9 research outputs found

    Lebenswege erzählen

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    The dissertation is located in the context of research on adolescence and transitions with a focus on special education. Disadvantaged adolescents are the target group of this study. Adolescents were interviewed at two points in time using biographical narrative interviews. In addition, parent interviews took place once, which serve as an addition or contrast, but primarily in order to stress the intergenerational contouring of the life phase of adolescence. The focus of the study is on how adolescents experience and handle the transition from school to post-school life. By using biographical case reconstructions, biographical coping strategies and vocational self-presentations were reconstructed from the narratives in order to illuminate the complexity that such transitions pose. The theoretical framework used in this dissertation understands adolescence as embedded in generational relations, which is also viewed in terms of inequality theory. As a result, the perspective on the adolescent life stage is not only focused on adolescent developmental tasks, but is characterized by an intergenerational view that forms the background for complex and dynamic readjustment processes. Thus, persistent familial significance in this phase of life is emphasized. By reconstructing biographical coping strategies, it becomes visible how young people deal with vocational orientation processes against their familial background and what efforts they partly expend to fulfill familial missions or to distance themselves from them. The research design of the study responds to a desideratum that exists with regard to qualitative or biographical long-term studies in the area of adolescence in school and vocational contexts. The life stories of the adolescents clearly point to the necessity of embedding transitions in an overall biographical context and of reacting to the associated ways of looking at the life phase of adolescence. (DIPF/Orig.)Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet mit Hilfe eines biographischen Forschungszugangs die Komplexität des Übergangsprozesses von benachteiligten Jugendlichen am Übergang von der Schule ins nachschulische Leben. Entgegen der gängigen Betonung der Ablösung vom Elternhaus wird im Rahmen der Arbeit die anhaltende familiale Bedeutung in der Lebensphase herausgearbeitet. Das Konzept der Entwicklungsaufgaben wird daher intergenerational konturiert und ungleichheitstheoretisch ausgeleuchtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Eltern und ihre (Berufs-)Biographien eine hohe Bedeutung für die eigene Übergangsgestaltung der Adoleszenten haben. Die biographischen Texte illustrieren die jeweiligen Bewältigungs- und Gestaltungsstrategien der Jugendlichen, die Konsequenzen für eine biographieorientierte Beratung am Übergang zulassen. Weiterhin lassen die Erkenntnisse Implikationen für Hochschullehre zu, indem biographieanalytische und ungleichheitstheoretische Aspekte in der Adoleszenzphase im Lehrplan verankert werden. (DIPF/Orig.

    Lebenswege erzählen

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    The dissertation is located in the context of research on adolescence and transitions with a focus on special education. Disadvantaged adolescents are the target group of this study. Adolescents were interviewed at two points in time using biographical narrative interviews. In addition, parent interviews took place once, which serve as an addition or contrast, but primarily in order to stress the intergenerational contouring of the life phase of adolescence. The focus of the study is on how adolescents experience and handle the transition from school to post-school life. By using biographical case reconstructions, biographical coping strategies and vocational self-presentations were reconstructed from the narratives in order to illuminate the complexity that such transitions pose. The theoretical framework used in this dissertation understands adolescence as embedded in generational relations, which is also viewed in terms of inequality theory. As a result, the perspective on the adolescent life stage is not only focused on adolescent developmental tasks, but is characterized by an intergenerational view that forms the background for complex and dynamic readjustment processes. Thus, persistent familial significance in this phase of life is emphasized. By reconstructing biographical coping strategies, it becomes visible how young people deal with vocational orientation processes against their familial background and what efforts they partly expend to fulfill familial missions or to distance themselves from them. The research design of the study responds to a desideratum that exists with regard to qualitative or biographical long-term studies in the area of adolescence in school and vocational contexts. The life stories of the adolescents clearly point to the necessity of embedding transitions in an overall biographical context and of reacting to the associated ways of looking at the life phase of adolescence. (DIPF/Orig.

