959 research outputs found

    Who Bears the Cost?

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    Many municipalities in the United States, especially in rapidly growing areas, are considering or have adopted impact fee systems to help pay for the costs of new growth. Although such systems are a logical response to development pressures and the need for providing capital facilities, they may violate well-established planning law traditions. This timely article explores whether impact fee programs conflict with principles of planning and the due process of law, both of which have been integral to the development of modem planning law

    Postscript to The Mayne inheritance

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    A Complementary Resistive Switch-based Crossbar Array Adder

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    Redox-based resistive switching devices (ReRAM) are an emerging class of non-volatile storage elements suited for nanoscale memory applications. In terms of logic operations, ReRAM devices were suggested to be used as programmable interconnects, large-scale look-up tables or for sequential logic operations. However, without additional selector devices these approaches are not suited for use in large scale nanocrossbar memory arrays, which is the preferred architecture for ReRAM devices due to the minimum area consumption. To overcome this issue for the sequential logic approach, we recently introduced a novel concept, which is suited for passive crossbar arrays using complementary resistive switches (CRSs). CRS cells offer two high resistive storage states, and thus, parasitic sneak currents are efficiently avoided. However, until now the CRS-based logic-in-memory approach was only shown to be able to perform basic Boolean logic operations using a single CRS cell. In this paper, we introduce two multi-bit adder schemes using the CRS-based logic-in-memory approach. We proof the concepts by means of SPICE simulations using a dynamical memristive device model of a ReRAM cell. Finally, we show the advantages of our novel adder concept in terms of step count and number of devices in comparison to a recently published adder approach, which applies the conventional ReRAM-based sequential logic concept introduced by Borghetti et al.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), issue on Computing in Emerging Technologie

    Addressing the STEM challenge through targeted teaching : What’s the evidence?

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    Numerous public reports are pointing to the critical importance of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to Australia’s future, but the number of students studying STEM subjects in senior years is declining, and many students in the primary and middle years of schooling do not have access to the ways of thinking and learning needed to succeed in school mathematics. Research over the past 10 years has established the critical role of multiplicative thinking in building student knowledge and confidence at this level of schooling, but there is a need for an expanded, evidence-based learning and teaching framework to support the development of mathematical reasoning more generally, if students are to have a realistic chance of actively participating in a STEM future. This session will report on the findings and experience of an Australian Maths and Science Partnerships Programme (AMSPP) Priority Project in 2013 that explored the efficacy of formative assessment and targeted teaching in relation to multiplicative thinking in a number of secondary schools around Australia. It will also introduce the work of the Reframing Mathematical Futures II AMSPP project, which is aimed at building sustainable, evidence-based, integrated learning and teaching resources to support the development of mathematical reasoning in Years 7 to 10 in relation to algebra, geometry, statistics and probability

    Analytic Model Of Electron Self-Injection In A Plasma Wakefield Accelerator In The Strongly Nonlinear Bubble Regime

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    Self-injection of background electrons in plasma wakefield accelerators in the highly nonlinear bubble regime is analyzed using particle-in-cell and semi-analytic modeling. It is shown that the return current in the bubble sheath layer is crucial for accurate determination of the trapped particle trajectories.Physic

    Innovationspolitik im 6. Kondratieff: Hinterherlaufen oder vorauseilen?

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    Akzeptiert man die Theorie der langen Kondratieff-Wellen, so befinden wir uns gegenwärtig im 6. Kondratieff, der auf der Bio- und Nanotechnologie basiert. Wie kann die Volkswirtschaft aus evolutionsökonomischer Sicht an der Kondratieff-Dynamik partizipieren? Welche Rolle kommt dabei der Innovationspolitik zu? --

    Mujeres en conflictos: La construcción de identidad colectiva en MEMCH’83

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    The chilean women's movement of the 80th integrated organizations from different social and political backgrounds, that mobilized around several different aims. For the coordination of these heterogeneous groups in united and public activities coordination groups were formed, which had to cope with the challenge of uniting the different women through a collective identity. The present article studies the strategies for collective identity construction in MEMCH'83 - a coordinating organization of the women's movement. It turns out, that collective identity is not a static concept, but a constant interacting process between different social actors. That is why the present analysis of the integrating strategies in MEMCH'83 focuses especially on the interdependances between collective identities and different typs of conflicts.El movimiento chileno de mujeres en los años 80 integraba agrupaciones femeninas de diferentes ámbitos sociales y políticos que se movilizaron al rededor de varios objetivos. Para la coordinación de estas agrupaciones heterogéneas en actividades unidas y públicas se formaron grupos coordinadores que enfrentaron el desafío de la heterogeneidad del movimiento a través de la construcción de una identidad colectiva. El presente ensayo investiga las estrategias de la construcción de esta identidad colectiva en el MEMCH'83 - una organización coordinadora del movimiento de mujeres. Resulta que la identidad colectiva no es una entidad estática pero un proceso continuo de interacción con diferentes actores sociales. Por lo tanto, el presente análisis de las estrategias integrativas en MEMCH'83 se enfoca especialmente en la interdependencia de identidades colectivas con diferentes tipos de conflicto

    Monoenergetic Acceleration Of A Target Foil By Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse In Rpa Regime Without Thermal Heating

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    A kinetic model of the monoenergetic acceleration of a target foil irradiated by the circularly polarized laser pulse is developed. The target moves without thermal heating with constant acceleration which is provided by chirping the frequency of the laser pulse and correspondingly increasing its intensity. In the accelerated reference frame, bulk plasma in the target is neutral and its parameters are stationery: cold ions are immobile while nonrelativistic electrons bounce back and forth inside the potential well formed by ponderomotive and electrostatic potentials. It is shown that a positive charge left behind of the moving target in the ion tail and a negative charge in front of the target in the electron sheath form a capacitor whose constant electric field accelerates the ions of the target. The charge separation is maintained by the radiation pressure pushing electrons forward. The scalings of the target thickness and electromagnetic radiation with the electron temperature are found.Physic