14 research outputs found

    Saliva contamination in the extrusa, intake, digestibility and microbial production in steers fed different diets

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    Este trabalho foi realizado com base em dois experimentos: No primeiro, avaliou-se os consumos e as digestibilidades aparentes totais de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos totais (CHO), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), carboidratos não- fibrosos (CNF), o consumo de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e a produção de proteína microbiana para as diferentes dietas. Avaliou-se também o pH e as concentrações de amônia da digesta ruminal, as excreções de uréia para as diferentes dietas e as degradabilidades in situ dos alimentos. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos 1⁄2 sangue Holandês-Zebu, fistulados no rúmen e esôfago, com peso vivo (PV) médio inicial de 185,4 kg. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco períodos, cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de dietas á base de capim- elefante picado, de média maturidade (CE); pré-secado de capim-tifton 85 (PS); feno de capim-braquiária (FB); feno de capim-braquiária e concentrado a 0,5% PV (FB:C1) e feno de capim-braquiária com concentrado a 1,0% PV (FB:C2). Cada período experimental teve duração de 10 dias, dos quais, os sete primeiros foram destinados à adaptação dos animais às dietas e três dias para coletas de amostras. O pré-secado de capim-tifton 85 apresentou maior valor nutritivo em relação aos demais volumosos utilizados, caracterizado pelos valores superiores (P<0,05) de consumo, digestibilidade e melhores parâmetros de degradabilidade ruminal. A adição de concentrado ao feno de capim-braquiária aumentou (P<0,05) o consumo e a digestibilidade do volumoso. O maior consumo do concentrado C2 (1,0%PV) resultou em melhorias nos consumos de MS e NDT do feno de capim-braquiária. No segundo experimento, objetivou-se determinar a contaminação da extrusa pela saliva nos teores de proteína bruta (PB), compostos nitrogenados não protéicos na forma de proteína bruta (NNP-PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), lignina (LIG), cinzas, cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P), magnésio (Mg), potássio (K) e sódio (Na), dos alimentos avaliados. Os animais e as dietas utilizadas durante o período de adaptação foram descritos no primeiro experimento. Durante a coleta de extrusa foram fornecidos outros volumosos além daqueles para os quais os animais haviam sido adaptados. Realizou-se cinco períodos experimentais, que tiveram duração máxima de 13 dias sendo 10 dias para adaptação e os três últimos para a coleta de extrusa. No primeiro período as extrusas foram obtidas, nos três últimos dias, do CE e dos capim-elefante (CES) e capim-braquiária (CBS) coletados em pastejo simulado. No segundo período, a extrusa do PS foi obtida em duas repetições nos dias 11 e 12. No terceiro, foi coletada a extrusa do feno de capim- braquiária (FB1) nos dias 11 e 12 e no 13 o dia foi oferecido e efetuada a coleta de extrusa do feno de capim-tifton 85 (FT). No quarto e quinto períodos experimentais as extrusas do FB:C1 (FB2) e do FB:C2 (FB3) foram obtidas em duplicatas nos dias 11 e 12 de cada período. O teor de PB da extrusa apresentou pequenas alterações em relação à MS ingerida. Os NNP-PB foram alterados pelo nitrogênio salivar (P<0,05) e superestimados na extrusa em 1,73 pontos percentuais ou 135%. Os níveis de FDN tenderam ser subestimados 2,44 pontos percentuais ou 3,45% porém, com grande variação. Os níveis de FDA e LIG foram superestimados (P<0,05), em amostras de extrusa, em média 3,95 e 2,91 pontos percentuais ou 11,0 e 44%, respectivamente. A contaminação por minerais foi significativa (P<0,05) para cinzas, P e Na, ocorrendo uma superestimativa dos níveis verdadeiramente ingeridos em 2,45 0,21 e 1,30 pontos percentuais ou 31,25; 116,7 e 3250%, respectivamente.This work was carried out according to two experiments: in the first, the intake and total apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), total carbohydrates (CHO), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC); the total digestible nutrients (TDN) intake; and the microbial protein production of different diets were evaluated. The pH and ammonia concentrations in the ruminal digesta, urea excretions of different diets and in situ degradability of feeds were also evaluated. Five 1⁄2 Holstein-Zebu steers, fistulated in the rumen and esophagus, with average initial live weight (LW) of 185.4 kg, were used. A completely randomized experimental design, with five periods, five treatments and five replicates, was used. The treatments were constituted of chopped elephantgrass based diets, of medium maturity (CE); Tifton-85 bermudagrass haylage (PS); brachiaria decumbens hay (FB); brachiaria decumbens hay and concentrate at 0.5% LW (FB:C1); and brachiaria decumbens hay and concentrate at 1.0% LW (FB:C2). Each experimental period lasted 10 days, where the first seven days corresponded to the adaptation period and the last three days, to the collection samples. Tifton-85 bermudagrass haylage showed higher nutritional value in relation to other roughages, characterized by higher values (P<0.05) of intake and digestibility and by better parameters of ruminal degradability. The addition of concentrate to the brachiaria decumbens hay ixincreased (P<0.05) the roughage intake and digestibility. The highest concentrate C2 intake (1.0% LW) increased DM and TDN intake of brachiaria decumbens hay. The second experiment aimed to determine the saliva contamination in the extrusa on the contents of crude protein (CP), non-protein nitrogen compounds in the form of crude protein (NNP-CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin (LIG), ash, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na) of the evaluated feeds. The animals and the diets used during the adaptation period were described in the first experiment. During the extrusa collection, other roughages, beyond those of the adaptation period, were fed. Five experimental periods, that lasted 13 days in the maximum, where 10 days corresponded to the adaptation period and the last three to the extrusa collection, were carried out. In the first period, extrusa samples were obtained from CE and elephantgrass (CES) and brachiaria decumbens (CBS) grass collected under simulated pasture technique, in the last three days. In the second period, the PS extrusa was obtained with two replicates, at the 11 th and 12 th day. In the third period, the extrusa of brachiaria decumbens hay treatment was collected (FB1) at the 11 th and 12 th day, and at the 13 th day Tifton-85 bermudagrass hay (FT) was offered and the extrusa collection was performed. In the fourth and fifth experimental periods, FB:C1 (FB2) and FB:C2 (FB3) extrusa were obtained in replicates at the 11 th and 12 th day of each period. The extrusa CP contents showed small changes in relation to the ingested DM. NNP-CP were altered by nitrogen in the saliva (P<0.05) and was overestimated in the extrusa in 1.73 percent points or 135%. The NDF levels tended to be underestimated 2.44 percent points or 3.45%, however, with great variation. The ADF and LIG levels were overestimated (P<0.05) in extrusa samples, on average 3.95 and 2.91 percent points or 11.0 and 44%, respectively. The mineral contamination was significant (P<0.05) for ash, P and Na, and the real ingested levels were overestimated in 2.45, 0.21 and 1.30 percent points or 31.25, 116.7 and 3250%, respectively.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Tamanho de partícula do volumoso e frequência de alimentação sobre aspectos nutricionais e do metabolismo energético em ovinos

