7 research outputs found

    The effect of curcumin on germ cell vitality, divisions and death of oocytes and embryos

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    Kurkumina jest zwi膮zkiem ro艣linnym znajduj膮cym si臋 w ekstrakcie z k艂膮czy ostry偶u d艂ugiego (Curcuma longa), znanym pod nazw膮 kurkuma. Zwi膮zek ten jest sk艂adnikiem indyjskiej przyprawy curry nadaj膮cym jej 偶贸艂ty kolor. Kurkumina stosowana by艂a przez tysi膮clecia w tradycyjnej medycynie dalekiego wschodu jako 艣rodek antyseptyczny, wspomagaj膮cy gojenie ran oraz jako lek na szereg schorze艅. W ci膮gu ostatnich lat kurkumina wzbudzi艂a ogromne zainteresowanie badaczy i klinicyst贸w jako 艣rodek o dzia艂aniu przeciwzapalnym i antyoksydacyjnym, z potencjalnym zastosowaniem w leczeniu chor贸b u pod艂o偶a kt贸rych le偶y przewlek艂y stan zapalny, takich jak: nowotwory, choroby uk艂adu kr膮偶enia, choroba Alzheimera, reumatoidalne zapalenie staw贸w i cukrzyca. Pomimo niskiej bioaktywno艣ci kurkumina mo偶e tak偶e przeciwdzia艂a膰 indukowanym r贸偶nymi czynnikami uszkodzeniom tkanek i narz膮d贸w. Z drugiej strony wykazano, 偶e kurkumina zar贸wno in vivo jak i in vitro hamuj臋 proliferacj臋 i indukuje 艣mier膰 kom贸rkow膮 w r贸偶nych typach kom贸rek nowotworowych. Kurkumina ma bardzo wiele cel贸w molekularnych, jednak偶e wydaje si臋 偶e jednym z wa偶niejszych jest czynnik transkrypcyjny NF-k B. W niniejszej rozprawie stosuj膮c metody in vitro i in vivo podj臋to pr贸b臋 wykazania protekcyjnego dzia艂ania kurkuminy na plemniki myszy, a tak偶e pokazano jej zdolno艣膰 do hamowania podzia艂贸w oocyt贸w i preimplantacyjnych zarodk贸w myszy. Kurkumina w st臋偶eniu od 1 pM do 50 pM ogranicza艂a spadek ruchliwo艣ci plemnik贸w w hodowli, bez wp艂ywu na ich 偶ywotno艣膰, natomiast w st臋偶eniu 100 pM wykazywa艂a dzia艂anie toksyczne obni偶aj膮c zar贸wno ruchliwo艣膰 jak i 偶ywotno艣膰 plemnik贸w. Kurkumina podawana doustnie wykazywa艂a ochronne dzia艂anie na ruchliwo艣膰 plemnik贸w oraz uszkodzenia kanalik贸w plemnikotw贸rczych mysich samc贸w traktowanych ftalanem - DEHP. W celu zbadania zdolno艣ci kurkuminy do hamowania podzia艂贸w prawid艂owych kom贸rek in vitro, przeprowadzono badania z wykorzystaniem mysich oocyt贸w i dwukom贸rkowych zarodk贸w, w kt贸rych zgodnie z danymi literaturowymi brak jest aktywno艣ci NF-k B. Wykazano, 偶e kurkumina w spos贸b zale偶ny od dawki wp艂ywa zar贸wno na podzia艂y mejotyczne oocyt贸w jak i podzia艂y mitotyczne zarodk贸w. Podawana do po偶ywki w st臋偶eniu 10-30 pM hamowa艂a wyrzucanie I cia艂ka kierunkowego podczas mejozy oraz mitotyczne podzia艂y blastomer贸w w oko艂o po艂owie badanych kom贸rek. W wy偶szych st臋偶eniach, 50pM lub 100pM kurkumina, powodowa艂a praktycznie ca艂kowite zahamowanie podzia艂贸w mitotycznych i mejotycznych; obecno艣膰 I cia艂ka kierunkowego oraz podzia艂 blastomer贸w obserwowano jedynie w pojedynczych badanych kom贸rkach. W celu wyja艣nienie mechanizmu dzia艂ania kurkuminy na podzia艂y oocyt贸w i zarodk贸w sprawdzono struktur臋 wrzeciona podzia艂owego oraz poziom acetylowanej tubuliny w badanych kom贸rkach. Wp艂yw kurkuminy na struktur臋 wrzeciona podzia艂owego by艂 zale偶ny od dawki. Kurkumina 30 pM powodowa艂a wyd艂u偶enie mikrotubul oraz nieprawid艂owo艣ci w uk艂adzie p艂ytki metafazowej. R贸wnie偶 w zarodkach traktowanych 30 pM kurkumin膮 obserwowano wyd艂u偶enie mikrotubul i nieprawid艂ow膮 morfologi臋 wrzeciona podzia艂owego. Zastosowanie 50 pM kurkuminy powodowa艂o ca艂kowit膮 dezorganizacj臋 wrzeciona podzia艂owego. Zar贸wno w oocytach jak i zarodkach obserwowano jedynie zag臋szczenie mikrotubul dooko艂a skondensowanych chromosom贸w. Analiza metod膮 Western blotting oraz znakowanie immunofluorescencyjne nie wykaza艂y znacz膮cych r贸偶nic w poziomie acetylowanej tubuliny w oocytach i zarodkach traktowanych kurkumin膮 i kom贸rkach kontrolnych, sugeruj膮c zaanga偶owanie innego mechanizmu w indukcj臋 uszkodze艅 wrzeciona pod wp艂ywem kurkuminy. Poniewa偶 wiadomo, 偶e surwiwina zaanga偶owana jest zar贸wno w dzia艂anie kompleksu CPC (ang. Chromosome Passenger Complex), jak i w formowanie wrzeciona podzia艂owego, sprawdzono jej poziom oraz lokalizacj臋. Stosuj膮c metod臋 Western blotting nie wykazano zmian w poziomie surwiwiny, jednak偶e lokalizacja surwiwiny sprawdzana metod膮 immunofluorescencji wydawa艂a si臋 by膰 zaburzona na skutek dzia艂ania kurkuminy. Podsumowuj膮c, wyniki bada艅 wykaza艂y, 偶e kurkumina mo偶e mie膰 dzia艂anie protekcyjne na plemniki zar贸wno in vitro jak in vivo, jednak偶e stosunkowo wysokie st臋偶enia kurkuminy zaburzaj膮 podzia艂y mejotyczne