16 research outputs found

    Zukunftsbild Hochschullehre 2025

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    Das Diskussionspapier zur Hochschullehre 2025 zeichnet sich methodisch durch seine partizipative Entstehung aus: In einem der HFDcon 2022 zeitlich vorgelagerten Prozess trafen sich 21 angemeldete Teilnehmer:innen aus dem deutschen Hoch- schulumfeld, um den Wandel der Hochschullehre für das Jahr 2025 zu skizzieren und Thesen für eine neue Denkkultur zu formu- lieren. In mehreren virtuellen Sitzungen wurden zunächst die Ziele des Papiers definiert, Themen geclustert und erste Forderungen ent- wickelt. Innerhalb der folgenden vier Wochen wurde dann – teils in Kleingruppen – kontrovers diskutiert, formuliert und überarbeitet, bis das Papier am 30. Juni 2022 in seiner ersten Fassung auf der Konferenz HFDcon 2022 vorgestellt wurde

    Fascicvlvs Elegantiarvm Tvllianarvm Sive Phraseologia, Ex Libris Ciceronis, De Officiis, Senectvte, Amicitia, Paradoxis, Et Somnio Scipionis

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    FASCICVLVS ELEGANTIARVM TVLLIANARVM SIVE PHRASEOLOGIA, EX LIBRIS CICERONIS, DE OFFICIIS, SENECTVTE, AMICITIA, PARADOXIS, ET SOMNIO SCIPIONIS Fascicvlvs Elegantiarvm Tvllianarvm Sive Phraseologia, Ex Libris Ciceronis, De Officiis, Senectvte, Amicitia, Paradoxis, Et Somnio Scipionis ([1]) Einband ( - ) handschriftliche Notiz ( - ) Frontispiz ([1]v) Titelseite ([1]) Widmung ([3]) Libri I. (1) Cap. I. Phraseologia (1) Cap. II (4) Caput III. (6) Caput IV. (7) Caput V. (9) Caput VI. (11) Caput VII. (12) Caput VIII. (15) Caput IX. (17) Caput X. (19) Caput XI. (21) Caput XII. (22) Caput XIII. (24) Caput XIV. (25) Caput XV. (28) Caput XVI. (31) Caput XVII. (34) Caput XVIII. (37) Caput XIX. (39) Caput XX. (42) Caput XXI. (46) Caput XXII. (49) Caput XXIII. (53) Caput XXIV. (55) Caput XXV. (59) Cap. XXVI. (63) Caput XXVII. (68) Cap. XXIIX. (70) Caput XXIX. (73) Caput XXX. (78) Caput XXXI. (83) Caput XXXII. (87) Caput XXXIII. (90) Caput XXXIV. (94) Caput XXXV. (97) Caput XXXVI. (100) Caput XXXVII. (103) Caput XXXIIX. (107) Caput XXXIX. (109) Cap. XL. (112) Caput XLI. (116) Caput XLII. (120) Caput XLIII. (123) Caput XLIV. (126) Caput XLV. (130) Liber II. (133) Cap. I. (133) Caput II. (137) Caput III. (142) Caput IV. (146) Caput V. (149) Caput VI. (152) Caput VII. (157) Caput IIX. (161) Cap. IX. (167) Caput X. (170) Caput XI. (173) Caput XII. (176) Caput XIII. (179) Caput XIV. (183) Caput XV. (188) Cap. XVI. (191) Caput XVII. (195) Caput XVIII. (198) Caput XIX. (202) Caput XX. (205) Caput XXI. (209) Caput XXII. (213) Caput XXIII. (216) Caput XXIV. (219) Caput XXV. (222) Liber III. (224) Cap. I. (224) Caput II. (227) Caput III. (230) Caput IV. (234) Caput V. (238) Caput VI. (243) Caput VII. (247) Caput IIX. (248) Cap. IX. (251) Caput X. (254) Caput XI. (259) Caput XII. (262) Caput XIII. (264) Caput XIV. (266) Caput XV. (268) Caput XVI. (272) Caput VXII. (275) Caput XIIX. (279) Caput XIX. (281) Caput XX. (284) Caput XXI. (288) Caput XXII. (291) Caput XXIII. (293) Caput XXIV. (295) Caput XXV. (296) Cap. XXVI. (298) Caput XXVII. (300) Caput XXIIX. (302) Caput XXIX. (304) Caput XXX. (307) Caput XXXI. (309) Cap. XXXII. (312) Caput XXXIII. (313) M. T. Ciceronis Cata Maior vel De Senectut Ad T. P. Atticum (318) Caput I. (318) Caput II. (321) Caput III. (324) Cap. IV. (327) Caput V. (330) Caput VI. (332) Caput VII. (335) Cap. VIII. (338) Caput IX. (340) Caput X. (343) Caput XI. (346) Caput XII. (351) Cap. XIII. (354) Caput XIV. (357) Caput XV. (363) Caput XVI. (367) Caput XVII. (371) Caput XVIII. (374) Caput XIX. (378) Caput XX. (384) Caput XXI. (388) Cap. XXII. (390) Caput XXIII. (393) M. T. Ciceronis Laelius Sine De Amicitia Dial. Phraseologia (398) Caput I. (398) Caput II. (401) Caput III. (405) Caput IV. (408) Caput V. (413) Caput VI. (418) Caput VII. (420) Cap. VIII. (423) Caput IX. (426) Caput X. (429) Caput XI. (432) Cap. XII. (434) Caput XIII. (438) Caput XIV. (442) Caput XV. (444) Cap. XVI. (447) Caput XVII. (451) Cap. XVIII. (455) Cap. XIX. (457) Cap. XX. (460) Caput XXI. (464) Caput XXII. (467) Caput XXIII. (471) Caput XXIV. (475) Caput XXV. (478) Cap. XXVI. (481) Caput XXVII. (483) M. T. Ciceronis Paradoxa Ad M. Brutum (488) Caput I. (488) Paradoxon I. (490) Paradoxon II. (496) Paradoxon III. (499) Paradoxon IV. (504) Paradoxon V. (508) Paradoxon VI. (516) Somnium Scipionis ex lib. 6. Ciceronis de Rebubl. (524) Cap. I. (524) Caput II. (526) Caput III. (528) Caput IV. (532) Caput V. (534) Cap. VI. (536) Caput VII. (539) Cap. VIII. (541) Caput IX. (543) Index Germanico-Latinus (1) A (1) B (26) C (47) D (48) E (53) F (72) G (90) H (122) J (134) K (137) L (147) M (162) N (172) O (182) P (183) Q (187) R (188) S (201) T (231) U (243) W (277) Z (294) handschriftliche Notizen ( -

    Propranolol Restricts the Mobility of Single EGF-Receptors on the Cell Surface before Their Internalization

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor is involved in morphogenesis, proliferation and cell migration. Its up-regulation during tumorigenesis makes this receptor an interesting therapeutic target. In the absence of the ligand, the inhibition of phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase activity by propranolol treatment leads to internalization of empty/inactive receptors. The molecular events involved in this endocytosis remain unknown. Here, we quantified the effects of propranolol on the mobility of single quantum-dot labelled receptors before the actual internalization took place. The single receptors showed a clear stop-and-go motion; their diffusive tracks were continuously interrupted by sub-second stalling events, presumably caused by transient clustering. In the presence of propranolol we found that: i) the diffusion rate reduced by 22 %, which indicates an increase in drag of the receptor. Atomic force microscopy measurements did not show an increase of the effective membrane tension, such that clustering of the receptor remains the likely mechanism for its reduced mobility. ii) The receptor got frequently stalled for longer periods of multiple seconds, which may signal the first step of the internalization process