13 research outputs found

    Optimizing the management of the main acute infections in pediatric ORL: tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media

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    As sinusites, otites médias agudas e tonsilites são muito freqüentes em crianças. A maioria dessas infecções é causada por vírus, mas em geral, elas são tratadas com antibióticos. O uso inapropriado de antibióticos favorece a seleção, crescimento e disseminação de bactérias resistentes que colonizam as vias respiratórias, atingindo toda a comunidade. A emergência de bactérias resistentes dificulta os tratamentos das infecções respiratórias, sendo essencial desenvolver estratégias efetivas para restringir o uso de antibióticos sem prejudicar as crianças que realmente precisam desses medicamentos. OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados de estudos randomizados e controlados sobre critérios clínicos e laboratoriais utilizados para diagnóstico e tratamento das tonsilites, sinusites e otites. MÉTODOS: Levantamento dos estudos randomizados e controlados sobre o tema, publicados no MEDLINE e SCIELO, de 2000 a 2006. CONCLUSÕES: Como a maioria dessas infecções evolui bem sem antibióticos, deve-se evitar o uso desses medicamentos a menos que a criança pertença aos grupos de alto risco para complicações ou apresente persistência ou piora dos sintomas com tratamento sintomático. É necessário que os médicos e leigos conheçam melhor a evolução natural das infecções respiratórias agudas e que seja garantido o acesso das crianças a serviços médicos de boa qualidade para orientação e reavaliação, quando necessária.Sinusitis, acute otitis media and tonsillitis are very frequent in children. Most of these infections are caused by viruses, but are generally treated with antibiotics. Inappropriate use of antibiotics favors the selection, growth and spread of resistant bacteria; these bacteria colonize the airways and affect the entire community. With the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, respiratory infections have become more difficult to treat. Effective strategies are needed to restrict the use of antibiotics without harming children that truly need these drugs. AIM: to present a critical analysis of the results of randomized and controlled studies on clinical and laboratory criteria used in diagnosing and treating tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis. METHODS: a review of randomized and controlled studies about these conditions published in MEDLINE and SCIELO from 2000 to 2006. CONCLUSIONS: Given that most of these infections progress favorably without antibiotics, the use of these drugs should be avoided unless the child belongs to a high risk group for complications, or symptoms persist or worsen with despite symptomatic treatment. Physicians and laypersons should have better knowledge about the natural evolution of acute respiratory infections

    Pediatric nasal and sinus disorders

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    The first and only source to offer a detailed and authoritative review of every aspect of nasal and sinus disorders in children, this reference provides an impressive collection of reviews on topics ranging from disease mechanisms and immunodefense to diagnosis, medical management, and surgical strategy.SCOPUS: bk.binfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Nuts and seed: A natural yet dangerous foreign body

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    Rationale and aim: This paper has the object to present the impact of nuts' and seeds' injuries withdrawing data from the Susy Safe registry, highlighting that as for other foreign bodies the main item efficiently and substantially susceptible to changes to decrease the accidents' rates is the education of adults and children, that can be shared with parents both from pediatricians and general practitioners. Indeed labeling and age related warnings have also a fundamental relevance in prevention. Methods: The present study draws its data from the Susy Safe registry. Details on injuries are entered in the Susy Safe Web-registry through a standardized case report form, that includes information regarding: children age and gender, features of the object, circumstances of injury (presence of parents and activity) and hospitalization's details (lasting, complications and removal details). Cases are prospectively collected using the Susy Safe system from 06/2005; moreover, also information regarding past consecutive cases available in each centre adhering to the project have been entered in the Susy Safe registry. Results: Nuts and seeds are one of the most common food item retrieved in foreign bodies injuries in children. In Susy Safe registry they represent the 38% in food group, and almost the 10% in general cases. Trachea, bronchi and lungs were the main location of FB's retrieval, showing an incidence of 68%. Hospitalization occurred in 83% of cases, showing the major frequency for foreign bodies located in trachea. This location was also the principal site of complications, with a frequency of 68%. There were no significant associations between these outcomes and the age class of the children. The most common complications seen (22.4%) was bronchitis, followed by pneumonia (19.7%). Adult presence was recorded as positive in 71.2% of cases, showing an association (p value 0.009) between the adult supervision and the hospitalization outcome. On the contrary there was a non significant association between adult presence and the occurrence of complications. In 80.7% of cases, the incident happened while the child was eating. Among those cases, 88.6% interested trachea, lungs and bronchi. Conclusions: Food-related aspiration injuries are common events for young children, particularly under 4 years of age, and may lead to severe complication. There is a need to study in more depth specific characteristics of foreign bodies associated with increased hazard, such as size, shape, hardness or firmness, lubricity, pliability and elasticity, in order to better identify risky foods, and more precisely described the pathogenetic pathway. Parents are not adequately conscious and aware toward this risk; therefore, the number and severity of the injuries could be reduced by educating parents and children. Information about food safety should be included in all visits to pediatricians in order to make parents able to understand, select, and identify key characteristics of hazardous foods and better control the hazard level of various foods. Finally, preventive measures including warning labels on high-risk foods could be implemented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    First Clinical Consensus and National Recommendations on Tracheostomized Children of the Brazilian Academy of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ABOPe) and Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP),

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    Abstract Introduction: Tracheostomy is a procedure that can be performed in any age group, including children under 1 year of age. Unfortunately health professionals in Brazil have great difficulty dealing with this condition due to the lack of standard care orientation. Objective: This clinical consensus by Academia Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia Pediátrica (ABOPe) and Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP) aims to generate national recommendations on the care concerning tracheostomized children. Methods: A group of experts experienced in pediatric tracheostomy (otorhinolaryngologists, intensive care pediatricians, endoscopists, and pediatric pulmonologists) were selected, taking into account the different regions of Brazil and following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The results generated from this document were based on the agreement of the majority of participants regarding the indications, type of cannula, surgical techniques, care, and general guidelines and decannulation. Conclusion: These guidelines can be used as directives for a wide range of health professionals across the country that deal with tracheostomized children