16 research outputs found

    An overview about oxidation in clinical practice of skin aging

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    Free radicals are unstable chemical species, highly reactive, being formed by cellular entities of different tissues. Increased production of these species without proper effective action of endogenous and exogenous antioxidant systems, generates a condition of oxidative stress, potentially provider of skin disorders that extend from functional impairments (skin cancer, dermatitis, chronic and acute inflammatory processes) even aesthetic character, with the destruction of structural proteins and cellular changes with the appearance of stains, marks and lines of expressions and other signs inherent to the intrinsic and extrinsic skin aging process. The antioxidants are chemical substances commonly used in clinical practice for topical application and may contribute in the fight against the radical species responsible for many skin damage. This paper summarized the main evidence of the benefits brought by the topical application of antioxidants in the skin, considering the amplitude of the indicative performance of antioxidant activity by in vitro and ex-vivo tests as well as in vivo tests. It is recognized that a breadth of product performance tests should be explored to truly identify the effectiveness of antioxidant products for an anti-aging effect.Sao Paulo State Research Support FoundationNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Univ Campinas UNICAMP, Fed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Postgrad Program Translat Med, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv RUTGERS, New Brunswick, NJ USAUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilRutgers State Univ, Dept Pharmaceut, Ernest Mario Sch Pharm, New Brunswick, NJ USAUniv Estadual Campinas UNICAMP, Fac Pharmaceut Sci, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2013-01118-5Web of Scienc

    Characterization of women's young and mature skin by the 50 MHz high‐frequency ultrasound technique

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    Development of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems with olive vegetable oil for cutaneous application

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    Liquid-Crystalline Systems represent active compounds delivery systems that may be able to overcome the physical barrier of the skin, especially represented by the stratum corneum. To obtain these systems, aqueous and oily components are used with surfactants. Of the different association structures in such systems, the liquid-crystalline offer numerous advantages to a topical product. This manuscript presents the development of liquid-crystalline systems consisting, in which the oil component is olive oil, its rheological characterizations, and the location of liquid crystals in its phase map. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated using J-774 mouse macrophages as the cellular model. A phase diagram to mix three components with different proportions was constructed. Two liquid crystalline areas were found with olive oil in different regions in the ternary diagram with two nonionic surfactants, called SLC1 (S1) and SLC2 (S2). These systems showed lamellar liquid crystals that remained stable during the entire analysis time. The systems were also characterized rheologically with pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropy. The texture and bioadhesion assays showed that formulations were similar statistically (p < 0.05), indicating that the increased amount of water in S2 did not interfere with the bioadhesive properties of the systems. In vitro cytotoxic assays showed that formulations did not present cytotoxicity. Olive oil-based systems may be a promising platform for skin delivery of drugs.Os cristais líquidos representam um sistema de liberação de substâncias ativas capazes de vencer a barreira cutânea, representada especialmente pelo estrato córneo. Água, óleo e tensoativos são misturados para se obter esses sistemas. Diferentes estruturas podem ser formadas nesses sistemas, as quais oferecem muitas vantagens para os produtos de uso tópico. Esse trabalho visou ao desenvolvimento de sistemas líquido-cristalinos preparados com óleo de oliva, sua caracterização reológica e a identificação das fases cristalinas no diagrama ternário. Efeitos citotóxicos foram avaliados usando células de rato como modelo celular. Construiu-se um diagrama de fases que mistura três componentes em diferentes proporções. Duas áreas de cristal líquido, denominadas SLC1 (S1) e SLC2 (S2), foram encontradas com óleo de oliva em diferentes regiões no diagrama ternário preparado com dois diferentes tensoativos não-iônicos. Esses sistemas mostraram fase cristalina lamelar, que permaneceu estável durante o tempo estudado. Os sistemas foram também caracterizados reologicamente e apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico com tixotropia. Os ensaios de textura e bioadesão mostraram que as formulações foram similares (p < 0.05), indicando que o aumento da quantidade de água em S2 não interferiu nas propriedades bioadesivas dos sistemas. Os ensaios de citotoxicidade mostraram que as formulações não foram citotóxicas. Sistemas à base de óleo de oliva são interessantes para a liberação de fármacos na pele