oocyt贸w i mitotyczne zarodk贸w, najprawdopodobniej na skutek zmian w wewn膮trzkom贸rkowej lokalizacji surwiwiny.Curcumin is the phytochemical derived from rhizome of Curcuma longa, present in the spice turmeric that gives Indian curry its yellow color. Curcumin has been used for millennia as a wound-healing agent and for treating a variety of diseases in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. Recently, it has attracted the attention of researchers and clinicians as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agent with a potential use in therapy of many diseases with an inflammation constituents, e.g. cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and metabolic syndrome. Interestingly, curcumin despite its very low bioavailability has got protective activity against many organ lesions. On the other hand, curcumin has been shown to inhibit proliferation and induce cell death in many cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. Curcumin has a myriad of molecular targets, but it is believed that the most far-reaching physiological consequences stem from its ability to inhibit transcription factor NF-魏B. In this dissertation we performed experiments both in vivo and in vitro to show protective role of curcumin on mouse sperm as well as its ability to inhibit proliferation of mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Accordingly, we demonstrated dose dependent effect of curcumin on sperm parameters in vitro. Curcumin used at concentration ranging from 1 渭M to 50 渭M reduced decrease of sperm motility in culture without influencing of their vitality, whilst 100 渭M concentration of curcumin had toxic effect, demonstrating by decreasing sperm motility and vitality. We also proved the protective influence of orally administered curcumin on motility of sperm males treated with DEHP. Moreover curcumin acted against degeneration of seminiferous tubules coused by DEHP. To verify the hypothesis that curcumin can inhibit proliferation of normal cells with no active NF-泻B, we performed studies on mouse oocytes and two-cell embryos undergoing meiotic and mitotic divisions, respectively. We demonstrated, that curcumin influenced meiotic divisions of mouse oocytes and mitotic divisions of early embryos in a dose dependent way. Accordingly, we showed that 10-30 渭M curcumin both inhibited extrusion of I meiotic bodies and inhibition of blastomers cleavage of about half of the treated cells. The effect was more dramatic by cell treatment with 50 or 100 渭M curcumin, which allowed for meiotic and mitotic divisions of a few cells and embryos, respectively. To elucidate the mechanism of curcumin's action on mice oocytes and early embryos we performed experiments on spindle formation and tubulin modification by acetylation. The severity of curcumin induced spindle abnormalities was dose-dependent. Treatment with 30 mM curcumin caused lengthening and irregularity of distribution of the spindle microtubules in MI oocytes. Moreover, the chromosomes were scattered and incorrectly aligned in treated oocytes. The treatment of two-cell embryos with 30 mM curcumin caused dramatic changes in the structure of spindle microtubules; they were long and curly, particularly at the spindle's poles. 50 mM concentration of curcumin almost completely inhibited formation of both meiotic and mitotic spindle although in oocytes and embryos the accumulation of tubulin was visible in the vicinity of condensing chromatin. Neither immunostaining nor Western blotting analysis of acetylated tubulin revealed significant differences between control and curcumintreated oocytes and embryos indicating that other mechanism(s) has to be involved in spindle deformation by curcumin. As survivin is deeply involved not only in so named chromosomal passengers complex, but also in spindle formation we checked survivin level by Western Blotting and its localization in cell treated with curcumin by immunostaining. The level of survivin was not changed, however its localization in the spindle seems to be affected by curcumin. Altogether our results showed that curcumin can have protecting effect on sperm cells in vivo and in vitro, but relatively high concentration of the compound seriously affect meiotic and mitotic divisions in vitro possibly by influencing survivin translocation to the spindle

