41 research outputs found

    Dr. Talat Rhaman Lecture

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    Dr. Talat Rahman will give a public lecture entitled Promises of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Fact or Fiction

    Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture

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    The Maine Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, will host Distinguished Lecturer, Professor Fraser Stoddart from Northwestem University from March 14-15,2011. He will give two talks. His major talk, presented at 7PM on Monday, March 14 in the Arthur St. John Hill auditorium is entitled, Mingling Art with Science. His other talk Fashioning Functional Materials with Integrated ical System,s, will be more technical and will be presented at 11 AM, Tuesday, March 15 in the Arthur St. John Hill auditorium. Both talks will be free and open to the public. Stoddart will also participate in a conversation with students, organized by the Honors College. Note the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Physics&Astronomy, and the Maine Section of the American Chemical Society have also agreed to cosponsor this visit

    Sigma Xi , The Scientific Research Society

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    The History of the Maine Bear

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    A publication compiled by the Brothers of the Alpha Phi Omega to document the history of the Maine Bear Mascot known as Bananas. Magazine staff included Scott Lemieux, Author, Editor; Faye Woodcock, Special Assistant & Cover Photograph; additional staff members Shelly Audie; Kelly Strout; Linda McDonald; Sue Tarr; Peter Domino; Brent Briggs; Peter DeBruin; Louise Soucy; Jim Caldwell; and Osirus Graphics

    IC 076 Guide to Sigma Xi Records, 1958-1999

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    The Sigma Xi collection comprises correspondence, newsletters, booklets, reports, manuals, directories, annual reports, meeting notes, bylaws, agendas, mailing list, applications for grants, science fair, awards, and other papers and printed materials from or related to Sigma Xi. See more at IC 076

    Dr. Steven Vogel Lecture

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    Dr. Steven Vogel will give a public Sigma Xi Distinguished Scientist lecture and a research seminar in the School of Marine Sciences seminar series. A noted author on bio-mechanics, Dr. Vogel\u27s expertise spans many disciplines including biology, marine science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. His public seminar will address the physics of living, and touch on strategies for engaging K-16 students in learning physics

    Beta Sigma Phi Rock Hill Chapter Scrapbook Collection - Accession 900

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    This collection consists of six scrapbooks related to three Rock Hill, SC chapters of Beta Sigma Phi. Beta Sigma Phi is a non-academic social organization that was founded in 1931 “for the social, cultural, and civic enrichment of its members.” Rock Hill at one time has nine chapters: Phi Pi; Epsilon; Beta Upsilon; Delta Delta; Beta Theta; Xi Alpha Theta; Xi Alpha Xi; Xi Delta; Preceptor Zeta; The scrapbooks in this collection were made by the Epsilon Chapter that was organized on May 2, 1940, the Xi Delta Chapter which was charted on July 15, 1948, and the Preceptor Zeta Chapter. The scrapbooks consists of memorabilia, photographs, newspaper clippings, yearbooks, event programs, invitations, and flyers, member lists, correspondence, and other items related to the activities of the these three Rock Hill chapters of Beta Sigma Phi.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/2271/thumbnail.jp

    Increase in 2.5 Micron Airborne Particulate Matters, AHPCO® and Plasma Nanotechnology in Reducing the Symptoms of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis

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    Increase in the particulate matter of size 2.5 microns are a major health concern of the present decade that led to a gradual rise of allergy and asthma cases all over the world. When inhaled, they can reach deep into our lungs and enter tissues via the bloodstream and contribute to health conditions ranging from coughing or lung irritation to chronic bronchitis and cardiovascular complications. These substances are generally composed of the combustion particles, organic compounds and metals. Levels of the most dangerous particles, called PM 2.5 reached beyond the prescribed safe level in all the major cities of the world: Beijing in China, Delhi in India, Los Angeles and New York in the US. PM 2.5 is becoming an ever-increasing problem that must be addressed. We are aiming our research towards the reduction of PM 2.5 in the indoor air by using a novel hybrid technology. The newly developed AHPCO ® or Advanced Hydrated Photocatalytic Oxidation and Plasma Nanotechnology in the Bi-Polar units were tested to evaluate the reduction of the particulate matters with a focus on PM 2.5 as well as animal dander and fungal spores. Utilizing two fiber glass chambers, we analyzed the particle count to assess and evaluate the efficiency of the hybrid AHPCO ® and Plasma Nanotechnology in reducing the particle count present in the indoor air in course of progressive time intervals. The air purification system developed with the novel hybrid technology reduced the indoor particulate matters and animal dander efficiently

    Sigma Xi records

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