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    Submitted by Anna Dias ([email protected]) on 2020-01-07T17:32:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Silas Primola Gomes.pdf: 758018 bytes, checksum: d0e2d8ec11336080855285019fe5f82c (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Camila Silva ([email protected]) on 2020-01-08T16:56:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Silas Primola Gomes.pdf: 758018 bytes, checksum: d0e2d8ec11336080855285019fe5f82c (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2020-01-09T12:27:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silas Primola Gomes.pdf: 758018 bytes, checksum: d0e2d8ec11336080855285019fe5f82c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-16CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoRealizou-se a avaliação do tamanho e partícula do volumoso e da freqüência de alimentação sobre os aspectos nutricionais e do metabolismo energético em ovinos através de quatro experimentos: Experimento 1 – Avaliou-se o efeito de quatro tamanhos de partícula do volumoso (2, 5, 10 e 25 mm) e de dois manejos alimentares (duas ou quatro refeições) sobre o consumo (C), a digestibilidade aparente (DA) e o comportamento ingestivo. Utilizaram-se 24 carneiros com peso vivo médio de 37,0 kg, alimentados com uma relação volumoso:concentrado (V:C) 25:75% (%MS). Foi utilizado o feno de Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.) como volumoso e um concentrado comercial. Adotou-se esquema fatorial 2x4 em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. Os tratamentos não afetaram as variáveis referentes ao consumo e à DA (P>0,05). O consumo médio de matéria seca (CMS) foi de 97,43 g/dia/UTM e a DAMS média observada foi de 66,12%. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (CFDN) foi de 47,22 g/dia/UTM. O menor tamanho de partícula (2 mm) apresentou os menores tempos gastos (minutos/dia) com a ruminação (214,58) e com a atividade mastigatória total (360,41) (P0,05). Dry matter intake (DMI) was 97.43 g/day/kgW0,75 and DMDA was 66.12%. The intake of neutral detergent fiber (NDFI) was 47.2 g/day/ kgW0,75. Smaller particle size (2 mm) had smaller times of rumination (214.58 minutes/day) and chewing activity (360.41 minutes/day) (P<0.05). Animals spent 423.48 minutes/day/kg of NDFI in rumination and 676.19 minutes/day/kg of NDFI in chewing activity. The times spent with rumination and the total chewing activity in sheep are lowered with reducing the particle size of the forage. The particle size of the forage and frequency of feed did not affect the I and AD in sheep. Experiment 2 – Eight sheep with live weight (LW) of 52.5 kg were studied in completely randomized blocks design in factorial 2x4 scheme, fed in two daily frequencies (twice or four times) and four particle size (2, 5,10 and 25 mm) of forage. Tifton-85 hay and a commercial concentrate were used with a ratio of 25:75%, respectively. Passage of digesta particles from the rumen was in average 2.37%/h. The retention time in the rumen was 86.86h and retention time in the digestive tract was 90.52h. Animals fed with smaller particle size (2 mm) had lower ruminal pH (6.13) (P<0.05) and average of ruminal pH was 6.25 for other particle size. Animals fed in daily frequency of four times had lower ruminal pH (6.17) (P<0.05) than animals fed twice for day (pH 6,26). Particle size of 2mm and daily frequency of four times reduces ruminal pH. Experiment 3 – In situ degradability of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of Tifton-85 hay with different particle size (2 mm; 5 mm; 10 mm and 25 mm) in sheep supplemented or not with concentrate (0 or 75% of concentrate) were determined. Incubation times were 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. Completely randomized blocks design in factorial 2x4 schemes (two diets and four particle size of forage) with split-plot was used. The smaller particle size (2 mm) had higher values of soluble fraction and effective degradability of DM and NDF in the two diets fed. DM in situ disappearance was higher for 2mm particle size (P<0.05). Particle size of forage and diet influenced degradation parameters and disappearance rate of DM an NDF, thus it is important the standardization of this variables studied on in situ degradation in sheep. Experiment 4 – Eight sheep with live weight of 52.5 kg were studied in completely randomized blocks design in factorial 2x4 scheme, fed in two daily frequencies and four particle size of forage. Tifton-85 hay and a commercial concentrate were used with a ratio of 25:75%, respectively. Respiration calorimetry work was carried using an open circuit respiration chamber for small ruminants. The oxygen (O2), carbonic gas (CO2), methane (CH4) and urinary nitrogen (URN) levels were determined and used in body heat production (HP) determination. The retained nitrogen (N) was 0.63 g/day/kg MW (metabolic weight). This value was 36.0% of N intake and 46.84% of absorbed N. The HP was 40.0% of gross energy intake (GEI). The energy loss as CH4 was 4.88% of gross energy (GE) and 5.94% of digestible energy (DE). The metabolizable energy (ME) was 73.24% of GEI and the net energy (NE) of diets was 1.807.35 kcal/day. Feeding frequency and particle size of forage didn’t have effect on nitrogen balance and energy metabolism of sheep