    Lebenswege erzählen : Rekonstruktion biographischer Bewältigungsstrategien von Adoleszenten am Übergang Schule-Beruf

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    Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet mit Hilfe eines biographischen Forschungszugangs die Komplexität des Übergangsprozesses von benachteiligten Jugendlichen am Übergang von der Schule ins nachschulische Leben. Entgegen der gängigen Betonung der Ablösung vom Elternhaus wird im Rahmen der Arbeit die anhaltende familiale Bedeutung in der Lebensphase herausgearbeitet. Das Konzept der Entwicklungsaufgaben wird daher intergenerational konturiert und ungleichheitstheoretisch ausgeleuchtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Eltern und ihre (Berufs-)Biographien eine hohe Bedeutung für die eigene Übergangsgestaltung der Adoleszenten haben. Die biographischen Texte illustrieren die jeweiligen Bewältigungs- und Gestaltungsstrategien der Jugendlichen, die Konsequenzen für eine biographieorientierte Beratung am Übergang zulassen. Weiterhin lassen die Erkenntnisse Implikationen für Hochschullehre zu, indem biographieanalytische und ungleichheitstheoretische Aspekte in der Adoleszenzphase im Lehrplan verankert werden.The dissertation is located in the context of research on adolescence and transitions with a focus on special education. Disadvantaged adolescents are the target group of this study. Adolescents were interviewed at two points in time using biographical narrative interviews. In addition, parent interviews took place once, which serve as an addition or contrast, but primarily in order to stress the intergenerational contouring of the life phase of adolescence. The focus of the study is on how adolescents experience and handle the transition from school to post-school life. By using biographical case reconstructions, biographical coping strategies and vocational self-presentations were reconstructed from the narratives in order to illuminate the complexity that such transitions pose. The theoretical framework used in this dissertation understands adolescence as embedded in generational relations, which is also viewed in terms of inequality theory. As a result, the perspective on the adolescent life stage is not only focused on adolescent developmental tasks, but is characterized by an intergenerational view that forms the background for complex and dynamic readjustment processes. Thus, persistent familial significance in this phase of life is emphasized. By reconstructing biographical coping strategies, it becomes visible how young people deal with vocational orientation processes against their familial background and what efforts they partly expend to fulfill familial missions or to distance themselves from them. The research design of the study responds to a desideratum that exists with regard to qualitative or biographical long-term studies in the area of adolescence in school and vocational contexts. The life stories of the adolescents clearly point to the necessity of embedding transitions in an overall biographical context and of reacting to the associated ways of looking at the life phase of adolescence

    Zur Bedeutung von Generationenbeziehungen sozial benachteiligter Familien am Übergang Schule-Beruf: Explizite und implizite Delegationsaufträge

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    Der Beitrag betrachtet die Bedeutung von Generationenbeziehungen von als sozial benachteiligt geltenden Eltern und Jugendlichen im Kontext der Übergangsgestaltung von der Schule ins nachschulische Leben. Mittels eines biografischen Forschungsansatzes wird danach gefragt, welche (un-)bewältigten biografischen Themen der Eltern sich in expliziten oder impliziten Delegationsaufträgen niederschlagen und wie diese die Übergangsgestaltung ihrer Kinder beeinflussen.This article examines the importance of generational relationships between parents and adolescents who are considered socially in the context of transitions from school to post-school life. Using a biographical research approach, I ask which (un-)mastered biographical issues of parents influence the transition of their children and how these are reflected in explicit or implicit delegation orders

    Lebenswege erzählen. Rekonstruktion biographischer Bewältigungsstrategien von Adoleszenten am Übergang Schule-Beruf