    Skin effect of facial cleansing combined with an electric sonic device

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    New technologies, such as sonic devices, have been developed to optimize the skin cleansing process and improve its efficiency. To evaluate the effectiveness of these cosmetic procedures, skin bioengineering is an objective method to assess the biophysical parameters of the skin. This study aimed to assess the effect of facial cleansing on the physiological properties of the skin by comparing a cleansing process with cosmetic product applied manually to cleansing with cosmetic product associated with the use of an electric sonic device. A gentle skin cleanser was applied to the entire face of 12 subjects; the sonic device was used on one half of the face and the manual process was performed on the other half. Instrumental skin analyses included sebummetry, corneometry, transepidermal water loss (TEWL), infrared thermography, and high‐frequency ultrasound and were measured before and up to 90 min after cleansing. Results were compared using two‐way ANOVA and Friedman tests. Data obtained from the statistical analysis of sebummetry, TEWL, thermography, and ultrasound parameters did not show any significant difference. When assessing the corneometry parameters, a significant reduction in hydration values (17.19%) was observed in the manual cleansing area, while the values remained similar to baseline values in the area where the sonic device was used. The cleansing process with a sonic device did not cause a significant hydration reduction, suggesting better preservation of skin homeostasis when compared to manual cleansingCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão tem2018/06973‐

    Formulations with green clay for acne-prone skin: evaluation of rheology and sensory

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    Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that develops in pilosebaceous follicles, affecting mainly the onset of puberty. Among the numerous chemicals with dermatological and cosmetic purpose, traded and prescribed, raw materials of mineral origin have been often sought in formulations aimed at treating and / or preventing acne. This work aimed at the development of cosmetic preparations including green clay and sensory analysis of the formulations. Four formulations containing 2.5 % to 5 % green clay, in the presence or absence of dimethicone were prepared. The rheological behavior of the samples was analyzed at time 0, 24 hours, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days, using a cone and plate type rheometer (DVII + viscometer, Brookfiel). Sensory analyses of the formulations were also made. It can be concluded that all formulations exhibited pseudoplastic behavior and, through statistical analysis, it was found that there were no significant differences in acceptance between the formulations with or without dimethicone in the attributes of spreadability, stickiness, color and sensation after application. However, in regard to the attribute of odor, it was found that there was a greater acceptance in formulations to which dimethicone was added

    Development of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems with olive vegetable oil for cutaneous application

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    ABSTRACT Liquid-Crystalline Systems represent active compounds delivery systems that may be able to overcome the physical barrier of the skin, especially represented by the stratum corneum. To obtain these systems, aqueous and oily components are used with surfactants. Of the different association structures in such systems, the liquid-crystalline offer numerous advantages to a topical product. This manuscript presents the development of liquid-crystalline systems consisting, in which the oil component is olive oil, its rheological characterizations, and the location of liquid crystals in its phase map. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated using J-774 mouse macrophages as the cellular model. A phase diagram to mix three components with different proportions was constructed. Two liquid crystalline areas were found with olive oil in different regions in the ternary diagram with two nonionic surfactants, called SLC1 (S1) and SLC2 (S2). These systems showed lamellar liquid crystals that remained stable during the entire analysis time. The systems were also characterized rheologically with pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropy. The texture and bioadhesion assays showed that formulations were similar statistically (p < 0.05), indicating that the increased amount of water in S2 did not interfere with the bioadhesive properties of the systems. In vitro cytotoxic assays showed that formulations did not present cytotoxicity. Olive oil-based systems may be a promising platform for skin delivery of drugs

    Avaliação da permeação e retenção cutânea dos ácidos gálico, ferúlico e cafeico, veiculados em gel aquoso, em pele de suíno, associando-se, ou não, a técnica da iontoforese

