691 research outputs found

    The general linear group as a complete invariant for C*-algebras

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    In 1955 Dye proved that two von Neumann factors not of type I_2n are isomorphic (via a linear or a conjugate linear *-isomorphism) if and only if their unitary groups are isomorphic as abstract groups. We consider an analogue for C*-algebras. We show that the topological general linear group is a classifying invariant for simple, unital AH-algebras of slow dimension growth and of real rank zero, and the abstract general linear group is a classifying invariant for unital Kirchberg algebras in the UCT class.Comment: 23 page

    Strong pure infiniteness of crossed products

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    Consider an exact action of discrete group GG on a separable C∗C^*-algebra AA. It is shown that the reduced crossed product A⋊σ,λGA\rtimes_{\sigma, \lambda} G is strongly purely infinite - provided that the action of GG on any quotient A/IA/I by a GG-invariant closed ideal I≠AI\neq A is element-wise properly outer and that the action of GG on AA is GG-separating (cf. Definition 4.1). This is the first non-trivial sufficient criterion for strong pure infiniteness of reduced crossed products of C∗C^*-algebras AA that are not GG-simple. In the case A=C0(X)A=\mathrm{C}_0(X) the notion of a GG-separating action corresponds to the property that two compact sets C1C_1 and C2C_2, that are contained in open subsets Cj⊆Uj⊆XC_j\subseteq U_j \subseteq X, can be mapped by elements of gj∈Gg_j\in G onto disjoint sets σgj(Cj)⊆Uj\sigma_{g_j}(C_j)\subseteq U_j, but we do not require that σgj(Uj)⊆Uj\sigma_{g_j}(U_j)\subseteq U_j. A generalization of strong boundary actions on compact spaces to non-unital and non-commutative C∗C^*-algebras AA (cf. Definition 6.1) is also introduced. It is stronger than the notion of GG-separating actions by Proposition 6.6, because GG-separation does not imply GG-simplicity and there are examples of GG-separating actions with reduced crossed products that are stably projection-less and non-simple.Comment: 30 pages, parts were taken out and included elsewher

    Unbounded quasitraces, stable finiteness and pure infiniteness

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    We prove that if A is a \sigma-unital exact C*-algebra of real rank zero, then every state on K_0(A) is induced by a 2-quasitrace on A. This yields a generalisation of Rainone's work on pure infiniteness and stable finiteness of crossed products to the non-unital case. It also applies to k-graph algebras associated to row-finite k-graphs with no sources. We show that for any k-graph whose C*-algebra is unital and simple, either every twisted C*-algebra associated to that k-graph is stably finite, or every twisted C*-algebra associated to that k-graph is purely infinite. Finally we provide sufficient and necessary conditions for a unital simple k-graph algebra to be purely infinite in terms of the underlying k-graph.Comment: 38 page

    Poland's Parliamentary Elections and a Looming Hungarian Scenario

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    Thanks to economic growth, Poland’s ruling PiS party has introduced social programs that have further bolstered its popularity. Unlike in recent European elections, the opposition is not running as a unified bloc in parliamentary elections on October 13, 2019. If PiS again wins a majority, it will take steps to cement its system of illiberal democracy. As long as he maintains good relations with Donald Trump, PiS’s leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski does not seem wary of reactions from Brussels and Berlin

    The primitive ideal space of the C*-algebra of the affine semigroup of algebraic integers

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    We give a complete description of the primitive ideal space of the C*-algebra associated to the ring of integers R in a number field K as considered in a recent paper by Cuntz, Deninger and Laca

    Purely infinite partial crossed products

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    Let (A,G,\alpha) be a partial dynamical system. We show that there is a bijective correspondence between G-invariant ideals of A and ideals in the partial crossed product A xr G provided the action is exact and residually topologically free. Assuming, in addition, a technical condition---automatic when A is abelian---we show that A xr G is purely infinite if and only if the positive nonzero elements in A are properly infinite in A xr G. As an application we verify pure infiniteness of various partial crossed products, including realisations of the Cuntz algebras O_n, O_A, O_N, and O_Z as partial crossed products.Comment: 30 page
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