34 research outputs found

    Elevers insikt i sin lärprocess med metoden loggbok i fokus

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    Detta examensarbete behandlar vilken betydelse loggboken har som hjälpmedel för att eleverna ska reflektera över sitt lärande och därmed få ökad kunskap. Vår tidigare undersökning på lärarhögskolan i Malmö, om ämnesintegrering, har legat till grunden för att för att vi nu har genomfört en integrering av våra två respektive kurser: psykosocialt arbete och skapande verksamhet på Barn- och Fritidsprogrammets årskurs tre. I bakgrundsarbetet ingick en kartläggning av vilken roll det skrivande ordet spelar för elevernas reflektion och insikt i sitt eget lärande. Dessutom framkom det av studien att när eleverna får vara med och bestämma vad de ska göra så ökar deras motivation och deras intresse för uppgiften avsevärt. Vår slutsats grundar sig på litteraturstudier och en innehållsanalys av elevernas loggböcker. Utöver detta har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ gruppintervju för att få svar på våra frågeställningar. Sammanfattningsvis har vi kommit fram till att loggboken är ett verktyg som man kan använda för att eleverna ska kunna få insikt i och reflektera över sitt lärande. Vi är övertygade om att flera faktorer är viktiga i elevens reflektion som t ex vilken ledarstilar pedagogen använder och gruppens sammansättning

    A rapid ultrasonic extraction technique to identify and quantify additives in polyethylene. Analyst

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    A simple procedure for the analysis of aromatic antioxidants and UV stabilisers in poly(ethylene) is described. Ultrasonic extraction with chloroform at 60 °C was applied for the isolation of Chimassorb 944 from commercial low density poly(ethylene) film with a thickness of 150 mm as well as for the isolation of Irganox 1010 and Irgafos 168 from commercial medium density poly(ethylene) film with a thickness of 25 mm; a fast and total recovery of these additives was achieved. Quantitative analysis of the additives was performed by UV spectroscopy and HPLC using acetonitrile as mobile phase and at a wavelength of 280 nm. Effects of temperature, time and structure of the additives on the extraction efficiency were studied. It was found that the recovery of the additives increased remarkably with higher temperature and longer time. Total recovery was reached after 15 min, 45 min and 60 min at 60 °C for Irgafos 168, Irganox 1010 and Chimassorb 944, respectively

    The University of Skovde and Gothia Science Park - an integrated approach

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    The University of Skövde and Gothia Science Park have over the last 13 years developed a strong environment for education, research and business, aligned with the profile of the University. The University and Science Park is located in a Swedish region with the majority of industry working in manufacturing with limited R&D and a with lower percentage of the population with higher education compared to Sweden in average . Explicit strategies and the operation of these have led to the development of an integrated innovation environment enabling new forms of university industry interactions, research, innovation processes and business development. The cooperation between the University and the Science Park organization take place on the strategic level, on the tactical level and on the operational level. The success of the case is characterized by strong commitment, the courage to select, openness and trust, organic growth and enthusiasm The development has resulted in the University multiplying its research funding for projects with industry, The Gothia Business Incubator becoming one of the leading Swedish incubators and the science park growing into the regions third biggest workplace in trade and industry and one of the 10 largest science parks in Sweden

    Environmental and resource aspects of sustainable biocomposites

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    This review critically discusses the environmental and resource implications for the design of sustainable biocomposites. Sustainable biocomposites should satisfy several requirements: (i) renewable and/or recycled resources should be utilized for their manufacture; (ii) the synthetic, modification, and processing operations should be benign and energy effective; (iii) no hazardous environmental or toxicological effects should arise during any stage of their life cycle; and (iv) their waste management options should be implemented. The future integration of biorefineries and green chemistry will guarantee the availability of a wide range of raw materials for their preparation. The emission of volatile organic compounds and the release of nanoparticles should be evaluated from a toxicological and environmental point of view. Finally, the susceptibility of sustainable biocomposites towards degradation, including abiotic effects (water absorption, thermo- and photo-oxidation) and biofilm formation and biodegradation, must be considered, to guarantee their structural and functional stability during service life, and to ensure their biodegradability and assimilation during composting. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved

    ’Högskolorna tar inte högskolelagen på allvar’

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    QC 20180228</p

    Wpływ modyfikowanego włókna sizalowego na stabilność mikrobiologiczną poli(hydroksymaślanu-co-walerianianu): analiza termiczna

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    The effect of modification of sisal fibre with propionic anhydride and vinyltrimethoxy silane on the microbiological stability of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV) was investigated. The effect of the coupling agent – PHBV grafted with maleic anhydride (PHBV-g-MA) was also investigated. The best adhesion at the interface was observed for propionylation of sisal fibre, which improved the thermal properties of the composites. Composites with modified sisal fibre were characterized by higher activation energy (155 kJ/mol), which is related to stronger interactions at the matrix-fibre interface. In the microbial growth test, all biocomposites showed a decrease in molecular weight due to enzymatic degradation by Aspergillus niger. The most resistant to microorganisms was the composite containing propionylated sisal fibre. DMTA and TGA also confirmed the highest microbiological stability of the composite with the addition of propionylated sisal fibre, as evidenced by the smallest change in the properties after the microbiological growth test. In contrast, PHBV- g-MA caused significant enzymatic degradation due to the presence of large amorphous regions.Zbadano wpływ modyfikacji włókna sizalowego bezwodnikiem propionowym i winylotrimetoksy silanem na stabilność mikrobiologiczną poli(hydroksymaślanu-co-walerianianu) (PHBV). Zbadano również wpływ środka sprzęgającego − PHBV szczepionego bezwodnikiem maleinowym (PHBV-g-MA). Najlepszą adhezję na granicy faz stwierdzono w przypadku zastosowania propionylowania włókna sizalowego, co poprawiło właściwości termiczne kompozytów. Kompozyty z modyfikowanym włóknem sizalowym charakteryzowały się wyższą energią aktywacji (155 kJ/mol), co wiąże się z silniejszymi oddziaływaniami na granicy faz osnowa-włókno. W teście wzrostu drobnoustrojów wszystkie biokompozyty wykazywały zmniejszenie masy cząsteczkowej na skutek enzymatycznej degradacji przez Aspergillus niger. Najbardziej odporny na działanie mikroorganizmów były kompozyt zawierający propionylowane włókno sizalowe. DMTA i TGA potwierdziły również najwyższą stabilność mikrobiologiczną kompozytu z dodatkiem propionylowanego włókna sizalowego, o czym świadczy najmniejsza zmiana badanych właściwości po teście wzrostu mikrobiologicznego. Natomiast, PHBV-g-MA powodował znaczną degradację enzymatyczną ze względu na obecność dużych obszarów amorficznych