    Ambiência agrícola e estresse salino na produção de mudas de maracujazeiro amarelo

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    The objective was to evaluate the initial growth and gas exchange of yellow passion fruit seedlings irrigated with saline water under different environments. The experiment was conducted of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony, Redenção-CE. The experimental design used was entirely randomized, in factor arrangement 4 x 2, referring to four environments with different shade screens (black screen; whitescreen; red screen; all with 50% shading; and full sun) and the values of electrical conductivity of irrigationwater (0.3 and 3.0 dS m-1), with five repetitions. The following variables were evaluated: number of leaves, plant height, leaf area, photosynthesis, transpiration, stomach conductance, instantaneous water use efficiency, electrical conductivity of the saturation extract and soil pH. The environment with black screen provides greater performance in leaf area, plant height and root length and was more efficient for the production of dry mass of the aerial part and the root of passion fruit seedlings in both irrigation waters. The red screen environment stimulates greater photosynthesis, transpiration, stomach conductance and chlorophyll in passion fruit seedlings irrigated with low salinity water, while the black screen mitigated saline stress for these variables. The full sun environment provided greater instantaneous water use efficiency in passion fruit seedlings for treatment with low salinity water and the black screen environment with high salinity water.O objetivo foi avaliar o crescimento inicial e as trocas gasosas de mudas de maracujá-amarelo irrigadas com água salina em diferentes ambientes. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade de Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira, Redenção-CE. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 4 x 2, referente a quatro ambientes com telas de diferentes tonalidades (tela preta; tela branca; tela vermelha; todas com 50% de sombreamento; e pleno sol) e os valores de condutividade elétrica da água de irrigação (0,3 e 3,0 dS m-1), com cinco repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: número de folhas, altura da planta, área foliar, fotossíntese, transpiração, condutância estomática, eficiência instantânea do uso da água, condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação e pH do solo. O ambiente com tela preta oferece maior desempenho em área foliar, altura de planta e comprimento de raiz e foi mais eficiente para a produção de massa seca da parte aérea e raiz de mudas de maracujá em ambas as águas de irrigação. O ambiente da tela vermelha estimula maior fotossíntese, transpiração, condutância estomática e clorofila em mudas de maracujá irrigadas com água de baixa salinidade, enquanto a tela preta mitigou o estresse salino para essas variáveis. O ambiente a pleno sol proporcionou maior eficiência no uso instantâneo da água em mudas de maracujá para tratamento com água de baixa salinidade e o ambiente tela preta com água de alta salinidade. altura de planta e comprimento de raiz e foi mais eficiente para a produção de massa seca da parte aérea e raiz de mudas de maracujá em ambas as águas de irrigação. O ambiente da tela vermelha estimula maior fotossíntese, transpiração, condutância estomática e clorofila em mudas de maracujá irrigadas com água de baixa salinidade, enquanto a tela preta mitigou o estresse salino para essas variáveis. O ambiente a pleno sol proporcionou maior eficiência no uso instantâneo da água em mudas de maracujá para tratamento com água de baixa salinidade e o ambiente tela preta com água de alta salinidade. altura de planta e comprimento de raiz e foi mais eficiente para a produção de massa seca da parte aérea e raiz de mudas de maracujá em ambas as águas de irrigação. O ambiente da tela vermelha estimula maior fotossíntese, transpiração, condutância estomática e clorofila em mudas de maracujá irrigadas com água de baixa salinidade, enquanto a tela preta mitigou o estresse salino para essas variáveis. O ambiente a pleno sol proporcionou maior eficiência no uso instantâneo da água em mudas de maracujá para tratamento com água de baixa salinidade e o ambiente tela preta com água de alta salinidade. enquanto a tela preta atenua o estresse salino para essas variáveis. O ambiente a pleno sol proporcionou maior eficiência no uso instantâneo da água em mudas de maracujá para tratamento com água de baixa salinidade e o ambiente tela preta com água de alta salinidade. enquanto a tela preta atenua o estresse salino para essas variáveis. O ambiente a pleno sol proporcionou maior eficiência no uso instantâneo da água em mudas de maracujá para tratamento com água de baixa salinidade e o ambiente tela preta com água de alta salinidade

