19 research outputs found

    Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of the West African Fiddler Crab (Ucatangeri) in MboRiver, AkwaIbom State, Nigeria

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    The length- weight relationship and condition factor of the West African fiddler crab (Ucatangeri) in Mbo river of AkwaIbom State, Nigeria, was conducted for 12 consecutive months (April, 2012 – March, 2013). Ucatangeri exhibits sexual dimorphism with sex ratio of 1.2:1.0 which was significantly biased in favour of males. The length-weight relationship showed negative allometric growth, b=1.6431. With an average of 9.61, Ucatangeri had a very high condition factor which is an indication of the well-being of the species. Keywords: Growth rate, Crab, Mbo

    Effect of Protein Level on Gonadal Development of the African Catfish

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    A study was carried out to determine the effect of protein level, on the gonadal development of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, broodfish, using regularly recommended 31% and 40% crude protein (CP) diets. This was aimed at determining, the best level of crude protein inclusion in their diets, capable of enhancing gonadal recrudescence, maturity and spawning, and yet ensuring cost-effective feeding of pond-bred Clarias gariepinus broodstock. Juveniles weighing 5gms to 8gms with lengths ranging from 6cm to 9cm, were reared on the diets, for six months. Gonadal development (using Qualitative (Macro-morphological gonad examination) and Quantitative (Gonadosomatic index– GSI) methods), and Fish condition (using the Condition factor – K) were assessed at the third and sixth months. At the third month, qualitative gonad assessment revealed low gonadal development for all fishes though that, of the fishes (females and males) fed the 31% CP diets were 100% immature stage I gonads, whereas the 40% CP diet fed fishes were 70%immature stage I and 30%maturing stage II for males, and 80%immature stage I and 20%maturing stage II for females.. At the sixth month however, qualitative gonadal assessment revealed that, fishes fed 40% CP had 30% of the females spawning, and 30% of the male fishes attained full maturity, but amongst the fishes fed 31% crude protein, 30% of females and 20% of males were about attaining maturity. This was supported by higher GSI ranges of 25.5% - 39.1% for females and 0.17% - 0.22% for males fed 40% CP, as compared to lower GSI ranges of 20.5% - 28.6% for females and 0.11% - 0.14% for males fed 31%CP diet. The condition factor-K values were generally high at the third month (1.46 -1.90 and1.25 to1.68, for females and males fed 31%CP respectively; and 0.12 to2.16, and1.28 to1.95 for females and males respectively, fed 40%CP) but fell at the sixth month (0.57 - 0.75 and 0.59- 0.84, for females and males fed 31% CP; and 0.59 – 0.73 and 0.74 to 0.92 for females and males respectively, fed 40%CP). This down-ward trend indicates loss in condition related to gonadal development. However, the loss exhibited by fishes fed40% CP was less and their condition were better .The observed differences in GSI between 30% and 40%  CP diets fed-fishes were significant at P<0.05% for females and P<0.01% for males. Also,  the condition of females fishes fed 31% and 40% crude protein were not significantly different, but the males fed both experimental feeds were significantly different at P<0.05%. It could thus be inferred that, the 40% CP diet gave better results than 31%CP diet.  It is therefore recommended that, aquaculturist utilize 40% crude protein- inclusion for enhancing broodfish condition, gonadal recrudescence and spawning, for year-round seed production and cost effective  Clarias gariepinus broodfish management. Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Crude protein, Gonadal development, Fish condition

    Uptake of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbans by the Fingerlinks of Oreochromis Niloticus (Linneaus, 1757) From the Dispersed Phase of Bonny Light Crude Oil