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    Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet mit Hilfe eines biographischen Forschungszugangs die Komplexität des Übergangsprozesses von benachteiligten Jugendlichen am Übergang von der Schule ins nachschulische Leben. Entgegen der gängigen Betonung der Ablösung vom Elternhaus wird im Rahmen der Arbeit die anhaltende familiale Bedeutung in der Lebensphase herausgearbeitet. Das Konzept der Entwicklungsaufgaben wird daher intergenerational konturiert und ungleichheitstheoretisch ausgeleuchtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Eltern und ihre (Berufs-)Biographien eine hohe Bedeutung für die eigene Übergangsgestaltung der Adoleszenten haben. Die biographischen Texte illustrieren die jeweiligen Bewältigungs- und Gestaltungsstrategien der Jugendlichen, die Konsequenzen für eine biographieorientierte Beratung am Übergang zulassen. Weiterhin lassen die Erkenntnisse Implikationen für Hochschullehre zu, indem biographieanalytische und ungleichheitstheoretische Aspekte in der Adoleszenzphase im Lehrplan verankert werden. (DIPF/Orig.)The dissertation is located in the context of research on adolescence and transitions with a focus on special education. Disadvantaged adolescents are the target group of this study. Adolescents were interviewed at two points in time using biographical narrative interviews. In addition, parent interviews took place once, which serve as an addition or contrast, but primarily in order to stress the intergenerational contouring of the life phase of adolescence. The focus of the study is on how adolescents experience and handle the transition from school to post-school life. By using biographical case reconstructions, biographical coping strategies and vocational self-presentations were reconstructed from the narratives in order to illuminate the complexity that such transitions pose. The theoretical framework used in this dissertation understands adolescence as embedded in generational relations, which is also viewed in terms of inequality theory. As a result, the perspective on the adolescent life stage is not only focused on adolescent developmental tasks, but is characterized by an intergenerational view that forms the background for complex and dynamic readjustment processes. Thus, persistent familial significance in this phase of life is emphasized. By reconstructing biographical coping strategies, it becomes visible how young people deal with vocational orientation processes against their familial background and what efforts they partly expend to fulfill familial missions or to distance themselves from them. The research design of the study responds to a desideratum that exists with regard to qualitative or biographical long-term studies in the area of adolescence in school and vocational contexts. The life stories of the adolescents clearly point to the necessity of embedding transitions in an overall biographical context and of reacting to the associated ways of looking at the life phase of adolescence. (DIPF/Orig.

    A Look Back – a Step Forward: Biography Work in Higher Education : Reflective Approaches to Individual Professionalisation Processes

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    Reflexionskompetenz ist im Kontext universitärer Ausbildung von angehenden Lehrkräften mittlerweile eine zentrale Schlüsselkompetenz, die sich in zahlreichen Seminarbeschreibungen und Modulhandbüchern wiederfindet. Dabei stellen sowohl die Anleitung von Reflexionsprozessen als auch die Einlassung darauf voraussetzungsvolle Momente für Dozierende und Studierende dar. Eine besondere Anforderung ergibt sich dann, wenn es sich bei dem Reflexionsgegenstand um die eigene (Bildungs-)Biografie der Studierenden handelt. Im folgenden Artikel wird dargelegt, inwiefern eigene lebensgeschichtliche Erfahrungen in der Ausbildung angehender Lehrkräfte berücksichtigt werden können. Anhand eines Seminarkonzepts werden theoretische Grundlagen sowie anwendungsbezogene Durchführungshinweise geboten, die Hinweise für die Herstellung von geeigneten Rahmenbedingungen, beidseitige Anforderungen und die Besonderheiten des didaktischen Prinzips „Biografiearbeit“ liefern. Die Erfahrungen mit diesem Seminarkonzept führen notwendigerweise zu dem Schluss, dass die Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Biografie als Teil des Professionalisierungsprozesses zu begreifen ist.Reflection competence has become a central key in the context of teacher training and can be found in numerous seminar descriptions and module manuals. Both the instruction and the initiation of reflection processes are prerequisite moments for lecturers and students. Special requirements arise when the object of reflection is the students’ own (educational) biography. Our article illustrates how it is possible to consider students’ own biographies during teacher training. Based on a seminar concept, theoretical basics as well as implications are provided, which give hints for the framework conditions, mutual requirements and the specifics of the didactic principle “biography work”. The experience with this seminar concept necessarily leads to the conclusion that the examination of one’s own biography should be understood as part of the professionalisation process

    Zum Erleben von und dem Umgang mit Zeit: Chrononormative Orientierungen und deren Bearbeitung in adoleszenten Biographien am Übergang Schule-Beruf

