases swf1 and swf4 of the marine bacterium Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica CZ1127T were cloned and the proteins were produced in Escherichia coli cells. Sulfatases SWF1 and SWF4 are assigned to S1_17 and S1_25 subfamilies of formylglycine-dependent enzymes of S1 family (SulfAtlas). Some molecular and biochemical characteristics of recombinant fucoidan sulfatases have been studied. Detailed specificity and catalytic features of sulfatases were determined using various sulfated fucooligosaccharides. Structures of products produced by SWF1 and SWF4 were established by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Based on the obtained data, the enzymes are classified as fucoidan exo-2O-sulfatase (SWF1) and fucoidan exo-3O-sulfatase (SWF4). In addition, we demonstrated the sequential action of sulfatases on 2,3-di-O-sulfated fucooligosacchrides, which indicates an exolitic degradation pathway of fucoidan by a marine bacterium W. fucanilytica CZ1127T

    Dynamic State Analysis of Waveguide Distribution Systems from Vibration Loads Effects While Launching Spacecraft Into the Orbit

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    Рассматривается проблемный вопрос исследования и обеспечения требуемого динамического напряженно-деформированного состояния волноводно-распределительных систем от воздействия вибрационных нагрузок на этапе вывода космических аппаратов связи на орбиту. Разработаны методы анализа динамического состояния применительно к любым конструктивным особенностям волноводно-распределительным систем космических аппаратов связи, реализованные в созданном программном обеспечении.The problem question of research and providing the demanded dynamic stress state and deformed conditions of waveguide-distributive systems from influence of vibrating loadings at a stage of a conclusion of communication satellite into an orbit is considered. Methods of the analysis of a dynamic condition with reference to any design features waveguide-distributive systems of communication satellite realized in the created software are developed

    Dynamic State Analysis of Waveguide Distribution Systems from Vibration Loads Effects While Launching Spacecraft Into the Orbit

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    Рассматривается проблемный вопрос исследования и обеспечения требуемого динамического напряженно-деформированного состояния волноводно-распределительных систем от воздействия вибрационных нагрузок на этапе вывода космических аппаратов связи на орбиту. Разработаны методы анализа динамического состояния применительно к любым конструктивным особенностям волноводно-распределительным систем космических аппаратов связи, реализованные в созданном программном обеспечении.The problem question of research and providing the demanded dynamic stress state and deformed conditions of waveguide-distributive systems from influence of vibrating loadings at a stage of a conclusion of communication satellite into an orbit is considered. Methods of the analysis of a dynamic condition with reference to any design features waveguide-distributive systems of communication satellite realized in the created software are developed

    Fluctuational Transitions through a Fractal Basin Boundary.

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    Fluctuational transitions between two coexisting chaotic attractors, separated by a fractal basin boundary, are studied in a discrete dynamical system. It is shown that the transition mechanism is determined by a hierarchy of homoclinic points. The most probable escape path from a chaotic attractor to the fractal boundary is found using both statistical analyses of fluctuational trajectories and the Hamiltonian theory of fluctuations