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    In many crude oil spill sites, dispersants are widely applied during clean-up operations without adequate consideration of their environmental effects. This is despite the fact that the water accommodated fractions of these mixtures contain toxic components. This study investigated the uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the water accommodated fractions (WAF) of a mixture of a dispersant, Goldcrew and Bonny Light crude oil using a tilapian fish, Oreochromis niloticus. The aim was to determine the critical body residue (CBR) of the PAHs in the fish exposed to the dispersed, dispersant and crude oil in water (DCOWAF-PAH) and undispersed, crude oil in water only (COWAF-PAH) regimes of the mixtures in the WAF. The control experiment had water only. The concentrations for both regimes of exposure were at sub-lethal levels of 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6ml/L for fifty days using renewal static bioassay. The types and total concentrations of PAHs were analyzed for in the crude oil, fish feed administered, preexposed fish sample, dispersant and test water before exposure. The sixteen known carcinogenic PAHs were found in the crude oil (1916.4ppm), eleven in the fish feed (0.57ppm), three in the pre-exposed fish(0.007ppm), and none in the dispersant and test medium (water). The concentration of the PAHs in the fish from the DCOWAF-PAH ranged from 3.6128-7.9744ppm while that of the COWAF-PAH ranged from 3.4114-3.9693ppm. The concentrations of individual PAHs recovered in the fish showed that napthalene had the highest CRB level of 6.7780ppm and 3.2610ppm, anthracene was 0.6590ppm and not detected (N.D) while acenaphthene had the lowest CBR of 0.00001ppm and below the limit of quantification (FL>BaF>BaP>BaA>FLU>PHE in the COWAF-PAH irrespective of exposure concentration, while for the DCOWAF-PAH, it was NAP>FLU>BaF>BaP>B(ghi)P>BaA>BkF>PHE. The results demonstrated that the presence of the dispersant, Goldcrew increased the critical body residue of the PAHs irrespective of the concentration in the fish samples. This was especially so for the low molecular weight PAHs (<200). Thus, the application of dispersants for crude oil spills need to be done with utmost care particularly in fishing ground

    The Effect of Environmental and Nutritional Manipulation On Year-Round Gonadal Development, Spawning And Recrudescence Of Female Clarias Gariepinus Broodfish.

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    A study was carried out to determine the influence of environmental and nutritional manipulation on cyclical gonadal development, spawning and recrudescence of female pond- bred Clarias gariepinus broodfish. This was aimed at proposing a substitute to chemical/hormonal stimulation for year- round gonadal development and proffering a simple adaptive, cost efficient and effective method of year-round fingerling production, for sustainable Catfish production. A total of 400 hundred adult catfish, weighing between180 and 250grams, measuring between17cm and 20cm were stocked in replicate experimental and control earthen ponds. In the experimental treatment, fishes were fed 40% Crude protein diet, the pond water continually pumped in and the level maintained at 30 cm, whereas water introduction and level in the control pond was dependent on nature (rainfall) and the fishes fed on natural food organisms from the pond waters. Fish were sampled randomly for the 12 months duration, for gonadal development, spawning and recrudescence using standard qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative, macro-morphologic assessment showed that, from June to November, both simulated and non-simulated fish groups exhibited a gradual improvement in gonadal development, from Immature Stage I to Fully matured stage IV, and then running ripe Stage V. By November, they all had Spent/Resting Stage VI. This was supported by the quantitative assessment-Gonadosomatic index (GSI), which rose gradually from May, peaking twice followed by a drop in October/November. This trend of gonadal development is natural as fish gonadal development commences and reproduction occurs during the rainy season, and ends as the dry season approaches (Clay, 1979; Legendre, 1986 and Fruend et al, 1995). Subsequently, from November up until January, the non-simulated fish group exhibited mainly the Spent/Resting Stage VI gonads, followed by a gradual improvement from Immature Stage I in February to Maturing Stage II in May. Hyder (1970) and Sikoki (1978) reported that reproductive activity is poor when favorable conditions do not persist. Contrarily, from November, up until May, the simulated fish groups were observed to continually exhibit a steady and stable supply of ready-to-spawn Fully mature Stage IV, and Running ripe Stage V. This was supported by high GSI values of the simulated fish groups as opposed to a drastic drop in GSI of non-simulated fish groups. Subsequently, GSI values of both fish groups showed a gradual rise from February to May, however, the simulated fish groups exhibited higher GSI. In conclusion, the simulated fishes had improved gonadal development as also supported by statistical data (probability of 0.01%). Thus, it is recommended that, further research be carried out on this method, to standardize it for year-round fingerling production and supply, as other forms of stimulants are either in short supply, complex to use for some, too expensive; and even the world at large is going GREEN, and avoiding the use of chemical or biological manipulation/ genetic multiplication of Food organisms. Key Words: Environmental and Nutritional Manipulation, Clarias gariepinus brood-fish, Gonadal development, Simulated fish, Non-simulated fish

    Investigation of the Concentration of some Metals in Blood Cockle (Senilia senilis) and Oyster (Crassostrea gasar) from Bonny Estuary and Assessment of the Human Health Risk Associated with their Consumption