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    Obwohl grundsätzlich die Funktion der Adoleszenz als psychosoziales Moratorium weithin anerkannt ist, scheinen zugleich normative Erwartungen omnipräsent, die sich letztlich auf berufliche Qualifikationsziele richten. Aus einer biografischen Studie von Siegert (2021), die den Titel "Lebenswege erzählen" trägt, lassen sich Zeitbedarfe, Zeitverwendungsmuster und Lebensthemen rekonstruieren, die vor der Verständnisfolie eines linearen Übergangs von der Schule in den Beruf nicht erkennbar sind und auch vom Konzept eines psychosozialen Moratoriums nur unzureichend erfasst werden. Dem Beitrag liegt empirisches Material zugrunde, das illustriert und diskutiert wird. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der Umgang mit der eigenen Gesundheit und Beziehungen zeitintensive Lebens- und Übergangsthemen der Jugendlichen sind, die zeitgleich zum Übergang Schule-Beruf bearbeitet werden.Despite a general recognition of the function of adolescence as a psycho-social moratorium, normative expectations focused primarily on vocational qualifications seem omnipresent. The study "Lebenswege erzählen" by Siegert (2021) provides the empirical basis for the analysis in this article. It contains biographical interviews which allow for the reconstruction of time requirements and patterns and real-life topics occupying adolescents that are not obvious when considering a linear transition from school to work and are also insufficiently covered by the concept of a psycho-social moratorium. It is shown that dealing with one's own health and relationships are time-intensive life and transition topics for young people, which are dealt with at the same time as the transition from school to work

    Comparative genomic profiling of glandular bladder tumours

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    Primary glandular bladder tumours (bladder adenocarcinoma [BAC], urachal adenocarcinoma [UAC], urothelial carcinoma with glandular differentiation [UCg]) are rare malignancies with histological resemblance to colorectal adenocarcinoma (CORAD) in the majority of this subgroup. Definite case numbers are very low, molecular data are limited and the pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Therefore, this study was designed to complement current knowledge by in depth analysis of BAC (n = 12), UAC (n = 13), UCg (n = 11) and non-invasive glandular lesions (n = 19). In BAC, in addition to known alterations in TP53, Wnt, MAP kinase and MTOR pathway, mutations in SMAD4, ARID1A and BRAF were identified. Compared to published data on muscle invasive bladder cancer (BLCA) and CORAD, UCg exhibited frequent 'urothelial' like alterations while BAC and UAC were characterised by a more 'colorectal' like mutational pattern. Immunohistochemically, there was no evidence of DNA mismatch repair deficiency or PD-L1 tumour cell positivity in any sample. Depending on the used antibody 0-45% of BAC, 0-30% of UCg and 0% UAC cases exhibited PD-L1 expressing tumour associated immune cells. A single BAC (9%, 1/11) showed evidence of ARID1A protein loss, and two cases of UCg (20%, 2/10) showed loss of SMARCA1 and PBRM1, respectively. Taken together, our data suggest at least in part involvement of similar pathways driving tumourigenesis of adenocarcinomas like BAC, UAC and CORAD independent of their tissue origin. Alterations of TERT and FBXW7 in single cases of intestinal metaplasia further point towards a possible precancerous character in line with previous reports

    Association Between Renal Function and Troponin T Over Time in Stable Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

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    Background People with reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) often have elevated cardiac troponin T (cTnT) levels. It remains unclear how cTnT levels develop over time in those with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of this study was to prospectively study the association between cTnT and GFR over time in older advanced-stage CKD patients not on dialysis. Methods and Results The EQUAL (European Quality Study) study is an observational prospective cohort study in stage 4 to 5 CKD patients aged ≥65 years not on dialysis (incident estimated GFR, <20 mL/min/1.73 m²). The EQUAL cohort used for the purpose of this study includes 171 patients followed in Sweden between April 2012 and December 2018. We used linear mixed models, adjusted for important groups of confounders, to investigate the effect of both measured GFR and estimated GFR on high-sensitivity cTnT (hs-cTnT) trajectory over 4 years. Almost all patients had at least 1 hs-cTnT measurement elevated above the 99th percentile of the general reference population (≤14 ng/L). On average, hs-cTnT increased by 16%/year (95% CI, 13-19; P<0.0001). Each 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 lower mean estimated GFR was associated with a 23% (95% CI, 14-31; P<0.0001) higher baseline hs-cTnT and 9% (95% CI, 5-13%; P<0.0001) steeper increase in hs-cTnT. The effect of estimated GFR on hs-cTnT trajectory was somewhat lower than a previous myocardial infarction (15%), but higher than presence of diabetes mellitus (4%) and male sex (5%). Conclusions In CKD patients, hs-cTnT increases over time as renal function decreases. Lower CKD stage (each 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 lower) is independently associated with a steeper hs-cTnT increase over time in the same range as other established cardiovascular risk factors