76 research outputs found

    Misidentification and Other Preanalytical Errors

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    Misidentification and Other Preanalytical Errors The largest number of laboratory errors occur in the preanalytical phase and are mainly due to educational and organizational reasons. The experience of our institution, as well as the results of an Italian interlaboratory effort to detect and reduce errors/risk of errors in laboratory medicine will be illustrated

    Analisi multidimensionale della conversazione di marca nei Social Network

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    Obiettivi= Il paper è finalizzato ad individuare i fattori dominanti delle tattiche comunicative e conversazionali dei brand che scelgono di promuoversi attraverso un profilo Facebook (Fb). L’analisi è volta a fornire alle imprese un quadro sinottico d’indicazioni per migliorare la relazione e l’interazione “brand-followers” nelle piattaforme social media. Metodologia=Grazie all’applicazione di un approccio multidimensionale tipico della ricerca sociologica, è stata svolta un’osservazione sistematica dei contenuti pubblicati su profili Fb di un panel di marche selezionate. I dati raccolti sono stati interpretati attraverso lo schema quadri-funzionale AGIL di Parson. Una dimensione in particolare permette di comprendere l'abilità conversativa dei brand. Risultati=Dallo studio emerge che la conversazione sui social network, realizzata dai brand, è carente di alcuni fattori di adattamento alle dinamiche d’interazione proprie dell’e-media scelto. Si sono riscontrate, invece, caratteristiche tipiche di tecniche di comunicazione e promozione di marketing di tipo tradizionale offline. Limiti della ricerca=Sebbene la letteratura di riferimento presenti alcune ricerche in ambito sociologico che si avvalgono dello schema quadri-funzionale AGIL, a tutt’oggi la sua applicazione all’analisi della conversazione della marca online ha un carattere ancora sperimentale. Implicazioni pratiche=Dalla ricerca emerge con chiarezza la necessità, per i brand, di un orientamento relazionale più efficace e coerente con il nuovo contesto “social” online. Originalità del lavoro=Lo studio si avvale di una metodologia multidisciplinare, adottando tecniche di analisi proprie della sociologia relazionale e del marketing relazionale, offrendo un’integrazione metodologica volta a colmare la mancanza di un paradigma univoco e una letteratura a tutt’oggi non integrata sull’argomento

    Divergences in insulin resistance between the different phenotypes of the polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Context/Objective: Current diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have generated distinct PCOS phenotypes, based on the different combinations of diagnostic features found in each patient. Our aim was to assess whether either each single diagnostic feature or their combinations into the PCOS phenotypes may predict insulin resistance in these women. Patients/Design: A total of 137 consecutive Caucasian women with PCOS, diagnosed by the Rotterdam criteria, underwent accurate assessment of diagnostic and metabolic features. Insulin sensitivity was measured by the glucose clamp technique. Results: Among women with PCOS, 84.7% had hyperandrogenism, 84.7% had chronic oligoanovulation, and 89% had polycystic ovaries. According to the individual combinations of these features, 69.4% of women had the classic phenotype, 15.3% had the ovulatory phenotype, and 15.3% had the normoandrogenic phenotype. Most subjects (71.4%) were insulin resistant. However, insulin resistance frequency differed among phenotypes, being 80.4%, 65.0%, and 38.1%, respectively, in the 3 subgroups (P < .001). Although none of the PCOS diagnostic features per se was associated with the impairment in insulin action, after adjustment for covariates, the classic phenotype and, to a lesser extent, the ovulatory phenotype were independently associated with insulin resistance, whereas the normoandrogenic phenotype was not. Metabolic syndrome frequency was also different among phenotypes (P = .030). Conclusions: There is a scale of metabolic risk among women with PCOS. Although no single diagnostic features of PCOS are independently associated with insulin resistance, their combinations, which define PCOS phenotypes, may allow physicians to establish which women should undergo metabolic screening. In metabolic terms, women belonging to the normoandrogenic phenotype behave as a separate group

    Predictive values of two frailty screening tools in older patients with solid cancer: a comparison of SAOP2 and G8

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    Objectives: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), the gold standard for detecting frailty in elderly cancer patients, is time-consuming and hard to apply in routine clinical practice. Here we compared the performance of two screening tools for frailty, G8 and SAOP2 for their accuracy in identifying vulnerable patients. Material and Methods: We tested G8 and SAOP2 in 282 patients aged 65 or older with a diagnosis of solid cancer and candidate to undergo surgical, medical and/or radiotherapy treatment. CGA, including functional and cognitive status, depression, nutrition, comorbidity, social status and quality of life was used as reference. ROC curves were used to compare two screening tools. Results: Mean patient age was 79 years and 54% were female. Colorectal and breast cancer were the most common types cancer (49% and 24%). Impaired CGA, G8, and SAOP2 were found in 62%, 89%, and 94% of the patients, respectively. SAOP2 had a better sensitivity (AUC 0.85, p&lt;0.032) than G8 (AUC 0.79), with higher performance in breast cancer patients (AUC 0.93) and in patients aged 70-80 years (AUC 0.87). Conclusions: G8 and SAOP2 both showed good screening capacity for frailty in the cancer patient population we examined with SAOP2 showing a slightly better performance than G8