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    O uso de antioxidantes nas aplicações para uso tópico parece promissor, porém, muitos estudos devem ser realizados para garantir processos e produtos que possam efetivamente trazer benefícios para combater a ação dos radicais livres no tecido cutâneo. Para a administração tópica de antioxidantes ser efetiva contra os radicais livres da pele, é fundamental garantir que permeiem nas diferentes camadas da pele, a fim de alcançar camadas mais profundas da epiderme na forma ativa, e permanecer lá por tempo suficiente para ocasionar os efeitos benéficos. Portanto, esse projeto visou avaliar o potencial antioxidante dos ácidos fenólicos, isolados ou em combinações, através de diferentes metodologias in vitro (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, ORAC e Sistema &#946;-caroteno/ácido linoleico), identificar a manutenção da atividade antioxidante desses ativos quando veiculados em géis hidrofílicos, bem como avaliar a permeação e retenção cutânea destes ácidos fenólicos em ensaios in vitro, associando-se a técnica da iontoforese como promotor físico de permeação de ativos. Os resultados apresentados identificaram um excelente espectro de atividade antioxidante do ácido gálico isolado e da combinação dos três ácidos fenólicos, com a manutenção da atividade antioxidante por até 90 dias após a preparação das formulações. O método analítico de quantificação apresentado para os ácidos fenólicos foi devidamente validado e se apresentou eficaz e reprodutível para quantificação dos ativos a partir dos ensaios de permeação. A iontoforese catódica associada com géis de ácidos fenólicos demonstrou ser um recurso promissor para finalidade dermocosmética, uma vez que promoveu um aumento significativo, de até 4 vezes em relação a condição passiva, na retenção do ácido gálico em camadas mais profundas da pele. A iontoforese, portanto, exerce um efeito “target” para o ácido gálico, garantindo sua retenção em camadas mais profundas da pele. Não foram constatadas quantidades detectáveis do ácido gálico na solução receptora, mesmo com a iontoforese, o que permite inferir que este não permeia. Esta propriedade pode ser considerada interessante para um produto de finalidade tópica, cujo efeito sistêmico deve ser ausente. Logo, a iontoforese catódica representou uma estratégia promissora ao promover o aumento da permeação e retenção dos ácidos fenólicos na pele, representando uma abordagem interessante para a saúde e a beleza da pele.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2013 a 2016

    Polymeric matrix microparticles as retinoic acid delivery systems: perspective of chemical stability optimization and in vitro evaluation of skin permeation

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    O ácido retinóico vêm sendo empregado, para disfunções descamativas da pele como psoríase, no tratamento anti-envelhecimento, na acne e isolado ou em combinações nas hiperpigmentações, especialmente melasma. Independentemente da sua aplicação, a problemática envolvendo este fármaco pode ser compreendida em duas vertentes: a primeira, que se refere a uma propriedade intrínseca molecular, representada pela sua grande instabilidade, sendo um fármaco altamente susceptível a oxidação, o que leva a formação de muitos produtos degradativos retinóides ou não-retinóides relacionados. A segunda vertente problemática está relacionada com a incidência de efeitos adversos, que podem prejudicar o seguimento terapêutico. Desta forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivos desenvolver micropartículas poliméricas de ácido retinóico para obtenção de produtos dermatológicos mais estáveis com este fármaco, e consequentemente mais eficazes e ainda com possibilidade de minimizar o risco de dermatite de contato irritativa, devido a liberação gradativa e prolongada do fármaco. Além disso, estudo de permeação passiva e iontoforética com as formulações de ácido retinóico microencapsulado será realizado visando reconhecer o perfil de permeação deste ativo e também buscando explorar a ação alvo (target) iontoforética (ação direcionada para efeito na pele) do ácido retinóico, que pode assegurar menor chance de absorção sistêmica e maior eficácia tópica. Por meio dos resultados apresentados é possível reconhecer que a microencapsulação do ácido retinóico pode ser um recurso viável e interessante para prover a otimização da estabilidade do ácido retinóico em diferentes formulações de veiculação, bem como garantir a liberação controlada/sustentada do ativo, reduzindo as concentrações absolutas do ativo em contato direto do mesmo com a pele – potencialmente minimizando os reconhecidos eventos adversos associados a terapêutica de uso tópico deste ingrediente. Adicionalmente, concebe-se que a associação da técnica de iontoforese catódica com aplicação do ácido retinóico livre e do ácido retinóico-microencapsulado permite a penetração do ingrediente ativo para camadas mais profundas da pele, podendo trazer respostas terapêuticas otimizadas com aplicação do AR em concentrações menores de possíveis propostas terapêuticas.Retinoic acid has been employed to several clinical applications and skin disorders such as psoriasis, anti-aging treatment, acne and hyperpigmentation as melasma. Regardless its application, the problems involving this drug can be understood considering two perspectives: first, it refers to an intrinsic molecular property, represented by its instability, once this drug is highly susceptible to oxidation. The second problematic aspect of this therapeutic compound is related to the high adverse effects incidence that may impair the therapeutic treatment. Among the main skin discomforts described due to its use, it is possible listed: the irritation at the application area, erythema, scaly and xerosis. Therefore, this research aims to develop polymeric microparticles containing retinoic acid to obtain more stable and effective dermatological products with possibility to minimize the skin irritation risks due to prolonged drug release. Furthermore, passive and iontophoretic permeation studies ofretinoic acid microencapsulated in formulations will be carried out to recognize the permeation profile of this drug and also seeking to explore the target iontophoretic action (directed action to specific layers of the skin) of the retinoic acid, which can ensure lower chance of systemic absorption and greater topical efficacy.. Considering the results of this study, it was possible to recognize that retinoic acid microencapsulation can be a viable and interesting way to provide the optimization of retinoic acid stability in different delivery formulations, as well as to ensure controlled / sustained release of the active, reducing absolute concentrations. of the active substance in direct skin contact and thus potentially minimizing the recognized adverse events associated with topical therapy of this ingredient. Additionally, it is conceived that the combination of cathodic iontophoresis technique with the application of retinoic acid and microcapsule of retinoic acid allows the penetration of the active ingredient to deeper layers of the skin providing optimized therapeutic responses with lower concentrations.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Development of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems with olive vegetable oil for cutaneous application