    Cultivo de milho crioulo para silagem em sistemas tradicional e agroflorestal

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    This study aimed to evaluate the production and quality of landrace corn silage produced in traditional system (TS) compared to the agroforestry system (AFS). The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments and six replications. The silage was made in experimental silos of laboratory. Were evaluated physical and organoleptic characteristics (proportion of grains, smell, color, moisture, and particle size), agronomic parameters (stage of grain, height, number of dry leaves and dry weight of fractions of plants) and content of dry matter (DM). The height of the plants varied in the TS and AFS systems, being 15.55% higher in the TS. The stem component was the one that had the largest participation in the plant mass (49.41%), followed by the leaves (25.96%), in the TS, being higher than the values observed in the AFS. Lower values were observed for DM of the stem (23.48%), leaf (40.65%), straw (37.73%), cob (31.63%) and grains (32.28%) of plants harvested at TS, in relation to AFS, who presented values of 26.72, 59.37, 66.09, 44.30 and 43.04%, respectively, for the fractions. The levels of DM of the corn silages (whole plant) did not differ between the two systems, being 31.35% for the TS and 33.06% for the AFS, presenting an average of 32.2%. The cultivation of corn in the AFS presents less potential for production of the fiber fraction (stems and leaves) than at TS, however higher grain production was observed in AFS. The silage produced presented adequate DM level in both systems.La producción y calidad del ensilaje de maíz criollo producido en el sistema agroforestal (SAF) se evaluó en comparación con el sistema tradicional (ST). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, con dos tratamientos y seis repeticiones. El ensilado se realizó en silos de laboratorio. Se realizaron evaluaciones físicas y organolépticas, determinación de parámetros agronómicos (etapa de granos, altura, número de hojas secas y peso de fracciones de plantas) y del contenido de materia seca. (MS). La altura de la planta varió en los sistemas ST y SAF, siendo 15,55% mayor en el ST. En el ST, el componente del tallo tuvo una mayor participación en la masa de la planta (49,41%), seguido de las hojas (25,96%), superando los valores obtenidos en el SAF. Los valores de MS en el tallo (23,48%), hoja (40,65%), paja (37,73%), mazorca de maíz (31,63%) y granos (32,28%) de las plantas cosechadas en el ST fueron inferiores a los verificados en el SAF, que presentó, respectivamente para estas fracciones, 26,72, 59,37, 66,09, 44,30 y 43,04%. El contenido de MS de los ensilajes de maíz (planta completa) no difirió entre los dos sistemas, siendo 31,35% para ST y 33,06% para SAF, con un contenido promedio de 32,2%. El cultivo de maíz en el SAF tiene menos potencial para producir la fracción fibrosa (tallo y hojas) del que en el ST, sin embargo, hubo una mayor producción de grano en el SAF. El ensilaje producido mostró un contenido adecuado de MS en ambos los sistemas.Avaliou-se a produção e a qualidade da silagem de milho crioulo produzida no sistema no sistema agroflorestal (SAF) em comparação ao produzido no tradicional (ST). