7,665 research outputs found

    Spin precession and spin Hall effect in monolayer graphene/Pt nanostructures

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    Spin Hall effects have surged as promising phenomena for spin logics operations without ferromagnets. However, the magnitude of the detected electric signals at room temperature in metallic systems has been so far underwhelming. Here, we demonstrate a two-order of magnitude enhancement of the signal in monolayer graphene/Pt devices when compared to their fully metallic counterparts. The enhancement stems in part from efficient spin injection and the large resistivity of graphene but we also observe 100% spin absorption in Pt and find an unusually large effective spin Hall angle of up to 0.15. The large spin-to-charge conversion allows us to characterise spin precession in graphene under the presence of a magnetic field. Furthermore, by developing an analytical model based on the 1D diffusive spin-transport, we demonstrate that the effective spin-relaxation time in graphene can be accurately determined using the (inverse) spin Hall effect as a means of detection. This is a necessary step to gather full understanding of the consequences of spin absorption in spin Hall devices, which is known to suppress effective spin lifetimes in both metallic and graphene systems.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in 2D Materials. https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/aa882

    Interacting Bose and Fermi gases in low dimensions and the Riemann hypothesis

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    We apply the S-matrix based finite temperature formalism to non-relativistic Bose and Fermi gases in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions. In the 2+1 dimensional case, the free energy is given in terms of Roger's dilogarithm in a way analagous to the relativistic 1+1 dimensional case. The 1d fermionic case with a quasi-periodic 2-body potential provides a physical framework for understanding the Riemann hypothesis.Comment: version 3: additional appendix explains how the ν\nu to 1ν1-\nu duality of Riemann's ζ(ν)\zeta (\nu) follows from a special modular transformation in a massless relativistic theor

    Surfaces containing a family of plane curves not forming a fibration

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    We complete the classification of smooth surfaces swept out by a 1-dimensional family of plane curves that do not form a fibration. As a consequence, we characterize manifolds swept out by a 1-dimensional family of hypersurfaces that do not form a fibration.Comment: Author's post-print, final version published online in Collect. Mat

    Eating quality of beef from biotypes included in the PGI “Ternera Asturiana” showing distinct physicochemical characteristics and tenderization pattern

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    determine if their differences in physicochemical characteristics and tenderization pattern during maturation (3 to 21 days) had an effect on the consumer evaluation of beef palatability. Biotype affected significantly pH, water holding capacity, chemical composition (Pb0.001) and meat lightness (Pb0.05). Ageing time affected significantly (Pb0.05) colour, meat toughness and sensory attributes in a different way within each biotype. Multivariate analysis showed two different meat groups: 1) meat from mh-genotypes, characterized by high juice losses, lightness (L*), protein content and high sensory acceptability at intermediate (7 and 14 days) ageing times; 2) meat from rustic (AM) breed and biotypes free of myostatin mutation (AV (+/+) and AV×AM), showing higher intramuscular fat, myoglobin content, and instrumental toughness and requiring longer storage times (21 days). This should be taken into account for the proper post-mortem management and commercialization of each product to achieve its best sensory quality