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    There is a growing concerns over the health risk of consuming seafood contaminated with poisonous metals from human activities.&nbsp; This study examined the concentration and human health risk of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn, V and Hg associated with the consumption of blood cockle (Senilia senilis) and oyster (Crassostrea gasar) from Bonny Estuary, Rivers state Nigeria by analyzing the levels of the selected metals using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Model A 200 AA. Data were used to calculate the non-carcinogenic health risk using Daily Intake Rate (DIR) Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) and Hazard Index (HI). The results showed variations in the concentration of the different heavy metals in the two shellfish. The trend of the metal concentrations in decreasing order was: Crassostrea gasar &gt; Senilia senilis. Levels of metals in Senilia senilis, were all below the WHO and FAO permissible limit for fish. Also, all metals except Pb were below the WHO maximum permissible limit in Crassostrea gasar. The DIR (9.4684E-06 - 0.00281); THQ (8.286E-07 – 1.842E-04) and HI (2.519E-05 -2.595E-04) for all metals were below one indicating no risk for non-carcinogenic effects individually and collectively.&nbsp; The shell fish analyzed from the Bonny Estuary are free from potential human health hazards from heavy metals. However, continuous monitoring of levels of metals in fish from the estuary is recommended

    Two of Ten Elderly Have Dementia When Entering Age of 70 Years Old

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    Life expectancy of Indonesia has increased in the few decades; it has now reached the age of 70 years. As age increases, the risk of degenerative diseases, like dementia is also increasing. As many as 60-70% of dementia cases are Alzheimer\u27s disease. However, there is only limited information on the prevalence rate of dementia in Indonesia. Early detection of dementia and knowing its prevalence rate is very important especially, since in most progressive case of dementia, including the Alzheimer\u27s disease, there is no known cure

    Angka Prevalensi Demensia, Perlu Perhatian Kita Semua

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    Kurang dari empat tahun Indonesia akan memiliki struktur penduduk yang tua, yaitu persentase penduduk yang berusia 60 tahun atau lebih paling tidak 10%. Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia terjadi juga peningkatan jumlah penduduk dengan penyakit degeneratif seperti demensia. Sebanyak 60-70 % demensia, merupakan demensia Alzheimer. Demensia Alzheimer (pikun) merupakan penyakit degeneratif dimana terjadinya penurunan fungsi otak yang mempengaruhi emosi, daya ingat, pengambilan keputusan, perilaku dan fungsi otak lainnya hingga mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Pada saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti berapa banyak lanjut usia di Indonesia yang mengalaminya. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang demensia Alzheimer (pikun) sebagai sebuah penyakit juga masih kecil. Sebagian besar masyarakat menganggap demensia Alzheimer (Pikun) sebagai bagian dari proses penuaan yang sifatnya alami. Di sisi lain penyakit demensia alzheimer belum ada obatnya sehingga deteksi dini sangat perlu dilakukan, termasuk angka prevalensi pada masyarakat perlu diketahui untuk mengetahui beban dari komunitas dan pelayanan kesehatan. Salah satu tujuan dari survei demensia di D I Yogyakarta yang dilakukan oleh SurveyMETER pada tahun 2016 dengan support dari Knowledge Sector Initiative DFAT adalah untuk mendapatkan prevalensi demensia. Survey ini dibangun dari hasil studi Demensia di Jakarta dan juga dari Survei Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (SAKERTI) atau Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). DI Yogyakarta merupakan provinsi dengan persentase jumlah lanjut usia terbanyak di Indonesia. Persentase lanjut usia Indonesia 15 tahun lagi terlihat di D I Yogyakarta sekarang. Angka prevalensi demensia dari survei demensia di D I Yogyakarta menunjukan nilai yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan angka prevalensi pada tingkat internasional. Seberapa besar lebih tingginya tingkat prevalensi demensia pada setiap kelompok umur, tempat tinggal dan implikasinya dipaparkan dalam policy brief ini

    Financial Structure and Economic Welfare: Applied General Equilibrium Development Economics

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    This review provides a common framework for researchers thinking about the next generation of micro-founded macro models of growth, inequality, and financial deepening, as well as direction for policy makers targeting microfinance programs to alleviate poverty. Topics include treatment of financial structure general equilibrium models: testing for as-if-complete markets or other financial underpinnings; examining dual-sector models with both a perfectly intermediated sector and a sector in financial autarky, as well as a second generation of these models that embeds information problems and other obstacles to trade; designing surveys to capture measures of income, investment/savings, and flow of funds; and aggregating individuals and households to the level of network, village, or national economy. The review concludes with new directions that overcome conceptual and computational limitations.National Science Foundation (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.)Templeton FoundationBill & Melinda Gates Foundatio