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e seis repetições. A ensilagem foi feita em silos experimentais de laboratório. Foram realizadas avaliações físicas e organolépticas (proporção de grãos, odor, cor, umidade e tamanho de partícula), determinação dos parâmetros agronômicos (estádio dos grãos, altura, número de folhas seca e peso das frações das plantas) e do teor de matéria seca (MS). A altura das plantas variou nos sistemas ST e SAF, sendo 15,55% superior no ST. No ST o componente colmo teve maior participação na massa da planta (49,41%), seguido das folhas (25,96%) , superando os valores obtidos no SAF. Os valores de MS no colmo (23,48%), folha (40,65%), palha (37,73%), sabugo (31,63%) e grãos (32,28%) das plantas colhidas no ST foram inferiores aos verificados no SAF, que apresentou, respectivamente para essas frações 26,72, 59,37, 66,09, 44,30 e 43,04%. Os teores de MS das silagens de milho (planta inteira) não diferiram entre os dois sistemas, sendo de 31,35% para o ST e de 33,06% para o SAF, com teor médio de 32,2%. O cultivo de milho no SAF apresenta menor potencial de produção da fração fibrosa (colmo e folhas) do que no ST, porém verificou-se maior produção de grãos no SAF. A silagem produzida apresentou teor de MS adequado em ambos os sistemas

    Cultivo de milho crioulo para silagem em sistemas tradicional e agroflorestal

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    This study aimed to evaluate the production and quality of landrace corn silage produced in traditional system (TS) compared to the agroforestry system (AFS). The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments and six replications. The silage was made in experimental silos of laboratory. Were evaluated physical and organoleptic characteristics (proportion of grains, smell, color, moisture, and particle size), agronomic parameters (stage of grain, height, number of dry leaves and dry weight of fractions of plants) and content of dry matter (DM). The height of the plants varied in the TS and AFS systems, being 15.55% higher in the TS. The stem component was the one that had the largest participation in the plant mass (49.41%), followed by the leaves (25.96%), in the TS, being higher than the values observed in the AFS. Lower values were observed for DM of the stem (23.48%), leaf (40.65%), straw (37.73%), cob (31.63%) and grains (32.28%) of plants harvested at TS, in relation to AFS, who presented values of 26.72, 59.37, 66.09, 44.30 and 43.04%, respectively, for the fractions. The levels of DM of the corn silages (whole plant) did not differ between the two systems, being 31.35% for the TS and 33.06% for the AFS, presenting an average of 32.2%. The cultivation of corn in the AFS presents less potential for production of the fiber fraction (stems and leaves) than at TS, however higher grain production was observed in AFS. The silage produced presented adequate DM level in both systems.Avaliou-se a produção e a qualidade da silagem de milho crioulo produzida no sistema no sistema agroflorestal (SAF) em comparação ao produzido no tradicional (ST). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e seis repetições. A ensilagem foi feita em silos experimentais de laboratório. Foram realizadas avaliações físicas e organolépticas (proporção de grãos, odor, cor, umidade e tamanho de partícula), determinação dos parâmetros agronômicos (estádio dos grãos, altura, número de folhas seca e peso das frações das plantas) e do teor de matéria seca (MS). A altura das plantas variou nos sistemas ST e SAF, sendo 15,55% superior no ST. No ST o componente colmo teve maior participação na massa da planta (49,41%), seguido das folhas (25,96%) , superando os valores obtidos no SAF. Os valores de MS no colmo (23,48%), folha (40,65%), palha (37,73%), sabugo (31,63%) e grãos (32,28%) das plantas colhidas no ST foram inferiores aos verificados no SAF, que apresentou, respectivamente para essas frações 26,72, 59,37, 66,09, 44,30 e 43,04%. Os teores de MS das silagens de milho (planta inteira) não diferiram entre os dois sistemas, sendo de 31,35% para o ST e de 33,06% para o SAF, com teor médio de 32,2%. O cultivo de milho no SAF apresenta menor potencial de produção da fração fibrosa (colmo e folhas) do que no ST, porém verificou-se maior produção de grãos no SAF. A silagem produzida apresentou teor de MS adequado em ambos os sistemas