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    ABSTRACT Liquid-Crystalline Systems represent active compounds delivery systems that may be able to overcome the physical barrier of the skin, especially represented by the stratum corneum. To obtain these systems, aqueous and oily components are used with surfactants. Of the different association structures in such systems, the liquid-crystalline offer numerous advantages to a topical product. This manuscript presents the development of liquid-crystalline systems consisting, in which the oil component is olive oil, its rheological characterizations, and the location of liquid crystals in its phase map. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated using J-774 mouse macrophages as the cellular model. A phase diagram to mix three components with different proportions was constructed. Two liquid crystalline areas were found with olive oil in different regions in the ternary diagram with two nonionic surfactants, called SLC1 (S1) and SLC2 (S2). These systems showed lamellar liquid crystals that remained stable during the entire analysis time. The systems were also characterized rheologically with pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropy. The texture and bioadhesion assays showed that formulations were similar statistically (p < 0.05), indicating that the increased amount of water in S2 did not interfere with the bioadhesive properties of the systems. In vitro cytotoxic assays showed that formulations did not present cytotoxicity. Olive oil-based systems may be a promising platform for skin delivery of drugs

    Minimum Evaporation Model of Dermatological Delivery Systems. Lamellar Liquid Crystal Formulations Containing Brazilian Nut (Bertholletia excelsa HBK) Vegetable Oil and Guarana Glycolic Extract

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    Formulations with lyotropic liquid crystals were prepared from a Brazilian nut vegetable oil, guarana extract and combination of sorbitan monooleate (Span 80) and sorbitan monolaurate ethoxylate EO 20 (Tween 20) in the ratio 1: 3 (surfactant component) and their physical-chemical aspects and rheological properties were determined. Compositions with liquid crystals were found in the pseudoternary diagram in a surfactant range of 70-90% and polarized light microscopy, small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) showed them to be lamellar. the preparations were furthermore characterized rheologically by shear stress shear rate sweeps finding plastic and pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropy. Electric conductivity and pH measurements demonstrated a potential for future application as dermatological delivery system of the active compounds in the Bertholletia excelsa and Paullinia cupana.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Metodista Piracicaba, UNIMEP, Pharm Course, Piracicaba, BrazilSão Paulo State Univ, UNESP, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Araraquara, BrazilNTNU, Ugelstad Lab, Trondheim, NorwayUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Diadema, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Diadema, BrazilWeb of Scienc