633 research outputs found


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    Rendahnya status gizi anak-anak sekolah akan membawa dampak negatif pada peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Kurang gizi pada masa fase cepat tumbuh otak dapat bersifat irreversible (tidak dapat pulih) dimana kecerdasan anak yang mengalami kurang gizi tidak bisa lagi berkembang secara optimal. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan kemampuan geometrik anak akan rendah dan anak tidak bisa berkonsentrasi secara maksimal.Untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan prestasi belajar siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SDN 1 Tounelet dan SD Katolik Santa Monica Kecamatan Langowan Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SDN 1 Tounelet SD Katolik St. Monica dengan jumlah total populasi 109 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh populasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang berjumlah 70 siswa. Data penelitian menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa pengukuran tinggi badan dan berat badan siswa dan data sekunder yang terdiri dari data identitas siswa yang diperoleh dari data registrasi yang ada di sekolah dan data prestasi belajar siswa yang didapat dari nilai rata-rata hasil evaluasi akhir semester genap.Hasil uji Fisher Exact menunjukan tidak ada hubungan antara Status Gizi BB/U dengan prestasi belajar dengan nilai  p = (0,157 ) > α (0,05). Pada Status Gizi TB/U dengan prestasi belajar tidak terdapat hubungan dengan nilai p= (0,052 ) > α (0,05). Status Gizi BB/TB dengan prestasi belajar tidak terdapat hubungan dengan nilai p= (1,00) > α (0.05). Status Gizi IMT/U dengan prestasi belajar tidak terdapat hubungan dengan nilai p= (0,299) >  α (0.05).  Kata Kunci : Status Gizi, Prestasi Belajar ABSTRACTThe undernutrition status of school children will have a negative impact on improving the quality of human resources. Undernutrition during the rapid phase of brain growth may be irreversible (can not be recovered) where the intelligence of children who are malnourished can no longer develop optimally. This will result in geometric ability of children will be low and the child can not concentrate to the maximum.To determine whether there is a relationship between nutritional status and student achievement grades 4 and 5 SDN 1 Tounelet dan SD Katolik Santa Monica Kecamatan Langowan Barat.This study is observational analytic study with cross sectional study. The population in this study were students SDN 1 Tounelet and SD Katolik Santa Monica with total population 109 students. The sample in this study is the entire population who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria numbering 70 students. Data research using primary data and secondary data. The primary data of the measurement of height and weight of students and secondary data consisted of student identity data obtained from registration data that is in school and student achievement data is obtained from the average value of the results of the final evaluation of the semester.The Fisher Exact Test results showed no relationship between nutritional status Weight for Age and academic achievement with a value of p = (0,157)> α (0.05). In the Nutritional Status of Height for Age with student achievement there was no correlation with the value of p = (0.052)> α (0.05). Nutritional Status Weight for Height with student achievement there was no correlation with the value of p = (1.00)> α (0.05). Nutritional Status BMI for Age and student achievement there was no correlation with a value of p = (0.299) > α (0.05).Keywords: Nutritional Status, Study Achievemen

    Multi-scale functional and taxonomic β-diversity of the macroinvertebrate communities in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon

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    Benthic macroinvertebrate communities form the basis of the intricate lagoonal food web. Understanding their functional and taxonomic response, from a β-diversity perspective, is essential to disclose underlying patterns with potential applicability in conservation and management actions. Within the central lagoon of Messolonghi we studied the main environmental components structuring the macroinvertebrate community. We analyzed the β-taxonomic and β-functional diversity across the main habitats and seasons, over a year time frame. Our results outline habitat type and vegetation biomass as the major factors structuring the communities. We found environmental variability to have a positive correlation with functional β-diversity, however no correlation was found with taxonomic β-diversity. Across the seasons an asynchronous response of the functional and taxonomic β-diversity was identified. The taxonomic composition displayed significant heterogeneity during the driest period and the functional during the rainy season. Across the habitats the unvegetated presented higher taxonomic homogeneity and functionally heterogeneity, contrary the vegetated habitats present higher taxonomic variability and functional homogeneity. Across the seasons and habitats a pattern of functional redundancy and taxonomic replacement was identified. Besides high functional turnover versus low taxonomic turnover was documented in an anthropogenic organically enriched habitat We conclude that habitats display independent functional and taxonomic seasonal patterns, thus different processes may contribute to their variability. The framework presented here highlights the importance of studying both β-diversity components framed in a multiscale approach to better understand ecological processes and variability patterns. These results are important to understand macroinvertebrate community assembly processes and are valuable for conservation purposes

    National evaluation of the neighbourhood nurseries: integrated report

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    Report description: The NNI was launched in 2001 to provide high quality childcare in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods of England, to help parents into employment, reduce child poverty and boost children’s development. By 2005 45,000 new childcare places had been created in approximately 1,400 neighbourhood nurseries. This report brings together the findings of the four individual strands of the National Evaluation of Neighbourhood Nurseries Initiative as shown above and makes a number of recommendations. The report shows the rationale for the government’s strategy in targeting disadvantaged neighbourhoods and in focusing on high quality childcare to provide the link between raising parental employment and income and improving children’s life chances

    Clinical Prognostic Factors in Patients With Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma Treated With Second Line Gemcitabine Plus Capecitabine Chemotherapy

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    Gemcitabine plus Capecitabine (Gem/Cape) is a frequently adopted second line chemotherapy for metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), but only a minority of patients is destined to obtain a clinical benefit. The identification of baseline predictive factors of efficacy is relevant. We retrospectively analyzed clinical data from 50 consecutive patients with metastatic progressing ACC treated between 2011 and 2019. Patients received intravenous Gemcitabine and oral Capecitabine on a metronomic schedule. Previous mitotane therapy was maintained. Clinical benefit (partial response + stable disease) at 4 months was 30%, median progression-free survival (PFS) and disease-specific survival (DSS) from Gem/Cape start were 3 and 8 months, respectively. Among clinical variables evaluated before the start of Gem/Cape, presence of ECOG performance status ≥1 [HR 6.93 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.03–0.54, p.004] and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) ≥5 [HR 3.88, 95% (CI) 0.81–0.90, p.003] were independent indicators of poor PFS at multivariate analysis. Conversely, surgery of primary tumor, the presence of lung or lymph-node metastases, blood mitotane level, anemia, and the Advanced Lung cancer Inflammation index (ALI) failed to be independently associated. This study confirms that the Gem/Cape schedule is modestly active in heavily pretreated ACC patients (28% received at least two previous chemotherapy lines). NLR and performance status (PS) are easily available clinical parameters that are helpful to identify patients not likely to derive significant advantage from Gem/Cape chemotherapy

    Marketing technology for adoption by small business

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    The adoption of technology for marketing is essential for the survival of small businesses and yet little is understood about owner-manager practice in this area. This paper aims to address that gap through a qualitative study of 24 owner-managed small businesses operating in the visitor economy. It found that there was a strong appetite for the adoption of technology for marketing and a clear recognition of its opportunities particularly related to how it could create a stronger market orientation and more agile marketing, adhering to the principles of effectual reasoning. However, the ability to take advantage of these opportunities was constrained by a lack of knowledge and in particular an inability to measure the return on investment. While the wider implications of the study are limited by the niche sample, a planning model for the adoption of technology for marketing is presented which can be tested through future research
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