    Metabolic inflexibility is a feature of women with polycystic ovary syndrome and is associated with both insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism

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    Context: Metabolic inflexibility, ie, the impaired ability of the body to switch from fat to carbohydrate oxidation under insulin-stimulated conditions, is associated with insulin resistance. This alteration in metabolic plasticity can lead to organ dysfunction and is considered a key issue among the abnormalities of the metabolic syndrome. It is still unknown whether this phenomenon occurs in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Objective: Our objective was to examine whether metabolic inflexibility is a feature of PCOS women and whether hyperandrogenism may contribute to this phenomenon. Design and Patients: Eighty-nine Caucasian women with PCOS were submitted to hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Respiratory exchange ratios were evaluated at baseline and during hyperinsulinemia by indirect calorimetry to quantify substrate oxidative metabolism. Total testosterone was measured by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry and free testosterone by equilibrium dialysis. Setting: Outpatients were seen in a tertiary care academic center. Main Outcome Measure: Metabolic flexibility was assessed by the change in respiratory quotient upon insulin stimulation. Results: Sixty-five of the 89 PCOS women(73%) had increased serum free testosterone, 68 (76%) were insulin resistant, and 62 (70%) had an impaired metabolic flexibility. Comparison of hyperandrogenemic and normoandrogenemic women showed that the 2 subgroups were of similar age but differed in terms of several anthropometric and metabolic features. In particular, hyperandrogenemic women had greater body mass index (32.9 +/- 1.0 vs 24.7 +/- 0.9 kg/m(2), P < .001) and lower glucose utilization during the clamp (9.2 +/- 0.4 vs 10.9 +/- 0.7 mg/kg fat-free mass . min, P < .023) and metabolic flexibility (0.09 +/- 0.06 vs 0.12 +/- 0.01, P < .014). In univariate analysis, metabolic flexibility was associated with several anthropometric, endocrine, and metabolic features. In multivariate analysis, this feature was directly associated with baseline respiratory quotient and insulin sensitivity and inversely with free testosterone and free fatty acids concentrations under insulin suppression (R-2 = 0.634, P < .001). Conclusions: Metabolic inflexibility is a feature of PCOS women. Both insulin resistance and androgen excess might contribute to this abnormality

    Validation of an Automated System for the Extraction of a Wide Dataset for Clinical Studies Aimed at Improving the Early Diagnosis of Candidemia

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    : There is increasing interest in assessing whether machine learning (ML) techniques could further improve the early diagnosis of candidemia among patients with a consistent clinical picture. The objective of the present study is to validate the accuracy of a system for the automated extraction from a hospital laboratory software of a large number of features from candidemia and/or bacteremia episodes as the first phase of the AUTO-CAND project. The manual validation was performed on a representative and randomly extracted subset of episodes of candidemia and/or bacteremia. The manual validation of the random extraction of 381 episodes of candidemia and/or bacteremia, with automated organization in structured features of laboratory and microbiological data resulted in ≥99% correct extractions (with confidence interval &lt; ±1%) for all variables. The final automatically extracted dataset consisted of 1338 episodes of candidemia (8%), 14,112 episodes of bacteremia (90%), and 302 episodes of mixed candidemia/bacteremia (2%). The final dataset will serve to assess the performance of different ML models for the early diagnosis of candidemia in the second phase of the AUTO-CAND project

    Therapeutic choices and disease activity after 2 years of treatment with cladribine: An Italian multicenter study (CladStop)

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    background and purpose: cladribine tablets, a purine analogue antimetabolite, offer a unique treatment regimen, involving short courses at the start of the first and second year, with no further treatment needed in years 3 and 4. However, comprehensive evidence regarding patient outcomes beyond the initial 24 months of cladribine treatment is limited. methods: this retrospective, multicenter study enrolled 204 patients with multiple sclerosis who had completed the 2-year course of cladribine treatment. the primary outcomes were therapeutic choices and clinical disease activity assessed by annualized relapse rate after the 2-year treatment course. results: a total of 204 patients were enrolled; most patients (75.4%) did not initiate new treatments in the 12 months postcladribine. the study found a significant reduction in annualized relapse rate at the 12-month follow-up after cladribine completion compared to the year prior to starting therapy (0.07 +/- 0.25 vs. 0.82 +/- 0.80, p &lt; 0.001). furthermore, patients with relapses during cladribine treatment were more likely to start new therapies, whereas older patients were less likely. the safety profile of cladribine was favorable, with lymphopenia being the primary registered adverse event. conclusions: this study provides insights into therapeutic choices and disease activity following cladribine treatment. It highlights cladribine's effectiveness in reducing relapse rates and disability progression, reaffirming its favorable safety profile. real-world data, aligned with previous reports, draw attention to ocrelizumab and natalizumab as common choices after cladribine. however, larger, prospective studies for validation and a more comprehensive understanding of cladribine's long-term impact are necessary
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