    On the transition from the meiotic to mitotic cell cycle during early mouse development.

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    International audienceHere, we outline the mechanisms involved in the regulation of cell divisions during oocyte maturation and early cleavages of the mouse embryo. Our interest is focused on the regulation of meiotic M-phases and the first embryonic mitoses that are differently tuned and are characterized by specifically modified mechanisms, some of which have been recently identified. The transitions between the M-phases during this period of development, as well as associated changes in their regulation, are of key importance for both the meiotic maturation of oocytes and the further development of the mammalian embryo. The mouse is an excellent model for studies of the cell cycle during oogenesis and early development. Nevertheless, a number of molecular mechanisms described here were discovered or confirmed during the study of other species and apply also to other mammals including humans

    Temporal regulation of the first mitosis in Xenopus and mouse embryos.

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    International audienceCell cycle regulation in Eukaryotes is based on common molecular actors and mechanisms. However, the canonical cell cycle is modified in certain cells. Such modifications play a key role in oocyte maturation and embryonic development. They can be achieved either by introduction of new components, pathways, substrates, changed interactions between them, or by elimination of some factors inherited by the cells from previous developmental stages. Here we discuss a particular temporal regulation of the first embryonic M-phase of Xenopus and mouse embryos. These two examples help to understand better the general regulation of M-phase of the cell cycle

    Epigenetic age prediction in semen marker selection and model development

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    DNA methylation analysis is becoming increasingly useful in biomedical research and forensic practice. The discovery of differentially methylated sites (DMSs) that continuously change over an individual's lifetime has led to breakthroughs in molecular age estimation. Although semen samples are often used in forensic DNA analysis, previous epigenetic age prediction studies mainly focused on somatic cell types. Here, Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip arrays were applied to semen-derived DNA samples, which identified numerous novel DMSs moderately correlated with age. Validation of the ten most age-correlated novel DMSs and three previously known sites in an independent set of semen-derived DNA samples using targeted bisulfite massively parallel sequencing, confirmed age-correlation for nine new and three previously known markers. Prediction modelling revealed the best model for semen, based on 6 CpGs from newly identified genes SH2B2, EXOC3, IFITM2, and GALR2 as well as the previously known FOLH1B gene, which predict age with a mean absolute error of 5.1 years in an independent test set. Further increases in the accuracy of age prediction from semen DNA will require technological progress to allow sensitive, simultaneous analysis of a much larger number of age correlated DMSs from the compromised DNA typical of forensic semen stains