    Nutritional evaluation of elephant-grass silages with different levels of by-products from the cashew juice industry

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    ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the intake, apparent digestibility (AD), and degradability in situ of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) silages containing 0, 35.0, 70.0, 105.0, and 140.0 g kg-1 by-product from dried cashew apple (DCBP) (as fed basis). A completely randomized design with four replicates was adopted. For the study of degradability in situ, one adult male cattle was used in a completely randomized design with split plots. Intake and AD of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose, and cellulose were evaluated, and the digestible energy (DE) and nitrogen balance (NB) of the silages were determined. The degradability in situ of DM, CP, and NDF was also determined. Addition of DCBP provided an increase in the intakes of DM, CP, NDF, and ADF. No effects of the levels of addition of DCBP were observed on the coefficients of AD of the silages. Regarding NB, positive values were only detected in the treatment with 105.0 g kg-1 DCBP. In the analysis of the degradability in situ, the incubation periods increased the rates of disappearance of DM, CP, and NDF. However, no effect of the levels of DCBP were observed on the effective degradability of DM. The by-product from dried cashew apple can be included at up to 140.0 g kg-1 in silages of elephant grass, but the high contents of acid detergent insoluble nitrogen may compromise the use and availability of nitrogen to the animals


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    Four experimental hybrids and two commercial Sorghum bicolor cv bicolor x Sorghum bicolor cv sudanense hybrids were evaluated regarding the following agronomical characteristics: green matter production per hectare, dry matter production, plant height, plant number per hectare, regrowth rate and leaf/stem ratio. Plantings occurred in the dry–rainy transition period. The hybrids were submitted to three successive cuts and two planting periods. A randomized blocks experimental design was used and the means were compared by the SNK test (P0.05) to the commercial hybrids AG2501C (control), with 780.000 plants/ha, and to BRS800, with 749.000 plants/ha, and superior to the other hybrids. The productivity results indicated the potential of utilization of the studied sorghum-Sudan grass hybrids as an alternative for the cut forage production, in the transition period from dry to rainy season


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    Four experimental hybrids (ATF 54 x CMSXS 912, CMSXS 156 x CMSXS 912, CMSXS 157 x CMSXS 912 and CMSXS 210 x CMSXS 912) and two commercial hybrids of Sorghum bicolor cv bicolor X Sorghum bicolor cv sudanense (AG2501C and BRS800) were evaluated in order to determine their nutritional value: digestible dry matter (DDM t/ha), dry matter in vitro digestibility (DMIVD %), crude protein (CP%), neutral detergent fiber (NDF%), acid detergent fiber (ADF%), P (%) and Ca (%). The hybrids were submitted to three successive cuts, accomplished at two planting seasons. A randomized blocks experimental design was used and the means were compared by the SNK test (P<0.05). The ATF53 x CMSXS 912 and AG 2501-C hybrids presented average production values 1.28t DDM/ha higher at the two planting times. The means were higher in the second planting season than in the first, when productions of DDM (t/ha) indicated a tendency of highest productions at the second planting time. Differences were observed among the hybrids for crude protein (average value 16.33%), Ca (values ranging from 0.42% to 0.49%) and P (average value 0.26%). The commercial hybrid BRS800 was superior (p<0.05) concerning average contents of P (0.28%) and crude protein (17.32%), and similar to the experimental hybrid CMSXS 210 x CMSXS 912, for which the obtained value was 16.75%