49 research outputs found

    International Economic Institutions: The Challenge of Coordination

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    International Economic Institutions: The Challenge of Coordination

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    International Economic Institutions: The Challenge of Coordination

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    International Economic Institutions: The Challenge of Coordination

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    Foundation of the Television of Novi Sad and the First Years of Broadcasting (1970-1980)

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    U radu se proučava nastanak i razvitak televizije u svetu i u Jugoslaviji i osnivanje Televizije Novi Sad. Prve godine rada Televizije Novi Sad (1970 -1980) izučavane su kroz prizmu razvoja programa i auditorijuma, informativnu, kulturnu i obrazovnu funkciju, kao i kroz emisije zabavnog i sportskog karaktera. U radu su predstavljeni i svi faktori od značaja za osnivanje i razvoj Televizije Novi Sad: inicijativa za osnivanje, neizostavno tadašnja politička situacija, povoljne okolnosti za napredak inicijative, kao i raspoložive frekvencije za emitovanje programa u Vojvodini. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su da se ukaže na značaj osnivanja Televizije Novi Sad i njenu ulogu u razvoju medijske situacije u AP Vojvodini, kao i da se izvrši analiza problema i prioriteta razvoja Televizije Novi Sad, odnosno političkih, društvenih, kulturnih i informativnih razloga za osnivanje Televizije Novi Sad. Na ovaj način podaci koji su obrađeni, ostaju kao trajni istorijski presek, koji može poslužiti kao osnova nekih daljih istraživanja medijskog života u Pokrajini. U istraživanju su analizirani ne samo razlozi za pokretanje i materijalna osnova i finansijska pomoć društvenopolitičke zajednice Televizije Novi Sad i njena funkcija, koncepcija i fizionomija programa, već i široke političke konsultacije, informativne i komunikacijske obaveze društvenopolitičke zajednice prema svom stanovništvu i politički, privredni i kulturni život u Pokrajini. Struktura gledalaca u Pokrajini, kulturni afiniteti i specifičnosti, ustavne promene u položaju, statusu i funkciji socijalističke AP Vojvodine, kao bitni faktori, takođe imaju svoje mesto u istraživanju. Korišćeni su podaci iz zvaničnih i ličnih arhiva, kao i istraživanja i iskustva Centra za istraživanja javnog mnjenja, programa i auditorijuma, statut Televizije Novi Sad i konkretni primeri iz prakse kroz novinske članke objavljane u dnevnom listu „Dnevnik“. Ovaj rad ima značaj u kontekstu razumevanja današnjih uslova i stanja u kojem se medijski svet u AP Vojvodini nalazi. Značajno je i to što su sublimirani upravo oni podaci, dokumenta i zabeležena iskustva o Televiziji Novi Sad koji bi u najvećoj meri bili izgubljeni ili prepušteni zaboravu i uništenju.In this dissertation the origin and progress of television in the world and in the former Yugoslavia, respectively the foundation of the Television of Novi Sad are examined. The first years of broadcasting of the Television of Novi Sad (1970-1980) are analysed through the prism of its informative, cultural and educative function; the progress of programmes  and audiences as well as through entertaining and sports shows. Besides, all the factors are presented in this thesis which are significant for the foundation and progress of the Television of Novi Sad : the initiative for the foundation, the political situation of the time, adequate circumstances for the advancement of the initiative and the available broadcasting frequencies in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The aims of this research are to draw attention to the importance of the establishment of the Television of Novi Sad as playing a great part in the improvement of the situation regarding the media in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, moreover to analyse the problems and priorities of the progress of the Television of Novi Sad, respectively the political, social, cultural and informative reasons for its foundation. Thus, the processed data represent a permanent historical review , which may serve as a basis for further researches on the media of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. During this research, beside the reasons for its launching, it was not only the financial basis and function of the Television of Novi Sad or the conception and physiognomy of its programmes that was analysed but also the wide political consultations, the informative and communicational duties of socio-political societies towards the civilian population, and the political, cultural and agricultural life in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The structure of viewers, the cultural specificity and affinities, the constitutional changes in the status and function of the socialist Vojvodina as significant factors are as well part of this research. The data and information was collected and used from various sources, such as: official and personal archives; researches and experience of the Centre for Public-Opinion Poll, Programmes and Audiences; the statutes of the Television of Novi Sad, furthermore particular examples from practice extracted from articles published in the daily paper ‘Dnevnik’. This dissertation is of considerable importance in the context of understanding the status of the media in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina today. Moreover, it is also a significant fact that exactly those data, documents and recorded experience are gathered here, which would all the way fall into oblivion or decay